The Signal, 1925-3-26, Page 4 (2)•
fe- -Thus-day. Mare'. IS,..1
:�:avmcswc: trziliteraftra,„
and still going strong
During the thirty-nine years we have carried on
business on the Goderich Square, we have
always featured }ggt.
•" / iIF'91c'a"M
With the spring once more here, we are
with our usual complete range of high-class goods at
(easonable .prices.
ready again
M' ¢�Porteen Book Store
r" Ort the Square for forty years.`
In another year,' how
different that boy or girl
of yours will look but
photographs of the chil-
dren never grow up.
Let us help you keep a picture
record of their childhood.
=7 J. T. FELL
--'rlWb. w' 117 Golerieh.
J. I Wheeler
• Funeral Director and
•s' Embalmer
X11 calls promptly: attend-
ed to day or night ,
Store 335 Re.idonc•73111fite
Hamilton Street. Goderiei
.The Management of
1 The James Maims Pasteurizing -Plant
wish to announee• to their customer and the general public that
they orenow caressing freta- Hhere, ''' a mcry Butter and
sled Buttermilk on their regular milkdeliuery rigs at all times.
. Miltitt nd-)Fitattc rxu-
Picture* by A. WEIL
Copyright, The Bobbe-Merrill
(Continued from last week)
A11 Tntnch. considers*. * luppoee 1
really ought to ask you to put my ef-
fafrs to order When you get back. If
I am carried off by the pirates, natu-
rally I shall have to jump overboard
at ooee, though I dislike the Ides of
dra.rtdng. and especially-- M being
eaten by sharks. Would you mind
putting up a little headstone --It
needn't euet much -Ill the family plot,
with Just '\'irginla' au ft? And any-
thing of -mine that )Oa don't want your-
self I'd like Bees to have for the
baby, Wale. Ask her when the little
dank M.tdd•epOugh to tell her fnLssd
atimpy -"
By this tltse--Aunt Jane was sob -
tang loudly and'waving her little hands
about in wild beseeching.
"Jane!" broke,ln Miss Browne again
awful tones. But at that moment
tl door of the cabin opened and the
tics, of Stinker peered in.
"Say," ha remarked. "there ain't no
sense to yeti feria staytn' cooped ap
here that I see. I guess me and Horsey
9(ret�s any"titnr hetWeen 9 n. m. and 6 p. tn.
`N\ For Spring --,
Forks; 5hels, Picks, Spades and a full line of
Hardware. -
The famous Catrada Paint, Sun Varnish and
Stains, Elephant White Lead, Linseed Oil. Turps and
Brushes. In fact, everything you will use for painting.
(live us a sail:-':#:"
Ilow'Shoat a new McCormick -Deering Cultivator, Dine
Hp ro\rbred Drill or anything in the Implement line? We
Nave thlcrnialso repairs. -
-The f.tdotltt �MeCoetniek-Deer ngt Traetnr 10-26 and• 100
at a riglii Prise. , .
ES: Dungannon, 5 • 3; Blyth. 32 ring 12.
Flennellette B nkets. large :,iv . at close prices
Men's Inde r to clear at reduced
Ms.n's Sucks 3 pair Mr 51 nn.
Men's dwea ere. sult'ahle for the cold wsathcr
Mena Mit , home-ttnit. good %slue.
Ladle, over Apron. and House iore,s..* it. attractive prices.
Tes. Co r ee and Corea al old pries. Bought a quantity before the
!li -i;: 3414_Powger4_n5w goods. fresh
your ane ru
N trop Holey.
"'1 le and pre Mate Syrup goes wir11
Salmon. 121-, cents a tin and up.
Those finest small Retains, 2 ohs. for 23 cents.
Carrots. Beets. ('abbegee. Parsnips and a load of fresh Turnips lust
In. They all help m making a tasty boiled dinner.
ti_ McE
III _ . J. WEi�I
$Ad"tasty, 7114°7 saTtng on
With Wise Faatabs.
South Side Square
• Pbsets 44 ,.. Goads delivered to all parts of the town.
VII i d faagoori-11.-1Filloi
'Thor* Ain't Me $Inst to You Glide
Stavin C•eped Up Her•."
eau atand you off If you try to roma
el. Come Outand cool „R s MOP. -
The great beat of theday was ogee
and the sun already 4ropatag ttMand-
ttw peak of the tatisd.. Mr. Shaw
and Cu'hbert had been a't4.wer1 to sit
to the abatis. . and. I thought their
'relate; were not too tightly bound far
,'umfert. (;tackle tool bees released..
sod under the eye of H..rney was get-
ting supper. Crusoe had rartfrr la
the day received a kirk 1n the robs
from e:apfhin Magnus. fortunately -too
much occupied with the newswire to
pursue his vengeance further. 'tut tame
del precipitately. to my en,rmous
lldtt. The dog was quite wine enough
to know that he would help me hest
by keeping out of the clutches of our
common foe
Just then there roma from the woods
the *wad of footsteps and voices, and
the three pirate* and Mr. Tubbs en-
tered the clearing. A thrill ran through
the camp. Captor* and captives forgot
all dm but the gnat, the burning
question -had the treasure been dls- And 1 am sure that no one
was so thrilled as I. although In my
.Ind the question took another form.
For now 1 was going to know what
lad boss walling fur me than in
the ave, when i al tryeater'day et Its
black entrance, afraid to go ha..
"Worth $100 to Me
Believed Eczema and Piles"
Ma Pallor A. Palmer. S_alldea sah
n, 9-e wetilast
fly. Ciamie's Oiaamest has ��•gr tiered n11e of *ensu
and pas 1 she nod the Clio* for my baby. arks bald est
is *enema. A few appbratissa
were all that was aseenery i•
her case. Dr. Cba.e's Omdsst
da bees wadi • harmed damn
ta n 'a.—ioeiure tutng d 1 W
speak a groat deal more than Ihst
is unnwoewald troatamt ham
Anises. We Iowa alas sand Dr.
Chisse's other era itri•a. the
*roe Fwd loving awed soy
lanai alter asimrlsg ismswam
ease* mails Ass • gV
Dr. COtatinest
IS dfa 1 hast. ti awhile or W'tsesas` swam 1 ca. La. erwmnee
IV!". CHAKlftt
Front Dead Hands.
At the bead of the filo, Oapt. Tony
adviseed through the clearing. and
what with his flowing black beard, Ala
portly term and a certain Animistic
swagger wbiett be possessed, Its looked
is entirety Italian and operatic that
you rzpeeted to hear him at any mo-
ment burnt out In a sonorous basso.
With a sweeping gesture he flung
down upon the table two brows can-
vas hags, which opened and discharged
from gaping mouths a flood of golden
Stinker and the cross-eyed mss
shouted aloud. They ran and Ptutrbed
at the coins with a savage greed.
"cold, g••ld-the real stud 1Ca tba
drwhlnons. all right -where's the rest
rat 'ern?" These cries briskie from
Stinker and Horny conhtaedly as the
gold slid jingling between their eager
angers.- _ _
"The test of 'em ti --where they fa."
pronounced Tory onculnrly. sSotne-
wherry In the sand of the cove, rat
course. Well dig 'est up tomorrow
"What was the point In not digging
'em all up white you was about
demanded Stinker. lowering. "What
was the good o' diplging up jest these
bore couple o hags and qufttfngt"
"iteeaua, we didn't dig 'em up." re
spnmde 1 Tony darkly. "Beeson* thew.
was all ready and waiting. neealra.
•11 -. •a.t u o eon .n ...
Wants OtherWomen to Know
About Lydia L Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Mount Forest, Ont -"Before I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound I felt weak and
miserable, and had
pains all through me.
I was living in Ailsa
Craig at the time,and
one day &friend came
in and told me ber ex-
ppeerienee of usin the
d advised
mtocitake a bottle;
which 1 finally did.
1 begae to g•t
stronger and the*
pains left me. Lam. glad. I found out
about this medicine sa I think .then i•
none equal to it for women who have
troubles of-tthm hind. I cannot praise
the Vegetable Cobtpound too highly fur
'the good it has done me. Whenever I
know of a woman suffering I am -slang
toWaller of it. ' -Mrs. Wii. RIDIMAL$.
RR Ttt).1, Mount Forest, Ontario.
Women throughout the' Dominion are
finding health in Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
No harmful drugs are used in ita prepa-
ration -just roots and herbs -and It can
be taken in safety even by a nursing
mother. For sale by all druggists.
east West on noterme en• san1ru5UYtfv
the bap? Well, that cave wouldn't
b• a pleasant place to May la, would
1t? And no one would hove the nerve
to snatch then* bogs away to bury,,,
'em, 'r'ause a dying ratan, especially
when he dies hard. cal have an awful
grip. Be what they dune was just to
shovel the sand In oft the gold they'd
'towed away and light out quid."
It the tngeuulty of this reasoning
was more remarkable than Its logic,
the pirates were not the men to find
fault .with It. DMIre 1s the most .1•.
quent 'of advocates, arid• tbe-fl.eeuM-
ans had only to listen to Its voice to
enjoy In anttcfpation all the fruits of
their Iniquitous schemes. The might
Of ths golden coins intoxicated' them.
They played with the doubloons like
ehlldrea, JIncliug theut in their cel-
losaed palms. guessing et weight and
value. calculating their equNulent la
jbo .O..'snit*
And now the night that I (mutter-
ably dreaded wan upon us. Brit the
pin See *tnl thought et otkfig but the
gold, They, had- .thauatettd U.Mr own
portable supplies of liquor,• and were
load tp,thelr denunciations of our bone-
dry tamp, as they termed It.
It was 'll'Ony who Intercepted a tet
tative movement of ('upt-Stagnua is
my dIFeetloui,and ordered Inc tato the
cebla.wltb lg ,aunt snjM1as Browne,
Through the walls of the hut we el�i
loud and eager talk of the morrow and
Its certain golden harvest as the -pi'
rates made their dispositlona for the
night Then the *Ales flatted oft
sleepily and silence su •ceded. broken
only by the eeaseless murntar pf the
Nares around the Island. ' ....
ere cm OUT. Ant
got these here -bags of doubloons, as
I say's, without hallo' to dig for 'em-
ousyet we had. found the cave. which
It's no thunk* to old Washtubs we
ain't looking for it yet. \1'e got these
be - bags right Out of the lists of a
00--3Io6t or_him 3- '
rock, which had felt -from the rbof awl
p nned lin aoifdshlpg' _Must- -of
squashed him like a beetle. I 'guess.
But he'd still kepi: , itis hold on the
bags." I turned aside, for -fear tint
anyone should see_ how white I was.
To the rest, th podr-bones-tnlght Iu-
deed bear mufe %Inness to -T tragedy.
ut a tragedy lacking outlines, vague.
Impersonal, without poiguacy.\ To me,
they told with dreadful clearness the
last -sad chapter of Nio-tutu tit Peter;
`eter who had made me so Intimately
L - confidante. whose love and hoes
IRR►►► - xy_ .lnga I _ knew all
ely I heard around me a babby"i
tions and conjectures. Mur -
inure of merest hose even from oar, -
capita* band. Then carte Slinket'i
voice: load 'with sudden fear:
"Say. tau .,(isn't suppose tote --the
Buses would of got away with the rest
or Ude rote . you?" he dee
'ted'* sway with Tony contemp-
to sift' 'thrust made the- passibility.
"lief away with it • - -t Ile sura
.e the Wand It. did he?
dug it ap f • • one Place
Jeer to �it to another? : • h! Mud
ttf wtat-ed to eek 11 he did! . ow, my
•sa*en s tfrt s b3Lwn•d to • e e!
did: -t
S ,
Sf '
. n-11'
is. (
Ir . h?4-1' i ..--1--.
it it I 111
Of Which Cookie Is tM H
Nett morning 1 came out at M ---
in time to see sir. Shaw and his
pandas tq duress lad forth trim
Cross Word Puzzle No. 1t
Each number iu the puzzle ludicatoe the position of the first Iettir j
a word.
Each word ready from left to right (horizontal) or downward (verttaµ)
according to px.itioo. lettered In correctly, words that cross will Interlti*.
Each number in the white squares alao refers to a definition ly the alb
companying table, (.
Eeeh deflntti,t *uggests a word posse*dl1g We exact number of letters
to 111 the white 1.p8ces alloted to it.
Each white *pace is to receive one letter only. Words star only la
Cumbered squares.
deeping quarters , which thef 11d
* ,with their cat/tors. They were
mooredPasbefore to a palm tree. by
• room hating a play of two or threw
-feet and their -hands unbound white
they made a hasty breakfast under
the eye of a watchful sentinel. 'Thea
their wrists were tied again, nut pain-
fully, but with a rumness which made
any :dipping of their bonds impoaatb{a.
While the pirates were bre•ktasttng
• spirited dispute took place among
thein as to who should go to the treas-
ure cave and who stay in camp tit
guard the prisoners. Stinker and
lluru), urged with justice that. as they
load-mtesed all the excitement of t1N
yteeetitsg•••dtry, it stns their turn to
Twit the i'av-The--right'M sur the
hones they passionately claimede Taal
aupp ortei them, and It ended wdtl
Chris and Captain Magnus being told
oft us our gusted- for the morning.
In len Vmg the «aAtiu 1 had slipped int*
my !douse a *moll yenkolfe which- 1
had found to Aunt Jane's Dag. 11 was
quitesnew. omit 1 palisi ed myself that
Ute. blades were keen. Y gwu large
sheath -knife and say revolver l had
been deprived of at the -suggestion of
the thudghtfut tdaguua. 1 had *urre*-
dered thew utiprotestingly, fearful of
all things that my possessions might
be ransacked. and d'eter's diary, though
hidden with much -ort at We bottom of
tate hug. he brought to light. For I
might y,•: sell the secret Of the Island
Quern at a price which should nve
deem is all.
An the heat increased a voice of
iuoit.ntatiexl broke from Chris. He was
dr) --dry enough to drink. up the coo-
deuuied (Wean. So, Ise didn't want
spring water. which Cookie obsequious-
ly tender,.'d him; be wanted a drink -
wouldn't anybody but a fool nigger
know that? There was plenty of the
real stuff 'atoms] the acbuuuer, on the
other side of ;headjective-Wand.
Why had they, with incredible lack of
forethought, brought along nothing
but their pocket flaks? Why hadn't
they sent the adjective nigger back
fur more? Where was the bottle or
two that had been rioted cut last
night from the medical stores? Empty?
Every last drop gone down somebody's
greedy gullet? The adjective, came
thick and fast as Claris hurled tbs
bottle Into the bay, where it swam
bobbingly upon the ripples. Captain
Magnus agreed with the gist of
Chris' remarks, but deprecated, In •
truly philosophical 'ptrit, their us -
profitable hest. There wasn't any
liquor, so what was the good of mak-.
Ing an adjective row? Hadn't he en.
dared tkg,, o ulralent of Girls' pres-
ent sufferings for weeks? He was bid-
leg his time, he watt. Plenty of drink
by lied by. plenty of •11 that makei
lite soft ant easy. lis bet there
wouldn't many hit any higher spot*
than hint. tie bot there was ase 111 -
tie girl that would be looked_ on 11
lucky, In nee she was a good tittle
girl and encouraged him to show his
natural kindness. And 1 was favored
w::11 a blood -curdling leer from across
the camp, of which I bad put ae
much aa possible between myself and
the object of my dread.
But now, like a huge black Oanl-
mode. appeared Cookie, tearing cups
aid a large stone crock.
"It suhtlnly am a fact Mlstah tarts,
sal," said Cookie, "dot des 1, a mighty
uaaplrttuoua fluidity 'bout dim yens
spring watah. Iowa war i 1s come
from so pussons of de Four Hnnd'ed
ala't e.eb 'ca*tomed to partake of
sack. But tit 'armlet, I Mas bees la
lately round dls yore camp ain't ot de
cee,ivuloua «dal*; Ne Oookle had be
keep It dark dat he got him 1t1e drop e'
comfort on de aide. Dia yet'. *sly
tome-madts stun', sah. 'Tala't what I
could ofah to a g.nnelmun If so he I
Is got the makin's of a gr-nuBiee old-
st/t. Julep what Is tie beverage of de
fast finalise. Bet bele' as It Is. It am
mighty eeails', sal, sad It get a 1111
kik to It --met meek. but Ise' ssss/h
to mate a g essetmtae nod yak be 1s
They Played With But
the gays mat - aas amain[ the gore,
and that the rest jest left him there
for a sort of scarecrow to keep other
people est of the cave."
"But the gold?" protested Shaker.
"They wouldn't leave that for a
scarecrow, would they?"
"Maybe not," admitted Tony, "but
aturwc that feller died awful slow.
Better Than Pills
r Inge -i -
-vy /t Tg WiTg \i 'Mite�f
Sia. tllsa
CAIQ'BRIl,'8 iMtt'(I STORit
/2 /3
50 3J
4 1.
• tiorizental
1 raven as e.rur0.
7,; play upon lvords.
8 Thr•* tuartha of it raft.
1 POW( 7WITITilipv4115.1
11 Artk'let of appxtr.•i.
16 A essagr.
IS Fa tux 1^.ngli-l► school.
20 Tr.'
22 There es "
1 Divide.
2 Arrive -rad touching._ -
3 ('elm. -
':4 At -all -times-
R R4,ya1 A.1ademy (sh.). (back-
wards) - •
- b A statute.
7 1)1. who wallas.
9 Uniting In a league.
ese 11 A Yaneh policeman.
12 A style of type (ab.)
13 Very good tab.)
14 ,13evit t d to _preserve health.
°ld A prwptalttos.
17 A parent. -
' 19Vuned to pieces.
21 Greater in amoost
24 On top ot.
25 One of the U. 8. states (ab.) ;.
32 Athletic asses -tattoo (ab.) ?
34 Bachelor of surgery.
AC Tuberculosis .(ab) aa•
37 And (Procb)
:oft game so 42 bortasstal.
41 'Matter In Its most ratfwed Mato(
43 Lost island lab.)
44 Negative.
45 One of the Tented Mato' (ab.) :,
48 Myself. '
2.1 island n ar -New-Ti.-0M-1^11/ (ob.)
26 A 4•onjuner7en
27 Turn right (ah) "
y. Indefinite artictr.
29 Nearby.
30 God of the mld-dal
myth 1.
11 1►1nd. 9
Norieb4 1ynr1tp ►
l hu•.
A white plague tat .k back -
sun (Egypt.
wards 1.
41 1•rot•l'ed. ,
4:! Nothing.
48 Hnman tieing.
47 Vehicles.
(To he Osutlened )
A Calalllit'- ilionosel
(fur hero was the Common sort When
ail is said and done: •
ile worked Me Asad off daily .and
was out to get the • YON.
The reason for hlh ;djlldrtsee was
communpleee, 'iia tree -
He tried to swell his' salary set - It
would suffice. fur
And maybe' that a 'the reason why
one day he lost hie herad._ t'
And falling on his knees. be cried,
"1)11. maiden. wilt thou- W lifi '.
iie may have thought thy. -sudden.
but It weenie() not we to her;
she lisped a quick as'vr7 ane*' and
ptW.,toraibij. `Toth. 1'Iitilt`--
But wh-e'n they w'o-f 10 leer nR rr
he feared that he would die;
For, oh. that modern maiden could
neither bake nor PRI.
She could not run a hun$alow,- 1r
even run a flat,
do on many sad o ea ions in a res-
taurant' they LSAT.
But 14• forger,• her everything --as
man has always done,
When she prewentel him one day a
trouncing holey SUN.
Spring .Myler+ this year lean tn-
wanb $Ilatnewe. Suppleness and $im-
pllelty.- lirandnn Sun.
Whv not pias» the license number
nn the. front bumper 1*) that It will
lr stamped on the petentrlan as eV.
Hold small
The value ,to you of
"YOUR. telephone in-
_ _ . creases se __cap_idiy Pa
the value of s corner
store in the busysection
of a big city—send for
the same reason --if
you make the most of it.
Each year more than
50,000 new telephoned.
in Ontario and Quebec
are added to the army
-o1' those yuu.Aia _do
business with.
Your telephone also en-
ables you to talk with
upwards of 125,000
telephones on rural lines
in these two provinces.
Cow anonaIt mem
I�(r •
it pays to use
fbr £vee, f'hrpos* - for raft* y St,rflkc+t
sesta to Heed Office. Manfred for Fre Booklst rt
30(0 BY