HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-05-02, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1990. Classified_______ FAST___________ DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. ARTICLES FOR SALE O BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ACCOMMODATION TO RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW TWO BEDROOM APART- ment in Brussels available May 1. Phone 1-743-7903 after 6. 18-5 1988 DR 100 SUZUKI MOTOR- cycle, $1300 (negotiable). Phone 527-1687. 17-2 NEWLY RENOVATED LARGE 2 bedroom downstairs apartment in Belgrave, fridge and stove, laundry facilities, no pets, adults only. Tenant pays utilities. Immediate possession. Rent $326. Phone 357- 2433 after 6 p.m. 17-tfn ARTICLES FOR SALE NORITAKE CHINA SALE! TER- rific discount on CURRENT pat­ terns. Delivered well-packed, in­ sured. Specify your Noritake pat­ tern! For price list, shipping de­ tails, call Alexander’s, ‘‘The Nori­ take Experts”, Toronto, tollfree: 1-800-263-5896 EST. Clip and save. 18-lp SWIMMING POOL SALE. TOP quality in-ground, on-ground, above-ground. Professional install­ ation or do-it-yourself kits. Book early and save! Riviera Pools. (519) 747-4399 or (519) 658-8091. 18-lp FOUR FORMAL/PROM DRESSES size 5 for sale in good condition. For more information, call 887-6154 18-2 ALUMINUM SIDED AND INSUL- ated 2 car garage and entranceway. Approximately 24 x 40 feet. Excel­ lent condition. Phone 887-6181. 18-2 ONE 10 FOOT SAHLSTROM Liquid Manure Pump on trailer $600. Phone 523-9277. 18-lp BEDDING PLANTS, HANGING Baskets - Bouman’s Greenhouses, l1/* mile south of Londesboro, opening May 11, noon until 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Closed Sundays. 18-5 FARMERS: FOR ALL YOUR LIVE- stock Equipment Needs see Rea’s Welding/REAL Industries in Mani­ toba. Panels - $4.75 linear foot; Feeders - from $87.50; Automatic Headgates - $265. Squeeze chute with headgate and palpitation cage - $1,395. Gooseneck Livestock Trai­ ler 6 x 16 - $4,600. (prices FOB Rathwell). For more information call (204) 749-2075 or in Ontario Jim Whittaker (705) 374-4604. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - MANU- facturer Specials - Quonset 33 x 36 $4,745*; S- 35 x 40 $5,759* with sliding doors. Straightwall 40 x 40 $9,939* with solid endwalls. Limit­ ed supply. Some areas may require heavier gauge. Construction crew available. PIONEER/ECONO- SPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours) 18-lp STEEL BUILDINGS FOR IMME- diate liquidation. 20’ x 30’ $2,306. 25’ x 30’ $2,903. 30’ x 34’ $3,672. 40’ x 46’ $5,091. Complete with end walls. Other sizes available. Positive savings. We pay the call 1-800-668-4338 or 1-416-792-2704. 18-lp BEST BUILDING BUYS - SAVE Thousands - Final Spring Clear-out - various sizes and types - miscella­ neous stock - limited steel - avoid upcoming price increase - Paragon -24 Hours-1-800-263-8499. 18-lp FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Direct. Large selection of Quonsets and Straightwalls ex. St.W. 32 x 40 x 15 Eave $6,796. Call Future 1-800-668-8653. 18-lp BONAIR R.V.’s, CAMPERS, Trailers, Hardtop, Tent, Folddown, Fifth-wheel, Travel, Park-models, Accessories. New & used. Large selection. Fibreline fibreglass and aluminum truck caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519)343-2122. 18-lp DOBIE. Ross and Gail are proud to announce the safe arrival of their son Gordon James. He was born at Clinton Public Hospital on Tues­ day, April 24, 1990 weighing 7 lbs. 12.2 oz. James is a little brother for Susan, Shelly and Justin. Grand­ parents are Gordon and Beth Dobie, Auburn and Bill and Hazel Elliott, Durham. PUBLISH YOUR OWN COMMUN- ity Magazine. Excellent franchise opportunity of the 1990’s. Earnings 50K - 100K. Investment 25K - 35K turnkey. Saleslmedia experience an advantage. (416) 479-5218.18-lp AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES 12” RCA BLACK AND WHITE Television, 4 - 13” car tires - used condition. Best offer for both. Phone 523-4458. 18-lp CLOSING SALE AT IRENE’S Snoop Shop, 1 Vi miles south of Brussels on Cty. Rd. 12, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. 18-1 WOODS REFRIGERATOR, nearly new, almond, asking $495. Please call 887-9355. 18-1 SPRUCE TREES FOR LAWNS for sale, 1 to 4 feet. I1/* south of Wingham, l1/* east on Golf Club Road. 357-1498. 15-4 NEW AND USED SATELLITE systems for lease to own or rent with monthly payments. L. & A. Southwest Satellite, RR 2, Clinton, 524-9595. 12-tfn ONE 8 FOOT CAP FOR ‘/a TON truck with walk-in back door, good for construction. Price $250. Phone 523-4717. 16-4 XL 80’s Honda for sale. Good shape. Phone 887-6670. 17-3p FRESH RAINBOW TROUT Blyth Acres Trout Farms, West of Blyth on County Road 25, turn right on first sideroad 1 /2 mile on right hand side. Open 8 to 7 Saturday and Sunday. WEEKEND SPECIAL $2.00 lb. Live, $2.75 lb. Dressed. 8”-10”-6 for $10. To place order phone 523-4522 or 523-4502 AUCTION SALE Home In Brussels, appliances, furniture, antiques, dishes, tools and miscellaneous for ESTATEOF WILDA BAILLIE 533 Elizabeth St., Brussels [behind post office] SALE HELD ATTHERESIDENCEON MONDAY, MAY7 SaleTime: 10:30A.M. PropertySaleTime: 1 P.M. PROPERTY: Consists of lot 31 and part lot 32, plan 192, village of Brussels, Huron County. On this lot is a ranch style, grey brick, 2 bedroom home, L shape living-dining room, kitchen, 4 piece bath, full basement, single car attached garage. Oil-forced air furnace, 19 years old, with new roof. Excellent houseand location. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% of purchase price paid sale day, balance on closing in 60 days or sooner. Selling subject to reasonable reserved bid, [if not previously sold]. Property will be offered for sale by public auction at 1 p.m. day of sale. For appointment to see property and information call executor Ken Baillie, 887-6652. APPLIANCES: Westinghouse refrigerator, almond like new; G.E. 24” electric stove [harvest]; Westinghouse apt. size chest freezer; Woods 10 cu. ft. chest freezer; McClary h.d. auto, washer [white]; Simplicity square tub wringer washer; Simplicity e. 110 volte, dryer; Admiral 24” gas stove [older]; small appliances. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: Wash-stand with towel harp; 1/2 round end table; settee chair; press-back arm chair; wooden table; flat-top trunk; wooden storage boxes; hall tree; 4 wooden chairs; dining room suite consists of double ped. table with leaves, 2 arm, 4 side chairs, buffet and hutch, oak and oak veneer [never used]; Grandmother’s clock [craftline]; Zenith color T.V. table model; Electrolux vacuum upright with attach.; Electrolux floor polisher and shampoo attach.; White portable sewing machine; space-saver; 2reclinerchairs; platform rocker; double ped. desk; table tree lamp, matching table lamps; wooden kitchen table, 2 leaves, 4 mates chairs; small tables; 4 folding chairs; mirrors; pictures; Dust-buster; radio; telephone; air fan; vaporizer; double bed; chest of drawers; triple dresser; Avon cedar chest; bookcase bed; dresser; chest of drawers. DISHES: Noratake pieces, Nippon, Wedgewood, depression, crystal; 2 partial dinner sets; quantity of silverware, different patterns; variety of everyday. GUNS: Excel 12gaugesingleshot, shot-gun [F.A.C. required]; pellet gun. LAWN MOWER, TOOLS & MISC.: J.D. R x 75 ride-on lawn mower, 9h.p. electricstart, 32” mower like new; M.T.D. 3 h.p. tiller; gas push lawn mower; skill saw; foot air pump; alum, wheel barrow; step ladders; 16’ ext. ladder. Electric heater; 2 alum, house doors; lawn furniture; carpenter tools [some old]; garden tools and misc. items. Executor or Auctioneers not responsible for accidents, deletions or loss of property sale day. Terms: cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. AUCTIONEERS: BOB & DOUG GILMORE 291-3489 or 291-3421 VANBEERS - Susan wishes to announce the safe arrival of her baby sister Pauline Muriel Luanne on Wednesday, April 11, at Tilson- burg District Memorial Hospital. She is the daughter of Paul and Luanne, granddaughter of John and Judy VanBeers of Blyth, Walter Erickson of Bayfield and Milvena Sturgeon of Kincardine. £ CLASSIFIED ADS^ F PAYOFF! J EXTRA INCOME! WE TRAIN you to grow big baitworms in your basement, garage or shed. Odor­ less operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free informa­ tion. Early Bird Ecology, RR 1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bait Farm, RR 7, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7, (519) 683-2468. Kumari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK 1J0, (613) 378-0023. 18-lp INVEST $12,000 IN A HIGH END deck waterproofing dealership for this area. Top quality produce line allows for above average return on investment. We supply opening inventory, tools and training. Suc­ cessful dealerships established across Canada. Phone collect Mr. D. Chaisson (604) 860-1200. 18-lp STAY AT HOME AND MAKE money. Lots of money!! Hundreds of profitable plans, potentially Millionaire making. For further info send a SASE to International Sales, 34 Stangate Dr. Wood­ bridge, Ontario, L4L5P1. 18-lp SUPER PROFITS FROM YOUR crafts. Stay home and make big money. Free details. S.P. Enter­ prises, Box 313-0, Station A, Winnipeg, MB, R3K 2C2. 18-lp AUCTION SALES ABSOLUTE CLEARANCE Auction Sale. Saturday, May 12, 10 a.m. Approximately 70 tractors, 250 pieces, new and used farm equipment, lawn and garden trac­ tors, chainsaws, tarps, etc. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. 6, Wiarton, Ont. (519) 534-2980.18-lp SEVEN NEW TONING TABLES and start up kit $8,000, Futrex 5000 fitness computer $1,000. 1-800-667- 5825. 18-lp RETAILERS ONLY. VIDEO Laser­ discs, Nintendo, and Video Movie leasing. We are well-stocked, fast, efficient. Bi-weekly rotation. You select your inventory. Canada­ wide: 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. 18-lp AUCTION SALES EVENING AUCTION SALE of home furnishings, antiques and Real Estate will be held for THE ESTATEOFTHELATE MRS. HAZEL PROCTER in the BELGRAVEARENA on MONDAY MAY7 starting at 6:00 P.M. PARTIAL LIST-SELLING FOR MRS. HAZEL PROCTER ESTATE: chesterfield, platform rocker, wooden rocker, occasion chairs, day-bed, parlour and step tables, lamps, hall tree, colour T.V., wicker fern stand, mirrors, pictures, dining room table, chairs and buffet, chrome kitchen set, fridge, 24” stove, chest type freezer, wooden cupboard, small appliances, kitchenware, bedding, beds, washstand, dressers, antique dresser with hat box, small antique desk with sloped lid, wooden clothes racks, garden tools, and much more. CONSIGNMENTS INCLUDE: living room and dining room furnishings, glass front bookcase, wringer washer and more. REAL ESTATE consists of a full 2-storey brick home situated on a lot measuring 66 ft. x 165 ft. at 14 Brandon St. in the village of Belgrave. Home has a living room, dining room, kitchen, down; 4 bedrooms, bath, up; sun porch, full basement with oil furnace. Property may be viewed prior to sale by appointment. Call Ross Procter at 887-6378. REAL EST ATE will be offered for sale by public auction, subject to a reasonable reserve bid, at the location, at 6:00 p.m., followed by the sale of household effects at the arena. TERMS: on Real Estate: 15% down, balance in 60 days. On Household Effects: Cash or Cheque with I.D. nightof sale Owners, Auctioneersand Executor not responsible for accidents, injuries or loss connected in any way with the sale. Snack Bar AUCTIONEERS: WALLACE BALLAGH,TEESWATER 392-6170 grant McDonald, ripley 395-5353 CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887-9114 24 HOURS A DAY