HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-04-18, Page 17Classified________ FAST___________ DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1990. PAGE AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES 17. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE AUCTION SALE ON MONDAY, MAY 7 SaleTime: 10:30a.m. Auction Sale of home in Brussels, appliances, furniture, antiques, dishes, tools & miscellaneous for estate of Wilda Baillie, 533 Elizabeth St., Brussels [behind Post Office] Sale held at the residence GILMORE AUCTIONS 291-3489 or 291-3421 3 BEDROOM (+STORAGE room) farm house in Westfield area, available immediately. Phone 523-9320. 16-2p 2 YEAR OLD FIREWOOD FOR sale - $35 per face cord. Phone 887-6972. 14-3 3 BEDROOM HOUSE IN BLYTH available May 1. Phone 743-7903 after 6:00. 15-tfn ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW AND USED SATELLITE systems for lease to own or rent with monthly payments. L. & A. Southwest Satellite, RR 2, Clinton, 524-9595. 12-tfn ELECTRIC TOYJOY. THIS WEEK only! All new cartridges 32 video games for $139.95; 42 games for $199.95. Call 1-800-665-1277. Write: Box 4826, Edmonton, AB, T6E5G7. 16-lp CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS GOOD USED CLOTHING - CHILD- ren’s and adults, clean and hardly worn, very reasonable price. Phone 887-9014. 16-1 READY TO LAY (END OF APRIL) white Leghorn pullets. Bill Roy 523-4237. 15-3 15 x 24” TELSMITH PRIMARY jaw & 36” Telsmith cone crusher with 48” x 14’ ElRoss screen deck. All mounted on one heavy duty Tandem chasis. Also 250 Genset (306)493-2709. 16-lp WOODEN LAWN AND PATIO furniture. Phone Ken White, 887- 6285. 16-1 THE NEW HURON COUNTY Historical notes now available at The Citizen, Blyth and Brussels and The Saga, Blyth - only $2.50. 51-tfn WHITE MATE’S STORAGE BED and mattress, double dresser, 4- drawer chest, desk and hutch, night table. Phone 523-9665 or 523-4551. 16-1 ONE 8 FOOT CAP FOR */2 TON truck with walk-in back door, good for construction. Price $250. Phone 523-4717. 16-4 CEDAR RAILS, APPROXIMATE- ly 200, $1.25 each. Phone 887-6571. 16-1 SPRUCE TREES FOR LAWNS for sale, 1 to 4 feet. lVi south of Wingham, 1% east on Golf Club Road. 357-1498. 15-4 HAY AND STRAW, GOOD square solid bales. Phone 887-6597 15-2 MIXED GRAIN, OATS AND BAR- ley. Phone 335-3753. 15-2p FRESH LAKE HURON SMELT - $4.00/lb. cleaned, $3.00/lb. whole. Please call Kevin Coultes at 523- 4927 to place your orders. 15-2p WATER SOFTENER SPECIAL - until April 30 - 1 year supply of salt with each unit sold. Softener Salt - 50 lb. bag with cleaning agent - picked up $5/50, delivered (mini­ mum 8 bags) - $7.25. Are you drinking polluted water? We sell sterilizers and reverse osmosis units. Tom Duizer Plumbing, Londesboro, County Road 15, across from Hullett Township of­ fice. Call 523-4359. 15-2 6 ROLLS 6” ZHP TYPESETTING paper. 2 jugs-Z developer. 2 jugs - Z fixer. 1 Compugraphic Editwriter 7700 II with 4 font strips and width cards, also discs. Best offer. Con­ tact Lynda Tiffin, Knechtel Whole­ sale Grocers, 1644 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener, Ontario, (519) 742- 3502, ext. 262. Reason for selling: converted to desktop publishing. 16-lp NORTHERN FRUIT TREES, DE- corative Shrubs, Evergreens, Seed­ lings, Nut Trees and Raraflora. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Mail-order only. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. 16-lp BONAIR R.V.’S, CAMPERS, Trailers, Hardtop, Tent, Foldown, Fifth-wheel, Travel, Park-models, Accessories. New & used. Large selection. Fibreline fibreglass & aluminum truck caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519)343-2122. 16-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NESBIT. I would like to thank Dr. Duff and Dr. Lamont also the nurses at University Hospital for their excellent care I received. Special thanks to all my friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and inquiries and help I have received since coming home. Special thanks to my family for their visits and my son John and Ann for taking me to hospital and bringing me home. Thanks to Rev. David Fuller for his visit. It was all appreciated. - Margaret Nesbit. 16-1 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Kindergarten Registration will be held at the East Wawanosh Public School, Belgrave, on Friday, April 20 at 1:30 p.m. Any child born between January 1, 1985 and December 31, 1985 will be eligible to register. If you have not received notification please contact the school at 357-2960 for further information. 16-1 10 USED FARROWING CRATES. Call 887-6570. 15-3 THE CITIZEN IS PRODUCING A new Telephone Directory for the area. If you have a telephone number change or are new to the ^rea and wish to have your number Tjisted please contact our offices as soon as possible. Call 887-9114 or 523-4792. tfn FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Direct. Large selection of Quonsets and Straightwalls ex. St.W. 32 x 40 x 15 Eave $6,796. Call Future 1-800-668-8653. 16-lp ARTHRITIC PAIN? ACHING back? Stiff joints? Sleeping hands? “Beulah Oil” HELPS!! Send $2. for brochure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, RIN 3C5. 16-lp BE YOUR OWN BOSS. EARN UP to $300 per day. Take orders for publisher. Very small investment. Call 1-800-663-7701 between 12 noon and 8 p.m. 16-lp WATSON. I would like to thank my relatives and friends for cards, flowers, gifts and phone calls while in hospital. Thanks also to Dr. K. Hay, Dr. K. Harris and Dr. J. McKishnie, the medical and nurs­ ing staff on fourth floor St. Joseph Health Centre, London for their special care and attention. -Sincere thanks, Gerald Watson. 16-lp CAREER TRAINING BAKE AND GARAGE SALE ON April 21, 10 - 12 at W.I. Hall, Belgrave. Sponsored by Anglican Church Women, Belgrave. 16-lp THE 1990 ANNUAL MEETING OF the Children’s Aid Society of Huron County will be held on Tuesday, May 8, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room at 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. Voting memberships ($5) are available at the door. Come out and support your Children’s Aid Society. 16-3 1979 25’ PROWLER, 5TH WHEEL, sleeps 7. 1975 Centurian motor­ home, sleeps 6, low mileage. Both fully equipped, good condition. Phone 335-6486. 13-tfn SPRING INTO A STEEL BUILD- ing - Inventory Reduction Sale - Quonset 16 x 18 $1,699; 40 x 60 $6,759. Straightwall 30 x 40 $8,679 with solid endwalls. Factory direct savings - While quantities last. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422 16-lp PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS: Canada’s leading manufacturer of­ fers four models to choose from. Save Money, Make Money. Free Brochure, call or write: Enercraft, 474 Welham Road, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 6E7. Phone (705) 734-1211. 16-lp MANUFACTURED STEEL PUMP­ HOUSES. New sanitary economi­ cal, easy installation, 3 sizes, phone or write for literature and prices. Whitney Pig. 23 Parkhouse road, Glencoe, N0L 1M0, (519) 287-3204. 16-lp RETAILERS ONLY. VIDEO Laserdiscs, Nintendo and Video Movie leasing. We are well-stock­ ed* fast, efficient. Bi-weekly rota­ tion. You select your inventory. Canada wide: 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204)231-1150. 16-lp EXTRA INCOME! WE TRAIN you to grow big baitworms in your basement, garage or shed. Odor­ less operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free informa­ tion. Early Bird Ecology, RR #1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bait Farm, RR #7, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7, (519) 638-2468. Kumari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK 1J0, (613) 378-0023. 16-lp FREE: 1990 GUIDE TO STUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Book­ keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secre­ tary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. 16-lp BUCK AND DOE FOR COLLEEN Bridge and Chris Paranyi Saturday, April 28, 1990 at B.M. & G. Commuhity Centre, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Tickets $5.00 per person. Age of majority. 16-2 STEEL BUILDINGS FOR IMME- diate liquidation. 20’ x 30’ $2,306. 25’ x 30’ $2,903. 30’ x 34’ $3,672. 40’ x 46’ $5,091. Complete with end walls. Other sizes available. Posi­ tive savings. We pay the call 1-800-668-4338 or 1-416-792-2704. 16-lp FOR SALE: COLLISION REPAIR centre fully equipped, also 30’ x 50’ Bi-level home. 10 years old, lot 420’ x 300’. Location Northwestern Ontario. Close to Lake of the Woods. Phone (807) 483-5852 or (807)483-5808 16-lp LEARN AUCTIONEERING AT the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: June 9 - 16/90. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Wood- stock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 16-lp THE WINGHAM AND DISTRICT Optimist Club presents their New and Improved Bingo, 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays at the Wingham Legion Hall. Doors open at 7 p.m. 16-2 RUMMAGE SALE ST. AUGUS- tine Parish Hall, Saturday, April 21, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. 16-1 FOR SALE: CONSTRUCTION business. Owner retired. Land and 12,00 sq. ft. building, includes retail store, office, workshop. Ideal family business. Could be used for small manufacturing firm, in pro­ gressive community in Alberta. Phone (403) 854-3168, Gerhard or Bruni Kral, Box 262, Hanna, Alta, TO J 1P0. 16-lp MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. CLASS AZ-DZ Professional Transport Dri­ ver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We’ve got the answers. Markel Institute of Pro­ fessional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-7173. 16-lp THE CITIZEN IS PRODUCING A new Telephone Directory for the area. If you have a telephone number change or are new to the area and wish to have your number listed, please contact our offices as soon as possible. Call 887-9114 or 523-4792. tfn HOME STUDY DIPLOMA PRO- grams. Prepare for a better career Today! Low fees. Payment plan. Tuition Free Advanced Courses. Job search assistance. Free Bro­ chure. CCTS 1-800-668-1213. 16-lp A 1ST TIME OFFERING DIRECT From Manufacturer. Billion Dollar Industry - Patented Item. Now available in Canada. All Cash Business. Part/full time. Huge Profits - No Selling. Premium established accounts are waiting. An investment of $11,600 is requir­ ed. To receive information and lit. call our 24 hr. toll free line, and leave your name, address and phone number. 1-800-663-4171. ext. 122. 16-lp CAREER TRAINING CLASS A‘Z’ OR D‘Z’. CALL NOW for professional one-on-one train­ ing by the experts. Registered & approved Private Vocational School Kim Richardson Training Special­ ists (416) 765-3445. 16-lp COMING EVENTS POTATO PEOPLE TAKE OVER the stage at Blyth Memorial Hall in special show for kids on Saturday, April 21 - 2 p.m. Tickets $6.00 each. Reservations Call 523-9225/ 9300. 16-1 BUS TRIPS: Saturday, April 24 - Factory Outlet shopping in Hamil­ ton. Wednesday, April 25 - Scottish Spring Festival at Bingeman Park. Monday, April 30 - Nana Mous- kouri concert at Hamilton. Thurs., May 3 - Woodbine Thoroughbred Races. Tuesday, May 8 - Niagara Blossom Tour. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Call Isabel Campbell, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-1938. 13-tfn ANNUAL SPRING MUSIC CON- cert at Central Huron S.S., Clinton on Tuesday, April 24 at 8 p.m. Silver Collection. Everyone wel­ come. 16-lb LADIES SPRING CONFERENCE May 5, 1990 - 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at the Wingham United Church with speaker and soloist Cathy Rempel on the theme “Find & Seek”. Register with Gwen Laidlaw before April 28. Cost 12.00. Call 357-1721. 15-3 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital will be held in the Nurses’ Training Centre, Monday, April 23 at 1:30 p.m. Doris Inglis will be the guest speaker. 16-1 SACRED CONCERT BY CATHY Rempel Sunday Evening, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. sponsored by The Mis­ sion Committee of Brussels Mennonite Fellowship. Admission $3.00 Elementary children free. To be held at Melville Presbyterian Church in Brussels. 15-3 CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887-9114 24 HOURS A DAY