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The Signal, 1925-3-26, Page 4
- 'Jest. �w.>IOC- •se• �ltat('"t l,s tr.. • . • - t • :. ,. Nf 40.0"!" IOC f-T''t^-da,s'1i,r.b 1!t. 1!+'-': - GODERICH, ONT. Book Bargains To reduce our stock - we are offering a num- ber of good books at 25c each: 5 for $1.00 Purse Bargains Leather hand - bags. • purses, music cases. cigarette cases. sewing bags. at greatly reduced prices. WALL PAPER Nothing at anywhere near the cost can add so much value, nothing in the way of furnishings iii so co&:stant- ly inview of occupant or guest. no improvement at the price will give so Much pleasure to the entire household. Book' Store In another year, how different that boy or girl of yours will look ---but photographs of the chil- dren never grow up. Lee--mar•-ip{p you keep a picture recent of their childhood. J. 1\FEf.L Telephone 1117 Goderkh. _-J J. R. Wheeler Fusaral Director and Embalmer SII calls promptly atteu(!-• ell to (Thy or night PHONES Store 335 Reslsence 355w Hamilton Street', Coderich -711.40,404 The Management of The James " McManus Pasteurizing Plait wii•ltit'*RAAtitlf',totlpnrlJLatin ror,•uul41.u• grin- public that they nre now- earryittg.fre4 i I)i ,v ifnti Creamery flutter .trod :diet Buttermilk sat: -time regular milk .I1•1iv,•r rigs at •til Mute. -roti. r. Ali}k and Buttrrniilk ran 1.• had at the plat.t 01 East -trot at aril:jig, between !l h. in. anti 6 p:in. • t+ - For Spring-I.tav1: - ,.• Forks, Shovels, ,Picks, Spades and a full line of " Hardware. t The famous Canada Paint, Sun Varnish and Stains. Elephant White Lead; Linseed Oil. Turps and' Brushes. In fact. everything you -will use for painting. CI-i...{l11"aeall. , IInw abouta flew MtaCor ick -pterin; Cultivator, 1)ir.• Ha: met. Steel Drill or anything .it the Implement lir)t' ' We have then., :deo rrpair4. I 'f In. famon; "kleCortniek-i seri t Traatnr 10-2li anet _15-30 at a right snipe - HILL'S HARDWARE-; Auburn. -- PHONES: Dung , S ring 3; Blyth, 32 ring 12. McEWEN'S SPECIALS Flnlinellette Itlanket . L.rz. -✓e. a: *hose prices. M -n'. Underwear to clear at reduced prices. fit Men's Sol k., :S pair for S1(M1. , Men's Sweaters. 4ttatehle for th'.• eold weather.. riy Jl FottlJ Metes Mitt& home-knitgi.'d value. Labe.' All-over Approns and Monne' 11'rraseg it Lpl"r•etl•e prices Tea. ('offee atld Coro•..at old priee-7B quantity before flat advent... I gross. Jwly Powder. new gado fresh lead tarty, and a settee on lour Canned Fruit. - e 4ew•crnp Hovey. • Table and pore :Maple Syrup goes well with Ihose Pancakes. Salmon. 12!-, et•nte a tin and up. ) Thosefinery.mull Bal+lus. 2 lbs. for '2. trot.. ('arrote, Bert., Cabbage. PnrsnlIs and a load of fresh Turdhpn' Just In. They all help in making a tasty Bolles /Miner ' *-f.• ) J. J. MCEWEN:. South Side Square Phony 14 Goods delivered to all parts of the town. "I Suffered Terribly With Sore, Aching Back" - kis. F...ewq 194 Isis St-, rebshwea, Ont., grebes: -"For ewe two yaws 1 soothed M (neral, N ilh twee bask. 1 masa almost sad with the pair. ad W doctored with it wad 1 was Bio - commie& Tier A► father. wise is a ism believer it Dr. Chase's klei- eines. advised we to try Dr. Chase's Kidney4A.er Pills. 1 followed Ws advice. and am glad to my 1 was completely relieved of that 101016 I iag pail in my beck. it is otytr a year since i need these pals. sad 1 have had nopetites of the trouble. bet always keep than in the hoose." T. Chase's Kidney -Liver PTAs t+as t et of se on.. Remawri0. Mama St etas, Led., Tss•eees tie r r SPANISH DOUBLOONS By CAMILLA KEN YON Picture. by A. NEIL Copyright, Tau ll.rbba-Mereill Company. (t'uutiuued from •i*at week) "Aw, slow that soft stuff, Mecums." advised Sllaker. "You eau do your spounIn' with the gal later Mt. Wets hero to gut that gold, and don't you forget it. Plenty of tltne afterward to sport the wimmeo " "Thug's the talk." dewed In Black - bested. ' ••Don't run us un • lee shore for the sake of a skirt. Skirts Is thleker'n herring in every port. idol they?" "1 got • score to settle with this one," growled Magnets sulleuly, but 01• grasp loosened on sty erne and I -flipped from %Int site oro to AVM Jane --em, to A,tat Jane --and clung to her t•.xtvulaively- Mises Higglwby- Browne set -tried to bare petrified. tier akin had a withered iook. and a fins network of Rhes showed on K, sud- ' daily clear, like a tracery on parch- ment. Beyond her I saw the tats et Pergald Shaw-, gray with a steely wrath. A gun had been trained anew on him and Cuthbert, and the bearer thereof was arguing with them pro- fanely. I suppose the prlso•ons had threatened outbreak at the spectacle s( Ike elfin-chueklog.- Nc, cue hail; 'bothered to rectus OOokie, • a ; !tl-kwltlut' ragohg the WO and pan's of bi ropeft-airkttchen, Pours Ing forth petltioue in a hteptdy- treemm Birekbewsidoteltooroeomet 4 i viol brute, burst into a Iaalld guffaw: "Ha, ha! Look at old Soot -and-. ('lusters glutin' hisselt ready for sq.!" He apptriaehed the negro ant' alined at - filet • kick which Cookie, arising with uneepected nim- bleness, rantrived• to dotter. "Lonky TIRED OUT ALL THE TIME Nerves save little ear Relieved by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound llarrowsmith,Oetarlo.-1i took your medicine before mi baby was born and it was a great kelp to me as I was very poor) tll 1 started to t iunt. 1 just telt u though I was tired out all the time and would take weak, fainting spells. My nerve. would bother me until 1 could get little rest, day or night. I wu told by a friend to take Lydia E. Plnkham'e Vege- table Compowd, and I only took a few bottles and it helped me wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. 1 am doing what I can to publish this good medicine. 1 lend that Tittle book you sent me to any ono I can help. You can with the greatest of Ipleaaure use my name in regard to the Vegetable Compound it it will serve to help others." -Mas. Fiwayse Mlwoan,R. R. No.2, Harrow/ankh, Ontario. In a meant cassettes of purehasere of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound over 100,000 replies were received end 914 out of every 100 said they had been helped by its use. Thu medicine ii for sale by all drugguta, unser cover or rue Supp u s,i emaiane expedition. And now. while we had boon striving to overcome the recal- citrancy u( Mr. Tubi "('aptatn alag- ens had taken n shoe cot to'Ihr .ants end. You felt that -the eet•ret of Mr. Tuba-Weet14 -be «a rutr.l,-1f--ttewl-be, by lie delicate methods,_. tut Mr. Tubbs' charn••ter fs,rxeteed none of that unreas.sluhle ohatinary which would make hat'+h mrn+ut•es neee•esary under such conditions: tits rnunten■nte, as the iilUV14i1111tlag cun- versatl.xt of the pirates bad proceed- ed, loot the ye.khel appearance which shad chnra••terisel 1t at the tetent-sevetn for -tuns. we tate, •w11ta0• over you know, you'll conte ill • It, and come quick, -yr It'll worse for your hide. oral, a Mr. Tubbs rose 'front the toe with pretuntness. "Captpiu," lie maid eardeetly, "frees bag ezperlea•e -In the anantial caw- ters of the country, I have got to be • man what undeesta•da human ma- ture. The minute I looked ■t you. 1 area 1t lu your eye that there wasn't no Mut in trylte to bluff you. You are a congenial crowd, lug boy's -gosh, but you do look good to me after the buaek o' stiffs I been, playite up to here! All 1 ask is. to let uta 1n on 1t with you, and I'll be glad to put yod wise to the best tricks of a sly old fioi who., ain't ever been ,•aught yet without two holes to his burrow. I w'on't ask en half. nor no quarter. either, though 1 Just signed up for that amount with the old girl here: - But give me freedom, and a hunch a' live wine like put boos: i've near froze into a plaster figure o' Virtue, what with talkin' like a Sunday s -tool class, slid wp:trkir•' one old ntal.l and - mnkin' out like 1 woulthet mar butter with the tither. So 11. 11. will attlp along of you, mate., sank, we'fr off to the China coma emiewlares wham! the spendin' is good an-dlie pollee not too noisy. and try ho far a trunkful of ,IIUbl000s will go! 1Vith a ehoky little gurgle n her tbroat AOpt .tune -fell -limply a loot Inc. It was tun, retell.' All day lung she I1r41 beau tossed bark arid t rth like • .huttfeeoek by the battledore of emotion. She had hurtle the eh of Mr. Tubba' sordid greed •for .gold. ' dlslny■Ity 10 the expedition, his t\ euldness to herself; she had been shak- iesttat by the tender stress of the lir meillatbw. had been raptured. Ibis pirates, and now suffered the sup me blow of thin. Anal revelaElo {_the treachery of Tubbs. To hear her rce mance described•s the sparking of an old maks--and h the, smirked: loran -Mies' lliggle:My- rowne had come a e nort of fury, but sir said nothing, having apparently no e,rufldence in the effe,-t of oratory oil pirates. She did not even exhort Aunt Jule, but - heft it to uta to sustain my drooping aunt as hest 1 e.uld• - An Mr- Tubb., mate IA whole-ttlart- ed end magnanimous lirngr,.:sl Cattails Tony opened MS small blank eyes and Cross Word Puzzle No. 1,� Each number in -the puzzle Indicates the position of the first letter a a word. Each word reads from left Seeordlug to poeition. Lettered Each nuwtier in the white comp • Ing. table. to right (horleoutal) or downward (mutat)! In correMly, words that eras will Interlotles squarer also refers to a definition in tie flee Each definition suggests a word posses/gag 4lta exert --number of IottdI to fit the white spores atloted to It. Earl& white aware is to receive one letter .only. Words start only la cumbered Square.. ' here, dsrkj;''gtt busy dt the op Ttrs htlrbt of his terrors. Something 14kb ,.,,ntrniplated hien Willi attention, a rtnrttta hue r.•tte'Ae.. -lb' ,a � feed after on.straighter. tnoistrrl.w Id., ,try Ifps,-sttdIlitirlour. looked around upon us..e+. rc.•n upon ••11'hat" l boys? mhnll we ship Blackbrard whom his companions Aunt .lane'aod Slims Higizleshy•Browne, )' y 'Moe/tied Indtscriminatrly as "CAP-. t•1tJ_1II JL*%hs oft. the Ii*tg wsehomith and with whom be toad boon w• Irately and" talo," ur "Tony." seenwel to exer(•iies let him freer h:o Ain; rlTon with orf a certain authority. lie weal over to me tenderly recoucllyd, with • sldt Eh?" And es Captain Tony uttered the piss»taut or they [ long. ralrnlating glun.t. 'titer the these weird, the ❑d of itis lett eye f Dlog and Inspected pirate had eaten, the prisoners .wt the '- hog were e,iverrl with a ride and their' - • - gruit, wilt }oil •f teuld statue dile g•h1d fend atter the torr astle slops wO, b erq ht 1 1 lt Tf,.•ri hr pTl:inrel mead wpm his fN• i their bonds eelipse.l for an lnstnut that IntslII- Yon'ttdn- -can't gut lame rlohot►�_ gent optic.. bawls outlet witlrr�tTaie. lit a fu• he announced. Then,. with- a savage rafirlo,s ails •vw' de vtogn.•t by ma From the -pirates came a spattering frown, "Rut no monkey business.' ndiiug ryes, paved around ntn..olt lie ropey of ,iasentu' "All Agit--hoora7 F o' that 1 see._ ifs a dose o' cold 'riteri•mnnnts of the taco. Yrt under for old 1Va*ldubs-strew, els,. the lead t use, savvy? deal." all the terror was a bedistek rooA•lenpe He Turned to its onetime rluet there woes phare nut+t M .rime- -A11 rlkht. Washtutt* the boys are "Kill, Ntlekablddles. we ain't treat- how In the es/settee of things, an ":era willing. So 1 goes. we Meller he mov- ed you harsh, I hope? Now I don'tpal rlghtuess whleh would keep tee log toward that e!tr.t of doubloons." care about fiefynuse up, In fl/se we 1t was arranged that Sleeker and a can help it so Jett M• goof girls, and 111 let )sure rur-.asuund, Immo for 'a while.": j _..,.. Rut !linctus »truck In with au oath. "f.oee? You're turnln' soft, I Rey. The future 'Mrs. 51. there-whlrh I mesh to ru»kc'•her' If slue bi•haves right =ehe'r a handful. rhe 14. There ain't no low freta .eke wnn't play on us if »be Bete the cleaner. Better tie her up. I say." "Megrim'," re,gion.lert Tony with se- verity, "it'd maks a prrs:in think to Foal• you tiTE Hint you o ttel t 14o gen- tlemen. If you eetet keep little 11,•41- tnj In eieler wither yon tie her. why, Mee from U•pts,n Magnttii. And ea ram too -se -eyed d 1 !coked urrtr,s it Duetted /thaw an ) et d Hurry should inee for an Instant hie sttedy, watch- remainn at the rasmpnip exl guard. Ay • measure of precaution (].ok1e, too, ful eyed, I managed a swift little smile visa bound, and Aunt Jana, Mies a rather --wan stupe, 1- dere say.' Mit Itruwne and 1 ordered Into the cabin. toUII a 'knife. The three remaining pirates, armed Cuthbert Vane caught. so to spank. with our spades and plaits and Wri- the tall of It, and wits electrified. '1 fencing a greet deal of Jer'au- rae hie 11pe funs at Mr. Shaw's ear falsity. net out for the tow under under thehe the wtnle. "1V.xrdrrful little sport. by gnldan.r of 51r. Tubbs - Jure!" Thankful as 1 mase for the depart - A -curious stiffening hod come over ore of ("aptain Magnus, 1 underwent Cuthbert Vane, For Thr first time In, W torments Iu the aiding Interior of 411. `wept piteously. aclousnes.-Instead of .wily tee sob At Irst 1 be"'ard ■ faint mw•: c,atslonenev.--ot the •hfsr't •: • De, "S'Irglnla then hind her over to ■ guy ran- t tween Norman bb1.n1 and the errdlnary 1 went 1,, bee. ales. sootier I Iwo i wouldn't have • speck what !mu - tie Anil. HI4 shoulder.; squared; ••Ylrttlnla," matte murmured. "f think tie lost his hnbilutil easy lounge end bio with her --her and ate eouhf sit 1 a1raH not not -not to soave the Island, •long as sweet as two turtle -dove." and eue•t aro l tart, Something stars even If i am net mot ezectRed In ... qulllue- •showed • teceedh tie 'Ta7 dey tip. Tiny, hold lfazte v, tact. I have a prong now nes al - lowering. "I'll look after my own rt[- smooth. luwatty ..f his fair, lee that yens the end were approachlug. I have fl• thought of rttrtee.d rrusadtng katgbts 0,444+ ltnuwvi that m heart . was not fairs Of the heart. Anyway, here's stretched at theos ancient tombs In y them etwo old hens what have been •tri»Ir. even If your Aunt Suiten clod High Vtsmtton church. He was their makln' me sick with their Jabber and cell 1t IndlgeslluA Rut oh, my tope norurnse all them' weeks 1In't i g•-• calm getele-mannered f ethbertit true deserndnnt, after all, this *low, mane, U M riot iuy dlgeiitlon-It is m1 In' to have a chane,' to get emnarP4a_ mart that has been wouutyd ! IVi 6iie �wa. a young lion that 1 batt been play- "Here, rowel" struck 1+4 Sllnker, Ing with, and the maws were there. I reposed well Confidence In a copepod "qult,yonrJawlo)'t Here's a feed we t. atr»,g end terrible -In their velvet To realise that 1 might have been fm- dint sem the like of In week.e." ahen tit. paled upon its fangs: Oh, my dear. Tony thereupon ordered the women to Tot.), hating finished nlshtd hfaithful child, what would t have done to mit down tri the ground In the *hallo ,pipe, knocked the ashes oat against if. yew I$$d net dung to me although I permitted serpents Yo turn me from you! But I am cruelly palliated. All I ask is that some day -when you are and not meta under .penely of "get- ,the hoel of his boot and put toe pipe tin' a wing clipped." We obeyed In ' in hos pocket. j� silence and looped on while the pirates "1Ve11 • be ootid atRtrtilng ..rd ruth with wolfish voracity' devoured the oe flees a nap, but buoinsoo, is -bast. sgrrlod end happy, dear -you w111 re - meal which had been meant for us.' p0*0 so act's get down to It. Whish move from this deantate spot the poor They hod pocket-nu:4s wltb them, atkd ' n' them gwyn has the Ione on the stnR, moats* _of her wh•-of her who-" es they attacked MeV with frequency maims". 1 mo choked Aunt Jane's utterance. the talk grew larder and wilder. By "Old _Baldy, here," .returned Stag "Jape-" blgan - Mlsa Hlgglesby- elegrees It was pnsdble to c.gnprehen.l Hee- the extraordinary Meister whhih-Jtad befallen us, at least in • sketchy out- line of whleh the 'fetal wee filled In later. Tony. it appeared, man.4 the man - 1 -1 _c to nrfurt 11 ►tor., 1 1_ tau. '0 14 1 -nit. of Jt lt1 holies) , 1. 51:111's nano 19 Pearly white 21 I'ackli•ts'rry. 2': VItltwht/- rue 27, ltiltrnad (ah•t 2i1 Ites eragc. t -Anger. •,S Hour (16.) ;11.:.,:i:riii.4.:1•1ilipitIU,neru-53 Il.i-•ute,1 int""iiierim, '0wrnlm • 'r..ri.mte. -3i 7'Ime cast o! F't 1Viu tjgfab.1eir:tri 11.n•', nano• I AI. l y� ,nlfit. "t tl�+4q rndeut. `it 't*d other Midge (ah.t ^,!i One of the 1'.14. t■b.1 -,_40_,Geo ..f lore. ... . 41 F:xlst. 4.:11/•slt:u;tt.- till.... - 4.4 "A merry std snot" :. %Inds name 1H.br•w, '; Wllit,• l.i,lglk• iatl.t'• stir '' tel Oscula, i. t ...1 Ila this "te hri?!hfti FSi.b'tivor Nta u'I i �ry int of compass 1hat•karo rds?'. a . .. 11 ..I, -my of Art (Ab.: (hack* ;4 spier. r,4 sou rows!+ tnrnamp. fir. sea -t ••hetet t ah.l 4 M4IUrl - otr'en,•.Dtipr•o 3 IWI»'Flnl puh•atatt (al.) 4 %Vetch dog's weh-omp, 'i (tattle of tele war in Francs. 11 Uproar Inrrllaic. T T••ward4. 'rl„•r,•fnre. _ !1 M••Itther of Pr,ivttagire Tarlram,•nb • inl.l 10 It.4.14c.- V1 The other thing. ' - 'le Common sailor (nth.! 17 Chine:, (ienwrnl w,°t lit For (example Tai') 3t► Thus. -22 1ireplaev. 24 Enrols•»o riper liar;« :til And w nn ' :17 Name of :1 ,egutllwnr rah.% 11. 4 -Prequel mnne•ttlr' unit. Uut'uta 41 A wager... _-._..._. 43 To figure 47 Man'• 141111.• i tl 4f1 T.. ois•u f �s 4 51111nlrs - ,1s•nratun I (ah.t 51 tlbsrrvr. t Full of i*'i'• 55 1'!Ili rge ..(i t'onst1ttlent,. pus, with a cod at Mr,' Tubbs. "Old Browns. Washtubs 1 toil hien generally': ba, "I was speaking to my niece," roe piled Aunt Jane with unutterable dfg- "Tian rooky ,here, Wnehlube," said pity from her corner. Her small tea - Tony, eildresseig Sir. Tubba with sod- tares had all but disappeared In her ter of a small power sph,toier whleh den sternness, "riwtvhe you could bluff , swollen face, and her hair had slipped had 11e411 fitting out In San Franelsco these here soft suvx ben we're • dol- down ata rakish angle over one eye• for n fllthustering trip -to the Sleztean yeast and hie three hard companions were the crew. None wuat.ot the old heart)• brood of sauce,', bot wharf -not pure end simple, tiny -dreg* whom .fiance had led to follow lee see. Tony, In whom our detected a certain rough funs and still/7, ,weetepatedtnl- lin, en outlaw $pa,eititen of ttito breed which mine the fi.+hhet fleet putting firth from the harbor of Sri Fran - risco. When and where he note had been friends 1 do not know, Hut no sooner had the wtedom of 'Mess Itro her e York to rated wit power teles) eo *tale out i' Imparted the great wcret to nee etvpininten.e of the New neo, then be had ewnmynd- hN old pal. Tony. The r with her tniawfut roe.' Trough the gate, made -her 'delivery In , ,r Mepron port, Molt ea fresh snpplltirn, stood away frit Leeward Island" T e eeetern anchor- age hod received a tingly hidden her. Captain Magnus, \meanwhile, by means lit a Reimer lie+hobo from I,n.tt- nut, Md malntalne.4 cMnlmunleetleet at•y ha heads sod even vtalteet thews C.%MPREI.1.14 DRUG STOKE But, of couf e, being Aunt Jane, she mast choose this moment to be queen•' ly - "['heirs there, andtle.' I said sooth Ingly, "of course you areAnot going to leave your hones on this Island. If you did yon know, you and Bill Na111- well might ha'nt around together -- think how cosy! (Here Aunt Jane gave a cOnvulatVe shudder.) Ai to my befog married, It you were betting Just now en anybody's chance*, they "weld have to be Captain Magnus', wouldn't theyr "flood gradoua, Virginia!" shrieked Aunt Jane faintly. -But i went on re- lentlessly, determined to district her Wad from thooghle of Iles approach- ing and. (1b bio Ooattawed) • ;,•,,,, A. telephone girl was recently aee- re,fnl In a crew -word competition. So she should be. Site must hear ninny new trtwts-words-tit.dooOlNn- fou. SOLUTION OF LAST 1VERK'5 PUZZLE - MI3UDOUR 1100 (SUMO f: U (71111M101 [-7 Fi t M11.4I ;Anna UOU UOM0151 OU 6:13010Sal 13 EflOPMI 3 van= 00 i? 11 i]031i oa v©o0© H30 EMAII OLSOOMMQ 00©000000 DI3G SOHO 0 11 la:•.rJ 3130P DD 13CI101:16 ©©L'1[40L MUD= 30 "litre :+OtiE A !I1lTi (1[3. TOMO ?(1- BUS END BAGGAGE BERVICI Bus',meiets:ail trains. Calle made Aon teamsters and t l e to any porta file to n. Promp.et servl_e guaranteed. Telephone 51. Day or fright It s s OWE Cambria R opposite the rgan Factory a nice - Rod aad lits In (an.ds Fasts and fiction for the rls.rt.tnan, inte•restitat nod 'of it, Wide variety, are offered. In the April F•sttr sat Hud and Gltn In Canada: The ,•Jeitinl, stun. 'Tor' i(tuuuy ;fp by the Gens - de -Terre," he Alden:Grlffln Mrrirlith. - Is a tale of silver prospecting 'war- ranted to 11014 the .-attention of a1, *11, 3411,1 11. int "The Midoriug Leg- ion.: Are ('owing." Wm. I;. Irwin her- alds the influx of mummer tsarists In• to 4'atuoln. It.onyerstle Dale nod J. W. Win -.4n maitre efisrnnfse Inter.•.t- Ingly ..n wild bir.l life and F. 1'. Williams ape S(nrttu Iluntt•r 141(1 their quote et good reeding. The "Gane and Ammunition" le op 10 111 usna1 stneolard of rv.''1tuiu•y and Int= e11101'4 articles on the Varmint and the :Early Remington rifles. In"F'Ish- Ing Net.•., Imbert Page Llutrdn takes up the 4111,•40on of different Olires to M• used for fI^.•hlag. end the otherde- partments, stories and 'ske•tchr-, all deal with stone wasonable subject Interesting to flow sportsmen. Pub- Ilsliefrinrwithly by W..1. Taylor. Llm- ttetl, Wooe(*tu&'k, Cyto.' "Blood is 'thicker than water," re- marked. the influenza germ as tie crawled out of the guttif" and Jumper! Into n human being. --Dan Marquis, in New York Herald Tribune. Two tleotchmen met and reeehnn¢,r1 the tmiU talk appropriate -me ---the hoer. As they were parting to go ,npp(•rward. Sanely sal to .I. •k: "lock, mon. 1'11 go Ie n r and on the links In the mors', "The morrm"t" J..•k relw'att•d doubt fully. Aye. mnit,'the no.rrt ." sad Sandy, ej111 go yr a round ,en therllnk. the .orrn'. ' "Aye, weal,' .a.lel Nand . "111 go yr. But 1 had Intended t pet mar- ried In the morn'." Reside A top-notch sales- man at office -boy wages! This salesman, who reaches the ear of the 1)ublic quickest, and adds the largest num- ber of new business prospects - ifs you': much less than the cheapest office -boy. Add him to your sales . force!- -. As an inrofftment: can bring large returns, . a encourage your best salesmen to use Long Distance freely. Eac.h year. more than 50,000 new telephones are . added in Ontario and Quebec to the list of those they can do busi- with. Cads • foto* less ban M rarestak soap. tib rr• -amen ^Aos,-,. -+r /MO �tmMr•ei 3tCf / a 3 t WI` 7 ■a /o 111 ■ s ■. /Y ■ ,3 ,4 • ii122 /9 ■ /r ■.■■■■■20 /6 ■ ■ ■ /7 23 /s 9s111 ■ 26 !J ?i 29 W U 32 ■ 31 ill 36 ■■37■ ill■ 39 !lo ie !■ 1718 . 19■ . SO■ z s-6111111 ■ - a■ 1 -1 _c to nrfurt 11 ►tor., 1 1_ tau. '0 14 1 -nit. of Jt lt1 holies) , 1. 51:111's nano 19 Pearly white 21 I'ackli•ts'rry. 2': VItltwht/- rue 27, ltiltrnad (ah•t 2i1 Ites eragc. t -Anger. •,S Hour (16.) ;11.:.,:i:riii.4.:1•1ilipitIU,neru-53 Il.i-•ute,1 int""iiierim, '0wrnlm • 'r..ri.mte. -3i 7'Ime cast o! F't 1Viu tjgfab.1eir:tri 11.n•', nano• I AI. l y� ,nlfit. "t tl�+4q rndeut. `it 't*d other Midge (ah.t ^,!i One of the 1'.14. t■b.1 -,_40_,Geo ..f lore. ... . 41 F:xlst. 4.:11/•slt:u;tt.- till.... - 4.4 "A merry std snot" :. %Inds name 1H.br•w, '; Wllit,• l.i,lglk• iatl.t'• stir '' tel Oscula, i. t ...1 Ila this "te hri?!hfti FSi.b'tivor Nta u'I i �ry int of compass 1hat•karo rds?'. a . .. 11 ..I, -my of Art (Ab.: (hack* ;4 spier. r,4 sou rows!+ tnrnamp. fir. sea -t ••hetet t ah.l 4 M4IUrl - otr'en,•.Dtipr•o 3 IWI»'Flnl puh•atatt (al.) 4 %Vetch dog's weh-omp, 'i (tattle of tele war in Francs. 11 Uproar Inrrllaic. T T••ward4. 'rl„•r,•fnre. _ !1 M••Itther of Pr,ivttagire Tarlram,•nb • inl.l 10 It.4.14c.- V1 The other thing. ' - 'le Common sailor (nth.! 17 Chine:, (ienwrnl w,°t lit For (example Tai') 3t► Thus. -22 1ireplaev. 24 Enrols•»o riper liar;« :til And w nn ' :17 Name of :1 ,egutllwnr rah.% 11. 4 -Prequel mnne•ttlr' unit. Uut'uta 41 A wager... _-._..._. 43 To figure 47 Man'• 141111.• i tl 4f1 T.. ois•u f �s 4 51111nlrs - ,1s•nratun I (ah.t 51 tlbsrrvr. t Full of i*'i'• 55 1'!Ili rge ..(i t'onst1ttlent,. pus, with a cod at Mr,' Tubbs. "Old Browns. Washtubs 1 toil hien generally': ba, "I was speaking to my niece," roe piled Aunt Jane with unutterable dfg- "Tian rooky ,here, Wnehlube," said pity from her corner. Her small tea - Tony, eildresseig Sir. Tubba with sod- tares had all but disappeared In her ter of a small power sph,toier whleh den sternness, "riwtvhe you could bluff , swollen face, and her hair had slipped had 11e411 fitting out In San Franelsco these here soft suvx ben we're • dol- down ata rakish angle over one eye• for n fllthustering trip -to the Sleztean yeast and hie three hard companions were the crew. None wuat.ot the old heart)• brood of sauce,', bot wharf -not pure end simple, tiny -dreg* whom .fiance had led to follow lee see. Tony, In whom our detected a certain rough funs and still/7, ,weetepatedtnl- lin, en outlaw $pa,eititen of ttito breed which mine the fi.+hhet fleet putting firth from the harbor of Sri Fran - risco. When and where he note had been friends 1 do not know, Hut no sooner had the wtedom of 'Mess Itro her e York to rated wit power teles) eo *tale out i' Imparted the great wcret to nee etvpininten.e of the New neo, then be had ewnmynd- hN old pal. Tony. The r with her tniawfut roe.' Trough the gate, made -her 'delivery In , ,r Mepron port, Molt ea fresh snpplltirn, stood away frit Leeward Island" T e eeetern anchor- age hod received a tingly hidden her. Captain Magnus, \meanwhile, by means lit a Reimer lie+hobo from I,n.tt- nut, Md malntalne.4 cMnlmunleetleet at•y ha heads sod even vtalteet thews C.%MPREI.1.14 DRUG STOKE But, of couf e, being Aunt Jane, she mast choose this moment to be queen•' ly - "['heirs there, andtle.' I said sooth Ingly, "of course you areAnot going to leave your hones on this Island. If you did yon know, you and Bill Na111- well might ha'nt around together -- think how cosy! (Here Aunt Jane gave a cOnvulatVe shudder.) Ai to my befog married, It you were betting Just now en anybody's chance*, they "weld have to be Captain Magnus', wouldn't theyr "flood gradoua, Virginia!" shrieked Aunt Jane faintly. -But i went on re- lentlessly, determined to district her Wad from thooghle of Iles approach- ing and. (1b bio Ooattawed) • ;,•,,,, A. telephone girl was recently aee- re,fnl In a crew -word competition. So she should be. Site must hear ninny new trtwts-words-tit.dooOlNn- fou. SOLUTION OF LAST 1VERK'5 PUZZLE - MI3UDOUR 1100 (SUMO f: U (71111M101 [-7 Fi t M11.4I ;Anna UOU UOM0151 OU 6:13010Sal 13 EflOPMI 3 van= 00 i? 11 i]031i oa v©o0© H30 EMAII OLSOOMMQ 00©000000 DI3G SOHO 0 11 la:•.rJ 3130P DD 13CI101:16 ©©L'1[40L MUD= 30 "litre :+OtiE A !I1lTi (1[3. TOMO ?(1- BUS END BAGGAGE BERVICI Bus',meiets:ail trains. Calle made Aon teamsters and t l e to any porta file to n. Promp.et servl_e guaranteed. Telephone 51. Day or fright It s s OWE Cambria R opposite the rgan Factory a nice - Rod aad lits In (an.ds Fasts and fiction for the rls.rt.tnan, inte•restitat nod 'of it, Wide variety, are offered. In the April F•sttr sat Hud and Gltn In Canada: The ,•Jeitinl, stun. 'Tor' i(tuuuy ;fp by the Gens - de -Terre," he Alden:Grlffln Mrrirlith. - Is a tale of silver prospecting 'war- ranted to 11014 the .-attention of a1, *11, 3411,1 11. int "The Midoriug Leg- ion.: Are ('owing." Wm. I;. Irwin her- alds the influx of mummer tsarists In• to 4'atuoln. It.onyerstle Dale nod J. W. Win -.4n maitre efisrnnfse Inter.•.t- Ingly ..n wild bir.l life and F. 1'. Williams ape S(nrttu Iluntt•r 141(1 their quote et good reeding. The "Gane and Ammunition" le op 10 111 usna1 stneolard of rv.''1tuiu•y and Int= e11101'4 articles on the Varmint and the :Early Remington rifles. In"F'Ish- Ing Net.•., Imbert Page Llutrdn takes up the 4111,•40on of different Olires to M• used for fI^.•hlag. end the otherde- partments, stories and 'ske•tchr-, all deal with stone wasonable subject Interesting to flow sportsmen. Pub- Ilsliefrinrwithly by W..1. Taylor. Llm- ttetl, Wooe(*tu&'k, Cyto.' "Blood is 'thicker than water," re- marked. the influenza germ as tie crawled out of the guttif" and Jumper! Into n human being. --Dan Marquis, in New York Herald Tribune. Two tleotchmen met and reeehnn¢,r1 the tmiU talk appropriate -me ---the hoer. As they were parting to go ,npp(•rward. Sanely sal to .I. •k: "lock, mon. 1'11 go Ie n r and on the links In the mors', "The morrm"t" J..•k relw'att•d doubt fully. Aye. mnit,'the no.rrt ." sad Sandy, ej111 go yr a round ,en therllnk. the .orrn'. ' "Aye, weal,' .a.lel Nand . "111 go yr. But 1 had Intended t pet mar- ried In the morn'." Reside A top-notch sales- man at office -boy wages! This salesman, who reaches the ear of the 1)ublic quickest, and adds the largest num- ber of new business prospects - ifs you': much less than the cheapest office -boy. Add him to your sales . force!- -. As an inrofftment: can bring large returns, . a encourage your best salesmen to use Long Distance freely. Eac.h year. more than 50,000 new telephones are . added in Ontario and Quebec to the list of those they can do busi- with. Cads • foto* less ban M rarestak soap. tib rr• -amen ^Aos,-,. -+r /MO �tmMr•ei 3tCf