HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-3-26, Page 2rt1;:c7r.=.
Thurrols,, Ilan II
The Store with the Stock ri
LooKmg Prosperous
Nu is essential to success L,
In business life as in social life, appearance is the
thing that attracts. Nothing enhances your ap-
pearance as much as a well -tailored suit correctly cut
from quality fabric. A Society Brand Suit, in other
words. We have models to please every taste. fabrics
for all occasion -Xi -Ad -ate Moderately priced.
Ready- o -wear or made -to -measure '
e $35.00 to $45.
Others $22.50 to $35.00
HATS- You ought to see Pridhams' Special Hat,
at $3.50 -guaranteed, of course. 1
744: W. C. PRIDHAM & SON F.4.1
Men's aid Boys' We Phone 57 Nest Bank of Montreah
Bargains in Used Machines and Buggies
At Massey -Rams Shop, Goderich
One Deering Cultivator. 13
Two Ragan Gears
One Grain Sepanittot rattut
One 11-boe Drill
One 6-tt. Binder .4liiitgi*o
One Riding Plow
One Cream Separator
Three Robber -tired Buggies
Oar Steel -tired Buggy
Phone 166 _
One two -seat Surrey
One Manure
One...Drag Ham*. 3 we.
One Home Rake
Two Seta of Drivine.- Harness
Two Good Driving Dances ,
One Two -furrow Plow
Ons Deering Corn Culti
Abed One Carload of
Fence. New
AVISMet.. mom
LBEillit RN ! 1 boys, Alan
itrou II.
LEEBURN, March 17. -Mr.Howl
There pa
aril Fulford left ten Monday to help
op Thursday
fit 'up the boat on which be will sail i of meat" 1
this yea*.
The W.M.S. holds 11, monthly meet-' Atinan of
, I pr Attalla
big at the home. of :Ira. F. Quaid
nu- Weduesday afternoon of thia
week. ferer bo -
A social gathering for the. Sunday
his troll
salad 1'11/111n41 will he held In theI ....‘,... 11
'T.Meentent-of . the church op Friday I Ir., au,i
evening. All parents are cordially 1 ..'. ,
nights I.
Mr. Ileo., Freeman has betro laid- ',nil tu..
March 14th, In Kingsbridge eemetery.
Ito with a had cold and was unable
. 11{..V. Fn t her Dean otticliet i ng. r.A
to he out on Sunday, but we are rhea i vv..
i Mceann and M1 Carrie Mi -
t,. say .he is improving. - , i'llim. of this place. and M. O'Brien.
. mi,,, of London, another aisle, attended
pt NGANNON ItE I the funeral.
and Arthur
Peter* °erupted the
. I
away In Gravenhurat
Larch L.ith. et the age
.e. ,yrarie. James V.
ingebrIdgv, son of Pet -
d rtie late Ilvs. Amain,
t of Mrs. Idreann of
The deceased was a aut.-
bout two year'', 1111l1 bore
with patience and ford-
wam a pallid Map of prom -
noble oharacter, respected
all who knew isint. The fun-
billeP On. Natal -di' morning,
eats, Mr and Mn. Archie Anderson
of $t. Helens.
Mrs. Alex. Butler aa4.408.44ez., of
Clinton. are viiittpg with Mr. anal.
Mrs. Orval Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and
Howard masa Sunday with her par:
mos. Mr. and Mrs. Wilt. Humphrey
of St. Wens;
III'S. Alex. 'EMerson and Jame*
spent Sunday with WIngham friends.
Mr. Robert Scot& leaves ibis week
for MS howe In the. WOO. His broth-
er. Mr. David eobic of Lucknow,
visited`st the manse over Sunday.
Mr Peter Kennedy made a business
trip to Ismelou one day last week.
The members of the Met bit
'idiureh 'lire having au eutertaiumeut
in their cleureh here on Mart+. 3l.
and have securest new. Duncan Mac-
; Tavish. a former patetor. to give his
interesting add humorous lecture un
"The Luggage of Life." -
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Radford- spent
-OM wjth relatives In
DUNGANNteN. Mar. -h1, -_J". It.
J. eraWford. who had 'Tent three
weeks in Detroit with her 'laughter.
Mrs. R. Willis, returned home 00
Monday of this week.
Sirs. Wm. Shackleton has returned:
None- after spending a few weeks In
Mr. J. R. Sfe-Nabh and Ann JACk.
1.11A11..W.,iilI.d on ixisnet. in the vil-
lage on Sunday.
Mho Georgie Allen is *lending a
few days witty her Mater. Mrs. It.
Harris of Stratford.
ReV. J. II. Martin. B.A., 44 in Tor-
onto this week.
A congregational meeting will be.
,held lis Erskine church on Monday
evening, March 23rd. to make ar-
rangements for taking a vote on
The &1•42:440.ors of Ashfield and West]
church union
Wawano.h are making their yetirty
rounda these days.
A danee was held In the parish hall
on Tuesday night. the 17th.
The. Women's ln*titute 11I meet
19 Thursday afternoon at Miss Is
Elliott's. The program will -be giv-
en by the grandmothers.
Mrs. Sellers and -daughter, of
Brussels. are viafting tbe former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sander -
The -poverty atwial" elven4 in the
a.semhly roan of theMethodist
church on Monday evening was JtIgh-
ly entertaining. and was a very ear-
ceoful affair. The program consisted
of instrumental selections. quartettes.
duets, solos. etc. Plays,and contests
formed other means of amusement.
1.,nroli wait *wry/4 at the Hose. Prize,'
were donated do those displaying the
best, exhitsition• of poverty. These
'were as follows: Ladies. .Mrs. T.
Itthinv: gentlemen, Manson Reid;
girls, Erma Roaeh and Marie. Ryan:
Mrs. L. M. It'oan. Walton. N. S.. 1,
says cannot recmulnend Baby's
11W11 Tilbiet4 MO highly. I have footed
them Invaluable for the ailments of
little 011 01.1." WTI. I rOW te,a testimony
is, the *me a, that of thole:owls of
miter mothers who 1.11%i• *n44.1
Tablets. Totitle them MN, 1.. a 'sure
guarantee that they will always be
kept In the home as long 114 there
are hearer or young children to be.
eared for. The nada. .1r.- a laxa-
tive -smile!' but thorough in 'teflon -
which never fall to regulate the
stomach and bowels; relieve. i•oust fps -
Wm it'd Indigestion; break up voids
and simple fevers and nuke • the
dreaded teething peemel *silly. In
fact 'they Mullah all the minor itis
front which little ones suffer. The
Tattlers are sold by medicine dealers
or by mall at 2'- events a 141X from
The- De- Williados'---liedisittes--Co..
ltroekville, Ont.
Marelt 111. Mrs.
John Morriaon, of Tarnberry. spent
last week with. her daughter.
Jack McIftllan,
Miss Irene Moore spent the weel.•
end with her auto. Mrs. Henderson of
)4 !SWF Winnifred and Olive Far-
rier mod Garnet visited - over the
week -ell with their aunt. Mr.. Sum
Reid of Ashfielel.
Mier: Lila Emerson eisiseel for a
few dnys last week with her broth-
. er, Mr. Victor Emerson of Kinlow.
and Mr*.Robe P rlori and
iamlly spent Sunday with her par -
Friday, March 20th
Saturday, April -4th
.n.. BENMILLER Ofollrt.
--- '
BENMILIA:11. March IS. -Tb' fin-
ishing touches are now. being put on
the play. "Strictly fluidness." to be
givenby the BenmIller LlIalleS. Aid
Friday evening of this week.
Mr. Amb. Vanatone and family are
to move to the place soon to he va•
eared by Mr. Edgar VIII1St011P. Mr.
Albert Good and family will take 1
possession of the farm formerly owned
hy Mr. Amb. %arta/one.
Some dozen ears and rigs brought
the record crowd that- attended Mr.
Edgar Vanstone's "ale last Thur. -
dal. J4IddIng was he
prices were exceptionally good. Mr.
Vanstone and family will lezrre very
shortly for Toronto,. ..
A novel form of entertainment was
put on by the •Maple Leaf claws of
Bethel when. In conjoin. n
Ylaunic_Lidtete claps, a nodal even-
ing was held last Friday* 'at the
home of Mr. Levi Snyder. It was a
meek trial, several members of the
puny bring brought beirolre -Judge
Hooligan 4 who bore a remarkable re-
set:0)1*nel. to Mr. (Wear Forster,.
Lawyere Crusty. Seedy and Hazy took
;turtle its crown prosecutor and man-
: sel for the defendants. Amongst. the
more Ser10114 charges were the fob
lowing:-.1fiss Hazel Hill, for breach
of promise; Mr. Harvey Snyder. for
Maltreating Ma wife; Mr. W. IL
Mf•IPI. for night -hawking; 'We Enoch -
tel. yfor refusing to pa, for eleetrie-
fry used after bourse, and Sara. For-
ster. for feeding her lord's wheat .lo
41t4. ChiCk1.1111, Judge Hooligan was
merelless In the senteuces -
Thursday, March 26
One Gold Fish Globe and Two Gold Fish given
away free with each 75c purchase of Rexall
Remedies or Toilet Articles and a 15c package
, of Gold Fish Food
Thursday, March 26th Ift4:
iett "VVVV
Some items from Rexall line with which you can
obtain the Gold Fish -FREE
Hlenso Tooth Paste 36c
Radio Soap 3 for 25c
Physicians and Surgosnms' Soap.2 for 250
Rexall Vanishing 35c
Rexall Cold Cream' . 35c
Jonteel Face Powder . 7.,-.4.i ...... .i; ...50c
Jonteel Talcum
Rexall Shaving Cream • 35c
Rexall Cod Liver Oil Emtilsion $1.00
_Rexall Syrup Hypophosphites $1.00
Hydrogen Peroxide ' 25c, 40c and 650
Red Cedar Flakes '''--- 15c
Stomach and Liver Pills 26c
Dyspepsia Tablets .. .. .. . .. , _ . :. 50c
Rexall Orderlies „,„•-mitt ..25c and 50c
rentabie Stationery 4166" 50c
We will alaahave son*. larger howl., with fancy Gold Fieh end
Ornament at 111.25 each
Remember the Date, Thursday, March 26
The Rexall Drug Store Goderich, Ontario
Advertise in The Signal for Good Results
Friday, March 20th
Saturday, April 4th
First Showing of Summer Dress Goods
itsogs* i/„.,144
•i frq • ,
The Newifisritic-Meschan.:ise is now in stock and you will be more than pleased with the large
assortment of dainty patterns. New Voiles, Crepes, Plain Broadcloths. Fancy Striped Broadcloth, Silk
Broadcloth, Fancy Ratine in dress lengths, new Sport Flannel, Ginghams and Victorian Fabric for
children's summer frocks.
We_now have almost any shade orlquality of goods you might dare. Make your choice before
they are pickedifwer for nearly all dress goods are in dress lengths and there will be no repeat orders.
Canadian Gingham (for-eildren's wear) .171/2c
Anderson's Soot& Gingham (guaranteed) ...40c
Unbleached Cotton (36 inch width) .4...!...130
Heaviest unbleached Cotton ....4Fh1A. • 35c Ft
White Oettons (special) 190 yd.
Bleached Cotirs at prima 26c, 27e, 290, 324)
Pillow Cotton (40 or 42 inch) orrrretrow44...46ci
Pillow Cotton (fine\quality) . 4
Unbleached Sheeting (spcial 72 inh) ...50c
Unbleiched Sheeting (bett CinalitY) ..4:411. • 75e
Bleached Sheeting (Frp; cria'742 inch).11n.:711...46c
Bleached Sheeting (beer quality) ..--7110 and 890
Pure Linen Towelling (special) • •17%e
Spring Suits and Coab
"14015444.16KiaT -74 i47
We have just received a big new -mock of Spring Suits and Coats, the leading shades ofch
are navy, sand, brick, tarragon and grey. The prices of coats range from $14.00 to $48.00. You
be delighted with the Spring Styles.
Here are real live money -saving values. ; Make your dollars
have more cents. Better values. Buy now. Larger choice.
Pure Linen Towelling extra quality and value) 290
Cotton Broadcloth (3trineh
Cotton Crepe MO inch for lingerie)..; • • •290
Thinnelette (white, 35 insh width)
t 41,ott,,r, 26e
Sale of Flannel Frocks for C........ ", aarSZA44414 "4
• "rflrfri:'
Do you need a Cloth D or the cool Spring days? If so, you can purchase a dress of quality right now FOR
LASS THAN MANUFACTU COST. There is a big rinse of shades and ge. 'livry one is daintily trimmed.
There are about 20 drewsjjilhis assortment, all will be sold at ono price. Our risks rnust be cleared for rammer,goods.
Bargamm s Hosiery of Quality tml,,F
Ryer ll410$0
.x..4:6. mug, Bow
During boutesserrlag weedus we will fea-
ture special valu* on evereeil lines of best
quality 14111t. Home, such as:
1. -Pare Silk Base with palsied herd
UM pair
2. -Pare 5581 Haw with Nm* hod wad
doable mat% a II aluidest
3. -Pure $ilk ilow% good quality hut odd
stock Skrlitar'"
LISLE Hof* •
Heavy weight, apiendid,Wearllig• IV now
have a full range of abides: Black. nude.
(loa camel. brown mud beige. Prteed at
/Se pal'.
bight weigbt. ribbed tibill• nose, which
we are discontinuing. Splendid quality and
full range of qharles. Clearing price
Mir pair
1Pillow Came (42 Inch special) .--24 .,29c each
Billow Cases (best quality:, lienistitehed) 49c each
Xrasoleres (sizes 32 to 38) .. 26c each
Ladies' ILnitted Bloomers (all shades and asks) 490Children', Bloomers (special) •
Infants' Rubber Panties 29c
Sweater Wool (4 ply, all...shades)
Okamoisstte Gloves (odd sizes only) ....4c pair
Bath Towels (42 inches x 20 inches) • 390 eaeh
Bath Towels (pure white wifh eolored border) D3
Ladles' Noun Dram (fast solors)
Children's Cashmere Hoes (at eleariliff Prices) ""ka
Ladies' Pure Bilk Scarfs ..... $1.25
Rubbk Door Mats (14 ineh •26 ineh) ....116e
Window Shades (3 ft. 6 ft.) ... 900
Ladies' Cashmere Mon to clear at 85o pair
Ramaanta (silks, cottons, n•Pollent at rtdieulonsly
Tow prices)