HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-3-26, Page 1Office Stationery
How is your supply of Business
Stationery? The Signal can give you
the correct goods at reasonable prices.
Look over your stock and if you need
anything give us a call.
lett ubscriber to The Signal
- For 1925
will receive a Hanigerne C,alen(lar.
'rw11-story, red brick. fully
Modern 14 -roomed house, garage.,
"wttuittd earner Elgin Avenue .
and Stanley litrret.
1)se•atoey, frame. 7 -roomed
•'r•ottage. furnace, eleterle light
and hath. Garage.
To the Editor of The }Sgiutp
Dear Slr,-Wtl..ateall very familiar
_with shadows: but like the common
object* of daily life we have• not
.duly saklered their sltnlflen.
•i4 .
NO'S/ e WWI csitst a shadow even
as the body th.w, for good for for
eg11' on evoryone that gwoeles hy.
and none or 1141 can weasor.• our un-
consehous tnflee11(e; for If we tire
evil our shadow ht "VII: hilt it wr
like Enoch. the 0wventh from Adam
walk with i(iod•.our life Is 4hanted
and we cash 'the very shadow .,f I:rrtl
art they on whom It fulM feel soma
Influence of the Divine. flow Is a.
slulluw wade? Very atugily. Jus. by
walking In the sunlight : nothing
more Ie needt'L Follow the f.as-
ateps( of Em.eh and wherever you
mos..goo will be, an untold 11:0,44•
ing., Judges all says. ".t it man 1..
410 In his atrvugth," My strength r.'aI-
ly rnnal41ts to mer ie•rs(malttY. Tor
after all it Is what one le that mat-
ter.; most: and the ono thine abtdtt n
shadow is that it Ts the ltkenesssindde
by clod's son of what you are. and
you Have no power to change It even
by• ionizing )'ourself. If. tht•refore,
nn• the subject of 2 l'or.
stair shadow Is changed to the same
extent. and you become. welt! 1 .f•
•hart a p.wer for good. and many
Alok arc 41,•11te1 if t4n17_the_shad0t
- falls on Them. i once read h dread-
ful story about a ehnduwlcss man.
and there are •dmdnwipss -men now
men who oast lar shadow. who do
little. -final or evil ttv ,their pres•ne
and '(omlutny. au 411)445 be a stead,
ow for Gori? Yew. !ter/lied Is wt (called
by name. for 1111. nano-- m('an4 "the
shadow of Diel." )lorover. he was
the first man .In the 1Hble fitted
with Ike spirit of (idol c E*.al. 31:2i.
11.' was 41l•.4end.dl form Ifur-lih-
prty-sued I'r1=11ght-turd'--KIT He-
brew comes Novo. a (10.11 signIflcattee.
"AFTER 141MPf.E"
11. R. ,, Ltfeknuw, Otario.
formerly manager Canadian Bank
of Commerce, Goderich
Government, Municipal, and In-
dustrial Bonds
Fire, Accident, Automobile and
General Insurance.
Office Signal Block. North street,
Telephone 53.
800 Rooms - OVV
$2.50 per Day and up
Unlimited Quantity of
a4 $3 per sine,. cord. delivered.
(Foot of Angleara St. Phone 61.)
HOCShc--- -- LIIQG S..---
AlI-tiada• for sale. If. you intend buy-
ing • bow It will 7417 you Io ste
the houses I have for ale. 'I have
--r-thea at all prices. from 1700.00 up.
Some rad good bargains as am -terms.
Drop f0 and see me.
1V'on(hlcted- by the Jduillaud 'holo
Square. l
MENTI111-R: Stunel A.
14. 14. T) Ae'1IE1t-H. lt. f.ong,
l'I(F:T(Ilt-Jack D. Purves, •M,Ii.I'.I'.
t,I l'I'TY-PItETOIt-11111 ,tudrewa. -
SC10l"l'011- 4'ri.. Archer.
COMP'S Mit r•iot1.
EI)4T4441-Rels(iii Pentland.
For the benefit of our readers of
tido colulimn we are palhlishlna be-
low a few explanatory statements in
eNine•tln with Tuxis work. The
first gnestlon you will 4141k.:l.: What
la a 'hula buy? The aIlMwer i.. the{
a •Taxis boy is our who is' Grt1.ow•lnt
the fiurfold program bNsel o(1 the
('anadiau Stalulard Efficienicy Tulin}
lug. rv11111sally known as 1': K. K.\ T.
I:y means of the fourfold progritu
a Timis trey will be strong phys4 ai
ly. e. during the midweek Mestikae
the Tucis Square he will hnce taken
part In athletics. He also will be
developed religiously, for at the.14.111.'
day meeting he will have Menu
about Gal and the Bible. Theo. too.
he rwill' be ,lraIg socially end Intel -
list unity,
ntel•I.it)ually, as he will reielve !rejo-
in Iuiig theme -Ones. For the iuteI-
hctuai division. u .system of badge
work has been arranged whir h .hers
-various twig.* to the
made a {articular study a omit, vac
ions lido. Thus we AVE11101 a Tuxis
boy will s4.T 1 'lip -sided but rather
fotlrspla re.
.Attother e..mmotih• asked question
fa. -What religious denomination has
Ttlsis work?" As a nutter of tact.
i for1
N'I:\'. Jrroitram in brief. week of
March. 22. I!125: \1'11V. Sr hen(e'lady,
N. 1'.. 'General Kle•tri,- Company
kilocycles 137:1.5 m.tr•ri). Ease-
.•rn standard tllu4.
lay. 'Mnr:•h 10.:411 a.m. -
Service of First Reformed{. church.
\Reny. .er • IT the Dei. Robert'
Wyckoff th•0rle.
- .".•t5 p.m.--Wt4i --ttymptmmT •111''
-t•IIe,1,llera. les. Shaven. 1. 4.sas,fIN•tor: ' EIIY-
,t11N•trI Ittwthr. soprano, .uIVI1t.
4.141) µ11r. • :tstw•:•Iar ' ilnr.44-aI ',Mervlea
Ini 110111a T111'Nl.r.. Dubois' oratorio.
"The $40014 1014'Words," frau 141.
Peter'. 1•:1d+,•oiul `churi'h. Albany. by
iB3te ehtir4-4it.rhwF M• * I )r. Frank
Kill Huger•.
TAO fair.- `rte of First lteforttnel
,IL11r. ;i. .\ibnfty:
• K.JS''44.111 AValdorf-.\1•fnrbl t N•t1es-
Jrl: ;owl1t'Kpe•hl. condailal_ also
•i•r.*mh,asr by WJ 7.
\Iotelar. March 21. 2.044
Mush- talk. talk. "Tl., ttelli•tlon of Hate. -
by kttte Weisa. York'State
1 ..11.•c.• or Ilona.- Economics. tbrut•l1
1'ulv,•r41ily. `'
r,.w► p.tn.--'-Sport talk hy Harold
Anson hese.•. atblrtlr f1Eretor orf 1'n-
rt.4(i p.m. Wooer mute hf .Telt_
l;yck Trlo, ,\Ilany.
7r:p► 11,m. --W11\' (4rciI...4 rn. a'nd
Virginia %tinnier. render. -
'- Thr4•fay. Marek 24. 2.00 pm.
t• Nilotic: balk. •"Wa11901 Wart in 7ltedors-
Non." b)• Al:.(fort'• E. Dayton.
Fa.hldh designer-' , e ever tin the 2.:41► p+.m. - urge.. selection. " by
no particular church 6x41 Il t $Ielhel E. ltolsebrir`frum Proctor's
Is an inh•rde•momhlatlonnl ulovefllellt alert .for effe-itYe new dorce,u(blua• 1
Hous. -This 4011.4101 the\ have n.ed 1lnrah►clli4 til.•,• •leer Hall. Albany.
.,I. the for ull Baptists. )Ieth. lbus.otestant churches f Anldi• beige and block together. WW1 very. p.mm+,r.11Iei1lne,.# lewd be X.w•
41 -h I ,
quiff. Trill p.m. .\'ttfn0.z..^.intent\ .\thlet
etli'r ar - Sport... -by ler. 1111-,n 4'. ('of.
- fk, 1'r.tfes...r .d 1;rw•i . 1'nfon Col
w' 1 "
crows, 1'r•sbyteriatw.' etc., all having hal;P? "'mitt ._
an (11411(1 sear•. Another question ampp. xud it "Ink" Ir 111""t a
"Are marry boys interested- ht iti
Today In Ogtartig; lone thee• aro- use of-tilTs-new cubll• ru1111%1 :
over twety. lhnuaeud Tuxis boys and l Thr
foundation skirt 'is a par
Trail Rnhgerkho are ftdtow'Ing'the Idaek sutlu uffa fr- Thy histo s1t
fourfold progratu. "1s ihla movement ' tunic shows'. u. dinset inset of black
for lintarlo alone?" \u. 11 Is spread athi which three-quarters
exten.Ls thr-quarters
throughothe IH.minloo of t'uuada„ l 01 the WHY e nrmpldi I rt-Hux the richt-"in
perry ProvinctMm Hie Athln- y hop ph11tL Black 4m repeated`at the
1 to the heti -e Ji)t irately 1 euf !. Note the smart- neckline. , '1''•
has been Introduedi into En a1w1 • torics-t-
+•rte.s::"Underwh(ae supervision la this by tern/Milos was. .'a111ou?11111 KI►1:.\ u
w.Nk .enrrled ort?" will, no doubt. toe Iqut:hrg to the tiale• i. .\hcS
mnahe r Impnrtsnt
-1110.41 ..... In -eneh heart} , 41va(ss un .,`I I
Province of the Dominion finite is the regulation. in ronu4'441on 14411 4
Provinclat Boys' Work Jooard. For ev- gi'uunusilm were rend and tory :Ir
ample. In' Ontario we have the. (Inter -
being strictly ndherwf trr hy Ile -boy•
lo Ikoys'. Work hoard, whoa• duty --it lbeu the gymniiedIII tyly(-•mn.I• tci
is to regulate and control the affnirs ty rprlN *fife •alto the ye 1•' '(A 4!1117
of Are C. ft. E. T. relatipg to (hntu► thaI4 4"ymllly we chose Allies . t
1 1 1 *vine .
ice. 'LIkpN'kr• In tl e U ('r,d r
a Ilvely .•Hole oIf-l+uskefball. Mul-
ier1• la ter \nal, toy+ ha
Thai tl
arJ.., 1. hog ` ktNS A stet*• `of t:-(. }:rerg4looilp
Work Board, welch g4ovrrils the i'ni .,nt He ( wm•.-.. • to e11Joy •sonde •1;..04
-rinelul boards. Mr. Taylor 5ttatteenr 1110-'. - -
whri re.•ntly viai(ed 1:.Nlerk•h. Is the . • • •
' Irrr i! Ind . sew ua u o t 114 ,
Itaay(1. while lir. ('. F. I'lew'tnno 1m Colborne 'fNxls'Julys -hnd i,m•h :T fitte It11t$:^ c'hnrlofte •\ i•Irs. Nest' 'York.
Vegetable and Flower
Seeds from your
Local Merchant
jT is easy to 1dwtHh • Arden afore
j from Rennie's Seeds by the mama -
licence of its lowers. and the
Iuscloseoese and fares stye of ads
Yoe, r•+..r secure thew remit. by wimples
1•eYis:a Venerable 4 yloew Le` wards
aas4s u IWa v ..slay. bee boas Aar...Mr
read Sur pral..W. and .1410. erg lam •
eepeatl•e tet emu& awe ova • swamp
r r /•corting e s wry r tn.a '4-•-
..d V .
-TrIila March 27. 2.110 p.m: •Siilsi• :
tall.. '1lhaltli Ilhlt• by C. • 1V.
Woodall, f\mer len u Ned Attsuuiil-
tlon. _
(1.344 ii.m. - Iut,•rnatloto.l ' Sunday
7.111 pall:- Albany :(trnntl Thean',•
Omittetral .lulius.It4.chorn. Muuhu•lul.
. 7::10 wit. -•Health. talk. --
'FlliaifN th $. }tattle ln; soprano. , :u
I st.
10'10 p.m. -Itrinlaa♦un e,wrlyar
Hand, .
ltllturdny. March 2s. Kt.. ,.,s.' •"
United Staten Marto.• Itunil. - fano-=-
1Veshhlglotl. 14. 1';: Klan broad.. ly
\\'J7, and -WR+n. -
.Ii,1M" 1r.1ti.--Itlntw ta44sfe
ta 1, In lei•u.n ro,ital_I,r 1•:dna 744 p•tli,- ifemiogt. i T}•qe•writer11-ttaluanos-tlndo•stnr,--%4-*. b -Move
Ale r u, •. :,-.i.tr•4 by I`.uullne. Bates, itnnd: t:r}w-git- tL tf.•tnioet', dire•tnr: Ib.tel, .\+knny; INyNIMr wNrgr.
,lrl.n.•, 1.npltre -of- Almon' i'inno I
ho..I: .116:rny. .`
tri p.nr.-..I1runswi4,k U4.un-_-nf_.]flu.
,Ii4.eal Alnsl- Meuu,ry Ponte41t.
'runs%t••k' 1teeording laile.ra-
iso 14u11dclt-t by W.1'%. WM'.
d )(-4,.Ta,, ....•
itt!:},•r-fhivi+ e►nhe'ttn,
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Liffe (Sun Life), Accident Atli
Auto Insurance
and *sots In Godsrich and
Vicinity, and Farts for Sale
Nearly any lel d t.r In .any to
i•ality required., It -en ranging
from $40) ftp.. ;
A goal 7 -rilom
acre laud, fruit trees. 75.
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
has a record of fifty-three
years of prosperous and
successful business.
You can rest assured.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
Agee WW1 malertit•4ulppt,1,
M. $2.500. --
Marty excellent excellent fern.. for
w I located. many ..f thou tea
acs teras for payment it de-
al '
• got 45 -acre fere. great
hn11dIngs, shoot :r milt•* from
--i:alerlrh, , WO.1 A good 110- farm.' with
bnllding, 0 mil . frop* God..tkh.
_.J1 ,scxcte. .-
*1.6010: " 31/ mss.
-43,1M11): 2111) acres, etc
Al my of the.e forms\listed
are among the 1,e.1 in the
ty, .with floe buildings.
Some email places. all ntcrat
pry buildings, close to :own.
Above Panama' Fair
'.. O. Box fA Ooderie ,'t6Mr,g
" i t l r 1odor 4 er
nlerrt that this manner .ref ' rsb4'Ig
muni .4104..415e1.- If grovel' •urh
msec"4 that this plan wens arhyo4
by tela hint I'arlininent.
'rids lends to another question.
"What 1t the function RP the• Pori
Parliament?" Mnny people have The
err neouti -flee flint thin 1'1rlInnlent
is jest n farce and that n hundred
Mops go to Torunt(,...alt:to the neat.'
cif the mighty. have a glen) time for
a week and then, return to their
homes. Thos Is not .*0. Affy memhcr
of the Boyer' Parliament will rorruli-
mate thU statement. It 111 certainly
an honor to 111 an M.R.I'.l'.. but
along with the honor Is haul wrt-k.
Take qua i'remier, ,for instants.:
tC,elydn r ,,,,. LJI
tiiind-a t -hit tr' 'ma . 1* tour
of Western Ontario, vlsitdng ('heeloy,
Guelph. Galt. Kitchener and other
-TIRt4 rentrrx Tb.E'1n lril 111 'Pori
untrr'timMng addrrawea. urging the
en -operation of the citiaen, to mobil
in the campaign. Tilrlg'- tau);" -•he
remelted the purple of the
whole IN•covlftcr• by broadcast -
It an appeal front statlon C NI
T. in Toronto. The I'ruvin-
chi secretary. likewise. was getting
the c Ipnian tinder way to ter eng-
em Mani les. Beaklea this elle))
memieer ‘sisltetl the respective cotMtl-
ttien ei(ee. slteking their e.-ola'tatlon
in the rampgu.
• \ • "-a'-. •
At the mhbwrr+k meeting two weeks
ago the Maitland lick Square are
pointed a committee An .Nei' slsont o0
tslniug the O. C. 1. `gymnaelnm in
which to hold 4helr me'i'tJ ngn for the
pest few months. The co matte In-
terviewed the ohalamap and. other
-number/1 of the Collegiate leafed and
through •thclr effort% they 'were
gr1pteoL the JIzivl.kg. of m.Ing "Me,
gvmhaslum every W.dn. day erelis
ing niftier the regnlatlena set dowh by
they school hoard.
• • •
.1110 Mn ifetn.l T11[1. Square held
their midi-wlek meeting in 41)41 O. 4'. 1.
gymnasium. Most of the members
were present and the subject taken
WJZ Mu.i \\
11.90 :..b, :(rl ' nt n4'11111 by Stelrh-
on E. 1t.(s•hiiI • ono Proctor's Har-
maun: Idles k. r,J II. - _Albany. -
P. 1,0 tat Ala rot! \".,. 11141• 41.111.-
•)•_'r.s.lJ w I .r A'.11-11.11.00. , _ ...
1..4:1. p 01 Aticentire \tory from
01111.'41 4',l(l)t1t4)h)I1:
.4411 n. M. .\ iti•14N' .$tris Then 1 to
►r.I ..hw Jn!ite T.cltorn. wth4dw4or,
'secretary of the National Boys' Work- 1 1cursib e: Afar11 L'e:, _,net 'p.m.-
' ' I t t tl' 1 the t' rT Ai 1 I talk, ”TIO. jGflirt I+Linz; of
the duty of these two men to tour spop•n. pr• -031. '.Vs' undersuuo1 It t ,i..•.1' 4'niter1447'.-
Canada'. In Mr. t 4,,tteu'• 4.1141e. 7111(1 x'114- 4I* efforts ofVal Rea. M. R. :44 1.111 1ohttle r ,pickle by Hotel
to. tour Ontario. in Mr. 1'k'wu1111'n 1'. P. for \\'eutw'urth. that made it ,l'en' Eyck Trio.
cape. and organize the work, as well i a sueep.s, ('al '17"atr ,i4 .1ftrtnrrtb..- --'trpt icor. :.t ,Few Moments . with
as to attend to their office duties; -' etufp and we nmst take •toff our, hats \0w.' !books. by L.L. Honking.. air= I
Now then. hots Is Alf thioefilewite ed? i to him. ,t,.r a c . h,• Al,,,, started tst,nrt librarian General _.-Tlwtrit
Just\ lnle13' the l'rmlgclui bond -Nen on the riohl erne k.•
1 nlganly.
'um t i q5 p.m \\'GV I►r•he•irt.
vanilla' I , - i,11r yn LA 1L] : . r' ..• ram (run.
fir'" Aid.l►rtskv-- tsu.shiftl.w4. frttf dt_. mit 1.1=r.... \nelJn.rhllu: :114o M .:nleit b
Ir, 's ; t hoiden H•11• you is ;twine to pny',nk•_
' Ti. : dot dollah yell ow, -,•1.... Is you? t l.i p.m.'.- t'nm.•dy, "/'ash•." by T ••
I it 1 }•riteld 4ludlknrultly i-1 nh1 1 soy- \\ Ih.lo rt.inl. pr•}0nt•wl Ip \\ (: C'
m ry 'big I tltrY't-_- I1 tcer4.
114.,. _ _
secretary of 1101 °mart, Bondi' a Iwtuquet with our Rr$at lender. T/IhIOr tnt.• 4'..il.1:o• of vl101110 . E.4104iantic:i
itig (amlatign fur (Ontario was 4 •
pletett The uldert of the vamt
w•a% to.' ralae funks wkirh- mad
iI-tirulurly n ;i II wq.•r 11Y f1un117'001r'
- reuietlrye' .1e ay. lief• -joint ae•u11111 d4T-="
1111in'trule Its rain e. .\11 food.: deposits -4
ter.. subjte•t 1o' w Ithdrliw'al at - a!' time-
ING4.'. either of. the is r.ens_im_altu e• nihil., -
It the j0144te-or is opened. It. rase of
-the decease of 1110 of the 'mirth.. hold -
tet Irani mei-amt. ntf._IiTdN•y 'poly the
wittarnwil -Ity ilte _itlisr ..A. john;: sot-
inns uivlinnt in ter >craml,uol 11,ai k_j
a r'a1 rdg1 1;1 1.11L't• w' H•r. 11 l ''1' a
sero acct.- to the .agH•.41111.14
vide an oflhy: staff enol Eli.' secret:
eatery for' the I Intarlo Ibnsrd.
Wan -the only way possible• an.
was through the hard work •f
nisi. -1.4,11» thr.11ghont the Prov Ind D...., .1severlrt-el aint yak 11:to I.. m. (dandy_recital IV• 1'_Ittph-
fhrtrw•as- 410514'. T11e Objective 1111. you iK-,coir ofn;t: l 111.1 soli *hit ,v dl ' en I . _lt(.I..•1ulr from 1'r•N•1.r'. Ib4r-
Ifaritgs I(ilveker Ilan. .1:I;ear.
Levu received t0 date. It might hr•{ - a - a
aMfttoliett that it wait through . th
s y'e ^ .
thio year p4..-.140. wimp x!1.441) has ' 'Is? -
And all kinida of Business
Stionery printed et The
We 'kill do a jotrthat will
do_.c to your-business.Look ov your_titock of
Office State ery and if it
requires reple' shine ('a
us by telephone 3 .
Do not delay a saving/ deposit on account of its small
size. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substan-
tial sum.
One dollar opens a savings account et any branch of
the Union Bank• w
Goderich Branch F. Wookombs,'MaaaSsr
raakast. $ill's Radiolays
By W. E. 1)()1'Gl ASS rr. 1• ,
1?t!a1 `-
GQDERICH BRANCH ---C. L. Jack•gn.: Manager
1k•nd.sa .4.o at 1eya/d ant D..reeann.. .
a1A5ON 'Oe Tela
suras' y. flui'4i*i #is"rllj 1
EVERY timet eft marks an entry in your
bank bilk.* is ploughing a ftnanci.11
furrow for you that will yield a money crop in
the form of interest.
Professor Theophilon. Algernon
Burnet Ina teacher of oath an' 8
hard enc to lent. Equation. for hen
are nens4• as pie nu' !lu're's not
many problems that 41111 stump dile
old goy. Prof. recently pim•hnue .a
Radio set whit?. IN one knotty prob-
lem he hasn't .olvel vet : he's lin I
it apart. an' there Isn't nmut
,t 4.:1
that he's got the dope tat It inseh-
nn' out. IM's prnlably w.,rkeil oat
the general 'equations whirl' help
Im to 'orate the broadk'a%the' eta
1 f na, ebntien •rn fin' grid Jenks. ii.,.tee re an' such with ele trim%
mixed, In 1t w•(ia'1 bother him mni•h.
Pre ha*e4--them-- dartos hot I've cot
to admit I don't know their mentthl'
or jttst wIwP they tit, but seed can't
?,w4- lite.. prof. en' before very long.
he'll hr milli'!" Nome elgehrn In with
hie "tug. .\n' ter shear old prnfeliror
giattp oft in 111. -haste forgets where
his 111io11') earn...ff. are IAneeit, an'
Iris .tnrlents• ell hrff no their teacher
aplonrN with his .4 of receivers
still C114111pest to Iris ears. He rets ser
-*4s'orM•d to the work with Ida set
that notllin' rhpe, rant teri. He's. hen
known to forget to go for his mental
for a day at n lime- I% It til* matte
rma4k'e tor music sublime? t don't'
know the answd'r. 1+(N take it from
me.' lies ,(.11)07111' himself iu 4411'
Radio nprte.--4'opyrittht, 19'25.
Inghonse Ele•trk' * Mnnnfn,lurinn
Open a Savings Account at our
nearest branch. You can bank with
us by mail. On any matter of farm
finance consult with our manager as
you would with a friend.