HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-04-04, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1990.
Minister’s Study
God is still in charge of life
Looking out of my window on a
cold winter’s day hardly seems a
very profitable way to spend my
time. The sky is grey and overcast
and there is a hint of snow in the
air. It would be easy to become
depressed while looking at the bare
branches of the maple tree stand
ing stark against the sky.
Life seems at a low ebb and the
blood runs sluggishly through the
veins; even the sparrows seem to
be huddled in feathered bundles
against the onslaughts of the day.
Given the type of day, it would
be easy to be a pessimist. But I am
not a pessimist! I suppose I have
lived long enough to be able to see
beyond the grey sky and the hint of
snow, the stark branches, the
pitiful sparrows. My memory
reaches in realms forbidden to me
in the present. In my mind lingers
the sweet memory of coming
spring; the miracle of fresh green
leaves; the brightness of the cro
cus; the sunshine yellow of the
daffodil; the sweet singing of the
According to the outward
appearance, all is presently drab,
dull, lifeless, boring, uninterest
ing. Fortunately, there is a reality
‘Resurrection sermon topic
Please join us between 9-10:30 a.m. for an Easter Breakfast.
All Welcome
Greeters at Blyth United Church
on Sunday, April 1 were Lloyd
Walden and Harvey Snell. Ushers
were Ernie, Emily and Karen
Philips and Terry Richmond.
In charge of Junior Congregation
was Bonnie Shannon. Anita Brom
ley was Nursery leader. The scrip
ture reading was John 11:35 read
by Rev. Ramirez assisted in part by
the kindergarten class under the
direction of teachers Sandra Hes-
sels and Kathy McDonald.
The senior choir, accompanied
by Mrs. Phyllis Boak, sang “Bur
dens are lifted at Calvary’’.
There will be a Sunday School
meeting April 9 at 7:30 p.m.
Spring Thar.koffering will be held
April 8 at 8 p.m. with guest speaker
Mrs. Barb Hicks. Everyone is
welcome. Next Sunday is Palm and
Communion Sunday.
The sermon topic was “A
Glimpse of our Own Resurrection’’.
The scripture reading from John
tells the account of Jesus bringing
Lazurus back to life after he had
Rural child care topic of WI
The Environment is still very
much on the minds of the over
20,000 Women’s Institute mem
bers in Ontario. They have taken as
their theme for 1990 - 1 Women
and the Environment - Family and
Community. This continues their
Environmental themes of the past
two years.
A way of raising money to help
celebrate the FWIO Centenary in
1997 but also a chance to aid in
Recycling and Reduction has lead
the Women’s Institutes to sell Blue
Carry-All Bags which can be taken
to the grocery stores and used
instead of plastic bags. Originally
designed to help people in apart
ments take their recyclable articles
to the bins, the Women’s Institutes
have carried the idea forward.
100 Environmental Projects to be
completed or at least started by
June 1990 was the target set at the
Women’s Institute Conference in
Kingston in 1988. To date the
nymber is 160 and growing every
dAy. The final total and list of the
projects will be announced at the
Women and their Environment
which lies behind and belies the
present appearance of things. That
reality is that within the framework
of creation, life runs on in its
accustomed course. Under the
feathers of the sparrow beats a
heart, tirelessly persevering. Un
der the soil lies the promise of life
renewed; from a dull brown bulb
springs forth a thing of beauty
which has the power to cause the
heart to leap for joy. Within the
stark framework of the maple waits
the revitalising sap, yearning to
clothe the tree with a colour and a
garment which man cannot dupli
The full-throated song of the
birds is only held in check by the
march of days. Soon the outward
appearance will be transformed
beyond measure bv the reality of
life renewed. We will begin to
wonder how it was at all possible
that we could be so foolish as to
forget what the reality was.
Apparent reality is very often a
mask behind which true reality lies
hidden. We mistake the mask for
the truth. Our view is only that of
the surface. Sometimes as we look
out at the world we see only those
things which depress and discour
age us. We are tempted to believe
that reality is something from
been dead four days. Rev. Ramirez
said that we should see the
resurrection of Lazurua as a
glimpse and promise of our own
future resurrection.
Before the resurrection Martha
had shown her faith by saying
(verse 21) “Lord if you had been
here, my brother would not have
died”. Jesus answered “Your
brother will rise again”. Martha
said “I know he will rise again in
the resurrection at the last day”.
She wasn’t aware that Jesus in
tended to raise Lazurus then and
there to reveal to Mary and Martha
and others, that to those who have
great faith and believe in Jesus,
death is not final.
Rev. Ramirez compared our
death to a caterpillar who falls
asleep, lies in the cocoon stage and
then opens to a brand new life.
When we die, we fall asleep; our
physical body dies but our spiritual
body lives on.
Rev. Ramirez told of how he
always remembered a former mini
Conference - An International
Challenge Conference to be held
June 1 - 3 at the Carleton
University, Ottawa. At the Confer
ence the Women’s Institute mem
bers will examine the three envir
onments, Self, Family and Com
munity, and the World around Us.
Among the topics under discussion
will be: Can we see the Forest for
the Trees?, Water - our most
Precious Resource, The Environ
ment - the view of a Native
Canadian Woman, The Family in
the 90’s. Learning to live as if
Nature Matters, and Eat Well - Be
Well. The impact of this Confer
ence will be felt throughout rural
As part of their Community
action the Federated Women’s
Institutes of Ontario have just been
involved, with Federated Women's
Institutes of Canada, in a Cana
dian-wide survey on the needs of
and for Rural Child-Care. This is
the only in-depth survey that has
surveyed all the rural areas
throughout all of Canada. The
results of this survey will be
which we should run away and
hide. Indeed, there are some who
would say that there really is no
hope either in or for our poor old
ruined world. That is not the
reality, it is only the apparent
Reality is that God is still in
charge. Life still throbs beneath the
broken appearance. It is this world
which God has chosen to redeem
and transform. Sometimes it does
not look like it. Who would ever
have thought that a body hanging
upon a cross against a dark and
pitiless sky was a symbol of life?
Who, looking at a stone rolled
against an occupied tomb would
imagine that within was the seed of
life eternal for all men?
The apparent reality was grim
and forbidding. It was desperately
discouraging. But the dawn was
coming! Change was in the mak
ing! God was emerging, trium
phant, risen! Just as the crocus
thrusts aside the dark brown shell
of its prison and burst forth into joy
and life, so also may we. Not
because we must, but because we
Thousands, even millions may
choose to live with apparent reality,
but I choose reality itself. How
about you?
April 8,1990 Sunday of the Passion
9:30 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
8:00 p.m. - Evening Service
Wed. - Prayer and Bible Study
Fri. 7:30 - Youth
Sat. 10:30 a.m. - Kids Klub
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy
11:00-Morning Service
Sunday School
9:30a.m.-Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and worship with us!
ster’s words when he had said
“Those who are bom twice die
once, and those who are born once,
die twice.” In explanation, he said,
the first time we are born, we are
born physically, the second time is
a spiritual birth - we are born in
faith. This second birth may be a
sudden birth or a gradual birth over
a period of time. Those who have
experienced these two births die
only once; it will be a physical
death, their spirit will live on.
Those who are aborn once (physic
ally) and never experience a second
spiritual rebirth die twice - once
physically and the second spirit
In verse 25 Jesus says “I am the
resurrection and the life, he who
believes in me will live, even
though he dies. “This is shown by
the resurrection of Lazurus through
which we may see a glimpse of our
own resurrection, believing God’s
promise and confirming our hope
for eternal life.
Rev. W.H. Lammers
Sunday at 10a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School 11:00a.m.
The Church of the “ Back to God Hour” and “ Faith 20”
Back to God Hour 10:30a.m. CKNX, Sunday
Faith 20 5:00 a.m. weekdays, Global T.V.
presented to Health and Welfare
Canada, and Agriculture Canada.
It was Federated Women’s Insti
tutes of Ontario who sponsored the
first Rural Child care project in
Ontario in 1984.
gets grants
The town of Wingham has
recently been notified by Minister
of Municipal Affairs John Sweeney
they will receive a $9,938 provincial
grant to study opportunities for
community development and eco
nomic growlh.
Centralia College will utilize a
$47,100 literacy grant in a pilot
project which will assist them in
re-writing their training manual.
Seaforth Community Hospital
and Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital, Goderich will each re
ceive $40,000 from the Ministry of
Health for installation of a comput
erized system in their emergency
for Brusselsand surrounding community
Maundy Thursday, April 12th 7:30 p.m.
at Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels
-service of music, story and Holy Communion
Good Friday, April 13th, 9:30 a.m.
at Brussels United Church
-service of worship with dramatic message
Saturday, April 14th 7:30 p.m.
at Walton United Church
King Street 887-9313
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Palm Sunday - April 8th
11:00 a.m.Morning Worship
Church School Activity
Parade of Palms and
Walk Through Holy Week
12:15 p.m.Church Membership Class
8:00 p.m.United Church Women
Wednesday,General Meeting
April 4 “Church and Community”
7:15 p.m.
April 5
Committee of Stewards
Branches from the palm tree - a sign of peace
the whole wide world around.
-an Easter vidual, remembrance of God’s grace to us
Easter Sunday, April 15th 9-10:30 a.m.
at Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels
-Easter Breakfast sponsored by Melville Sunday School
We welcome any to join us in these meaningful opportunities of
worship and fellowship at this most important season in our
Christian year.