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The Signal, 1925-3-12, Page 6
• • ..: siert ,r�,,.t.� „��:.>T�a�•��t�l�t^-.tea°� ;�.,.-+-.�.:: -•.-es,s"-test.- • Porcelain Tiles 1 and Waxed Tiles �r .pp uprl;at. +"• laihrorett. then :uul ler .tkfu<I roams flat). r. are -net rat - to .1 therefor.• trill led -turn ye ::raw . ..1.-_• Alt•a.11%epatterns at :.5.' roil. h:uni;lot IA ut tteh lit v %ann the linintlent. *pread hr +wit af.ct:d `parte. It sal t lir ma stiffges:. , - It -SPANISH DOUBLOONS By CAMILLA KI" VON Picturty by A. WEII, Copyri,ht, The Bobne.pterrilt Company. tCent Mut* Pore last weep) - "And where Is . apr.im !ta*nuar she detnan•Ied, gI ii: lig abeul her. Hut no our Lnetr what had be••ooe• of (ltputin !leguul. As for myself. I c..otlnued to sit la cite shade and tat. But 1 could hear with . a.+P all flat was said. "Mr. Tubbs," began Mies Browne, "your resent :`palms have been matter of pruloujed con:stderuttm between M1.,a Hardtug cud myself. We feel - w. cannot but feel -that Werewas a harshness In your anno,tn.ameot of them, as apparent cuurwstratles of jour ewe interests, 111 bedttlug a mem- ber of this expedition:- A11o. HMV* amid substau•'e. they were excessive. Not halt, Mr. Tubbs: oh. no. met bait 1 But ssestuarter, Mise Harding and myself. as Use Plot h•eNds of the Hare. IapRrowno expvdhi.rtt. are inclined le tb!•k' ere inure than the toward which Is your due. We suggest, there. byte: --a- ample way out of toe .1i111. reit . Ms. Duguid Aire w•a engaged hers) eras to rad tbs. treasure. Idle haw not [num! 'Ise treater. Ms - .. nos found the sllztoast chis to (M pr.-wut whereabouts. Mr. Tubb 4a tine enntrary. ha. Gould a clue. It la a cense-K tea bleat Importeuee. It t• agilraN.t .11.ort -to the actual Amon. cry of the w, t . - mite liseuentittan of the matter of the •' justice Of such • •swr.e, resign Ma i' data Is • fourth of the tressaht► im fever of • Mr. Hamilton H. Tubbs, •ti� anom t o ir'7•r's asey, alateenth." • [raving offered obis--renterkaf,Ie tttigr ge.tt. '' MIs& Browne* folded Ger keine rod lysited for 41' 4r boar truly It it -1n the .enthb.iustle arspie se of fir TtlbbN. -well, well!" he ..•e- elnitn.41. "IN/ 'think .t1' our takip'- old 11. H. that Literal! IY ,emir... tie ire tormitd-my told.. itrtttp thn.." ail grain= ters of tIt.'-r.tUDtr), 1 -_.named. • stiff t• - price at Ant--• stiff. prier. 1 wen.'t deny. Bnf ,pat's Jest the leetle way of_e• mair u d to ha..diin' large :if- faira-uotlling else to tt. i do 'satire Sett. The 111.1 Maty himself nfe•ri to ...,ty, "I7)ere's old- H. H. -you'll _tiduak i'r d eat the Iiuiitt off * house. 'Will l .huwnp'that grn.p.in' in a Aral. ,And I nal tote time It's Dept lose of ilw I;tttite.- 1.1 hint knoll he's guilt. 20 win _put. M n.l Illes.'yini, old f!, H. will swing right rmmd'`;end fair &tree the pont* on the'other`stany, 11. H. is slicker thee 4..Nip to. hah.11e. if only. yap hams' kiln/,'1e n? Ilan \f. sa - J1.hvin herd' feenn's that -jest' 11. H. wits pot --In another • yeast, how different that boy or girl of yours will Zook -but photographs of .the thil- r n never grow up. Let us kelp yes keep a picture record of their childiseed. J. T. FELL Trtephone 181 Goderkb. \-. - - THE SIGNAL, r- GODERICH, ONT. =or -wow Jane was Pr1Pme. Wale It poaslhle that Mr. Tubbs was declar- ing Idmiwlf In the presence of others --and was a response denindes1 from her..•If- wot'ld Ila sensitive nature, NO Iat.•ty wounded by cruel suNpte4ou, In- terpret her silence as fatal to hie hopes? put while she struggled be- tween instils& shyness and the fear of crushing Mr. Tubby, the conversa- tion had swept,un. •'Mr. Shaw." said MINN Browns, "you tamp heard Mr. Tubb.,. iu the interest el the expedition, liberally coneeut to reduce hie claim by one-half Doubt - leas, If only In • spirit of emulation. you will attetnpt W match this con- duct by ,canceling our present agree- ment and consenting H. another cred- IUog you with the former sixteenth shire of Mr. Tubbs." "i).an't do 11.' -Shaw -held tile• tort, uld boy!" broke In Cuthbert Vane. "I say; Mho Browne. the,;' to a ball, shame!" MINI Browne had always treated the prospective cord (iraantera with dis- tinguished politeness. Even now her .!r was mild. though lofty. "Mr. Vane," she replied, "aa a etas-- her tas=her of the Blithe' aristocraeyt, it is not to be euUP•aed that you would view Anaaelal mittens with the same eye as those of us of the Middle Ciente*. nr�` unhappily 'perhaps for .ser finer.listings. have been obliged to eiperlence the Bets* co_ajaeta of common life. Your deviklon to fir. Shave- has a reusnntle ardor which 1 emnen( but *Andre. Rut pertolt us also our enthuNlasm for the persplcaclly of r. T>ibba. is 'wtlieh we owe the weatt t now within our grasp." K1( Shaw now spoke for the Qat tile\ "MI>:A Browne. t do not recognise the jostler of your standpoint In this matter. I have done and and' still pre- pared to 4o my'best •ln the business of the treasure. If Mr. Tubbs will not give his' Idfonuatiote ex.ept for a bribe. I say -let him keep It. I *hall es.tltwo the morel -t., .. trea.:ne•e en the same lines a. at` preeevit." 'One moment," mai Mier Browne haoghtlly.' She bad never spoken oth- erwise than haughtily to Mr. Shaw e ine, the episode of the Wise Woaan f tuntbielykea. "One moment, Jave- 1 you, Mr. Tubby-" • las( drew them &aids:: lend they pwed off a:1 of earshot, where they Mal with the.Ir bats to us and their Mads,, tntetber. ft strip toy opportunity. Violet her - MI[ ba4 proposed that the ongtna1 egreenaen'lc-the awi gtent which � bland iae e ask for no share of the tiessurea--should be nanoid. Moth - leg -toots wet, a eeeaar)• to the ripening et my hopeq,b$ to induce Itugasd thaw to Immolate himself. Would he tis No- on my hare, ..erd? There was Mr time to explain ything--hr must 4...trvt*t rte. I Npr.ne up and da.hled over to the "pair who stood looking `gloomily 'tit to Net: "Mr. Shaw." i ' whlapered Ralckly, "you meat ds as Miles Weems trinbes." ito my earnestuess t hand a band upon his arm. He regard, me bewilderedly. "You must -you must !" I Died. 'Yon'lt ippon everything if yes tri• fume!" The surprlw in his far* yielded t. • -leek oompoaed of many elements. but wlltitt was malnty hard anl'White "Ansi stlH 1 slant refuse." he said rw•s.lonk'lflly, "Ohl no. no," 1 implored, "you ilnn't tmderttand! I-o/a, If you would .rely believe that I am 'your friend!" HM fuer changed subtly. It wag still questioning and guarded, but with • %nrtrittng tit 11. rno 'N "%Vhy don't you,believe Ito" 1 whrim tiered unsteadily. "Ino you forget that 1 owe yon my .fife?" - And at the recoilection of that tiny in the .ea -rare the scarlet hurnel In' •y cheeks and my-•head-droopeii. Itut I saw how the lines 'tient his mouth Seasonable Re les Always in Stock a the •Rexall Drug tore Buckley's Bronchitis lure 5c Riker's Cod Liver Oil find 'Tar Cough Syrup.. 5Oc Laxative Br&rMe Qthmitite 1Tablets . ...25c Boot'sMeloids (for hoarse- ness and sore throat) 25c Wampole's tasteless pre- -paration Cod Liver Ex- tract. ..• $1.00 4 -Thi+ rig! -it top.ir• to build you tip after a eold ter the grippe.) Rexali Catarrh Jelly (clears the head)..25cr=anl 50e - Hbrehc, 'and .Drops and Suck... _.35c lb, _.\DUNLOP THE REXALL DRUG STORE handled -right? Instead o' been' Joshed with. As he looked tor, he was t.w.k_up. Meal 1,. MINI P1PIl tIIPrn •wi lch he (night Have expeeteil to show conflden.•e" here Mr•Tub's.. .at a reemtenful 1�eye at• Audi Jour -"r Ith the notion that he mesa jest wk:it he wild. All he'd deme for this e±tioedt- Von, his loyalty ant' fitith to Natuna. t-ite 1,rgotten. and it. wase thought of us it self -saner and t'or. ;tet'. ;shark ' Tim pain . of theft, recollee•tintts damned the. torrent of Mr.- Tubh.' •paean. "Oh. Mr, Tublnrt"- bremthed Aunt Jane, heart -brokenly, and of emu -se' it - tear',`ttietted gently 'down her Row!, foltbwtng the pint of many previnn* leant Willett heti wtrPntly left their aa- tsttt-ii14,04f , • Mr. 'Tubbs mane ed in ys•.,e�n.�e�,,,i,p.,�i�p�.v,ts�- t nate-?penns-to-rniteamrYp,•-tern i'rty at .tour ,lat, While keeplug the other fssl.•nr, shrewdly On •ibe.-1eulainder .'?'Ids attttleii ,•. -pias: itir;gle.hyttrowne alai Silaa Jane iiariiing,' 1.r resumed. "1 aevi pt. I, would astonish them as has only Iknown 11.'11. on. hi.__Qaaneial side le see him .agree te a rtductturt of pref- i.Its_ Tike 'thle •rith.0tt a kick. Intl I'm a moan of impulse. i nm. Get ane on ! my sort nide .04 ■ kitten 'ain't. nese • ,hnprulsive_ than bid H. 11. And 'u', i (verse11n.. t.n.,or.' .4171.0/1 expedlti.er' I shit jew Inverness -to tit.- It's-er-- frtendshlp, • •tri-er--sentlmen(--In short. themes _feetln's that Is more of Block. Godersek - than - -- nworth tiNr weight pat gold':`-- __ -- hese sii9). "Nerves ii Bad State 'Cou7Id Not Sleep" Mrs. H. N. Tardell, Elarrowsmith, Out, writhes: "My nerves were m a very bad state, and for nearly six months i did net know what it was to have a good night's rest. 1 cosld cwt eat" and .curt re; welt. 1 heard about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. and thought 1 would try it. After taking' it for a few days 1 began So feel better. and soon was ase to sleep well at might- My VP* tits arse. setarned. and 1 felt stronger and better, aad aftfsr taking three butes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was quite awls i tate also then the Nene Food M .q Gde off. wt4h sand t► salts." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ee ma a bee of Id Mata, Pfdeme sou, Ream • Ons IIL, '1lrant.•o ..�.• tea► "Von Must De as Miss Browne Wishes." relaxed "Surely you most know timid I would repay you If f eould t" I hips ,ted on "And not by-tre*rhery." He laughed suddenly. "Treachery? No' 1 think you weld/ always' be *1 open foe." "Indeed i would!" i an..wered with • 'kith of wrath. Then, as i remem- bered th• need of haste, i Npolte In en Intense quick whisper. "t/*ten-.i rant explain, there Isn't time. i ran only ask you to trust me --to ague to what Mims Browne wishes. ■very - thing - you don't /seem how retcD- e4ene•.Ae m t, .e. !r r sou mos f • t FOR you of , lI ' tR,tt..�et'.m. drowsy air In the same tastant Ms voice. of c'uukle, raised le a &harp auto el SOOd HEALTHMr anion, rang through the camp: •'y (iwd, what alll die rem smear 1 mount, to look pato the 11101141 et Manitoba Woman Thanks Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- eHivTsit xv. table Compound lusts a Chapter From the Peet n.e fres had emerged from the Creedal!. Manitoba-" When 1 was wends belted the Bearing, w qul.tty a young girl at home and working I had that they were la the easter et the terrible pains, almost more than I could 'camp beton' ()usee'e shrill bark. or bear, and I was not reateiar. These the outcry of tore cook. warned us of troubles kept me so tired all the time their presence. 14y that time they had that I had no strength and no ambition .el them carried' to juin {g ,lritmy friend. and have a .r covered. Three � K' the other two revolvers. Oar a good time. 'was just tired and miser- able always'sd We just seemed as if it these was Captain Magnus. wasn't worth living. 1 saw so much in Advancing a step or two before the the papers about Lydia E. Pinkham's others, he ordered us to throw up our Vegetable Compound, and then I had a beads. perhaps be meant only flit friend who had taken it and told me men- but my hands and Aunt Jane's about it, so I of some. Every month and Miss iflggiesby-Browne's also went up with celerity. 11. (Honed Into our natounded faces with a wolf- ish bating of his yellow teeth. ''Never guessed I wasn't hers jest to do the shovel work. but aright !t.,e my own little side-show to bring off. ion. be inquired a no one in particular. "Here, Stinker, help rte truss 'em uli" The man •ddresutvl thrust his pistol in his bolt and cans, forward. awl with his help the hands of the S.'otch- t an, Cuthbesrt Vane and Mr. Tubbs were securely tied. They erre marched for arms. and the "heathr knaves which Mr. Shaw end l'utltbert earned at their belts were taken •way. The three prisoners were then or- dered to rest themselves In a row on tM trunk ros. The whole thingofaiphadtrate bappepalmnod a the strangest silence. Except for a Mehta moaning from Auat Jane. like the bleating of • sheep, which *eke forth at intervals. nobody spoke .r made a sound. The three riflemen lit the background. standing like Images with their weapoos rained, looked lilt* a wen -trained chorus as opera..-- . And indeed 1t was all extraorlinafl- ly like something on a -stage. Slink- er, fur Instauee. lie had a prowling, sidelong fat3Yion-ot moving about. and 'minuet's 7ellow muytache. like a" VI. kit*. And • the burly fellow in the background. with (hr black whiskers -feu bad lte'd forgotten hit- earriume Bus I awoke to the horrid reality of It all as Captain, Memtlt, smiling his *elitsh smile, turned and appr.nncl*d tier • "'Well. hogs" 1m reutarted to his fotlowers, who hadiower'e,l their weep• ora and worse steadier/ &boot at .aerie. ''here's rho little pippin f - of. Tratd we giro her a 1 tote si aro bustle' in so sudden, tin she ain't quite e t bright and atmtlin' as I like ti we. It a- all .-right, girlie; you'll roust cheer up when you dud out yrit''rt gale' to be the Allele quern o' this catnip. Thiugre wttl be all your own pay low --.0 long efts you tent silty Nina" -- - the abominable Creature thrusr_l rth a a, Mak atter taking it 1 got stronger and I soon did not suffer every month. It stopped the pains and helped me other ways. Then when my babies were coming I was tired and worn out the lint three months and ached badly. I took the Vegetable Compound right along and must say it made a new woman of me and able to do my work, and it helped me through` confinement. You ase 1 am a farmer* wife with a big house to look after, and three babies now. I have told ever so many women about your medicine. Just last week 1of a letter from my old chum in the �t. Her baby wee born fifteen days before mine and she told me she was not feeling very well, her back aches so much, and that, ahs is going to take the samemedicine4 took. You can use my letter and I'bops sole• one will be helped by it." -Mrs. JoitAl. KIDD, Box 56, Crandall, Manitoba. C. would let The trea.*'lire 11e hidden 1n the Island Queen foreverrrather than that Mr. Tubbs should, under the ori Taal contract, .•iatm a share alit. - The doubt 1011 quite left his face. "I do tru it you, little Virginia," h0 said gently. ' "res. 1 trust . In youg houeaty. htwvezr permit me to question your wisdom 4n desiring to eurlch our friend Tubbs.* "Enrich him---enrteh him:/ he least 1 wish hiss is unlimited dee to al almshouse somewhere. , No! What I want la to get that -wretched paper of Miss Brown's nullified: Afterward we can divide thtttga wp-sof we ilk- • Bewilderment. shut With n gleam ed half -incredulous understanding, seemed to transfix biro. We atood a tong mo - sent, our eye* challenging each Oth- er, exehnaging their euuntert►ign ' d faith and steadfastn• Then slowly he heti ol.t bis hand. 1 ia4d Wise la It -we stood hand in! MMiq.l, comrades • t last. %%lomat F wierh_ words he turned sway and IllttWe vier to -the. council of three , The'gronp dia.olre.t aid morel rap-, Idly toward um, - Min. Browne. air nitant, beaming, was in the van. She set her *ubotsntjal,.-few-•down tike rharger pawing the earth: Yon-mtt?ht' aliment have said that t'iolet pranced. Aunt Jute was round -eyed and twit- i hairy paw and deliberately chucked tering. Mr. Tubbs wore a look of na leinoler the chin. steed rt ui.lt !mart of I ha n1 t the log -and Cross Word Puzzle No. 1 Each number iu the peas4,1adicstes the position of the first 1t1U sift a word. Each word reedy from left to right (horizontal) or downward (ysettsat) according to position. Lettered in correctly, words that cross MW hUMHis .I Each number iu the white squares also refer, to a definition is ate M• compamying table. Each definition su.gesta a word ptrsacasIng the exact number O! waft to fit the wblte spacer alloted to it. Each white space !a to receive one letter oa1e. Words start ugly is numbered squares. MLR rWILAI'll T �Gr� iir� /J . ■ '• ■■/s �■ . ■ "r■ /6 ■ /9 ■rr■ 2011 •■ 4r ■27 22 2J err 6irrr Wua r 3' tan 1111111 IRrrr 39 �� ■ 1 Wilff rrrr rrrr ! 17/ 45 W45 44 47 111 4Q W MIME Sp. g/ la SJ 541111■•SS 56 Sr op pm 2rrrr 60 Will illrrrr "111 les ■■ 66 IW iii ■■ III 1 ti9 ■■ ii ,rid . ■,� r Ow err rr� IIISi■■ 77 ■>ti ■r 11rrrrrr 63 1 rrrr 1 1'e !utcrtroe.• 7An'f 14% a ltl u `.nut*, we moo ary. unit. 17 'I'brough . by. ju u_ettr. naw sass k"' 1 t i tt;rmk p!..e ui a anility SIA prepas(ttl**n. 26:4 ik'tbt _':n To pierce. t b a ;10 To tr1Nri 81 Mah's name. 33 iritiliun effort. Sar 1 god. t A irre'positfl o S, .3 song. 3" Ilartdy. 40 Itrt•xks out. 41A srhm.•. 4r' Ambush. tdante 4ni'A sort. mise,. 4`•' A 'sea. nymph 1 Nerekl l ., rt4 '4 eleru Irl ' fG r. 4p1 )-- o 117 hind of v firhIe•` -� :t4 Mingles! with. �reay,s,ft u. 'll tin.• "f the• rot 11A.. to at tone 1 stn it (ah. o' . ' *uppre • o t, a a a roar nim (CIA musical inetrumeat. 1O•P � 11# 1'firdMrtan ,mete•' ef� tpe,rl. perturbation.. "What's his gaze?' ; hcldentallY, from Captain Magnus\ &sinews.. was the question in the eophisticated' For with tho instant response of an (k: (pall fat hrip eye of Mr. Tubbs. But the Scotchmaaleutomaton-coesehously I had 'lathing CS I't M+Pr�l. 4r "bad, when he chose•, a perfect pokier er of all to de with It -I had reached up fees. The great game of bluff would and brtakdy boiled the captain's eats. )lave suited line to a nicety. Furiously he naught my wrist. "Alt. �tiw.Brose advanced on Cuthbert' par red-headed little devU, you'll pay Van and .ei;ed ibatts han•1,t In an tor this: I ain't pretty. oh, on! I arde\ clasp. - "ltr.�'ane," she said with solemnity, "1 thank +,ext -In the name .,f this ei- , peditlon 1 ¥tank you -for the influence' ynu have ex ,ted upon your friends.'" And this sued to be to the noble youth the weer\ /funning of all the •hocks of that ev tful morning. Now canto the m er of drawing up the new agreement. t ,was a canny Hcut Indeed. who. - actl on the hint i had just given him, fin y settled its term*. In the flhat place, tate previous agreement was declared null'',ared mold. In Hits second, Mr. Tubbs- va'fi Io.have his fourth only If the tre`a _ wakse discovered through his- dlrert a cy\ And it was- tlmtler tb N eondltlon d n o other that Dugald :thew hImieedt to fell/quiet' his Original claim. Virginia Harding' geed a new renunciatory datum. but t bore only en treasure dtae.,.... l r. Tubbs. Indeed. the entlre cont was of filled kis art teel 1 contagious disease. implement (spatula l".'Phe last. asses 32- '. 1 uidt 'a- first . wort. 5 .A .d,.krine: Ip 1'. m;tk'.• d.4r_. 7ball. omr-r. h lu. --5- Exelsmntk.n: W :44:41In'-j 11' meadow.kildptopinart of pHattng' sass&..' / 1n llltin'.1 of pr.we4.rP. d."t Fnwiw. /- Form, n ,e v : fuss "i"er•.0 ••7 War tero.tk i '° .'4u J'( fathers. • :11 A eomrade,-.‘e "2 Inserts, :4 A .mall shit,\-- "v' 87 Ti' call. \ :let A. prunntrn. 4rn F.srlamatiob. 4:I ('rippled. 44 itun-drhd brisk. A numitee.---jo,; An animal. _44!t 7 ike. I Inter's term u Tn ,knock-' f4'A I ke. -- ' .A .I. . of the Sultan. ..1 ('erm)a., ed -- A w Ite.'i on furniture.' :3Notaee Af tninructiod.'. Mat vt•1s. Ili Not -s(r tight sMre, A fishing n.r.. , fd1.1 .lay lahorer. 1 - `171 F:ttf►ttapPd 7:1 A mnn4.•r. 70 To hastens 74eit deities -4-elet- 40•111, thororistrfa're ertes.--4aba- t),v,rrmgldtTe ( twee oily It Mr., Tubbs part of It, and fill to pieces If he did n ot. Whleb was aimed, , wlaat I wanted No dl$eulltyAreal made of the .b - ewes of stain Magnus, as bis in- terests -.ntlrertad by the changes epee was len ter big signature. Mhos tame tut of e11, as that of a mere list- terloper and hanger-on. My demonatntiona of joy at this appy issue or my bop* had to be eaafla•d to a ample --4n wbldt fR a S tartled Miran( Violet had seemed to sense tri triumph. it was still ea my lips as with • general movement we rose from. the table about wh1A we had been cramped during the absorb- ing hnoiness of drawing rap the ces- trart Cookie had beer: elemonng tor ns to bars, that he might spread the Able her tenet. I had opened ins mouth to call hire, "Alt right, Cookie!" *ten a shrill voIlar at barks !Iwo IMMO ASTHMA 4JLD L HEAD and ' Ng Smoke Ns Sprays -Is Snuff Just Swallows RAZ -MAH Cap;tlte Restores normal breathing. Quickly stops all choking, gimping and mucus gatherings in bronchial tubes. Gives long nights of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or habit-forming drnujs. =1.00 per bat at drug atoms. Send 6c. for generous trial. Templeton., Toronto. RAZ-IA"H tit;, A eartten. - D1 A Pen. 70 l'ret.4 meenr"�� 7211i•ltn . Aad. 74 To rent` '73 A tree. 7ti A pronoun- . rtno un -. Rot A ,girl. nam. 01 l title W (palmers - tl3 I',•rt n i ns. 1 1Il y/, Furiously He Ca My Wrist ain't a handsome mooncalf a the Hon- orable; oo-orable; I ain't gut ■ title, uor glrly pink cheeks, nor fine gent)emanIy ways. No walks with the likes n' tete, no tatey-totes to the woods --oh. no! Well, it's golf:' to be another atery' mow, girlie. I guar& you can learn t like my looks, with a little help from my Est now and then, jest as well as you done the Honorable's. ,1 gueaa It won't be long before 1 have you crawl - he on your krtre* to me for a word s' i.t..atp.s. r fll,P.._._•, (1'o be Continued) Bow to Soereed in Businres• - Frei .1 Mann is a &mall town mer- chant. 11" enndm•ta a small General store In the little town of i)esil'a Lake, North Dakota. But despite the nc-etwemrlly confined area frau which he denwa him patronage, Mr. Mann won the reposition of selling more merchandise than 1s .Std In eel store of equal size in the world. The &s. -ret of Mr Mann's su,.•.•w Is beat told hr a statement he recently made dvtncerning newepaper advertising: - "I would feel 1 war' UM hand and f.wtt if 1 failed to tell the public throntth the home papers what i lace GUARANTEED RELIEF d h. sell. The nest time to advertise • SOLUTION (tr LAST WEESK'S I1UZZLH 20000 MUJUZI S MOW WOO MOO M M©M ©MMOH O UU UDO ©OHiIOO© HEIR aa0000H 011M0l7UCi OWMIE100 [1 MUUM©(J ©a©r Dr70 UR3r M0 anon© 00 00130 UMUO ©O©3000 0000D©O OWLA LJOOMUM0 U3O as 0 © 3 alfa O MO © ©0© MUM GG1© r UM:UM UG10L-4E1 1s when time4 are hard or, business is -bed and your colt 11`e`l•_ slider curtalle lila advertiaing or Is but ad- vertising at all. 1 believe the news- papers of this country are the great- est business builders' the world has ever known I hare tried to do busi- ness without printer's ink ae well as with it, end my conclusion is that the merchant who thinks he can prosper without advertising his goods Is foolish." NEW WATER RATES Rates -now payable twice -- a -yea •-January and J>• 10 per cent. discount off first half if, -paid on or before March 12th. Bring your 611 when making payment. Make cheques payable to J. B. Kelly, Collector, at his office on the Square, (the Hydro:Store). - WATER and LIGHT COMMISSION W. T. MURNEY, L L. KNOX, Chairman Secretary STOVES and FURNACES and General Line of Hardware Lit Ce Implements Engi , 1 1-2, 3, 6 h. p. - Feed G ' dare, all sizes, also the famous Mc- Cor?nick- Tractors, 10-20 and 15-30 h. p. Also Stable fittings,.. Water Basins, Litter Carriers. HILL'S HARDWARE, Auburn. PHONES: Dungannon, 5 ring 3; Blyth, 32 ring 12. st