HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-03-14, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1990. Classified FAST DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. ARTICLES FOR SALE BUILDINGS LEFT OVER FROM International Machinery Show. Good selection of Quonsets, Straightwall Quonsets and Conven­ tional. Call Future 1-800-668-8653. 11-lp A JJJbirths ACCOMMODATION TO RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE SHAREWARE FOR IBM-PC AND compatibles, thousands of titles. Phone/write for free disk catalogue to GD Software, 518 Wiley St., Thunder Bay, Ont. P7C 3N3. Phone (807) 623-8992. 24 Hrs./7 days. 11-lp BROWN. Brandon is tickled pink to announce the arrival of his baby sister, Jaimee Leigh. Jaimee Leigh arrived Saturday, March 3/90 at 7:52 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. and was 21 inches long. She is the first granddaughter for Reg and Davina Smith of Goderich and second granddaughter of Robert Brown of Blyth. A great-granddaughter for John and Velma Smith of Vanastra and Hilda Hubert of Stratford. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN Brussels, available April 1, 1990. Apply Box 40, Blyth, Ontario. 11-1 COLD STORAGE APPLES - a good supply of Idared, Spartan still available. Contact Boyd Taylor, 523-9279. 10-4 NEWLY RENOVATED LARGE 2 bedroom downstairs apartment in Belgrave, ideal for mature couple or responsible single person, fridge and stove, laundry facilities, no pets. Tenants pay utilities, imme­ diate possession. Rent $326. Phone 357-2433, after 6 p.m. 03-tfn FOR SALE OR RENT: TILT TABLE and standing stall for hoof trimm­ ing. Call Fortress Feeders 523-4555 09-3 NORTHERN FRUIT TREES, DE- corative Shrubs, Evergreens, Seed­ lings, Nut Trees and Raraflora. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Mail-order only. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. 11-lp ARTHRITIC PAIN? ACHING back? Stiff joints? Sleeping hands? ‘‘Beulah Oil” helps! Send $2 for brochure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man. R1N3C5. 11-lp ARTICLES FOR SALE HARDWOOD SLABS - 10% TO 11 cord per truckload or 24 to 25 cu. yd., $135 to $148 per load, deliver­ ed in Auburn - Blyth area. Phone 529-7302. 09-4 BEST BUILDING BUYS. FINAL Clearance Sale. Various sizes and types. Clearing miscellaneous stock for spring. Limited steel. Save thousands while supply lasts. Paragon, 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499. 11-lp SAVE MONEY AND YOUR EN- vironment. Rotate your com. Less insecticide means more birds. SPARROWS, THRUSHES THANK YOU! ‘‘Farmers’ Fine Feathered Friends,” Box 2752-B, London, N6A4V3. 11-lp CRAIG. Doug and Joyce (nee Rettinger) of Kitchener are proud to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Heidi Lynn, bom Febru­ ary 24, 1990 in K-W Hospital weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. Proud grandparents are Jim and Jeannie Rettinger, Kitchener, Don and Marilyn Craig, Blyth. Spoiling privileges go to great-grandmoth­ ers, Winnifred Johnston, Wing­ ham, Rita Rettinger, Teeswater and Kay Strauss, Kitchener. SOMETHING GOOD. ROBERT Munsch’s latest book is in at THE BOOK SHOP, 114 Queen St., Blyth, 523-9141. 11-2 THE NEW HURON COUNTY Historical notes now available at The Citizen, Blyth and Brussels and The Saga, Blyth - only $2.50. 51-tfn FOR SALE: 1,000 BALES CLEAN wheat straw, easily accessible, $l/bale. Phone Les Caldwell 523- 9324. 11-lp ANTIQUE DRESSER, MADE OF oak, with 3 drawers and mirror, asking $500. Complete set of men’s hockey equipment asking $200. Phone 523-4935. 11-1 STEEL BUILDINGS FOR IMME- diate liquidation. 20’ x 30’ $2,306. 25’x 30’$2,903. 30’x 34’$3,672. 40’ x 46’ $5,091. Complete with end walls. Other sizes available. Posi­ tive savings. We pay the call 1-800- 668-4338 or 1-416-792-2704. 11-lp THE GREENHOUSE AND HYDROPONICS INC. 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont. N5W 5W7, (519) 452-3919. Complete hydro­ ponic systems. We do mail orders. Send $2 for catalogue, $2 rebate on your first purchase. 11-lp WOODEN LOG SIDING. CON- verts present home into energy efficient log home. Garages, rec rooms. Kiln-dried, tongue and groove pine. Information or dealer inquiries: Conestoga Carpenters Ltd., (519)664-2642. 11-lp O BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DEALERS REQUIRED FOR CEN- tral Vacuum and residential inter­ com systems. Ontario territory. Reply to Bill Thomson, 81 Kelfield Street, Unit 8, Rexdale, Ontario. M9W5A3. 11-lp MATERNITY CATALOGUE. Free 32 page fashion catalogue. Great Times Maternity, 7148 Fish­ er St. S.E., Calgary, AB, T2H 0W3. Phone (403) 253-6066. 11-lp E’classified ads r PAYOFF! J HOW TO TURN YOUR HOME Computer into Money Making Op­ portunities. How to Turn Your Crafts into Cash. Write: The Paper Mill, 13 Sunset Place, Elmira, Ontario. N3B 3E2. 11-lp ORANGE COLOURED LINED short drapes to fit window 3’4” x 6’3” with accompanying track. Piece of orange toned carpet 10’ x 6’ 31 Vi”. Both in excellent cond­ ition. Phone 887-6356. 11-1 DIRECT FROM OUR FACTORY. Steel buildings sale. Quonset 25 x 30 $3,399; 35 x 40 $4,625 with sliding doors. Straightwall 40 x 60 $9,509 wood-steel with endwalls. Prices good till March 31/90. PIONEER/ECONCOSPAN 1-800- 668-5422 (24 hours). 11-lp GUN BARGAINS - SAVE UP TO 40% by subscribing to ‘‘The Gun­ runner”. The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds of new, used, modern and antique firearms for sale or trade. Subscrip­ tion $20/yr. to: Gunrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alta. T1J 3Z4. Sample copy $1.75. 11-lp AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES IRENE’S SNOOP SHOP - l‘/i miles south of Brussels on County Road 12. 887-9726 Monday, through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. All yam $1.30 per ball. Craft supplies over $1 - 30% off. 11-2 8 H.P. 36” CUT MTD GARDEN tractor, 4 - 16 5 x 9.75 white spoked truck rims, 4 speed Saganaw transmission for a 350 GM, wood­ stove, beds, dressers, chairs, pic­ tures, lamps, couch, buffet. Phone 887-9707. 11-1 PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS; Canada’s leading manufacturer of­ fers four models to choose from. SAVE MONEY, MAKE MONEY. Free brochure, call or write: ENER- CRAFT, 474 Welham Road, Barrie, Ontario. L4M 6E7. Phone (705) 734-1211. 11-lp 1990 COMPUTER TAX PROGRAM Revenue Canada Approved, for Excel & Lotus Users. Personal $49.95, Farm & Business $79.95. Available Feb. 1st, Order now, Eagle Systems (613) 628-2500. 11-lp AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES HONDA 750 SHADOW, BOUGHT new 1986, 13,800 km., good condi­ tion, $2600. Walton area. Phone Joe at 527-0279 or Dave 887-6916. 11-2 TROUT - FRESH, POND STOCK- ers, or fish your own. 3 cone, north Blyth, 3 sideroads west. Gloria and David Hedley, 357-2329. 10-6 PORK: HOME GROWN, GOV’T. Inspected. Sausage $1.90/lb., Smk. Ham Roast $2.25/lb., Fresh Ham Steaks $2.00/lb., etc. Brad & Trish Thomson, 523-9723. 10-4p CHILD’S MAHOGANY ROCKING chair. Used dining room suite, table, 6 chairs, buffet, china cabi­ net. Phone 887-9386 after 5 p.m. 10-2 NEW AND USED SATELLITE systems for lease to own or rent with monthly payments. L. & A. Sou hwest Satellite, RR 2, Clinton, 524-9595. ___________12-tfn SWIMMING POOL SALE. TOP quality in-ground, on-ground, aboxe-ground. Professional install­ ation or do-it-yourself kits. Book early and save! Riviera Pools. (519) 747-4399 or (519) 658-8091. 11-lp WOODWORKINGEQUIPMENT PUBLIC AUCTION for GREYOWLENTERPRISES oniocation 585TURNBERRYST., BRUSSELS Take Hwy. #86 North from Waterloo through Listowel, lefton Huron County Rd. #12to Brussels SATURDAY, MARCH 17-10 A.M. We have been instructed by the principals to liquidate their equipment and inventory with supplements. EQUIPMENT: Poitras 14” 5h.p. table saw, General 10” 3h.p. table saw, Busybee 10” 3 h.p. table saw, Busybee 3 h.p. shaper, Makita14” mitre saw, Pneumatic case clamp, 3h.p. & 5h.p. Port dust collectors, 20” thickness planer, 13” Natribom thickness sander, 36” Contruz bandsaw, 2-60” Progress edge sanders, 3h.p. air compressor, 10” Radial arm saw, Power feed unit. Clamps, Air hose, Hand & air tools, Power tools, 42 Shop carts, Drill press, Vises, Steel storage rack, Berkel dial scale, Bar scale, Oak desk, Sec. desk, Chairs, Typewriters, etc., etc. INVENTORY: Small & large wood boxes, Wooden round cheese boxes, Wood knick-knacks, etc., etc. HEATED BUILDING!!’PARTIALLISTONLY!!I VIEWING:Sat. March 17/90,9 a.m. to sale TERMS: $200.00Cash Deposit on each major item M.R.JUTZI&CO. . Industrial Liquidators, Appraisers and Auctioneers Professionals in theorderly liquidation of Construction, Industrial and Commercial Enterprises [519)648-2111 69 Sydney St. S., Kitchener, N2G3V1 FAX [519)648-2113 Box 157, Breslau N0B1M0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm machinery for CLAUDE&BRIANSTEWARTANDRALPH PETERSEN at 1:00p.m. on SATURDAY, MARCH 17,1990 Lot 21, Cone. 7, West Wawanosh 1 corner N. Dungannon, 3corner Eastor 3 corners N. of Auburn and 2corners West Ford 8600 tractor/cab 18-4-38 tires new/duals - good, M. F. 265 tractor/M.F. loader/hydraulic bucket 18-4-30 tires - good, White 1470 tractor 4 wheel drive, high arc tractor J.D.G., 1980 International 1440combine/cab, air, monitors/2200hrs.-good condition [very low reserve bid] with flexshead straight cut, pick up, Model 56 International 4 row corn planter/Insecticide boxes, M.F. 36 model swather/12’ cut slant engine, George White 300 gal. sprayer, George Smyth 8’ single auger snowblower [like new], 51’ Allied grain auger 7” 225 bu. gravity bin on 8 T. wagon, 33-4” 30’ length irrigation pipe, 38’ aluminum ladder [new], 5’ P.T.O. rotary mower, J.D. 165 hydro-start lawn mower/38”cut [as new], 1972G.M.C. dump truck/aluminum box, G.M.C. 3/4 T. 1978 truck. Numerous Small Items - Call: Claude 565-5411. RALPH PETERSEN CONSIGNMENTS: Case I.H. 585 tractor/2250quick-attach loader/72” bucket [3 yrs. - good condition] approx. 1200 hrs., Leyland 270 tractor/approx. 3100 hrs. [motor redone] with chains, 1952 G.M.C. 6-wheel drive army truck/heavy duty, Winch and 8’ x 16’ x 5’ all steel MacLellan box/14T. hoist, Hesston 4600square baler, Int. 51021 x 7 single disk seed drill/grass seeder, Hance 36 grain cleaner / 5 screens mounted on trailer / motor and clean grain auger/1150 RPM. motor, N.H. 680 single beater manure spreader/hydraulic apron, Westfield 8” x 61’ grain auger, White 253 44 plate disc, Winpower 25/45 generator on trailer, Triple K 11’ cultivator, Triple K 3 furrow adjustable plough, Agri Metal - straw chopper/7 hp. Honda gas motor, 6’ bush hog, 250 bu Helm V box/10T Horst wagon/truck tires, 2 - 8 x 18 flatrackson4T wagons, Allied baleelevator 34’/11/2 hp. motor, Cockshutt 50412’ swather/pick up reel, 12 hog panels 3’ x 16’ new, horse drawn cutter with refinished box, 1 Gehl mixmil model 100 with electronic scale. For more information - Call: Ralph Petersen 529-3168. Any announcements or corrections day of sale take precedence over written advertising. TERMS: Cash Day of Sale. Proper I.D. 8% Sales Tax in effect Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale. For information contact: Claude & Brian Stewart [519] 565-5411 Ralph Petersen [519)529-3168 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL 357-2349 CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887-9114 24 HOURS A DAY