HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-3-5, Page 71
County and District
'rhe death occurred uu February Reside,. r•,a't...•u graudchllelreu and
lith of Jamew Lynn, 401 eortcemloa--Hite great grandchildree.
Of Howh k, at the age Of seventy -
threw years.
.10l1. F: Juckllu has buts t from
J. P. Lawrence the 100 -acre ren on
the 4th line of Corey 'which • been
rented by Mee. 1[at) the pas year.
Catharine Wolf, widow, Ot til. late
Tobias' Guenther, INtshwuod, ss.ml
•way F'.t1runey h at the hum et
114r daughter, Mrs-. $. Martin. ay
lir. and Alis. Thos. Inglis. who h d
Wen residents ,d Mouterie8 for t
past' twenty -tire years, move) in
Week to Atwood, where they will r.
able la future. _.
Wm. !vegan is pr sideut of the Kip -
pen ftortiettltural leoelety for 192.'1;
11111.10 Margaret Me111%. iat vice-ptead-
dent; Mrs. H. A. Lundy. 22nd rice-
Presidrnl: Mrs. A. Morftrith:"..sas•re••
Mra Thomas. widow of the late
Philip Thomas, dial Fetenairy filth at
Bluevale•, in her seventy-fi-sr year.
$he bad been a resident. M the Blue -
vale locality almost oil her fife. trick':
eral Inns and daugbtery stlrvirr.
The wore of Stephen,. k Ashton.
Gorrie, sem. burglarised •,'ne night
islet week whllet a convert was Joint
Oa• to the village. The cunteuta 01
the till. about ten dollars in oilee :
• were abstracted, but very little else
apparently was taken.
A happy event took place at'l)rya
dale M. C. church 110 Frbtunry {rl!(\
when Mi'. Albino Due haragr, diiu 4
ter of Mr. and Mr.. Fred Ducharnee
became the. bride of 1.ilwreuee !loch.
arme, on of Mr. and Mrs. Joiiop 4
Dueharme. Drysdale. The happy
couple will reside at Detroit.
Mrs. (',x
Kt• Fbrr an om r .
dent of )is tl .s .
ata . 1 w .
.fit u on y at
nrefaj etenine, February :1st. at the
age of eighty-five tears. The .1.-
eeseed was a resident of Slope(
township for many Fenn. • until` .he
and her late, hu -tend moved to Den -
sail la 111,&4. Of their family of six
daughters and lour oats all are. Ile -
lag elver -pt one sow.
The home of air. and Mrs. John A.
Tremeer. ofr4.tla--township of Ttb•ker
,moth, wa* the ikeetw'uf a pretty wed-
ding on Wrdn,rdny, February210.
when their daughter„ Vera A.. Wks
united in marriage to Jahn T J:alt•
son. (.1 )rskatcbewan, The is•temouy
mita performed by Ue A. $li$ kalr of
Bengali. The young (outrl.. 'w 1 lease
about the middle of Marrb - make
their hem•• on the groom's m In
Ap er'ut of intense took. place on
the 17th ..f Fe•brto*ry a: the/ home trf
Mrs. Ague. Craig. 7th llut M Mor-
se.. when there A144r fermi • eatta•r-
tng toe celebrate, Mr.. Craig g eighty•
ninth btrhrter ,It -o, tt.e,sr•renty-first
awe4v.rt ry .'f leer/ we.)Wii,g and- leer
Kitty -four iWtrel Teo tee in Morrie
1)r a taunt'• ..f third n nine 44r.
teeeed. ter abs and .'r.•'aitYi. ,s. .j,
The death of Itsnlel Ewan• steer Y
14411. Tue•Iday, Fethrnary 2})h,. at. -,thee
U� -1
Mee. H. Itcmbe haps resigned the
purtorat.• of Wt. !Teter'. I.utberau
church, %urirh, wJ�tet& he ti..• held for
nearly nine (carr,. Mr, ltetu a recent-
ly received it call frpm the Lutheran
e euKregu(jonc of Walkerton uud ;
Ile•ury Truemuer lam' wr.tk rewired'
the news of the death of his brother..
....Andrew Theemner, ..f pigeon, Mieb..
c 4. age of ..weal( years. The i leen.. *44.1.4 aux.tW u. .
ge of sixty-alx (•cera,
The ugrieuttnitltl short course w• h4:ii
h 4 been e»n.)twrted la Itru.w.la since
e1 tete 1 t'lt*u'.� laid.week so lar as
t l tiny • e'Iat*1• waw eoueerne'd, but
t e moi *.n'x Jenrette= has err teed
litre the do:nestle seNoce ural
tl4ued_ or anther -'ii w
e tue•kr 'ryas ur Toone,. •1*t aims b. a -fernier r••..i,h•ut of this see -
dinned •t!
Ii4'4 4'
eek attending ;the go,,) maids elm- lion, having ;.e).t hotel at thtrhwoud
It1 1`-iI3Fa.11ANIl I TON,
ti.eierlch, 4)441.
die .:.41 w:w 1.,1•n In Ile" township 111 Thy rieeti lower:
and weent to ]i1eiilgau %heu a young Ler till. tient• u� worship"
man. De ;e hallowed hunt'.
J• 1•r••ieT,.wie. loose) t4'W %tire
lett to New Hamburg last MIL pups
Breathe the t1*)ly Spirit
&n4iaue.4 Goa hardware.buriuc., at Iut4 every be_art;
Xet 11:IWlrIrg fi,r 4'. J.. Moser's dr)
Rid •'`rrt47[rm and •uCT.ts
(tw.)tls .gals• Ilk :Kitchener. Air.. Homer Fr•e:r ••a.'4 •oul i,•piait.
enik•n. and later. farmed nn 411.• Itronse,n
'C[(1� 14'tu. IL•uder, of the cflluge, ha.4
ry•(an.,t^,r li,: 1eetuiin¢ bU-tae.. r•.
Miss Rees 'Gorieu ..t l I. ,.... , %Ir.1 J,, J, a• ti*H...,1 alai tv Ill. w ark on t h.
•. .. .•.t •l+ru, ltaby Ivo 1 m . l
v i• •uu�
••1a 41.. . a•I .
Tl114 wNh (4tla.•keennit fools'.
We puratt4 onr way.-
%t:u.•hl4g Air the dawningl
tit rtetnal
R'ut. 1'.
thing -.-ft call..,! forttf
thrill sad awake+...! *.tel- aietft++r'i• -
"Oa4 Peter.. that Yolte• bad b4tiLlr I r
trout her nater.. tee foul sidClts til:.•
had taken p.e...*.4nu of her: gibe total
iiwakel from hell' ietteetth, Ib.' sl'u'e'
of (`tirlat, and nut, :tial,& the .:44dral.-°+'
%etre• brought he'ruut of .larkin'.. iu-
to light. h'rr,nt.. bring the met. .l'.-
toitstilate, Vary tweame, iit a wort ,
r the :haptilrrt eraMre lu the .ur'e'a
Mary tied ie. time. to neap.!. a'•t
doubt, a ith our qui. k e (.4 444444 ( n
ecstatic oveigpitlen .unl joy .•
erten* toward% ten, h.ri.4,., i
I I •' V.. r• r: )reel., '. 11,
WORIJ) 11Is,4l) .t
-4, D:. *ugh M.•h. . -fee, near..
'the thiseledary to tip. Indians a• '
pi).t. rxi latent a. t.e.0titr at ug rb 1 .:
uu.9ltlir in \gtutw-.
. I
'Round Lake,, tell* h• 41- .utr. t 'I'
t =_
1Lur.liay', Sault ;4, .a as- -x
••Rus7 iTJN'• To xemove
' RUB Zam-Buk in to relieve the
sharprtwingts of rheumatism
sciatic& or li rttbago, Rub it in to
becks. sr:•: oint::nd sore rttt:a.les,
....die mese cold- on-Ix•e.ehst. Zion -Bea
'''ea far mere re_I good time )•t:sonoi.,, -
• ..menta. Its penetr:tise pain.kilbnit
',tenet get right to the feet of ;j.e.ble,
c.:syer-4 *oleates, coat es ion, tlyella:g
and r.fl::rat¢tion i' wcnetr.l : e•iy.
find, like his ntn,•.ter•, a ed m .::1 t ' Mb/ ataaaalas. plarples, rations, bort tags, pees, po.sonerd writ's c ell, .
..taunt rishor with !ter mother and r er n• f t nw r.. 1
inter here. : c' \uw m'it 1[r 411114 (r. I 1
Min, Wm. .lehna•ar has w•rurltem! .lite' •. healer. of the village. Law f hu•ug1i1 that Shepherd .,f ttu• alae.•..
•me from Win¢haw hospital.- where soli 1i• 1 -'kI.•utial property now oe. JPau.. 4'hrlst. our Kiln(•i1nd ilea 1. all e
r ell I K r R. .gebe•r1_-praise wA41-.!.y. µ.y.
• •1 roam $1411.•.1 with 71k tet out
!mire heart+ and ....lee,. rid �' 1.
"(•*4111 find `•.-.t '•t 'ear, n•r.
mu :t•1• north wind, 4.•r lu i,t.', -lair. in ally aitrti,r:'44.4 14 ..
wh1.11 his people worshipped; a t: .a..• tail.• year 1.t.:here4orar-ilk••-, , . •1. .,1,
t:,y.' ,1.r.•11ug lefor.• the o4. n grave a't'e -t to groat (Id. 'ten: : c -4- w-,...
If his' tale ,..44n;tttt••r. 1...= M -fte, u from 4iie canal teed •.t tr,. , ,r
. I,. ;bio• al,, The ,,. o4eaiity of se(yl ttty it. w-ili lw b .. w
'Mel hack f •. Y 1l J•
ren 1e.1.'
I�..:u 1,us.1Wv Tn• buy. Xot�ottlj w•fll :be• •ivill t. e-.-''.4 r.ae6 :%:11...-.:.
to>' la g..-
I:e lte.•u: w•'ion seal the. Lite.' ••hau•rr ler iee•tt..r for *ernriiig :a,i•� iii, r!rt eartwwr4el • e::. •�.. 'bvr.i,e(;11-
Mia i.•uar" AII.•r, -. r .taelOry **id u(_ 'p,t/14 variety. "but ly the targilnar:, •r d^.all •e'.I Gvi,_-•r
:. ,
- - :Lee odd. are equally 'd taut mere` phnt'tng
actual I..'.I ng value a4•rw 4 1 1.0•
Oior 411,010 1:ve 3w ,•. Y )I yni*.i I`t£.
ry Da)
I •erllh•d than woR1Q be tilt' ..a..• .
e had ire n ntoler treatneet for ser- a epi sl 40 Mlt/ge IMLs to .lemw onr soul. Ili saf.4j Fepp.' fu -that
al week's, 13e.lib,8 %hu ger* pyre..., i ttt Ira R i 4
Stewart Wilson. a 7,ti,ltnow old-' mprlug.
Mtss .lem!lifee J.ia.rton has nee l.L lend ,tu. e
! fIt menthe with' her .inter, Mr.. ; 4
er alto ha« Been is 1lukota fur ff +k
r forty year.. was 4
re..•q; vl•lto.. } t: her " 1O`rt' ahrr'syendL1:t two 4 X14ing 4 4 • its ..«i: .Lalli.. Nee? ni.
fel -the village. 'r retie h/
1t 1 f
M1-4 .1.wsi.• Nt leer, dautthter of
try.. lite, at 14at.dn.ky. 'sIk11
Mr. and Mr,. t\ $ ylor of town ya-,�
derwwut an o4ero n..f"r •1(IrtwllPit-
i= *44 W;nghrrnr h'r.t.ita) lailt_ge .. �600D NEWS FOR
P. T. Armstrong and W. J. Dario•
en attended the !aeons, -of fn.. Ma- RHEUMATIC PEOPLE .
sonic ':rand Chapter nj_t{ladsor last
w• .•k.
SEAi'iORTH ' ' Now Known That This Trouble
411d friend. In Sea forth 'he;u,t ,, •:h
regret of the 'bath uf_ Airs. 4'. W.
Paps, which .,iturr•d`.trud,e:.ly
her 'tome at e:.'..rg town.• M and
Mrs. Pap -1 were fair Warty. rears 44,•II•
known-nwtdentw-4Of lteafnrttr. -- --
At the annual .miugr(gutbmal mts•4-
log .144 the Egwau,lrifl,e Presbyterian
church, )tell )list week. arrangements
vivre fund.• for the taking ee'a vote
on the. Qpe.fh,n-n1• joining the 1 uflerl
('hurrh. . The su4e 414 e,Imrrx ore on
Mare•h 30111 --and eb'.. April 1:4th.
Mr. and alibi.. It, Shanahan have re-
tnrrpe.l -ho'n. after 4 three natmths'
Yr: ilnd
daught. r. •H.•tev., bar, !err fur their
44.,mr Iet Hann;tli, .>t, n.. ltft••r spend-
hig.tl,te• maul.. ls, w•'tlh relalluo and
frl.twl, in roma w'4h aril rlrin`lp�.
1!➢� .� oua I1Srest.•r tuts putt -bet*.
3II+i 7fe•i OiNtlx� m111,, . rt• tnt'.t .
Alt„ *reel Alr,. W. 1 e:re•r Irft_la•t
'et., k for
••. ..in a ...ilia, of
friMj.lm on a more: 'r.p to F9i;Ndlt.
Miss )•tear iJhu:c:: •I;:.,,Ira•r 'af Mr.
t:A Ats Ja 114411.. t{1ry .•..
.4. n r . -< ,& l•.1 ••
• .;1#
luau' k .•,.
Brop ey Erol\
-flit, I f -n.8(-,
ha t1, UIKI.("ltilIM
1 tllti11.Mlat' -
Pug ne.ers et 1 trellis'. C Jia' trade for
passenger. .1r 11'asRage to any part of
the town. Peal pt Ferri : guaranteed.
• Telephone 51, Day or Night
keEdrace, Cambria Road. opposite the
Organ naafi' Ortter
Jt i . ql. ,, tv,-..
;.-•,,I .
Must be Treated, Through
the Blood
The newt n'rheimatie .uff,•n•r eat*
hope fe i4 rtlt,hh1 eome•thin on t _.
IL g
ta•uder,..aehlug joint Is a little re•li
hu lotion or Iiryttnent ever did or ever
ern do more than thi,t The rheum-,_
tic poison 1* rooted' In the blood. To
get rid of it you greet_ ri tit through
the blood. Any do, -tor will tell you
that Ode i* true. Tf-you ea t simne-
1 thing that will get gild* tot '-toot of
''fthe trouble if`llie bleed. take . 4%'it-
lliaine I-'it},k J•11J%, lee_-wbe•h• Melon
of tithe iitasfciii.. 1. tai purUy ad ea -.1
rich the 1.10.441. and when they, 4444*
Iall bleed trou14.s.. indeding'rh lma-�
filen disappear. -. Misting theist -hn ; +m
I have preyed _the ettlue of Dr. ' 4 leg
4tfalp ["Ink MRs 'le - Mrs. in i
\V'r),rbt.-liruu).-4i,••f:•r. .tltea.. alio ,.pyy".�. i g
'1 41st .11 eelft r;r fruun rheumattem '
r t, m t of thee'
Si*. S. 1.Y'1'(IN Fil1K %LjK. 15th. I93S,
1.es.on Title -Our lord'. ltrwuf'e•
f lots.
Leeson 1'a••ago--.lull, '!11:1-16.
(iotdeet Text -Luke 4Ir• i1.
When' Jui..gd1 of ern ttha. a ae•until
;s•rmiw4lon front Pilate-. to ' take
..way the body of Jaime Nleodemue.
another -wrret d1.e4(tle of .Mens,
hrou; ht :r miNture of myrrh and aloes.
to .pr)4ikle between the -folds_ oL dalIt
nth; 1, which tte-y Nonni n the tawly, and
the'. laid it In Josephs awn now
l 1., which he tu.d.heal out in she
roil: and hr rolled a great atone t•,
the door of the wpul('44re- Ttl.• wom-
en who bad mfJ4*tereu ,&Ulu Jesus m
his lit.• had if in ihe•ir boort, to
sprr•ael over the sarr,4l lady the ells-
tom;en liquht' perfumes. ..l we read +`
1, Mark 141:1, "Now Mary- Magdalene 1
and ARtry the nurher o4 Je'*ui, and r
Salome had bought. ewe•t\•pie1.e, that i
they tuiKht ....me and ruw.i1*rti
%er'.ew 1.2 -.The Great
It w'as stilt dark when these' Wnmep 4
set -slut euuly onr Mary .Hng4itk'tu 1s
uteutiotied here but L1 the other 40.-
1. three are menti 14 :tort n..
loubt'tiieir hearts .w 'c cad and
'minty ae the 'ha.lotda.,1* aur-
'ullul,41 ;hem us they ha.tetied 1.. the
ardeu wbe•ru. was the •.•(adetu't•
4411,1, -they had s4I•uellemx--Mair•
.way. .\.. '
they went they were 'n'u
.led about who Was to roll .wad 1 ••
•r.•at -1044.'}} for 111,•:11, At ,...
uw• 1I4trr4ee IIW:I4 1 -. r•
,.1. tar they fc',
T110 nen Telephone Coattail t'- .:
'Wal repast '44x1•' '.. .•.reiai'
Ion'ndy irerou e'- in :11e use of he,
long dlofanee 4e4dd4 W, by potatu:i
to the gree}t within) . of snow , .'.•••r
• that thin nt.wieru meerhant i- et,.. e
ug over the telephoto.: Til.: .•r plat
atlon is probably the +'erre: ear.
`leen,. wou41.rful e�;1tilll)e.. hate 4*ii•11
'ted of what van tie n....nlp:i•!..•d
by teie)thnac-wbeu euretul plans un
Ilaid beforehand. 'The dully aterag••
of long d(stnnee nesee Ccs , reel
1 eonaderthly over In met. --_,------
1 1
fol I Li year*•
slid, .1urt 1 • i,.
i -rime. _LUX: -lit.' watt. ;one ..f mlw'ry. 1 j
trite! .,'cera) t .•t..r1. anal -urany {i-nt
I ... es-.. estedietnrt,ded, ''i --- 1teret•�_ Katt
w..r. than tetu4.'ran f. Tin• trus-
t n/•.i , ff
r r t .4 114,'. i•3 4.T,ltt ,,..1 r• v
I i .- t tf, r• . ,n,t bmft•
4 i • 1
4' .
art.r 11:. It � TEMPf1 AN_CE FFIOPL
t rule. It. i1 T 411' n '..tai: 4:. -
LL- y It. i4. • 1 it i:: 1.... reim • .it;nifieant leiriomt.•-o f, r1•.• 11,
t -k 4 lCt'chi .The bale 1n for Le;t.huure
1.....o*... 4, • t t 1• \o
ti.: - ' '«..,. ..__ . . • ry me I l'' e. 'r , I,`t i ,.
I riR'.ht 1 e• wet- ;r.4 ,Iiia
jr-�- •s-....,.�.
I..prohiiitioni•t' Try 1 7 1 , ,
1• �% r;oce;tlnient in ria. i._' -:,tar, las
- �- w •pk, whet, floe. .1. Jt. 4'.l ,k,•, whosw•s Lillian and 'Winuift...I Hes- ' a Minister w ItLout port foli''..1••velle
"'ton lone re.nrned to Dnnttvfl(e 10 rel- the ehart,' Ilia.' title downfall of el
I .,is•u 'their millinery store afI:'r ;left- Wilhite liar'was due- to. the:
try: with their pi. rel. t. In town. "black -hearted tyeacherr."
The (Will on the Lind t'nue•,t'.kon'01
u1 n••
1 '
.1 .
,rrt. • • ,
1'):z)a•rimen- 4
Farm-. :Votes
111 a normal ;stem =n Ota* 4.er.)-
retrn-growing creast the, ...ern pians
mature their .esti! .ytlk-fently early
for 1t to /wenn, ,ell hardeened obi:.
still on the stalk. 'Rib, hardening
preee4,. coatiet, 414 r4• I � • h1 loos of
moisture and 4.. n'••..itn' • ht "8.44.4
that e•orn may go into gtnrage' dr,
enough to pn•vcn _uluul+ttn2, gt thee
corn or freest iuijuty... to -14*. aril.
I'afui'o r:i),I. wt'atherf 1. 4Zdit ,ns
(Wring the latter g.ort. of , the '
grua'iug• war -on. -rr•. - pee:
uhd 'III lar¢A
'nlatitiew a4C care failing to dry (• i'
r matt*.... • Meli.IIIlj !0 jitodtte,• .'tr•t
taw' seem!: !'ales. •tient cern a ,
titicially ,.lrlivl latfuh :envy ir.:.:s
t'4*, it, 'ltatity is •.gre.4,t.4..• i:n-
Astir. d' to a tares• l i''iit_, moo.:1 1=.,a-
'4i -
inn -rola for forywighL nod iw t1
144a11e1lt vu the ).art of rh,• 1,14111,..p“-
•• bar
,l' P" -
inn r !n .•1•h• .. 11., 11,.1r••.' . .
• �•_ T .1.:. .I
1 .rker
The Management pf
Tip James McManus Pasteurizing Plant
.R,11to antnMITN'e tO til. it ('U4t4raters and the i:• 1 t t
they are now '.'urrying fresh ()any' and Cre'aut• ry iiia: r and
it1so Butt. rnlilk (at their regular milk *h1fe:'r}'t•i at -;,1: tithe•:.
Butter, Jfillirwn4 Bntterntilk ,•an 1.• had at tilt -,plant (444 Ea -t
1-tr . t at any- tin)e_brtw.ren 11 u. 111 13 p n1. 1.
•,r innoteilette Blankets_ Irr4e .ire, at clew.. ).rive..
Metr's 4,'nderwea--{p, 'clear sit relit.• isle."..
\1e•n'e Smll, 3 (lair for $1.441.
g�p Nw1grteriI, suitable for the eel.] weather,
Meet4 s Mattie, home -knit: g,.,,t1 ..Tui..
1,u4ie: .11-44-,etr "3plr,us'1` 1'hd *1eit e 'r, - . at arty.: 1,;:, 1.tt: •
Tea, 4 afire and. rams at"(dd prier. Bought a 1p4Ynti4) he'. r,. •h..
a44v ante
Fro.*,.1.1:" I w' 1.. -, 4-r.";r'4:.' .;r-1.• .i . 4 -•
ear cf Beal I r. ..
%en 14 T. ..lint., r .
-,aide .*4144 pure Maple .s�.yr14' VW. 11.14 81.441 tta.., P.a:'s..o-•._
r '1
t plate • • 11'1 • n lu t
Is_f'er.r.:t-lik_)n4e twatioa.
,l H. -r' t.• .w•-ta thrr,• di bill. -
✓ 1 ryirw Meet t, 'tfo•' Ca Melt. 1'.•ter.
✓ 1s 4a. , custom.: was firs,. John
e,eot fdr!heland and Mary ke'y'ing al'
n. Is•.t eljetf,,i H'.. eau 4le:n:+
m f Ix'm ii eie-;;;;•:•'vertr'Qtt--$tt -1 nopreseet ••
d, )[ramp est 8'44 et .%lrlt spM¢ 'moron writ f s l..' s laity awl. 4.
R -
t g. -titer tin• ltal to,, the Holy'Pepw14
- .chret;",
John rraeheI •thw'' tomb first hot
was held iw,ck from doing more than
e *lool.hltt dos -n.111141 heikttrg In. Yet
in that look be .maw enough to ton -
t -Ince blip that, what Mary bad told
them was, true. Peter did not !imi-
tate ns John had done Nit went right
in and took an accurate survey of the
interlot. 11e raw not only that the
body was not there but that there
ltiming k+ it did on 'top of the el.
•1, idiell at one time the !I4''ie•rty of elar:iti.,» (`hurl••' MeKeoviti. fro
lases', 'iiiliders of town; --a L of -14uf[.•rtn._wbu tut
...A t.1 •
.h YYeter i'arlal4(A_Pr ......� ..
.•..clog CAI.. has been pur•hn*ed by Jus. tf the tr• • ase -forego ttertde,t t
rtbapto4, who reside,. neer by In the enter pal -,*.n•. atplit••t Vie Guvernmel
..,..no. township.-.41ext .dee/ion it '.wall firxl -Nit ('old
The home of 'Mr. nit'l 1Lrz_ Osi-ar serratierge'alva iu politie'� it roan.
Whiteside, Alliston, Ont.. was the seem that the Cnae..rvative Govern
.girlie nn .F..hruary 19th of the wed- merit is teting on tt* shouldtil
ding of their mister, Lyle !May )cant- proverbial chip and adopting a yaven-
ing. to Lewis 1(, •l[eidemau, son of lar attitude of defiance toward* t.boae
Mr. and lore, Edward Heideman of ` hundreds elf thotteand,+ of Ontarlans
1! aete•r. The young roupJe visited in who arc wh,4•heartelty supppsortfng
}hetet. on their wedding trip and will the 0. T. A. I
make their home at Tomntu.From w,•eki,n,l advices at Queen'
J. 0. (lie rune, of Exeter, has rade Park, however, it would *Prom the
arrunitemc a to open a maehhu' shop there_h-not the least doubt in the
at Li about April lat. He world '.bout the ability of the Frye,
has purchased some *.3.000 worth of Ku*on Government to pa** it* 4.4
amehinetLJlhich was , owo.d by the beer measure through the L.'gin ature
town of Llatowei, Ito follower* are surprisingly well In
hand. 111,41 01. eepe•lancy that there
will not he more than thr(F'br four
bolters speak, Volume* Tor the eta-
(dewy of Cona•rvntire "party dl*,dp-
line," however distasteful that mottle
eine may be to seventy -mid dryAd-
ince of the Prov)n1e. It was ad-
rIttetd In • Conservative newspaper
following it week -end e*mcus on the
4.4 per cent. burr measure that some
CAnservative memM•r, exhibited con-
41dcrahks reins -tame. In. promising to
.lnpport the bin.
Hoa. Nr. (tlnike', peculiar liking for
su)ierlativescalee kept him 1n eon*tent
het water with Liberal leader W. F.
N. Slnelalr,'K. C., end outer leihernl
front Members, when he Ind*ted, in
discussing Hydro matter*, upon at-
'rrlhing to Yr. Plnelelr and the 1.ih-
erel* nn antipathy to that great put.-
• Its ownershlp propel, Hydro. Mr.
lilnclair's( emphatic reietatement of
hie previo4* pnwltlon---that it wa* In
the intefe,tl, of ftydro that he had
railed attention to the findings' of the
Onvernln#nt•* nen ,'ommlelurhin -made
no difference to Yr. Cooke.
The Liberkl. and Progressives hnd
a good Inryth when Mr. Cooke pound-
ed ills desk end declared that nny
1•erson profeaming terneeranee Ideals
who did not support the propose.'
Government 4.4 per cent, beer mesa -
ore w;,1, fabs,• to ills temtterenrr
ad Mmen nn unseemly haste in the
removal for the cloth's In whir•h the
body hied tee n swathed were there.
tint thrown herr and there but to
Igether. and the napkin which had
1 erivered the head and fate. In • place
by It 44.1f-- *n order( that both
dis iple.< 'teiok notice o? their dlspWe-
Itlon. The two left the eteptj ttdb
In then... and rt•trareml their #Cejts to
the city but Mary stool without
Venni 11-14..-A Great Rev ehitlon.
Tho tomb, even though she knew it
it's* e11114y, ',..meal tel draw her. (to
she «toppel flows awl Irw,kpd in.
What met her gale did not :4r111 !n
*nrprl*e her. ter was *he unduly
startled when addrewtd by the an_.
gels. *•pmtngtj !teeming guard over
the place where the duly of .Avong
lied on lately help. She told, in al-
most the =none words she had used to
the .Iisel(de's, why *41e watt *o di,ir,•.-
sod. 1111•1ng d,'Ill-..r,-,l her mer+rare
she turned away it wotlul almawt
*rpm fruit any offer of symtt<•ttly'
they might wish to give her and per
gaze fell mem n atrang.�figur• stnrtd
Ing near her. Naturally •'nntlgll *h,•
took him, to he the gardener, for who
el4.' wm11d be ardor about nt such an
early hour? tier vision was elon',ml
with weeping and her thoughts were
all taken up by the supreme nutlet"
of the We. +IUtr4111m4 aMl w, ..gni*.- •h.•
answered au before; but 714'e1 a re
fittest to he shown where the • boil.
was and she would neer that it was
again properly hurled. lint the in-
tent/We .d ane word changed eras(•
This Little Brand" Lassie
la Never "Dosed"for Colds
The Browns Now Use the "IC:s.
ternal" Treatment for Croup
and Cold ,Troubles.
Mrs. John Brown, of 426 24th 9t.,
Brandon, Man., is the mother of thiel
Me tittle gid and one of the many
Canadian mothers who now use the
vaporizing salve. Vicks VapoRub, in
treating the colds of all the family. After
using Vick. for spine time Mrs. Brown
"I have eight small children-tea-�'
from one to twelve yearP•.and can cer-
tainly say that Vicks is the only cold
remedy I have in the house all winter.
If the mid ism the child's head t feet
pu: a little up each nostril and it glues
relief in a short time. If it is in the to
chest I rub Vicks well in at night c
and by morning the raid has almost dis-
appeared. 1 also use Vicks for chilblains kr
and for burns --ii fact, I use it ten for me
revere headaches Ned f::d relief n a very
short time. I always Ik:t+..i`ti .4 i •.0.t .4
my friends especially those who have
Vicks is the external direct treatment
cold tunable' --absorbed like a 4tti-
nt and inhaled as a vapor. it is the
4dP 1t treatment for chile ren'' colds. Just
L" +•x., kr adults.
. C tIf
. 5,04th ‘!'H.' Are
........._.. s. ...-........os..' 1._ sr...............,k.. ..
Phone fl6
- z P
We have fewanxious
. �-�#��- are
to sell before . the S ring Gods arrive.
These are good values f�ith*1n�ney
1.3 pieces of 33" 4'anadian Pritttlr. Faiit
color, light and dark shades', Regular
='•)e a yard. `;alae price, yard
Gearing sale of Yarns.
Silver Twisto-21c
Dove --19e
Flom -Yee
Karl( -25e.
NS e -
54" Serge, in blue, sae ,gown and
)trey. Regula -t.$1.50 and O0'.,.,.a.-.,
yard. Sale price, yard
!'ink, maize and sky, 36 inch- si.39
ns a.,le. Sale price, yard
.14" -fancy (i'epe, -Rood quality. Reg•
ul:4r ''24')0 a yard,\ 'sale price CT 7C
Ladies' Silk and Wool Ifi'ose. Hee- 98c
ul0r $150 0 pair. Sale- price • •
Ladies' fancy rib Cashmere. Regu-
dirt; $4.25 and *1.50 pair. Sah- price, pair'
(ilk duel Wool.
Regurlar 75c and 86c a pair, for isc
Regular 91.00 and $1.10 a pair, for
: /(BOYS' HOSE -
rl 0o68 goidity hes
to $1.9ir a ea' Z \ Oarib. Regular $t
, 4'1(1
' 79c
Bale pri e
('hatnobeetle and Silk, in short
gauntlet .styles. Repitlai• sr2on, $1 75 1)8c'
nd *1.50. Side price, a pair cent.
BLOUSES, $2.00
Hahetai and Broadcloth Mousse. T9 00
Reginal iii 50 Sale price, each . .