HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-3-5, Page 6Porcelain Tiles and Waxed Tiles I.l. ,,pr tot p11llltdpen,-eft uh I I.rrnktd-l• reoln. I '1'Iw'ht• ::i. palaxe Ore not Co: ' mi.�ited' alit' thrrefnri' slut tUril Yellow. ' Atlta,lenge at 4.1' sol: Smart betiding to nlMteh :It !,. eltd R \. Book Store • 'duo ,Hind .of \ Portrait 'tuu - and your ,'tue. M:!i app•rtelate we will make 1h�y.nir 1. .j i Urattune.. 1 R: SALLOW, --L - IF IT'S NEW FURNITURE STOVES PAILS • BOILERS • • --UBS you want we can su$ply thaw' and sate you money. Escrything in new and used furniture. Remember we eel fop leas. Why pa morel Blackstone's Furniture Exchange - photographs of the t hi dren never grow up. rb l - In arrother year, how different that boy or gi of yours will look but let ... help you LLee()• picture rr.ord of their childhood. J. T. FELL Telephone 1117 Goderkb. ( Seasonable Remedies Abways in Stock at the Rexall Drug Store Buckley s Bronchitis Mix- ture ' 75c Riker's Cod Liver Oil and Tar Cough SyrupS0c Laxative Bromide Quinine — Tablets -..r 25c roe ness and sore thrQat)25c_ 1W' am pole's tasteless pre- paration Cod Liver' Ex- tract $1.00 ((The right tonic to build you up after a cold or tie griper ) Relall Catarrh Jelly (dears the head) . 25c and 50c Horehouf;ld Drops and Stick 35c lb. H. C. DUNLOP THE REXALL DRUG STORE Bedford Block 1- • Goderieh SPANISH DOUBLOONS By CAMILLA KENYON Pictures by A. Wb IL Copyright, The B0bbr-Merriii l;ylwpasy ., (Continued front last %.t. 1 • inure serious oomsete t0 my etc ploratloas on the !eland Queen pre- seeted itself nett day. Instead of pu Ung to sea, Mr. Shaw and Captat Magnus hauled the boat up uu the beech and set to work to repair1 The preceding day had been Hued with hardship ,and danger--eo rZrtsc'b so that my heart sank- a IItMO at tb reountal of It. You saw the little boat *reading Its way seems the reefs, teased like seaweed by the -• white ` teehlrs( • glowing' waves► streamed at by angry gulls whale twines were those cleft. and caves which the boat invaded. And 411 this. poor little holt. ou a hopeless quest —for no reward but peril and wounds. Cuthbert Vane had • epralned thumb which could not he ignored, sod N the strength of which he was dim flossed from the bout repairing c•on- titteent, and thrown on ay hands to entertain. So of course -1 had to re- nounce 411 thoughts of visiting the sloop. I should not have dared to ma there anyway, with Mr. Shaw and the captain able more or fess to overlook my motions from the beach, for I was quite morbidly afraid of attracting at- tention to the dercl'ct. It seemed t• 03•0 •8 happy miracle that no one• bet myself had taken any interest In her, or pyelo (nepir•d to ask b y at cbanoe me .mall - • boat had ' tome t• be irreteited. upon Meer desolate shores. Fortunately In her position in the shadow of Me cliff she was tneoe- splcuuue, se that- mho might easily have been taken for the half of a large boat ineies,t,of the whine of a small one, (.r elle trust before this have drawn the questioning notice of the Siutcbaan. As to theloodositi, hee..nt- tention 'wall lin' 4` a' the envoi( lo discover the caves -.and his intelligence was not lively enough to start, on sit entirely new Lark ly Itte•tt. And the Honorable Cuthbert viewed derelicts as he viewed the planetary bodies; eonu'how in the courme of nature they happened. . So, diasemblin_ toy eldIOn,euts add anxieties, 1 awansgae(111y in my bath - mock, and nearby sat the besutlful youth with Ma thumb cart'e'd tenderly in a handage: Was It meetly tae - Ing so distrait. or wt It quite another reason that led him suddenly. -shout his him 1 oi,tlsh loonier Stringy to say, thread of premier 1,4 THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. manna ratan, tnertseed. no Rear U( WADVIYA Al 1 9 teat soul. mangy. student place. 1 •ak.rl eager qur*lIooa--111 repeated gtoetlo.11i fragments of a.•rlptIuet -- 1 o..i t,•resi .nviouely what 1t would be ill., to have auythlug so old rad proud slid twoullful ie your very blvd —%heti sud.leuly 1 realized that, lair led by toy enthusiasm, Cuthbert waa saying •om.vlung which must not he wed that he .ter sb."tt to offer the shelter or !het auclent roof to toe. Te me, %hone h.'art could never nest thaiw.-.hut mn,t 1k• ...or on the wing, 1 • wild bird of passage in the track or a shp— 1 sat Up with a gut veiny start. "gilt—listen--dldu't pun hear something'? 1 desper'a'tely broke In. (!'or ruaae1iow I: trust stop him. I didn't weer veer • sire Jolly friendship spoiled- and be- side*. Toney being coo *d up en an 1-1 telatld with a man you have reflood f • Esyet'Ialiy when sit the while you'd he r. ranting so to Pei and console him' But with ids calm dedgedue?s Cuth- bert began again --'•I wee a bit afraid the old plate would have seemed too euieL sed dull to you--" when the ley was sewed and my tnterruptlee •treagely Justified by a. shrill outcry I from 11re camp. i Lues that lino fat- ! settee tone. it was the voice of Mr. I'irobbs, het pitched on a key of quite insane exclteurent. 1 sprang up and Crux*Ilei, Crue and the Henorable Culti but al„Fly heels. There in the midst •t the camp Mr. Tubba stood. the cen- ter of a group who were regarding hint with astonished looks. Mr. /thaw and the captain tied left their tlnker- 1ng, Cookie h1* igil(eltal1Y, and Aunt Jane and Violet Mel curve hurrying frost the but. Anions us all stood Mr. Tubbs with folded arms. looking round upon the company with as ea txtrsstinery Crair lit rumplaeency old triumph. - "11bat b It, oh. what Is 1t. \(r. Tubbs?' cried Aunt Jane, tlutterlug • my t0 open up tsar the title, Cuthbert wanted ht. brut!(•. or to Ittf nn living. though there welt something queer about e. -:'aurum, poor Ibliow, nnd-the da'tors said he lritrin't pnwsthly— nt course 1 was snrprlwd at Cuthbert's views, for l had always tbotlsbt that If there were n N•te is Pifer Waft your tleaftmen* tptflta these robe- kept you nut emit wear •ec esartty_ip11rdrrous, and year teem : rocodlte -when you pretended to weep - over their Kiera. 'tut Cuthbert's feel- ings were so humon that- t-hieutally ahologhted to the nobility. Aa. to Mei Stautrt.u, minor. i adored It. It la mostly Tacob•an. hut with 'ail- an- cteht Tudor %leg. and It has a chapel and a ghost and a secret Mtairease amt.' frightfully beautiful and wicked 'ancestress, hlfl tng 1n -the (tall --1 wenn w portrait of ler” and quantities of mit -paneHng quit.• hist* with age, and 'hleer`htltt eee-rilddeo In the tarn- uy, tanks Wien Cr.wuwetl'e nuldler• Caput•. end a rQmiliee where Efiaatwth epi a .ie and other romantic detail* _elteeetetuueroirs to Mermi,m, t rush down and shabby. Tex tick of • sentry to keep it up, and of eoureteon that account all _the more entrancing. The present Lor.1 Grasmere lived tip to his iwentiorn our t'rtlttpletely that he had the gout and sat with -his foot tin a cushion exactly like all the hd.•H7 aristocrats you ever heard of, only when I Inquired 1f his Ior4.hlp cur -ed Ida valet and flung Mates et the foot Men when film foot hurt htfu. hi. :.4141 wn,. ,lulu .h..eked and pates' Ile did not realise ,o well as 1—from nu extensive course of novel-rea4inl,^- that steel' 1s the usual behavior of ti- tled portions It was dellghttul,. there In the tie' oftener ,a Ute►, t.darH with else eel.... •Eureka!" He Repeated, "1 Have fieund Itt' with the t'onselousnenw of her pr.pri- etorship. But Mr. Tubbs gran' -i et her ns In- differently. as • sated turkey -bus -reed eta neerse) which has teased to tempt blm. -- • "Mr. Tebbe." commanded Violet, "speak---e'[p(afa y*tweet' "' ' "Came; out with It, Tebbe." advised Ifr. Shard, Thea' the Hpa, Of Mr. Tubbs perte.I, e nd frees thein IMyed this solitary Weed: "Eureka r" - , "What'?" n'resmed Miss Iliggleshy- BSowne. "'Yat i.ave found it?' Solemnly Mr. Tubbs InrilnM his head. "Eureka!" he repeated. "I hale found It r" Amidst the exclamations, the ques- the g,'uerat 14IDQ19(lon _wldrh emoted, 1` had room for only ono thought --that Mr. Tubbs had somehow deseesier...I the treasure in the ••.hl of thie island quern. indeed, I should Stave lhriek•d the words along but fuer * pro.rd. ntt•1 dumbness that lett! Ira toe. "Frlennl..' Mr. Tibbs begin, "It has! been known from the start that these was • landmark on this little 01d Island tbat would give say party die - revering the sante • line on that chalet of money right away. There's been some that was too high up In the ex- ploring huslaess to wase' time looking for lan.lmarks. They had rusher do more fancy 'stunts, where what with surf, and sharks, and batten' up the boat, they (meld make • good show of Kettle' btu,. But old Hans Tubbs, he don't let on to he it hero. Jest a W►.. marl a' bnsinews- that's old 11. H. Congest lento la, he leaves the other fellers have- the brass bnd. while he sets inns .s, the .1, t to ran • rertaln little c1,,. to earth And, ladles and matlemcn he's run it!" • "You h• e found you 1.aee found fie lreaeare"' shrilled Ann[ Jane, Contrary to his blond ,v•'twn, tlr. Tubbs frowned at her darkly. "i said i emu') the clue " he tor. meted. "Of course, It'. the same thing. Ladles and gen'ternrn, nM ter appear to be • bot :air artist, 1 will tell you h1 a word, that 1 have Iocuted the tumMto.e of one vVIlllem well, deceased !e' Of course. Not once had l thought of P. Isere, stark, glaring up at the sun lay the stone reeved with the let- ters arid the ono -hones Forgetting le the Mate of my departure to re- place the ,Ince up.u, the grove, i had left the stone to shout Its secret to Use Slit censer. And that kappeeed to 4. a(r arae. ta..eusnaa 1 Y• Pere r a "Eczema An Over A 'ms Suffered. for 12 Year3" Mrs. Murray Hough, Wigton, Ont., writes: had ec,rro'. for twelve years. Every once in a whale it would' break out ono spread all over my arms. 1 to..l ,11 k ods of treat- ments to relieves it, but wrthoet-,511 sa. One Spring It broke out and nothing give me relief. even the .alve i got front the doc'nr did no good. At Iasi 1 rri-d Dr- Chars Ointment and it healed the er'erna in a short time. That is over .1 year ago. and l have had no return of the trouble. - Dr. Chase's Ointment 40 rte a box, all deadeye rw P'itamppu.Mne, &ohm a e runt memermg Iw i.eae.. Oaf tea e!a- liu.eul teleas..esela*ively. lay owl,. esu tilt Leal. :.nllgutN.up greet' d 11 .- rle- EXPERlENCE + tnghteoutn:trl,lr I1, 11144 . t righteous joy t arm the . %V m[ 111111• Jaara tlluri.,u., elates -be the rude -irla,t ul reallt). ('lir where was -41.e 'Lllhbe lir yerlerduy -the houry- tongued, the Neave, the rusleusly ..b• "etlutuu• Tubbs? thine, quite gone. Instead, here was a Tubbs wh., cueled 1hi, helmet rakishly, and third round 1114011 the compost', deaf tt► the claims of loyalty, the plea, of fMeedshlp, the 'hobo,. of teudrrness--Aunt Jane's. Me..fully !sirs 1I1g4teshy Browne Mt/third up and down the beach. She demanded of- Mr. Shaws ,d Cuthbert Vane, of Captain Magni.- each and arvurally, that Mr. Tubb. t» eowpelled to dl•grrge Ills se, ret. Yoe row that Aloe soul,! rout have shrunk front a reg- imen of reeks ,sed 1Il.utths•r„ws. Rut - then• store u., n,ekw rod t\uoibacre. s as the Island. ter course ere could have invented iart eel. inti un.e,b of torture —1 tell l mould ha v+ developed trema Ingenuity rltit way .easel,• -.•hut too fa- tally well lir. Tubhs knew the C(vQ- IAwl prejudices or thaw ,vet► wawa M lied e deal. With perfiset haps ts M be asd strut about tete neap, sure that no `-.veatse., worse than words would be brought to bear upon 1.1m, that lie ruins not even be turued away from the general board to browse on cocaiute in solitude. 1..oug ago Mr. ti/taw had lett the nem to 1'Jolet and with A curt shrug had tutted his hack and stood ►odit- ing out over the cove. stroking 41e chits rrtet'tively. ltisr Itruene's rho- quince had Aare to amazing flights, mud she already had Mr. Tuan iuea- 'eyelety mixed with Ananias and Sapphire, when the Scocamaa broke' in upon her ruthlessly. eel -muds." be said, "so tar is 1 cam neo we have beell put a good bit ahead by this morning's work. Elide we know the grave whtcti shnubl be oar, landmark has not been entirely obttht errted by the Jungle, as 1 had tbuugbe toast' likely. Second. we kaow....thet It Is on this side of rhe island, for the ren,ion that this chap Tubbs Misfit 'nerve to go muck beyond shoaling dis- tance by himself- Third.- a. Tubbs' by tried this holdup hu*luess, 1 be- Jleve -we should etsnader the Wee- diest by which Ise w -.s to receive a sixteenth share.nun all 'vilid, and de - Tide here •n•t now that he get. nosh; Read How She Found Help in Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Arnprior, (Mario. -•'I must write sad te11 you my ea with yoiu medicine. l wee working at the factory. for three years sad became siren -down that I used to tate weak spells and would be at bias at beat one day each week. 1 was treated by the doctors for anemia, but It didn't seem to do me any good. I was told to take a rest. but wok unable tu, and kept ua getting worse. - 1 was troubled mostly with my periods. I would sometimes pass three months, and when it came it would last around two weeks, and l would have such pain, at times in my right aids that 1 could hardly walk. 1 am only 11 years of age and weigh 118 pounds now, and before tak- itsg the Vegetable Compound 1 was only 101 pounds. I was sickly for two years sad some of mmyy friends tot me •bent. Lydia E. Piaa khm's Vegetable ' Cetti2 pound and when I had taken a bottle of it 1 telt a change. My mother has been" taking it for a different ailment Ind has foutel it very satisfactory. I am willing to tell friends about the medicine and to rower letters asking about it." -- Miss HALM. Baa wr,Boz 700,Arnprior, Ontario. A day out each week shows in the pay envelope. If you are troubled with sone weakness, iadltmted by • rue -down con- dition, tired feelings, paia,e and irregu- larity, let Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound help you. IkoFw that belied ant heal int ang(.th mal notion where to look f.'f the grave 'df Bill Holli%ell. This running to earth of dura was puely an after of his own picturesque 1 atlnatlun. 1 woeniereel �tit1.'uslly .but 1.e kid Bade of lite uprooted t'leiee--►rut Its -world Jay them to the Mee els dierint.' IIs-- the countwwner gushed and etultaut, there , » he r aUspici.nu that . the terries wee u • all lib bwu. !flea Hlgglesby-Itruwn r had a -cloned aml,rellp henNub her ''}rut, "rind ti drew sad brandished it- like * ,altbr ' ass tooka long ,trlderlucva tr.l. . "Mr. Tubbs.' tame cutirmrrnd•-1 "lied' ea!" - But, Mr. 'Thiess did not to. 4 on. "Oh, aa. indeed," he salt. `NeeMH. IL wasn't born ye -teethe,. ft have struck yottithet to phni,.'ev rh. s,4o and ezdasly* kuuwlrJ..e of the where. about a million lir tete--ratite It low—Is some .s.ustde te of M i asset. And 11 , t rte 1 sln't of the Tey* I4.rs of pectin' with • i[or la'i'teenteute cid mut." • Aunt Jane rive ...Q faint shriek. 1 bad been silently.detuntfng aha. my ?wit course xho,uld be in the taut of this mwxp. etr.i development, Stith. deftly 1'get my way melte' elver. I would say uothtag. Mr. Tubbs *htntid reveal 1112 own perfidy...And the car- een should rine 'lowu'epee the play, leaving Mr. Tubbs tolled 'all seemed. bereft both- of the treasure and a Auut Jane. Little I dre:erred what surprises en- suing rots of the platy—Were to hold for me, or their aitoundfng eeittrsnt with the !arts o[ any Juynu. inusgina- 1 took no part in the., store that raged roared Me Tete.. HIa roma adorned by q,st'aphic, buttery 14941114, stead unntovyd, while Mho ltiggles- by-Browne uttered e•yclailC etharta- tlott>i'tad reproaches, while Aunt Jena sobbed and sold. "Oh, Mr. Tubbs!" white 'Mr. Shaw strove to make him- self heard' shove the din. He dld'at least succeed:Tt. bzlracting 'free the tr*tjQy definite statement et Lerma. Thai '$ere nothing less than llfty per cent of the treasure, se.•ure4 to elm by • document sealed and delivered late hie own heeds. To • suggesrtloa Hist •a he had discovered the all -la - portant leahetone. so might -some ems else, be replied with tranquillity that he thought not, as he fire ia7tea pre- cautions against such an eventuality. in other words, an I was tater to dire rover, the wily. Mr. Tubbs had con- trived to raise the boulder free its bed and push 11 over the .1111 1010 the sea, afterward repbcing the masa of vines epees the grave. As to t\e entrance to the tinsel. It wee apparent to me that Sir. Tubbs had not yet dl.cever,d It. Eves ,f he had, 1 am certain that he would have bees no more berotc than myself abuut exploring It, though there :: sae ne !Hissing Peter to haunt has 'imagine- tlnm But with the grave SS a start - Ing point, there mould he no'tuention as to the ultimate dltc-ovary of the ave. 1 wet so eager ntyswlf to mea the inside of the cat?. and be know whatever It And to reveal of the fate or firer, that 1 ..a, 'relined to vitt* Mr. 'rubhw MUNI..,. 111 driving his hard hareem. esti[ -iapy as It would profit Belles' r hrin Pills for Lives' Ills. You een't feel •a good be. what IR • ' ^12kke year :ce1 better. M •. Ar..*- era, . ..ews- , CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 'Tubbs and His Tombstone Can Clo to Thunder:" log whate.er. Fourth. the boat is DOW pretty well to right*, and ns soon is we have a smack Iter/and Magnus and I will set obt, lhCtWlce as good I• 'o.'t as before;'-bavlag bad the story tbat brought w here confirmed for the first tltne. So Tubbs and hie tombstone can go to thunder._._ `I can. can 1?" cried Mr. Tubbs. "Say, are' 7.,-. butean leeberLF-teislb, that cool before a resale own facet Say, Rut Cuthbert Vance broke Ila.. -Three rousing sheer., old boy"' he cried to the Meetchu.an enthusiastic- ally. "Always did think that chap • frightful bounder, don't lou knew/ t'e'll stand by old Shaw, won't we, li•gnus?" Which comradely outbreak .hawed the exce.a of the beautiful youth's emotions. for usually he turned a large cold ehould•r on the eeptein, though managing la some rny'sterlots paltrier to be yerfectty civil all the time Perhaps you have to he born at Nigh Rtaanton manor Cr Its equivalent to possess the art of relegating pleeple to Immense tanees without seeming to administer tye.t' the gentlest shove. But unfortunately the effort of the Honorable Cuthbert's eordiality wee lost, so fat as the object of It was coorenwd, because of the surprising hen. only mew remarked by any one, that Captain Magnus had di.appeer'ed. CHAPTER XIV. Some Becht Diplomacy. The evaalnhmeat of Captain Mag- nus. though quite unlocked for at no crlticsI s moment. was too much In keeping with hls eccentric and unsocial iveya to arouse much comment. livery - hotly looked nbeut with mild ejacula- tions of aurprlar, and then forgot ebony the matter. whistling • Reotrh tune, Dugald Shaw set to work again on the boat in the fore of difficulty or opposition he always grew more brisk end cheer- ful. 1 uerd to wonder whether In the !rept Of • ternadWhe would not warm Into primitive genldllty. Perhaps It would not have needed • tornado, If 1 lt_d trot baaase by saaoetUaa bla nr tunrpnsng agamer no=r dears locket. lir 1f the Triumvirate, Ise hittrwl by Mr. TLbbat, 11,14 nut sat la gltm,u.y judgment un hi niers Ur if he hadn't in. for saving tar from t stead of leaving it to C'utl1 !tut limy under the atlmUlu* ed speaking his n.1bd about Mr. Tubba the licoscIllnan whistled as he w orated. and slapped the mottle youth rRecl,ruteIy us the ba.'k when he -awe and go Is the way with anxious Industry. .1s 1 wanted to observe develop u.ents—a very necessary thlug whim you aro playlug Providence I .tiro a cental IswdUorl ui the shade and pulled out some very modal' tattjpj, a ,vacs -01 ,Penelope's web which there Na, inn Peospes't of my !VW rompid- Ing. but whit+ ,a'rvett admirably to give tee as appearance et al -upsets at creed momenta. Mr. 'Tubbs also had sought at. shady meat, said was fanning himself with Mit helmet. Front tilos to time be !termite*. in a manner delertnlnedly gay. However he wlgt(s dlsgylse it from hitnself. this time Mr. Tubbs had oversee* els mal*. - The truth watt slats our arrival on Me Is1:tnl Jit. Tubbs had fell himself liar spoiled ch,ld -.1 fortune.. Aunt Jame and Mies lllgglesby-Browne were the .jinni can - menders of the espedl-fi'iu, atut lie emu - mended thrnt. 'lite Scotehmau's the - (evilest rank as leader had ill eolved uitviely the acceptwn.-e of ail the te- aponabhtlity and blame, while authority rested with the pet thunt guventmrnt dominated try use bland and wily Tubba. But ;now; fae.d will, the failure of Oils Coup d'etat, Mr. - Tebbe' situation was, to any the Least, awkward. Ile likd risked 'all and lost -it. , But 11e maintained an .sir of jaunty self -con- . fleience. sightly tlhged.wlth Irony. It was all very -well, he seemed to im- ply, foe ee to try to get along without M. H. • We would dissever the hupos- utbJI1J♦y,1 I1 loot enough. Aunt Jame, drunpine had been led I away to the cable' by atlas Hlggleeieby- Browne. You mow bears 'tie %sage of 'slob eihortati.,ti"tt11t1,gtrd with Aunt June's aids. 1 *eteed tit ter that au eat of Mr.'','tihbs was cocked attentively fa that dins titia. Hr Mei ludexd erred in the very wesdonuees of triumph, for a atingle glsuce etutild have kept Aunt Jane Iooslaud prude gal lit excuser for hila lac the face 01 - atty treachery. Nim even' Violet conld1 have clappevl the 114 on. the up -welling font of s.ttti.wettt Ilii Aunt Jane's heart tlaly the cold cemtetunipg eye le 11. 11. himself blide.:040etited that tepid now. The aturntut wore .,u with lserdn- (*rtesing 'heat, and as unthA hap- pened i began to find my watchful waiting dull t?un.re, wont out per- haps by seine prle ate •nuctureal -pig hat. slept 11eu%11) weer. he. Map- of the spring suer the brim. of -Old Melita'* kettic cooled the alt, 1 lee Iran to consider whether It seuuld asst he eel? to take a walk' with Cuthbert Fane and discover the esulmttune all aver main. 1 knew nothing, of course. ' of IMr. ,,ebb's draslc measure* with the celebraiwd landmark. .ts to Cuth- beres Interrupted courtship, 1 (lepeed- td om tee vast exeitemeut of 41*10v- ,ei•ing the cave to distract ttls wind from It. For that war the Idea• of courser--I;uthbert Vine and I would .•xplgro the rare, at•d then whenever 1 liked 1 meld prlek the bubble of Mr. 'l;ulslbi - ait(,14(jon*, withoat,reldttag the whsle .strange story of the.,diary and the island Queen. every mows - reproached e cave, ta- rt Vane -- But n„'m,,wlllle the rave deem me like a magnet. I Jealously desired he %bet first to see It to snatei1jelea.- y'ubb- 11e home. of discovery. And I w 1ted to know about poor Peter— sad t e donbloon,t that he had geae bask to fetch. But already Captain Magnus had forsaken the post of duty and depart- ed on an unknown errand. Could I ask Cuthbert Vane to do 11, toe? And then 1 ensiled a'-etnlle that wrx half proud. I might ask him—but be wade fiaTie me. in Cutht>ert'tr eisi pie c 440. certain things were "done," certale others not. Among the ods Will to fall in etonding by a friend. And„luat now Cuthbert was standing by Ii,ogaid Shaw. Therefore n.4'. and haeU:7 317" %teethed ensiles were vain. Ia,lktb- bert'e Millet, easy emitter -el, thick - heeded way he 'seed turn his calmly on the fags of love ,and toll the I.rir.h eon of duty even to drab.. It would not occur to blm not to. And b! never would suspect hlmsetf of belns a hero --that wmuld be quite the nlrest pert of It. It la easy to believe , eigaratttts rule a WOmaa's complexion. shahs always 1, hard oa 'paint.—I'httadelp1• W North Amerlcse. The Color of Soap The white color empbaatM tbe purity which has same Baby's Own Soap so papier is Canada's Nurseries. Ita Soothingfragrant lather atomises anrefreshes. It is imp:arable to but n para •00'p titan -- Baby's Own Soap ir• "Bad leer pee ata! Qebu 1.e" 1" NEW WATER RATES Rates now payable twice a ;ear - January and ,July. 10 per cent. discount off first half if paid on or before March I2th. Bring your bill when making payment. Make cheques payable to, J. B. Kelly. Collector, at his office on the Square, (the Hydro Store). WATER and LIGHT COMMISSION . T.'MURiiBi'. L. L. KNOX, - `ter 1..3y Apply Mtnard's at once. It ,halts the pain and stops i•'eam- 'nation. Removes all poison front cuts and sores. - N;ep O bottle on the shelf. ! WARD'S, "KIK OF PAiN" LINIMENT Meir Work Shoes Reg. $3.75 and :4.00, for $2.95 Menti medium and -heavy Worki__$hoes, 1 In black and brown, in sizes 6 to 11. Regular --. $3.75 and $4.00, for And yet 1 horst poor Cuthbert was an exploded superstition, an attachre. nine, part of ii vanishing order of" things. and that the Ideal whlrh wee replacing him was a boiler -plated mow aper with clockwork heart and brain. named F:Iticlency. And that Cuthbert must go, along with his Jatioheen ma- norand his family shoat, and- the oaks la the park. and everything else that couldn't prove Its right to tire except by being floe and i001y and full of garnered sweetness of the petit— At tbls point In my meditations the dear of the table opened end Mks flrAwne came oat, Inking .teensy res- olute. Aunt Jane fraineed, very ptnk about the eyes and nose. With • commanding greeters. M12. Browne Rig. baled the rent to approsrh. -Mr. Tubbs bounced up wit\ alerrlty, Mr. Show and Cuthbert obeyed less promptly, but they obeyed. Meaawhttp Violet wetted. Melee=� Continu��s fate (To This world le a dangerous place to lite In; people seldom get nut of ,iI n11ve. ethh'lpa Mie. teem a mean man who will r1eeter- eretely walk between a woman and • mltllner's window ---Chicago Xawn. r• _ 1.414 1 - 95 tt -.• . M. ROBINS Electric Wiring We speeialite in Wiring of all kinds. Let ilk give jsOU an estimate for wiring your house or garage. Private Telephones, Motors, Dynamos, Electric Light and Burglar Alarm, Systems All Work Geareintee.l Oeok, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of the best Electric Irons and Toasters made in Canada. ROaT. TAIT )elect riela n wily t!R Phase is