HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-3-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL, Specials for Friday and. Sath &y 25c Ktenup Soap, in tins s.•..rrr ,' 17c I0c Note Pads, ruled, satin finish ' 5 for I9c, I0c Envelopes , 4 pkgs for 25c .60c Rosebuds, per lb .•1 39c I5c Baby's Own Soap 3 for 29c I5c Memo Pads 7c $1.00 value Mag -Lac Tooth Brush and Paste, both. • 69c 20c Snap Hand Cleaner 2 for 29c 25c White Pine Expectorant 17c 60c Neilson's Bulk Chocolates, special. per 16 49c CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 The Square, God ericI. Prescriptions carefully compounded. CET YOUR 1925 Auto Markers trews J. W. MacVicar at IMacVlcar's Shoe Store or iutdrs 1 P. O. Li 414, Goderich, Ont. AU auto dealers have application forms to till in and save time More New Stamped---Ggods in this week' • Beautiful fine Night Gowns in orchid sod flesh eolore, all Made op. Stamped for embroidery, $1.00 Ladies' Droves in the new col- on, all trade up, ready to era- braider, $2 00. Card Table Coven and lunch Cloths, from 50c up. Vanity and Buffet Seta, from 214 up. , Runners. Centre., Cushions, Pil- low Caere, Bed :Remade. Every- thing in Embroidery Threads, bilk atld ('roehet Cettona. Instructions Fre. splendid line of St. Patric] -Cards And Favors. • , Smith's -Art ant Gift Stare P't•,n,. 1;%$ East Street ('hange•1„la 4.. N. R. Thne-table 1 ••hang.• to time of Munn: of the ('. \. it. tMhts has •yme int.. 415.8, The train leaving a;.Mk•ri.•h at 2.211 p.m. now• arrICes at Ti)rino° at 7_(0 instead of 7.15 K'nsrnrerty, 711'•(raiir urrivJpg, ut (loili:ri.t, at 10.41 1..m. now leaves 1oronte at h.I , insh•nd -n of t6111.itM Y•wrgNrl 'Chore- }w - torr .+nog. IPI tli:' tile• -..f arrival or de- parture at r;oderlrh. 1 LOO INWAa>E.D TO HOME MANUFACTURES AT GODERICH EXHIBITION GODERIGH, ONT. GODERICH TALL PAIR Heath tit -Haney 7111 %Sunday, Ma 6,, rror..-- s (nit \i I. ILI.i`., Marti : t Cwnmlltrr« sleuth and Prise 1 Bring Revised The• directors of the (:,Mlerlrh rlcutturat Society are 1eohlIng week Ineetinga, on Saturday night, to reel the j.riu• list for 1he full extdbiti .1u)un4 the prises which hate (as added dre the followtn,¢:-=-T(it thrix• exlwirt sttx•rs shown hS• one ,• hibUor, $10; for tsrt.t. three' 'Mde•t haev,a hug., 1st 44.•21141, #;(, :1rd Si 'The eamitdtti•i•A for t1,. year ars • • . try I ..f Yrl de rh►oegf,.. The' ditvsMurs of the 1:,s(i'rM1. Agrle0ltarul So• i•, t ha u• txru tr.f,la it* t r t ''ear will tears will. res;,, t or prise 1,1s1 hu• the toll t;xhlhtItou. a, MrR h r,ldr•u .1.•ath rtui- uu rote)[ of held_ f'r'et week of September, as JJ,, .,,v Ag In order that th..se,1 wh(S might eie.dr.. to exhibit art'.ar's .4 tools manufattnra Ttlt at hes home In It.Iroir kty may eOmtnen(•e w5,}k on their exhtl.hl at owl, thy.: part '.r the'prtSe Ili tat i1 11 i'' lk,ru at Klhherter (rty sin•• et, publlahed herewith. Those Inlereat.dlchunad (dit. 11 oar' and pvwu'r)... it flet r'•are :tg•t, h'' had -•jx nl hes Fu 1th n•tenauct•, u- the regular prmn ilk win not M* isatterl for sAhw weeks yes : at ,;:1't and 1:.,.1,. where 11,1 - .,, hi ou. fall, r ttu tett 'ft In 'u' hent tat 2ay•I r!' " %:,i)1,..1..1 •1'ftn: pnhU. fs•Ing roods. , , ' Hent designed Putt Work Quilt, cotton....$1.00 7huttr'ul-IA•tr. st designed Patch Work , $ 1 ' ; =R' l��' ••f• �T:•. Quilt wool 1.00 -5° t 1' lt. fur uut4S ,i• .e . '1'e4:0; -,..1:,r,,. }. ar. Bath -Towel and Wash ('loth, cottoa,.knitted 74 50 •+�•' '•tent 410.1 rhe dt:lnu•u,l hu. f as tallows :•x Printing and AdVtIttl.inu; 1.. i., -lint. 'nem. 1;tlndry. kw. F. (:allow. 11. 'i'. Edwards. ,Sltrartiott. and 1'r. rats -Lane 1ulk,•Id. SP, if. Itoh•rt•oo, -`1t'. •- F. t141rk. H. J..1..ya••Eaaa. 1.. 1.. Kn.ex, J. V. lunnlug.. . - '', speed . }t, - J:t..,lurk, ,.1. 'u `ally, Wni. $aIkelI.-Jt, V. 11n:uljnr+. 11,a •• • Wttt.- t:rt,g,. 1. 1. I•'i-h' r .. r' I'•twarej, re,. - .1n.lrow,. ,1:1s. Cor.o...h..-1l . ' 1'. Marie y. 11. ratin prey . 4'alt4, 4;ao. ,tugr,•a.. It. (lied, Gard 0 411s.w4. Jun:- F'y.%.,:r. t'. - A. Rotwe'Jaetu. tiher: - lien. Stunts! R..t. a:len. Jolter Kuw,eily, Pigs --John t(uty.riy, .1. A. Ytaher (' 1 Uniaortsut4 Uub. FuS&.J,:r. Ladles' \fork un,) tine .1 Mt- ) . It Mete, M. 1. t•.. W. F. (IUJk,w. J. W UaeViear. Sirs. Doer•, r yrs. ('atu Stewart. . I. ()were --•U. I. liiiikrw-- -'�F' Nattel. 1,1. 'C. F:dwurd.. It. 4'. !dun huge, Mr=. 1'. Stewllrt, Mr.. ttow.ri. GPO. .wekl. Fruit -Geo. Andrews. cosi. St ;wily taslk.4hl, U. Lamprey. .1. J. Moser },field ('r,p,. and Vt•getat•1••s-- 0, }• ,Edward. J. W. ,(ae•S'L•ar, Jno. •Fon-- MODEL THEATR ler, B yCJeo.ManPoul John SMc aj. Poultry -Geo. Gould. S. t:. McKay. Geo. Sturdy. J. W. MacVicar. • Grand Stand -11. C. Mainline*. H. ..S. MacEwaa (;e,,. .lndn•ws. IL T. Edwards. Jae. (.tonnolly...1. J. aa..4.:r. J Special. all w,.•k. Don't mh, one of them! Gronnde and Sauce-Pnxtfdent and -, g9All CSI -S --Tp 14 Vic preelde t•s. Meechante• Displays --W 11 Ricibe h l ' 28oadal and Tuesday CORZEVNLr FITH AND CON - WAY TEARLB and a superlative cant In the poignant story of Niter York's beautiful women. "l:•iLIRB_OF THE FIELD" ' ladocatlonal ('omedy "WILD- CAT WILLIE" owing to the' letyttb of chi. nutgnifi cent production, showing will start promptly at 7.:441 p.m. Two ru.I elites. each= nicht Wednesday an Tburi:Juy -a- GI•AIJA SWANSON IN by Allen Dwarf. very by lith: 14'•b•r's Rinehart ; no more )d '1>r• quid out apt picture. See "HEN LOVE S , MY' 1mp••rta1 Com "BLOWS AND DVN Friday and Saturda THF, KING-PiN OF HAROLD LLOYD :u Pb.. smalls IM:rth ''.•r "GIRL Milli" iennett tbm.•1), "W4t.t, writs:rt. 8l.l'1114" *FPI IY$3 Ds THS 141!" Matinira Tuesday and -Thursday 4.15: Saturday at :1.00 at "QUALITY" DONALDSON "SERVICE" • Say,- Folks! If you are going to build I want to install your plumbing and heating, or if it is a leaky faucet or to repair your old furnace it is all the same to me. Just call. on me for anything you want in my line of business. i-• WILFRID DONALDSON PLUMBER Phase 431 Bayfield Road • sots, r- R. R. Mete, M. P. P. L. 1.. Knox. H. T. Edwards, J. W. Mae - r, J. J. Moser, ]Mrs. 4Iowrio, Mrs. (. Stewart. Cblio,'e{'tine-H. J. A. Mat -Moan, W. P.�afC•T, 1. Malkeld, W. F. Clark.' e prr•..Wdent, Mr. Thomas Oua•. dry, is a memt,or of all committ,.•m. Special Values in Children's Dresses from 3 to 6 years. ' A small deposit. -w4 -1 -1 - hold any dress. MISS S. NOBLE eMura.c as41aaaee1111• DUNS THE GAMUT OF BAKING ''rely .t1jN11):llt ratirQ4l34t d... light 111e ehlhlren to the pastry served eh -mist yearling. swim - :.:ow: -from the eri.p culla' en- i.'ied at _breakfast to 1lie bre:Li pi1e(ws1 e,n the - 11114nor tali all•are bake! daily. And hestd'"t, each roll, 1u•. enkr-tend tote trier“--ee -.rt,-, shortening and the Mien (lair. prudix•ta. 1f la Was -baking de -veloped to pthictton! Two.. the pias -try the cak•..t -slice n loaf -then the eery goodness of Ilenderson'4- !.read and pastry will be qui:e' apt.ar est (n you. lla.i some on_euttr nude j•,. day. P. HENDERSON, Baker Rest SI r.•et. 1'I0e11e 111. ew Meat Market Ihave mdAiii my Meat Market, whrck 1 have con- ducted on East Street for the past thirteen years, to the Saunders Block on West Street, next door to the Dominion Grocers. I have installed a new refrigerator and up-to-date fixtures and am in a position to supply the public with the Choicest Quality Meats at reasonable prices. A trial solicited West Street D. M. O'BRIEN Phone 31 See. 1. 2. 3. z n•tr. "Tilt. run ('LASS II -KNITTING' - (, 4 ' tel• He % 414 well /moan 4. Baby's Jacket and Bonnet - 1.00 50 ,n'••- at Ile. roitl 141,.1 rs. j - b. Baby's Bootees and Mitts 75 50 .1 yea-- ;'go,, lie w is w.•.'.-I,q•eati 6. Knitted Socks. 1 pair, coarse 50 25 h• • a frcooeut ,slues •.. itis 1. 7. Knitted &oeksi 1 pair, tine • - i5 50 ' r t-,.. 1•u. W111,1 hi C." Pitt. K;,: it. ('e.ir*se, Double Knitted Mitts, 1 pair 50 25 ''' ' i IT.l. . .,e..'...,144. I•r• 9- looney Wool '�littt'ns, 1 pair. s. 50 25-- I• 4 1' •1 t '.i¢ett. r. .51:14• Maroc 10. Knitted Bedroom Slippers 54) 25 14 all f 1)t r.,Jt. To., .1, 11. Knitted Scarf, 12 to 14 incheei wide ... .5 50 and •`ir•e lu.,r(li•rs nt.;, •nn;\,•: • 12. knitted Men's Pullover, Vest or•Sweater.:1.00. 75 - •t1 wtut LtttteJotut hu1�' :10..1�h • 18, I.iiit;ed Ladit- ' Sweater 1.90' 715-.-_ `i 0. r Jr. VIOL: -Str -44r , I..'lla\ C'I.1QtaS 14-('RUCHET IN WOOL I well. t'att:ar1•. .tela.: 11.•rr, :.1_.,f 114; lot 2nd •, e.ag„' I I! . std FMA114 ,.t Sleety real ; 1. Boy,' 4'.111. -t 25 2. Lace .:. r ....., 50 _,5 -- '•- 3..., Ladies' Shawl ,....:.... 75 50 4. Ladies' Sweater • .... w ----='2,---L00 75 CLASS 45-CR(N'HE7' t'Yi COTTON • -Sat . :Ind '1. Lunch (loth,. 4 •i3ef 11et(c = a $ 75 --$ 50 . 2. Ii Doilies, ai rted 3. Pair Towel+,,Insertx.n Trimmed 5p' 25 4. Sofa Pillow. . - 5. Runner ue f, natural; linen .50 - -25. 6. Crochet- • *kali' Pillow f?lIpa and Sheet.. 1,110 75 - • 7. Dresser t, and Pin Cb+hien 50 25 __ 8. Table Mats, 3 piece •r 75 50 9. Bath Towel and Wash (loth 75 • SO CL.1SS 46 -EMBROIDERIES •l st-- 1. Embroidered Tea (loth 'and 4 Serviettes$ 75 . 2. Table Runner, white and colored 50 3. Embroidered Baby Pillow, white and colored 50 4. Sofa Pillow, colored Si Embroidered Night Dress, white 6. Embroidered Night Dress, colored 7. Embroidered ('hild'a Dress ' 8. Embroidered Towels, initial - 9. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 2. 10, Infant's Dress and Petticoat 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ins. 25 25 50 'lb 50 . 25 50 25 50 25 5(1 25:. 50. • 25 75 50 Dresser Scarf and Pin Cushion... • . Buffet Set •../r••-��, r,0 25 white , Centre Piece, White ' r,f no Tea Cosy . Fancy Apron. colored Buffet Set, Colored Centre Piece, Colored Bolster Cover, White or Colored Bed Spread, fancy - CLASS 47 -...SEWING 1. Gent's Fine Shirt - 2 12 Buttonholes, 4 in cotton, 4 in wool, 4 tailored \. ..-4, 50 3. Darned Sock or Stocking, not )ens than 2 in50 ' '4.' Darning on Cotton or Linen - 50 5. Mending, one patch hemmed 50 6. Mending, 1 patch tap -:awed 50 • 7. Bungalow Apron 50 . 8. Ladies' Morning-eli.44, Print 75 - - 9. Ladies' Afternoon Porth Deese .75 25 50 , 25 50 25 er^ THE GODERICH 'NE DELIVER DESPITE 9NpyJ OR, ICE O JR} STORED rlv Lacy On 7 Merchants' Bookkeeping., MACDONALD GIBBS Sc, militant Yhon,• . . /J... .:1 I.• • rich 1st 2nd wOU'LL clever 'catch the beat $ 75 . ' $ 10 •- - j Folks )awing. They have --a full winter. otiuipment; inelud- .'25 ing •snow -*hoes. They w.(irk h1• the 25 rate that a cu•4teamer'q needs must he 25 ' (..tuet weather or no. If the home fires 25 , tare_ j::2ilg Out - -they'll come on the 25 run 50 •,o 10. Child's Dress and Bloomers ;5 50 IT. Child's Rompers ',0 25 CLASS 48-E'IBRUIDERi" :%ND 1..1(EW S(1 Ec SME , . Se c 1st- 2nd 1. Tatting}50 $ 25 3. �'Cr'tting 50 50 _ \ 25 \- 25 `�(. (lttn•y. Hanel -made .. ..-......... a. 'Kr.ttect Threayl Icer s1 ti. Ili er 1 • _ - _ bb .-7 .. R.-n•an ( T''rTt... 50 It. Yoltrnr.:h 1 Eyck -t 10. Solid _ . 4I Russian Cross•.., 12.. Italian Relief 13. Sweedish W$atlrtg i!+:" ••):'Tench .Knots 1•., tlrientel 17. Modern ('onventional - - 50 a5 Call the 'WW1 For Goc.44 Clean ('t, a 1 t• Lux:try In Up obtery I :rim_ , r.t: ,rt which ytitl are I1,luwl e • mi o: when repo?... int *in ne:' ,i ,- 171 irr1� r'i(.tn , anti ]her nr uF,'. • 'ere d l.ie.-i x •a i' furtotlirt; .h,.t;l.l r.'•onrrn•'ntlit ti,m,e11914Qh ,{t I! ,•n fop, all this i. tI _P Slut,• apltwul. The r}t' 'f .InLoi,tcrtfire,tar-we , r. .%101,44. is :i. .•\,lilltit . let .l, .• .t f , t, . I \\\ ,• , 4 J SO -B. MUSTARD coIkFAALNY J• ,J1 =WHEELER 14409E 5d u3j1,"CM Furniture • Funeral Dire..t •Ham;lton Street . _-' -7:7---,-----,, t'... � Thcrmiodyiie Receiviag Set , •- 'Nonni. .. .,- ....iii•..1k • ;Idol r- dation u: t .• 50 25 t; e (!•tL•uelit c • :,Iur,•K of Pieces. .., rilli(u rt ''--it. wiele-rooks-.A . • Sec. tat 2nd - '. 1. Crochet Trimmed Bath Towel and Face Clot$ 50 $ ' _2. Pair, Fancy Towels ( b0- 25 . - :J, Bridge Sir Cloth and 4,Serviettes,•in color50 25 4. French Ilemmed Linen.... , ...._.. -. ,., :S0 25 5. ('rather '• Rag Mat. . !,0 25 6.. Crochet Wool Mat 50 25 7. Hooked Mat i'. , • • tit' .` 25 8. Braided Mat 1 50 26 9. Collection Emnot less Than pieces 75 50 10. 'Collection Crochet, not leas-t5alt 6 pieces75 50 11. Beaded Bag 50 ' 25' .-12. Collection of 5 articles suitable for Xmas Gifts, c'ostingTeas-Ilan $1.00 each - 75 SO -- - CLASS 49 -MISCELLANEOUS CLASS 50 -DOMESTIC SCIENCE, FRUIT'S - Sec. 1. Preserved Fruits, 8 varieties pint jars 41.60 $1.00 2. Collection Conned Fruit, 6 varieties, pint jars1.50 1.00 3. Collection Marmalade, 4 varieties 1.00 50 4 Coll. Jelly -Apple, plum, red currant, berry 1.00 50 5. Collection Canned Vegetables, tomatoes, corn, peas, beans 1.00 50 6. Cold Meat Sauces, 2 varieties 5 7. 2 varieties Tomato Ca&up, ripe and green 50 25 8. 2 varieties Sweet Pickles 50. 25 9. -'2 varieties Sour Pickles, 1 mixed, 1 mustard 5025 10.' 1 pint Mince `Meat ...- r21,- 11. 1 pint Canned Chicken 60 Y6 12. 'Honey in Comb, 10 pounds 70- 13. -Jar of 1924 Honey 1 2y 14. - Maple Syrup, 1925 • 50 25 15. Pair Dressed Chickens TS .50 16. 4 pounds Cued Ham 50 • 25 17. Cold Meat Pie i0 • 25 18. Chicken Pia SS 25 19. Beef Loaf 20. 2 pounds Hone Rendered Lard 21. 2 Cakes Hard Soap, Home Made 22. 1 quart Soft Soap CLASS 111-DOO'KST(C SCIENCE BAKING See. 1st 2nd 1.- 1 loaf Bread, Some -made, White Z 50 $ 25 2. 1 loaf Bread, Home Made, Brown..`. -77:-...-i-50 $5 3, loaf loaf Bread, Home Made, Not . _ 50 • 25 -4. es Biacuita, 3 soda, 3 -baking powder 5 5. Buns, 3 fancy, 9 plain 50 25 21� 6. Cookies, 3 oatmeal, 3 nut, 3 ginger 50 25 7. Rookie, six 50 25 8. Dark Fruit Cake, 2 pounds 75 n0 9. Light Fruit Cake, 2 pounds 75 50 10. Light layer Cake, lemon filling, butter icing 75 50 11. Collection 4 pica -Apple, lemon, pumpkin, , 12. 6 asserted Tarts, not jelly 50 1.50 2 • 13. Best Cheese Dish, recipe attached 50 25 ('LASS 12 ---REED WORK Se. 1st 2nd Amateur only, 1. Tray . i $ 50 $ 25 2. Sendw•i.h Basket 50 25 3. Lamp and Shade 100 4. Candle and Shade 75 5(1 5. ,lar(lineer 50 2r 6. Flower Basket 75 b0 ('hildre','s' Werk same as last year with addition of Collertio{t of Rome Made Candy --fudge, maple cream, taffy $ /5 $ 50 50 . 2b 50 2� 50 25 50 25 One Master Control Ti,. r i -..i t soler smart/ r omitrr•l 1•,, • .1• .I r, ntlt1.1. �,� - and give. ut.Lu►tatti'RJriri niek(141 of slutrnv, Toll .•un l i them --they ju4,-click in. N. !i+11,1l, to tdrain•tr) ' N'ewvjwpera give the bust *rat -. hv. li n),•!1,. Th.rntio.Ji•t,• gets then!. .L 184)'Iegree turl:.t.f the ai :m4or ei.strid. is like an 'instantaneous tour of dmens of .•lute. l•.v.fv 1n11 aiw*Ya.1 i the mule titins. No I,g ging .,f staliorly; not►Ti' g•1.. rejut•tuher.• . r • Uiip'fbnuntn.l slit« nn loud vtx•akerj,nt(1/r normal (•Corti- tion*,'Thouwndr nt miles.etre, cowl ittofl.sanf'favor;ibJe: Krone• many sections of the_country`t le 'j'h••rtttlo. ',le luring, in aux . 500 Watt station-iii-ttie J'nit.1,States and ('altaela,. induct -ivy - Cuba. regularly. ` Opetrrtes,with nix tUla✓.-1lrrer ..t•'pv df Therluionic Fre- I to. ney, f h'tei{(or, and llerl Stt'):a of Audio Frequene} w is th. tirtt receiver built to successfully tune dare,' stages of ampli- fication botoir. th6 detector without distort ion. Cannot howl, squeal, or radiata.' - Equipment -- ' - Twenty-tive foot indoor antenna furnished with each . art. 4:i.,',. ample volume.. Outdoor antenna unnmrlwary, but if uked- •'hould not exceed 100 feet, or under MINI.' ineiuding lead in. COME 144 ANS SEE THESE SETS Huron Radio and Supply Co. Bank of Hamilton Building The Square "HONEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY" That has been the estahli,hed policy of this store for many year., and when you ptrrehhw' your ftmtiw•ar from up, you; rga►i''. ' feel n-oIred you are getting goods which we feel a'nnfide'nt WI1 give .'nnlpb'te rtatitfnetion•t04Iw wt•ttrt'r4 gooer which art made 11p to a stan dar=I, not dolltn•to n price. ---. In our travelling goods department you wilt find a com- plete. range of . -- Trunks, Club -Bags, -Suit Cases, r etc., al right pri.'ee. Protest your health by wen ring DOMINION BRAND RUBBERS • A etiilf'.nli(•ite•t1, prompt Anil (Intricate •melte n+sated. SHARMAN'S "771* Leading Shoe Store" Phone 158 W. RKG. SHARMAN (.GDERICH P