HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-3-5, Page 4er ) 4--Tburiday, Ilirt`Y 3t. ISYS _ l THE SIGNAL, GODEIRICH, ONT. Ths 5torr With tho Stock Prince Clothing for Boys FIT FOR A PRINCE The boys cone- sure they tin; ulna• they Net?? a Prince suit it i, halal t. sen them tit ordinary make.. Thr t, tire e!iT- ereut, the 'loth looks good and is good, and tailored like �-uuyg nten'e Rarmeut+:. end' etikta very little more thou the ordilhtiry kind. They are moth cheaper in the end. ' Made With one •.r two lours of Lloowers. If you haven't tried a Prince Suit -Try One. W.C.PRIDHAM & SON fMoo's and Boys' Wear noose 17 Next Bank of Montreal i'REWF., Mer. 2.-)4r. and Mrs. W. 'Drennan attended the funeral of Mr. Jtwrph Taylor, of l.utkuw_ Loot 1(.t_ urday. Quote- n number from around bei attended W. Twamlei'a sale last Wed- meiday and report -it vary sareilKot. Everytt:litg sold for a good figurer - The young people of Crewe are.pat ting on a play In the ...hoed on Marsh From Our District Correspondents Made.; to t!he eah•ation Army and u Krent of I�'J 1.1 tic-'('Intoe/lt 10 114. MhUw. Irl! the til4v�w ludegrtlty 1'Q. Insurance scheme. Taa ardor was take _ •• ea. Bylaw No. :1, .aulburislag the n)Ib. T'iu•n• fa tri W. a box kraut herr 111 at v�C4'Wltt. the- piny. After au.. tetteaded Illness flea.• !t. Mir. H. •1. !nuke made a Lu-ineaa Steinke pe►sd sway at,her home In trip to Imolai .w hast Saturday. Walke•rhuru, 'She, was a eonstatent Mice .Uwu Blake visited friends in 1;oderieh Sart week. GODERIt'h TOWNSHIP ti 'I)I:Itil'H Tl)WNSIIII', Mar, :1. - We have not lieurj of .say damage done by the ell rthi! ua►e in 1111. ri- eluIry. - Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. iite are the )s 1 parents of a fine Itchy girl. e'. ere h I,•. ! rat lin the new hospital at r'.4tntary 24th. We are plivasealL t•. a,ey Ht' eh.. » muel. F.dwanM her reit ue 1 h raw• s-1pr•.vwt in kc*It M Cwi..0 chary the pa -ler. Mr. 1V 4, .1ie'.1. taw ma .lwn% tottlmeuve.1 a series of interim tng it.•rw••u, in, l'hrl-Ilan frtwlona $creche nit usual ..•v: t:•).lyth a• 1 eiet.a:k:--eteta.laat N..•rybody wet • once. The t•ler)t o , 4iide•riele-fi.w nship re torte the vital italb•tk•v`'•f the town- ship ter the 'prior I1tt Jr follow.: ':t1(: taarrIag.•r. 2; deaths, o. UNI RN .\I•Itl'itN. Mar. 4. --Mr. Eugene Itidu.•. 01 Stratford Normal School, sent the week -end at hie home here. • ]tie Irene tlovter. of Iflyth High S.hw,:. w1(s home for the week -end. Th.. annual Interdenomlaatlonal day of prayer of the W M. S.. which .41(41 to have been hold in the Bap- tist apti.t church last Friday. was post - potted owing to :he storm. It wan held on W edneeday afternoon of this week. • Mr. -Chas. Scott. a former resldent of Auburn. wbo bets been in Kitchen- er for the pain year with hie uncle. ]1�1forn engaged ,,um by 111. JaIDeet Jack - for adtaR fqr the summer. eV. 1'. Ranee and Mr. G. Sturdy attended the temperance convention In t'liuton on Tuesday. Mrs. Ziegler (formerly Mims yn Yuunghlut I is tame on an Untended visit W bt•r parents. Tier mother i. America's -Leading Incubators and Brooders are now being sold in your own town. -THE IDEAL Incubators and Brooders hate been the reading - machine. in the 1 tilled Stat.•. for 33 •.airs. 'chis year the) are (wing sold in ('ansda at a trier much below other mates. of similar quality and three maehine- are built to 14tuVa lifetime, aryl hate a veiliew 4'll:tr.:r.t7. nigh rter) , machine. member of Knox eltureh, Anhurq, She leave.- to_,q►uuru her Iowa her Iia laud 4110 .Wughter Jean. The ,.,,mpsthy of th.1+.. Waunity goes out U. tieen_in their 11.aa''uf trouble, Irish , t'' 1, le c 1 h 1{ . r -•.-air 1 rn d x, r will be pnee•nted 1e, the Fortrters' Hull on Friday • Mai -ch 13th, under 111.• aurplles Al-ihe Epworth League I et the Metlurdtai' church. There la only one nay t,. make money Ant of poultry th-da), and that in try areitielal 40,11hatit'n and hro4Hling. 4.M )our rorkerrl. 4M1 the market %Isco the) are worth Me a Ib.. and pair pullets Lying in the 1a11 when egg`• are Silk to 7,Se a dozen. /'all and ..w U.ewe machines and be nmt int d. ROisERI WILSON Phone 165, GODERICH 1 Hamilton Street Massey Harris Agent 1 New Spring Merchandise New merchandise for Spring is arriving every week now; Ginghams, broadcloths, linens, voiles, silks, cottons and sheetings. Splendid range of designs and colors in every dress material you will need for Spring sewing. Ask to see the new merchandise. ANDERSON'S SCOTCH GINGHAM Splendid range of checks and plaid designs in full range of color combinations. The width of these is 32 and 36 inches. 4- - LINEN DRESS GOODS .lust new and a good range of shades. They are of the finest quality and guaranteed fully shrunk. SILK BROADCLOTH In shades sand, white, navy, black, orchid, note green and russet. The best quality and suitable for dresses or lingerie. COLLAR AND CUFF SETS New shipments just received, your choice of lace or vile new starched eollarq and cuffs. PILLOW COTTONS AND SHEETINGS Of the finest quality. Pillow cottons in several qual- ' itit'w and in widths 40. 42 and 44 inch. Sheetjngi either bleach, or unbleached in widths 72 , inch and 81 inch.' - SILK HOSE (SPECIAL) (rf exceptional quality, gond heavy weight, of .ha.le4 and sizes. (Tearing now at per pair full range $125 Rnv +your linoleum frill Oil -cloth Floor Coverings Now. ' oii will obtain better Serena- and better prices. THE S. A. GRAY CO. Lel: RN l.4)1'It1 KN. •Mar. 3. --Mr. Will t'htatl.I'u left Sur Port Coi&.r&r on Motrin} 1.. net's fit out the bout 111 which ho rmeets [u gin sulling. Mary... rhe funeral took plate from tht. LYeshyterlan ehnn•h here uu SA-- untidy, ut unlay, Rev. Jas. t4•uhle• taking the -ervh•ee at the 0hureh and ut Wittg- n:int r'ernetery. 'I'1ie sympatlq• of the e•Ululul►lity gueo exit to the foully 4u tls•Ir sad IIreavemeut. Mr. and -Mrs. Albert a iwroj. of Aal.tield, visited uu Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. e. Purdon. Ja 1'u cru Mrs. J.... Tiftlu event last Beek int Toronto with her slater, Mrs. Ttlump- ✓ Ua. Mrs. Wellwood, of Orangeville, 1e vl.11ina :with heir daughter, Mrs. .tr- t ar Moore. Mrs. `W t 1 vishod e. m. It chlor. a v1 y I h [ week with her pike. Mr.: t\'u.. R1ae .. k)ut d Wtagham. Mr. Meltllk• Beecroft.. of Loudon Normal S•t•hooI, spent, the N.»•I. end With hie, parents. Mf. alldeaer., .Lehr BABY'S OWN TABLETS Beecroft ALWAYS IN THE HOME 1/114.1. n mo4h. r ha- 21-4.41 ICtby'. Own Tablets for her little ones she will use nothlug elae.and a/ lo12g as there are Mahler" I, the .home you will al- ways 11124 a ben of Ita_hy'a Own Tab- lets on hand. Thousands of mother, have brome convin,4rt through the actual use of the Tablets that there iA nothing to equal them in banishing conaNpati.n and indigo«tion: breaking up colds and simply fevers: expelling worms and promoting that healthful refroshing sleep ..0 ueces_ary to the welfare of little onset Among the thousands of ,mothers wbo praise Itaby'a Olen Tablets to Mn*. Aire. .1. i'erry-, Atlantic. N. B.. wbo eaya:-"fe always keep Baby's Own Tablets In the Make, sag know of no,other med- icine that tan equal tient for the minor Ills that come te- Toting Choc. dren." The Tateets are mold by medi- cine denier-. or Ay--saf44 at 21le a bog from The lir. Willtaaw' Medicine Co., Brockville. (hat. - WNW/YIELD w}:WPFIEL1), Mar. 7ii�s Mar- jorie Walden, formerly of ton. la_shtktng her uncle, Mr. Wm. Wal- den. Mlae Gladys Seguae. of Nile. is "k- iting her ,aunt. Mr.. Forte., Keating. Mr. ltcrt. Taylor spent over thee weekend al Goderich. Miss Angie• Wirhtmau left oh Mon- dale om da! ,tor a few meet(/' - rt•4it w.kh friends at Myth and Rrueetked. Mr. and Mrs. Toney and daughter Ruth. of ('hatham. arrieed on Tneve ollty laxt. They are going Ave teak♦ heir hotpe in these forte •`a.. Mf. Polley has Nought a farm .in . t'l• Itlyth gravel need. about a mile err>Jti: iteIgra►e. , 114111.. a iumbe from this emanate intended flc intel41(44 llr. .41(..11 Jehn n1n's Bahr. - - _ 111ENMI LEK - li1.C3tii, _Thar. 1 M: F__H. ',Waitrr$wand !Lev.- `W II Mf»s At. ;,..1,4,,t elle prot)ibl:io.. • .. in ' Clinton Uu Tieaday. lies... Iti•rrymin.,of .:. Lr.• 1,011 a k•w days t.•t weil: wan her • not1c�h• t..'Mrs. Rey atehrittr. ,. • •• s Amin. reify '111. - Those who are planuiI tit at ad tlfir-Tiia 1w' Aid play oil -tote - ••tflth might to botch a few tn4nlit.ea every day. so that -there wilt he n.,"..ratkwl fuer% that night �' tr Neat Teday eta -Mint. MW aro'1Oth. a debate betwyeen Mestere. Stoltz eared Italthby. of Auburn. and our hear Sys, brewery r. Keith Oarduer ani Ito,. ,Fisher, will take plate in Renmiller rhnrrh. -The*,ubjert is: '•Hes..h'..1, that it la better to live 'in ('nnada than In the 1'.tl..' our t- eki-1gNo- •,wsatlre nide. The do or wit' .1M• welter at a p.m., and while Abe Judaea are bringing In a deebsiob\ lantern *Wee will 4e shown ah. "The p. and Paper -Industry." AAHFIZ1.D AHiil'I191.1), Mar. :..-Mr' Win. Finlay/am has n•turned to her hum. 1(1 Lorne. near Kincardine. after .Ipending it week with her -sister. Miss Mary Stewart. who has been ill. Mrs. I)urr•an Melntyre ;,1 visiting with friends at Detroit for a few weeks. Mr. Albert Thain visited frieuth. at Le4,urn for a few days last wee),, Mhos Alice Ma0Dknald spree the week -end at the bone of her brother Furl, at Pon Albers -Mims Lottie MacKenzie. Port Al- bert, /pent the week-ead at the home of her perste. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. MacKenzie. Mtwara. Tom and Jack Bogie vis- ited a1 the home of Mr. and Mr/. Wt N. Johnatao last west. A slight earthquake tremor was felt here last Saturday evening. Mr. w•m. .Mcleod of Ripley, won of Mr. and Mao. -McLeod. 1 n hal»h, Is under medical treatment in i.ock- now. Wo whits him a vrp.rdy recov- ery. The Steelton )(and will hold iia monthly meeting on Saturday, Nareh 7. at the chun•h, at the usual time. 2.30. Mr. and Mew. John Mackey and family have been down with the grippe but we are glad to report tbcy are recovering a/ well as lean be ex- pected. WlIiTRCIR'R(.'H WHiTFX'Ht'RCf, Mar. 2.-A jury P111111411 death occurred it, our village on Wednesday 1a/t, when John, eigh- teen -year-old eon of Mir. and Mrs. John Clubb, died atter a brief in - me.% of five days. Besides' hie par- ents. he leaven to mourn Mil three mistier:. Jean (Afro. Norman Stewart), of 1nrknnw; Cora (Mrw. Fred Ma- rk) of St. sMary', and Ada tarn. Frank Ogilvie) of Toronto. and two brothers, Fred and t'alvie of IN Miss, -,Aust -Yott. is .in Ball this week and will h• arcoml.:uli.»1 -hone. dose prover! nicely after bier •na•r..ti.n.. Mie. Jeauette R. ('ottle, R. N , sprat the week -end with hersister, Mrs. Thu''. Kew, of Wingham. Mr..-Jlow., of item...field. i.' -v110146 ^ with nor mister, Yrs. John ('tube, Quit.• a number In thi. dietro•t noticed the earthquake shock on teat• urday i'veping. BAYFiELD 1 rr 1 f tf INNI Item the 1'nlou I'O1�OS:4N •e' U W tag tl Bank, us read the third time wits erlr- 1atelitNt\l; .Towz.45111'. mit. 4.' rkd' Rer•v4 1:Inu and (buurlllur Ml r. t'1141e. .(. Lt.rls•rtsou nturn_a Sottt•erby 1►'en• ntttherila-d 16 Iltervfew home from Toronto uq Itaturday . v - ening lust. Nra. Itobertxuu remaining lot a few days with her sister. Mie Mary E. Baxter slant a few r syr with her brother George in 1I,sl- .last week._ • V► )Il':'Earl McKifi itt..•f Ashur*. ---wan visiting fritn eta in the neighborhood Gni stet, .1 nnmis•r of young people' '1114Te• WEST- W.tWAN1tQIt- beet) ettjoylog themselves 1* the ev- The \Viet Wawa -molt mtIik•ilul )Ie• lWrrzoR' n hauling wood held its ragl th4r -meeting 1 eh- eninga on Mr. Rented Mltvhrll's tenni. ruxry 1Ttli with 'all, • the tn4•uilr•rT to bis new• home In (1,41rleh. Ii'--j'pre.el t uirl •he lte.•ve presiding. Tie• a o the the 1 1 t .A tuft and i � minute* of lust meeting a t tnkee twees�eteslon of Mr. STSs•'. .lore trer.surer'/ stntemeut were 'read and ( 'ungl'ntuletluur are ea read. rl to eecepted. The folloe•h.g tngtltutiotrs Mrs. .11ex, Stirling Ii,, Elm 4)kr. , receir.ri,t,granis: St. 11e1e•n1' i library. formerly of Ik•umiller1 am! her lute- pp): '.\nhnnl and thmminnnn\ Itbrer band, who w.•re married Saturday Iasi.' `4,see., 1't .•ash:' the i'lili 1ren Oelt• % ' ►oil w :�• 111.' 1lesal Realda l'.4 n• the, 1eir,ha.e of two email graders and one 'road plow. The followiaccount?.acrnaccount?.Were ordered paid: 'rhe SignAle - Ing. 1(1.50; 11. 1' m)rson. mgi•- Iratlou/ _slew" .\Jjourne.1 to 11114,1t�^tt e t 1.G r _ It. 1:. 'PH(1MPS0N. Clerk.Y'hey wilt make their home on tthe#13. The .vdlk•tar'e ;;room's farm at ,'ugs-, Ma-nitoba• 41 »1, the aualwt 4.1 in v.a.lt,l int- (tswhldetulatcuintcg I* s4rr i4724•.1nt•ao.1Inkhet'o. 41144'- amr ttnnll)• !Neel»I. T11.• full sl 'itte ofihr n. -wi•ri -appdnt.., for 'Pell. Treasurer, \1'u. J. Thomism': 'Abs.' TT. Rupert M.•:\III ter; itt�ws..r. Ras. Murray. T .r 4nulllers, Stowe. 1►arnlu tend 1,1 aline.- NIlltcr,-pn•u•nn•1 OtMr rq►Wrl. wr' t'a1re•er•plell. The 1tintnrlt ndjuhlurnitivf t' s - Mart: 17111. at 1 p.m. WEEKLi' HOG GRADING REPORT • for ilttr,ai, trunty fur week ...any I'.4.raary 211... 111111 -- •' ' Total )t.rlaw tlrtrnrr county . 1Mla •J75 Whets Thick smooth 1 I lea I/eavIe, s 3X 5 'litre heavievs 7 2 Shop hogs -- 13 11 Lights and feeders 4 4 Roughs 1 R.1YP'IFL[), Mar. 3.-)I r■. Mal- •tluw, No. 1 • eolm Tome to %lefties her sister at }tows No. 2 ".14 Sault Pte. Marie. Stage ; 1 MI.. Alma M..•Ka) retuned to • London on Saturday. Mrw. H. Weston to tieiting her daughters -at Detroit. Mr. Grenville Arkineon. [h•troit. has o mitted for the summer and is ot•- cupltng his cottage. - .411Jr,. Tb4e Brandon and family noted on Monday to Mr. Lout+ Tbompx)o'a home. . The box modal riven nosier the sue - tikes of the local L. O. L last week proved to he quite a success. Tlit•n• was a very good attcndaoce and a pleasant evening was spent. 1'rrt¢e»- sir• euchre was played &tring the first pert of the evening and after lunch (lancing was indnlasd in. The winners of the prizes in ent•hre were Mr. R. Muir. jr., ani Mre. w•l+w.o ll••ard. first, .air. A. harrow and Mr... A. Brandon carrying off the booby prizes. The hrxee. which were. very attractively arranged and filled wit 1 11,,. good things which gentlemen like and ladles know how' to bake, were auctioned OK 'by Mr. G. H. El- liott of Clinton. hire. F.d,. Waatnn, who underwent an aper:It%()p.Se-Ondrrieh-hospital no Monday. Is .improving niMly. 'Rev. A..tracforlane. we are'-orr): to report. it stHl-quite IIl. • Th # I P. S. are holding a v.r•.•;•.•- ny li4'NGANNON Word from Detroit. ''where Mian . Sharman, principal of 1 : utral school. baa heen unde•going t r.uMp e , ie that she 141 much improved `a proapw•t i» that she . will 1►e I•return hum.• before long. TOWNSHIP COMMA GODEKi(JII TOVV NIFIR1P The council of Goderk•h towrt hip meet in -Ilolmemrille on Monday MOkn•h 2. at 1.30 o'clock After the usual 1 routine buslnees u grant of 410 was 1'. 11("t i,\Y' lr\*-__...•ere'1-j---Tis- • doe• 4• , •,,( >West t _- Ftr • 1 or •e 1'41 t>S fi 171-1•'.- n : t• .n Tm•+dwv this wee;:.. �h.• om n'i. In»jtnt.•.hitend• hav- ing a h a'.tYt \on xlnr h ialMarehr- ', ltlth. F tuft •r particulars,neat w.»•k. Deep •1, is iMtng • cl►n py rr.•tyernr w •errmmnnitr tat the-- arty decor b' of Mrs. Hary f Trolear- nf.r . .qthe who wits vary highly rsl.'..med J Who until a 1:'!.• over �,a per a tilvl .1 on their farm on the atimc ton of A.hfi.4d. The fun- rr -rvlft will he held in the Meth• ._ ndLtt,-th114re Thursday aft.•rnpnn at 4 e'efock.. J )terme•nt will be to [hta- aq soon' tr•nlet Pry. Owing to the death of Mr/ arvey Trt••ay.•n. t e play emaI.»ft_; What lhot4 given' in the-Metballat church on nada; 4•tenitg. in p)rttp-orrl iudrfin- hely. Calvin McIntyre and Maurice Deus have _fftpyneb, home after spending ter weeks slotting friend -4 at London. Istvan and other points. 711.• 4iris of the Mission Cine rave a mi.ldnnary drama in the tae/ememt of the Methediet church on Friday ev- ening. ateornpanled with pictures en- titled. -With the Mllwsionary in West China." (awing to the storms, weath-' K the attendance was email. Tbh, pictures were shown again at the ev- ening service on Sunday. While old Felbruary acted quite humanely during his twenty -eight days' mojoun- With um, he showed enough of Ma old wild nature on the last three days to remt.d no that be was not yet to he coouldered among the, peaceful. clvlllud months of the ` yi•ar: 'Contently he Intrude to main- ' fain At loco/1 a ''our•polet-four kick" as a minlmum. Unlike moat politi- cians.- however, we hart. to 4o with . atm only ogee a •year. Me. and- Mrs: it Pealland, Dungan- non. annnttnr4 the engagement of their daughter, ',dna Lilian, to Mr. Norman R. Moffat, of (yrluke, son of the late J. A. and 1Lrn. ]Moffat. of Carluke. Ont., the wedding to take place early In March. Nnw the secret Is out. Roth J. A. Currie and J. A. .Me(huslanil hove been 'striving for a beerier. St. Catharine.. Standard. 'Ndoix fi.olln Paine QUmstjsh Neuritis Neuralgte rareL orf dr.m... hoe.. bora at Q' Q.trteN 2nd rerun rutin from T. C.'. act Aimed, e. N. 4.en• that }w.� the pate. They eontain as d.eeraroe• p ' 04 torahs. drug. Year druan.t nests• ��.aralI. t..1(.. a.ed )I . for a.e.r•,.. Totgaarisassa. Tercets. $1.00 at..um•e lam SacHMrlart... HaIt 1. Hew Nau..iat. 5474 Lumimeo 3474 Pain. TRCes TCAPaUlLBA-r,C RMPc.g, TX 1 "SAI' IT WIT/I FLOWSmir GEO. STEWART N'1. RIST - W, ddiilg Ktutdw4-Eland x1514. a Spe r ial l) . Pious 101. W. Price - Grocer Elgin A i -- - -----mss SPECIALS Laundry wap'. 1 3(IQ 7 iia+,, for II_ (.1pilano Salmon large tin 974 \rb $.wp Fialos I'er. package 144 Seim'• Tirala4e Calmat) -`ll-oz. bottle 31s (food. delivered free lour orders solicited W. Price Thune :.f.0 Ooderleh z DUR\t\i MILLI Clerk 1 4 More 111111 .sir miTit of the ildtabil int- of North %merles win lir at 1lotae during 1r5. 1f every taxa is the Canadian army had neer killer? on the battlefield it would hate been • Wow to-tagl;er the world. Rt111 ninny wore. --11)01, womtn and ehildnro--wilt die right at home 12111115 the 110144 few olds. -. You haves° guarantee. You may Ice tyre �f them. Protect )our loved oawt liy-n1tariavt to The Empire Life Inu,realte Ce -- C. D. BENINGER - General Agent Wert Street Phone 414 Goderich, Ont. take great pleasure in announcing our First Spring Showing UR Exhibit consists of a- limited but exclusive • ._ane of samples. les. which adhere tothe . range p latest decree of fashion. The models introduce the newest fabrics, the favorite colors and thtchoicest styles of the, seaon, To those who intend buying aTSuit or Coat, we would mace -the suggestion of selecting their garments early, as any - sample. bought during our "Spring Showing" will ' not -be duplicated:' - -- So the' earlieryou select your garment the better choice you will have. We extend a cordial invitation b the ladies and misses of Goderich and vicinity to inspect. our samples regardless of whether they contemplate making a purchase or not. - Last Celt A complete clearance of Winter Coats, at rockbottom prices. Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. East Side of Square, ODERIH • ., ..,...m....e,a.'-. ,•.«.... tdoc,,.. eras•warp:Y. •>11/1/1* vllaliraa',11t';•- 4 4i:1, -w1: .x _.. a..,,,.. i J