HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-3-5, Page 3e .t
• �a
Office Stationery
How is your supply of Butltess
Stationery? The Signal can give you
the correct .goods at reasonable prions.
Look over your stock and if you need
anything give us a call.
1 wish to announce to the public
that I have taken rat an Auo-
cloneer's License for-iiie County of
iHuron and am prepared In arrange
:and conduct any rale in thap
1 am a gratified auctioneer.
having recently moved to Goderich
• trout Southampton, where 1 was an
I auctioneer for the County of Krucr
for the pain Ave years.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Your
bnsitww. solicited.
Any requests for information or
orders lett at 1'. J. Ryan's Real 1
}state other, Hamilton Mtrert. will
nucriveprompt attention.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Life (Sun Life), Accident and
Auto Insurance
Houses and Lots in God.nch and
Vicinity, and Farms for Sal,
A Targe number listed to settee
A very cheap property--seven-
room house in Ggderkli in good
condition, niceappearance.
with one acre land. and about
:lel assorted fruit trees. Located
about south of $nmeier Hotel.
Price for quick sale, 0575.00.
A roomy cottage bonne and
lot. full modern .qulpn.d.
fine location. convenient to
1 Square. Price 12.100.00.
Several good brick houses.
modern equipped, 12.500.00 each:
other. from 13.000 to $5,000.
Large number of Losses and
lots. prices from 1100.00 to
Several good properties Just
outside corporation of Gods -
rich. township tax, with all ne-
cesary bntldings and few scree
of land.
Pine electric -lighted house.
small barn. stable and fowl
honor•. good water, plenty as-
sorted fru!: trees, 2 acres land.
GQod house, all necessary out-
buildings. fine assorted fruit
orchard, raspberries. 10 acres
good' hind. all In ewcellent con -
Good hot�tt�,.e, electric -lighted,
all meeelotar1'. outhulldinga, 6% 1
acres land. '
Abort 40 Fort Listed for
300 acres good land, all nec-
essary buildings, 100 aerie of
land under cultivation, 80 aeras
timbered; about 12 masa from
(Ioderlrh. Price 15,500.00. Good
120 aekes land . 6 miles from
Goderich, floe location. an ne-
' cesllary buildings, well watered.
Pries $5,000.
100 acres land. all neceaaary
building., some timber. about
644 mile. from Goderich. Price
4R acres good land, some tim-
ber, all necessary braidings, in
fine condition, 12 miles from
(loderich, very close to good vile
lage and station. Prlee 63,500-
50 acres land with lfiunAihp
6 miles from ao4lerlch. Price
sit acres land, all nereaaary
btr11dln0, new barn, 7 miles
tram (loderich. Price 32.800.00.
For all particulars see or
Above Parsons' Fair
1'. kb Box It9 (;.rlerich, lint,
All kinds for sale. If you intend bay-
ing a Lome 1t w111 pay you to ace
the bquaer 1 have for sale. 1 have
them at all price's, from 1700.00 ink
Some real good bargains on easy terms.
Drop In asd see me. '
Kral Estate & lnsuntnee Phone 50
Unlimited Quantity of
at $3 per single cord, delivered,
(Eoot of Arglesea St. Phone 61.)
To Bean
2-otory, frame, electric light
and bath. Pewly decorated
throughout. Within ths.e min-
utes' walk of Square. South
side of Engen avenue. Pommes-
eon at orae.
2 -.tory, red brick, fully mod-
ern 8 -roomed house, garage,
situated corner Elgin avenue
and Stanley. street.
formerly manager Canadian Bank
of Commerce, Goderich ,
Government, Municipal, and in-
dustrial Roads
Fire, Accident, Automobile and
General Insurance.
Office Signal Block, North street,
Telephone 53.
And all ktndeeof Kusnn•s,.
Stationery printed „I The
Silttihl tllili'..
11-e will do a jNh than will
do credit 4') your huSitiess.
intik over your stOek of
offie • Stationer' and
rquires replenishing enll
Us by telephone :1.1.
The Signal Printing Co.,
Hotel Tuller
800 Rooms - 800 -Baths
$2.50 per Day and up
C. C. SCHANTZ, Gen. Mgr.
Small Depo`,rit
Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small
size. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substan-
tial sum:
One dollar openti a savings account at any branch of
the Union Bank. sa
Goderich Branch -F. Wooloombs,•Monap.r
Makes Good Annual Report The following appointments of
eitie•rs tsar the different ceased'
named for the seaw,n of 192... herr
t-ed'smwtionned :
First Statement of Combined Bank Shows Total Assets or creat Worm tnaap.rtatiols Co.
$83,520,820 ---Profits Well Maintained --Capital Now t.tenitrer Mater, W. 4. ia1a11Cne,
Stands at $4,823,400 and Reserve Fund Has Been in- x*flan'''• F"><•' D. Sinclair: Wind -
creased to $2,900,000. - I Glenabee-Capt. Jas. Tindall. Mid-
laud; Eng.. G. Pries., Wnnhauslene.
Gt.-nista Capt.1f. Stalker. Pews
hung: Fang.. 1'. Eagles, Midland:
• Gleufinnan--('apt. M. Stalker. I'en-
1' etang: Eng., Ed. linear MI4Iand. -
1 b•tallri•t -Capt. it. Ilurke, fere-
tang: I'ng.,,R. Sluidxlr. Owen Sound.
(:1,•Id,nu•-!•apt, lk'atty. lt1.Haud;
F:na.. J. 11. P•1lding. )nidlxud.
lacneairn--4'af4. I►. Ituthion, Uid•
/and Eng.. If. IhAtlaa11, ]14llaud.
t:b•umav4.- "'apt. Taylor. ll.s,r-
• too u,' Ont.; J. King, Lefroy.' •
Gli.neova--('tqx. Jas. Foote.
ti ngw.s.d : M. \fanners. Midland.:
f $ l.-nedg
Capt. ('. ' Kirk. • Lakeport :
J•. Gilts'rt, Midland,
Glcnsant«tt-Copt. J. A. Rrown, 4
g«1: J. 4'. I'hrtstle, a1Fd-
(ilentig- - 1491. !toy Burke, H.iin-
The Standard Rank of ('aned&.
with Well the Sterling Bunk recently was r..ntly amalgamated.1s forwarding to stiareh:d,lers the
first annual report containing the
combined :Dams of the two
hanks. The statement. which is for
the fiscal year ended Januar). :11st.
reveals ninny features of strength
and x4,044.4 that with the more ample
rerlurees -a larger volume of bigger
bwsiuess cabn•rdily he handled.
This will Ise u matter of snttst..,•-
lfou to the shareholders awl at the
some nim.• be of gr•itt advantage to
the trade and commer• of the coun-
Profits hatebeen14..11 luaintan,el
and after the payment of all charters
and 411V Wend. have J«•rIuit4441
$):A).onn being tr.tn.l,•rr-,t to licv•rre
Pond. leaving :w a144.'nnt of iia il,(kar
t., be carried forward to Profit and{toss
Strong ilquid Pdaitlon
The general Mtaterneni ''r assets
rind liabilities shoos [toil rhe Mini
aaaetn of tilts ,.ohhd n•Ir,1111.. :nl.,nle
t.• g1/43.7.:4411..420. 441 this .Ina,•un[ a.
[such ,n 41444,INN)4MM1 Is in Ilquld. ..r
immedia401 mall*lde.
to orer �t per cent. .d liabilities to
he• public. 1n addition. these liquid
'stick include casts. as represented l.y
•nrr•tir encu. ir.wnfnioh notes and
-••posit la lenrral 4t..l.4 . r.'-.•rcc, of
*111.11011.0011. 1,I1, Is•llig more 4t.:rat
-•• 4.0 '.•III. .,t 11.4111.1 4,.'..•t.,
Tl1e prfnciju,1 :In•nunt. is ://,'4,41://,'4,41. liqubl a.set.- nn• n v,•rr 13rgc •
pn'1s.rti•4n of tabling. rat' 414 h grad'•
s4.e,rit0'. Ih,i., 1 •.n and I'ro%in 4..1
(:ertotle44t .,•,•untie. :, nenlht to
Canadian .Innicitlat mot 4
British. Foreign tool 1'4)141.00 I'uhll.
securities. M4,1.4.197 ; Railway nn.
other bonds. *1:10.17.4. and total ,'al
and short taus. NI.760.4tito, 11mxkin
the total in this department .1.7:,h.
".Ni. Indie:ating the lar_• amount .
general MPhil..., 4»•i4444 handy d :n''•
current loan. and .11.•ount• entire!)
In ('surd* of E)(t.1177,0::0. turd I' 4, ns
fn chars. town.. 4141.1 mtm4.1psi 1itie.
The tonfiil.au•,• enjoyed by ti,,
Bank among A very large niiniber
depnaltors is refleet..1 by total .le
posits of :t43.432.377. These inelnd,
deposit. hearing interest of 5:42,(Ns.-
4371. and deposits not hearing interest
811.3.43,1136. The Hank's paid -rap
fa! now stand. at :t1.4423.4410. find the
Reserve Fnnd. u. whi,•h has 1s.11
added the stills of *?:.Nasal, 1•,1x1'.
1130.800 added to Rr'.ert'e
The I'ndil and L.,._ stntem'•nt
shows that earutrrgs. aft.•.. prov4.14114
for all charges told dividends. leer
mitt.,) of a 4Ib.•r11.41111o111.1 Mins
add.•.40t e
I h sat rw�r• ••
i hr wrtycd to^,:Ir,t.
i'rofile for the year. after 'O.Inetinc
expenses.' inter.'wr a..'rn.•.4 o1. d.•t. it
and rebate on unmatun•.I Goll'.. Ih
vinelaI taxes. and making proc4,4,4n
for bad and lb.ul4fpl 'b•!.'-. ria.
*4 -",'t'_. This, added to the amount
fromcarried fnrwarll from th,• ;r.•vin'.
)car. hronghl the total anew 4 :l-
in1I:lt,l.• for disrribntion .41, 4.. rtM11c
: 11. which w1.s approi.ri:.red a. 6'1.
1'.44, : 1111 blends, $4'"..,4:44;--11' Ir ta4e.„
on note . 1ry ulxtie'n snaffle, Reser),
for 1 noule.+o1te...Ir, •''r ,.., 4/1,411111
hu "
ol,trit'.1 to eflj•.•r. !''•u.i,n. rami.
s_,,eM111: 4,n•rr.»4 r.. itc.crr,.
Fund. $1541.la11r, Iea, in:: a I':1';lace t..
carried forward of s1744.I1o. "-
Strikes, Glen Sttrshiph, Limited
• ;knurl], - "'apt: IfelKuy. St. 1'1.141•
:urines: I.. Black, 4'r.•
'(:1,•nf,uru-4 'apt. A. E. 11441111. Thur-
�'1r1 : .1. .1. O'RrI. n. Maim
,:4'•d„u- ,ln"'opt, e
n , To -
Onto; Jas. Sennett.
4 Slunfrrnl.
.I n.b»•kart Cup,. 41,. 1'erct'rl.
Knox ton : to. Idnrrison. Midland.!"del 1 ., 1 a,(d. :
44illsrt. \fill:Ned -
.,L ('apt. 11. 1:. it..lfen,.
"'eolls.ii.-: F:. Fleming. _ 1letie•RIe.
4J.•nhueki''-4'upt. }1'egusnn, 1\'i-
arton: W. r:esalwdn. Alllwh•n.
(:Ienhnriie rapt: 4;ild,•r, N'Inr
o1.: 1'. P. Headman. 4raighnrst.
.1 4'144*. A. Rh"w h,•lr•.
I,ntfliiien•. I;n••.: F. Slaill.oa 1 Lot
11,1,• - - '1
l}\Ihbld1.m.o+rI, .t.upt. F'. 'f'-llut)U-r,•.
.I: D. Smith. 114.441renl.
4. , :': -I'Ii. rapt. 1,. I•i',•g.•nt Slow :
Every Subscriber to The§iignaf
Fora H 925
Hail some
will receive v Calendar.
Make Sure You Get Yours.
Sr:t4:NTh•RItilITH YEAR NO. 10
Vegetable and Flower
Seeds from your
Local Merchant
Y ,sassy to identify a ludas 0towe
hos Raatle'a Sats by the asagall•
deeace el Its Sewers, sad the
haertouseem and kr*e ,she of tea
res. t.., caw realty sneaks y ss...a.
Rses.e'. Vp eee is ae5 ►lsoor 4ltads. !!!etttsw.
Issas me hash » aaaatp, Sass bass Mmgseilr
asssed fir issroomosss esti •
es, sod how.smetsa,m tont :gswr :geed: oboat • msaggsg
Oar geovis sk us ears but Is 1w4a Ifoossastas,
sad Pts....
tar. ADSLAlna mad saliva aims.
V w award :Eich theta's Smsdkaasllhh
arm an* . , ipser -
aseds's Smikal Assusn-4►e omit sa'a.lrs
Camas& time Cmtele..s-*se _ ...a...
Orchestra, Jollua Bo;horn, eonductur.
_2.30 p.m. -Health- talk.
7.40 p.m.. --Program by Wr 7 Gr-
• 8.13 p.m. -Drama. "Just Supt ueo."
' by A. E. Tlw'ma.: presented ted by mit'
1071► p.m. ---Schubert cetapoaltJons
� by W* ', 4►r•he*tra and Caryl Marsh -
it II. mezzo-soprptfb,
i. Saturday. Murch 14, p.m, ' ,.sal. `-•
---- - ----' - Ir, .,\1 \n.if)1. dhilhon'.J,: .
Do„h'' `apt. 11. +:1,401.•et,
. • 514. ifork : Joseph Knee:.rondo. for - !LI- I;. ,' iLdd Isis -der. 1tiartonI,ro„d•1Ia by 11'.I'l
111', p.1.m
' glimpt.,n- it4i lir, 4 unr-
WW1' prog•(
ram 4a brie. ,c. ek of tet : also I.r'1n,lenst J
. \lar, -b s. iarc:,. 1VGI. w-hems•tn'f.. N. ylom1*y. !dare!, n..(Mr p.m. 11114.-
V':,'neral 1-:lyctri.•. ('ompa1" 7!111 ie. t,llr "Home Alakirrz it That
"' • `''I'" (37;41-' met. -r.,. }:as,ent 1' n_e to tlo Intek. t" F'Inretfee - E.
standard t l\'inel,,-44 h. rad of ilonl.• Eeou'axi •s
Sri .G13. Mnn•l, 14. 10.43 n ni - S. -r- f lair
rtu4,nt. \.•,. fork Stine4'ollcge
-r -(•apt. ('hartk•r. "'at,*,
Pin in. 4)14,.: 1'. Parker, Minn'
I:IrI&44 .j4. Rapt:' 4.. f:. Room let '
lun+1 : .1. I: �ll; qn: ilarel.«•k:
t4)i,r set J0,114 �-
p,n,. 4 Walls. ..•t,'Iion* l,,r
the t'lrst Ifrdnrm..I for T. a. he,.,, 141110.141 I4. Aolscl+air. from 1';r.»'aur'+
S.41'i,.-.tally :.semen. by 1('- - ler 11.:11 4,. n,.-SJ«,r4 IA)� 0.3' Ha root Harm:11ms Ithes•k••r flail. .111,010.
4'Inyton .1. Potter. .1nso1, lirins% director of .tthl• Il..- ,;^(I I'•111--Tlllner magi. by tenI'y' k 771,4.. Alban)
:{.:- •. m -
f.!'rngnnn 1.1- 11'4; 1 Sype 4 i.iuel (*.liege. S,•h,'14.'.tad r. . '
;,bony 4hrhestNI, 1.1.. kila,oil. -"sin- 1:.10 p.m.- dinner 11111.1.. by '1',•n '
7'10 1.1'4. • .1dde1•s,-I'll) les ..f
,i,u•tor: Jilin .1' Joh..... b,nitonl, '..11'•1 J'y.k Trio. .111M1ny. \. Y. t'uuing•In." hEr
.441.4r1:41. F•dr•ri?•k G
W. rn1
airs ,7.13 pm. Talk: "4' 14411 ,y4t1,; Tan ,'r. - t.-partnn•n4 of El.•trSew/ rngir.
5.Ir(1 p.m .4lrgnn rs-it:r! In' !Ir. I',nrui.hin,."pe`-'x.•7444 m. 1 rollrii 1. imo:4 SI I4
Prof .loner,,: J. M'un1 no I, n,. 1'rogrnm by 1'nuL•, ritaflh.
Frank Sill Rogers. asci -red by T. Roy 1 .-:. S.I....l •„1 Ibrine E.•ononlir'.. 4'onl-
i Keefer, violinhq. from St Pet,- . i'll ('ntrer'.4th. pianist : l;enrri: a Zollinger, toprnhn:
i14pla•04a1 ,:hnr•h, .\IIwo . '.0 ,m l'ro•ram hr l;rn,,' Ft1g- Alar)- r \ally. -ennlrnllr,: Itoyurnld
7.30 p.inS. mace of Fina. 41 r•b. inn,/ \D' Irrz, s,q rurt7" }l:esold 'Prxey flag leer. .1v4Ntone: It,n'nl41)4 %trek.
of ('h rist S4•tent1st, Se h•1...-111,), '\.- 4 .06/..r.4. hip- .\lie. n folo..i •1. ;nal ri,,,s ye .T. nail. Mnnr
I Y. 1 s 11. 11 •}array• !, (M)
piano. N -m. (truuswfek floor of )he.
s 4:. n.tn. Syrtrllhoriy ptogr 1m 1n 1 T11.»+,Inr, \L4r h 1(r. .,/N) , p.r„ . 4e. Nal papa \Iasi- '4lenu.rc ('note• r
halide rf-.Astoria Or'd•.tr.,. Ness' 11Ntldie Talk,, "The $Tann• 4h'i iIiful•
•• I'r,4m t4\. -o' 4.'k IG».a''t'rrit` Riot. 11
- tori,._ \.•u'' fork : alter hPoadca.f h,
- __-i- 11'.1%. 44 -Ki Kit/CA Lind ICTR'_
y 1 h1.tk4 41.1111.- Mr;ver-)Mils orchestra
Broadcast Bills Radiolays 1,',4.111ngtnl,. 1.t. (:: ills" bi„n'knst hr
i 11'.1% Olin II'It(.
ilr 1111. P. 1)01.4;1..1-s`
TlI,'re Watt a 11m. 1 en1111 a !weight
!'rime .tock rat • thirty-nine. but 1n
those days the grenhaeks In 11 that
old MI fold of mile were tog mil
rery plentiful. 1 worked hard e4c•ery
411+ hat 4d' Higia, ('n.t of Livia'
didn't leave mwII fir my •pay.
The tnhdlady Insisted that .hoe get
her weekly snare of whet 1 gut on
Salnrday an' tho' I tried with care
to tare mut just n little lilt for some
dark rainy tiny In spite of alt Jlt�he
pains 4 took It didn't work that tray.
An' then, Instead of huyin' stork.,.1
►slm4ht a diamond ring, wide•h wus a
good Investment tho my uavtn'. all
fork wing, hut after we were married
wn decided we could nave by work-
in' hart and at ia'Cwe made that hank
ne»ant fedi/ire: by ptnehln' hero an
w•rlmpin' •there 14 4100?) Egan to
grow until one day wva felt po rleh
We iw41151,4 a radio. AnIAbrr good
Investment payin' dividends in song.
vont Pitt 1,1ca4 NW Iii 1144ppin44 nPt
tittle tins atone along. by ke•pin' 4s
at home in night we're .area all
news• ml' more where otherwise we
u.laht a sls•nt it nrkle.a at the
afore far .,sly pop er jtinrr.•ka of
no use to anyone. inaead of that
we've staved at haeme nn' had a Int
of f'MJ• lelrr (Honda Comp in to visit
ns sen Sirh-prleed Ilmnsl(les, the men
In tailored snits. their wlv,". to
-Chatty garlwlydln4., but handsome/ 1s
a. bnndwnmc (}nes. `w•4 hate no
mono to fret fer we're been Irvin'
money sitter we got our wirel4sa..,e•r
filmy thingi hey change? I'm remit -
now 1b
now'16 sty ten share. er .o an' ns
1 Ilrmerred In last night IA.. my of
itadIo 1 heard the Teller tellin'
'NMI' that stock, 4141 (Mary me. In
stead of being thirty-nine 'twaz
quoted ET(11ITY•T1iRMr. ('npyrlght.
1025. W('.tinghnn44 Electric k 11ssas.
Net nrine( ('otnpalty.
11.:41 t.en-4Irgnu r.'. Ital by inept• I
,•n }:.'th,ts.'Inlr. from Pr'•tnr's Har -
Munn, 141.14•k0r 111401.,..1.1 1441141y,
-11',.1+1, 44111y, Mon•h 11. OM- "Au.- T-
I;d•w4arnu1 far eblldr•at.
.1dc•entnre story fr..tu
Portly. 'nmlanlos.•
' 7.0n 'p.m. %Ibany ,Ittrnnd Theatre-`
(,w•tt,s(,rn. • .Inlliia. Dog born. '.,ndtK'-
Thl�r•,h«y. 11,nrh 12. 2.40 41,41: -
4lii. ae1 I,lay, "The Courier.- by
SI10I441it Mayen'.
.. 44I p.m.--4)rgan re•Itnl by Ntrptt-
i • 11 I:. lad.i tsar.
.4:gal p.n1. --(►Into' mask by , Tem
...to 4.111 It•rlew of . ,«w 111w,k«,
by L. L. 1i.7rkln', nods ant ifllror-
:n,, General Ehrtrie ('o pant-, +
.7;•I3 p.m.- (troth pros m hr 011ie
r. l'ettP from unity on 4tdreh,
S'•helle'411 .
..tlO 44.441. - Ilse( ore. "(.'IIIARttnnl i
Training," by 1)r.-%. A: 14118 -teen r-
,•I of New Y faire s11y.
••n 1: ti.I,lnir non ' aloe. llar-
111:1nn. Itleeker 11n11. Rainy.
nighty. 3tan•b 1:L, 2.00 11.7111.-
• i'' !loalth talk *,y 4'. W. Wood-
(4-30 . p.m:--Tnternath.,,:11 !(neidey
Sehnol TAeaw,n.
--Tiff) '14.74- .\II':.n) Strum! 'Phe;44.re
1 am•e music by 1 htl Nomaou's l►r-
•Juatra, New liepalont_.Lfotrl' Albany:
11s,Jwdar songs.
1'In4 t•• Nnrml Jttlw ,n.' ad%outage .
' Ue knows MS. 14.1 1111 from the ',Pitt
- Ih.ston Herald. •
rIf life ineta%aramh .vmlanie> w a
lwtr:'u -,.Shu. M,;\ stags \h•thuvlah.
L'n1nd. e, Stu,.
The Reward
of Years of Toil
II' 14 I VIM 1.•Iuplat. 111an4•lion sale.
the ,-ksuiu out of 'four xears of effort
40 balloting- 41' 11 'ouipli•t,. furru .e441111.-
- nl.•ut, the Standard Dank .10
equipped to cater t,` yoiir (huu11•ipl
nerds., Ottuj4KtiLlyuuagerand his .stag
'w'ill gla'tfy' make - till arrangements for
the rollect41,n and thsem ntlag( orf all sale
notes end for furnishing an extension of
a,redit_..xels...• _necema rr. .4. successful
safe is :entirely d''(N'ndetfl wadi 'sou14d
tlnitueial tlrrangela'nt•:
1J�Rrb 'BANK
GODERICH BRANCH -C. L. Jackml,n, I(d'u'pr
Branch., al.., at B.ra.ld and D non
Sun Life Assurance -
Co. of Canada
Stronger Than Ever
Assets - $274,130,407
District A.snt
Goderich Phone 115
.'i' r~-;•''�,�}xh1: a .�'w�:
;:-4,i>esr.A.Izt:e.R'9s:r=.•AtiktitekYour Far
` d x re
is a . .
-Business proposition
YOUR farm is as much a going concern
as a factory, a dry good:, stone or a tailroad
system. Your farm is as dependeltt as any ,other
business on a policy of sound, forward:looking
financing les t�t t0 meet a variousesituations
that occur in- tile life of a'Tarmer, .
If ydu wi:l regard your farm in this light-
'asa clean-cut business proposition --you
``will find it helpful to form a connection
with the Bank of Montreal -a bank
that has served the farmers of Canada
for more than a century.
Each of our 600 branches has the strength and
stability of the entire organization.
Established Orttr 100 yea»
Meal Assets iia excess et I1be.000.4aoo
W. 4
4. /