HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-02-21, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1990. Classified FAST________ DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. Can you get AIDS by touching someone who has AIDS? HELP WANTED LEGAL NOTICES NO! Get the facts. Let’s Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1-800-668-AIDS Brussels, Morris & Grey Community Pool requires -Head Lifeguard -Assistant Head Lifeguard -Lifeguard Instructors Must be 16 yrs. of age, and have minimum of Bronze Medallion certification SENDRESUMESTO: Pool Staff, P.O. Box 5, Brussels, Ont. NOG 1H0 CLOSINGDATE: MARCH9,1990 THECORPORATION OFTHE TOWNSHIPOFHULLETT is accepting applications for an individual to coordinate and supervise the Hullett Township minor ball progaram for 1990. State salary expected. Inquiries may be made at the Township Office by telephoning 523-4340. Applications to be in the Clerk’s Office by 4 p.m. Monday, March 5, 1990. Bev Shaddick Clerk-Treasurer Township of Hullett P.O. Box 226 Londesboro, Ont. NOM 2H0 CHICKEN CATCHERS PART- time and full-time work available now! Also special student hours available. Call free 1-800-265-3034. tfn BELGRAVE-AUBURN CO-OPS are seeking help for the spring season. Some positions require a D Licence. Please apply in writing stating prior experience and quali­ fications to Belgrave Co-op, Bel­ grave, Ont. NOG 1E0. Attention: Manager. 08-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN REGAN RAPSON All persons having claims against the estate of John Regan Rapson, late of the Town of Seaforth, formerly of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 1st day of February, 1990, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under­ signed on or before the 16th day of March, 1990, after which date, the estate will be distributed, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED the 7th day of February, 1990. Albert John Rapson David Alexander Rapson Executors by their solicitors, Messrs. Troyan & Fincher Barristers & Solicitors 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Y5 07-3 PUREBRED SIMMENTAL COWS, bred heifer, yearling bulls. Phone 887-6556. 07-2p BRIGHT, AMBITIOUS PERSON to learn baking. Apply in person to Bartlif'Ps Bakery, Clinton. 07-2 PLUMBER JOURNEYMAN RE- quired immediately. May consider 3rd or 4th year apprentice. Please call Elligsen Plumbing & Heating 345-2547. 07-2 CUSTOM APPLICATION OPERA- tor required to operate liquid floater and high boy in season. The successful candidate will work in the elevator at harvest and will receive all company benefits. Experience with fertilizer and chemicals would be a definite asset. Contact Derwyn Hodgins. Cook’s, Walton, Ont., 887-9261. 07-2 MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. CLASS AZ-DZ PROFESSIONAL TRANS- port Driver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We’ve got the answers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-7173. 08-lp REAL ESTATE FOR SALE M _ _ _____ ________ MUNICIPAL MANAGER: Required by progressive Arctic community. Applicants MUST have municipal training and exper­ ience, be mature, flexible and willing to accept challenge under sometimes trying conditions. Com­ pensation +45M. Housing avail­ able. Inquiries/applications to the undersigned before February 28/90. Acting Municipal Manager, Municipality of Baker Lake, Box 149, Baker Lake, NWT, X0C 0A0 (819)793-2874. 08-lp MATURE LIMOUSIN BULL, 94%, easy calfer, reasonable. Phone Mark Matheson, 291-4644. 08-1 MACHINERY ELSTON. In loving memory of a wife and mom, Barbara Elston, who passed away one year ago February 25, 1989. Teacher’s Prayer I want to teach my students how To live this life on earth To face its struggles and its strife And improve their worth. Not just the lesson in a book Or how the rivers flow But how to choose the proper path Wherever they may go. To understand eternal truth And know the right from wrong And gather all the beauty of A flower and a song. For if 1 help the world to grow In wisdom and in grace Then I shall feel that I have won And I have filled my place. And so I ask your guidance, God That I may do my part For character and confidence And happiness of heart. J.J. Metcalf - Loved and sadly missed by Keith, Emily and Leanne. 08-1 USED HOG EQUIPMENT HUSKY C-72 pump for a 12’ tank with 26’ discharge pipe. Barnes 2 h.p. submersible pump with electric switch and ABS pipes Little Giant agitation pump for medication tank. Heavy duty steel hopper feeders, 4’ long for grower finisher hogs. Complete sprinkler system and time regulating clock. Interma- tic time control up to 48 timing operations on a 24 hr. schedule, as new. Numerous steel gates and dry sow stalls. Chore time static moni­ tor control unit and power pack. Quantity of extra heavy 30” x 3/8” steel slats. 60’ of 12” x 3/8” steel slats. Hurst 16” variable speed fan 3 - 20” 2 speed fans. 2 - 16” 2 speed fans. Herdex calculator sys­ tem for 65 sows with refills. Automatic Medicator. Number of electric baseboard heaters. Phone Brussels 887-6750, John Perrie. 08-lp J.D. LOADER TRACTOR, 2020 diesel, 16.9 x 28 rears, power steering and power brakes with tire chains and rear weight; J.D. model 48 quick attach loader with bucket and bale prong $7600; J.D. 4430 tractor, 1100 x 16 fronts, 20.8 x 38 rears, front field tank, triple re­ motes, long rear axle, power shift 125 h.p. duals available $19,500. (519)357-2957. 08-lp CLASSIFIED ADS f. PAYOFF! 1 FOR SALE LIQUID MANURE HANDLING BUSINESS • Well established • Showing good return • Blyth and Clinton area • Price includes 2 trucks, pumps, irrigation pipes and equipment • Established clientele Contact Mason Bailey 482-9371 gr REAL ESTATE LTD. 82 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO MASON BAILEY BROKER 482-9371 [24 hour service] NEW LISTING: Vanastra,5Toronto Blvd., 2 floor, 3bedrooms, electric heat. Nice condition. NEW LISTING: Clinton, 23 Gibbings Street, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, hot water heat. Close to schools. 70 ACRES: 9th Concession, Hullett, 58 workable, 12 acres hardwood bush, no buildings. RESTAURANT & GAS BAR: % lot, busy highway corner, includes good home on same property. Showing good return. 100 ACRES: 90 acres workable, East Wawanosh, vendor will finance. 100 ACRES: Ashfield Township, impressive home, barns for cattle and hogs. Additional land available. RESTAURANT: Licenced for 60, apartment above, central location in busy town. 100 ACRES: West Wawanosh, 88 workable, trout stream and 10 acres hardwood bush. 34 ACRES: highway farm. 4 bedroom home and lots of buildings. 100 ACRES: East Wawanosh, new barn, Victorian style home, scenic area. NEW LISTING: McKillop Township, 971/2 acres. General farm, 80 acres systematically drained. House, barn and drive shed. REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. 19 AlbertSt., Clinton MLS Realtor John Duddy............482-3766 Bill Roy.............523-4237 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 25th February 1990 1:30p.m.-4:00p.m. THEKILDONAN INN 71 KIRK ST. CLINTON Fine Italian Villa-style brick residence used until very recently as a Bed and Breakfast Inn. Splendidly restored. Wide centre hallways, high ceilings with ornate plaster mouldings. Six bedrooms and 5 bathrooms upstairs [four of these bedrooms haveensuites]. Banquet hall with marble fireplace; sitting and dining rooms, also with fireplaces. Modern kitchen and facilities for catering with an additional pantry-kitchen for snack preparation. Being offered for sale at $325,000 which includes many fine antique furniture items, paintings and accessories fitting for a distinguished home of this calibre. SERVICES SERVICES MATURE MOTHER WILL BABY- sit in her own home. Phone 523-4984. 08-tfn I WILL CLEAN GARAGES AND basements and do odd jobs. Phone 527-2413 after 6 p.m. 08-3p CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887-9114 24 HOURS A DAY