HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-02-14, Page 12Slippin ’ and slidin ’
Kim Scott (left) of Auburn was one of the baseball enthusiasts playing at the Auburn Sno-pitch
tournament that was finding the game difficult to play on the icy field. Ron Smith (centre) from
Goderich was also slipping and sliding while Norman Hulley, also of Goderich, (right) looks on. Six
teams played last Saturday at the tournament sponsored by the Belgrave Yogi’s Broomball team. The
Skidsand Skidettes from Blyth won the ‘A’ division while the Lategoers from Goderich won the ‘B’
Winthrop gets postal service
County taxpayers pay big
for council salaries
After years of travelling to either
Walton or Seaforth for mail service
the residents of the community of
Winthrop, now have for the first
time complete postal service at the
General Store operated by Doug
McKillop Council received a
letter from Canada Post which was
read at the meeting of February 7
informing the councillors of the
outlet. Clerk-Treasurer Marion
McClure read, “as of January 22,
local and area residents of Win
throp will be able to avail them
selves of a complete range of postal
products and services including
stamps, special envelopes, security
mail, special delivery mail, mail
orders, parcel mailing and priority
courier.” The letter stated that this
was “part of the commitment of
Canada Post to increase the num
ber of postal outlets in rural
An increase of 5.9 per cent was
added as the annual increase rate
for streetlights in Walton. Last year
the amount was $421.12 and that
has increased to $446.24.
Mr. William Dietrich, an en
gineer, attended to present the
report for the Kennedy Branch of
the Downey Municipal Drain.
Also in attendance were William
Murray, Jeremiah Cronin, and
James Cronin. Jerry Cronin indi
cated to Council that he did not
want the 10-inch tile that outlets
one area to be connected to the
There were no objections raised
to the motion so Council agreed to
provide for a drainage works and
for borrowing on the credit of the
municipality the sum of $78,900 for
the completion of the drain. •
After open discussion over the
Johnston-Irvine Drain it was
agreed that the sum of $39,100
would be borrowed for the comple
tion of the drain from the munici
The road superintendent’s vou
cher in the amount of $24,291.99
was approved for payment.
Following a motion from Sharon
McClure which was seconded by
Jim Ryan, Council approved the
program of proposed expenditures
for highway improvements in the
amount of $651,200.
A motion to request a supple
mentary allocation of subsidy
money totalling $72,800 for bridge
repairs was carried as was a motion
suggesting that council request a
1990 supplementary allocation of
subsidy money in the amount of
$155,000 for a new grader.
Council authorized the road
superintendent to advertise for
approximately 28,000 tons of gravel
for road maintenance in the town
Joe Gibson was appointed as the
joint representative to the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation Authority
for Seaforth and Hullett and Mc
Killop Townships.
Thomas J. Kale, the drainage
superintendent was authorized by
Council to attend the course at
Waterloo from March 5 to March 9.
A resolution was read from the
city of Stratford concerning the
deposit and return of coloured
glass. McKillop Councillors voted
to endorse the resolution petition
ing the provincial government to
implement a deposit and return
system similar to that now in place
for soft drink and beer containers
on all bottles and jars made of
coloured glass.
James Ryan, Sharon McClure,
Brian MacDonald, William Short
reed, Gwen Hugill, Brian Murray,
and Garry McClure were named to
the McKillop Township Recreation
Parks and Community Centre
Board for 1990 until their succes
sors are appointed.
William Shortreed, Judy Emm-
rich, John Gillis, Maxine Houston,
and Kathy Sauerbrei were appoint
ed to the Walton Area Sports Club
Brian MacDonald, Joyce Mc
Clure, Carol Ann Campbell, Ken
DeCorte, Garry McClure, Marie
Leonhardt and Linda Horbanuik
were selected to serve this year as
representatives to the Winthrop
Community Centre Committee.
It cost county taxpayers
$184,432.81 to pay salaries and
expenses for the 32 members of
county council and four members of
county boards in 1989, figures
released at Huron County Council
on Feb. 1 revealed.
The largest part of the expendi
ture went to the salary and ex
penses of Warden Dave Johnston.
His remuneration was $33,374.82
with expenses of $10,042 for a total
of $43,417.62. The least costly
council member was John Rodges,
deputy-reeve of Goderich township
who drew $1,978 in remuneration
and had no expenses for conven
tions, etc.
Other members are (first figure
is remuneration, bracketed figure
for conventions and expenses and
third figure the total): Armstrong,
Howard (Stanley), 3,910.00,
(665.80), 4,575.80; Armstrong,
Leona (Grey), 4,668.25, (657.01),
5,325.26; Baker, Garry G. (Steph
en), 2,849.00, 2,849.00; Bennett,
William (Seaforth), 4,605.00,
(179.26), 4,784.26; Cantelon,
George (Tuckersmith), 2,730.00
(480.00), 3,210.00; Coleman, Jack
(Dep. Stanley), 3,232.50, (602.20),
3,834.70; Cooke, Bee, (Clinton),
3,832.50, (830.80), 4,663.30; Cran
ston, Cecil (W. Wawanosh),
4,221.25, 4,221.25; Cunningham,
Thomas J. (Hullett), 5,081.50,
(596.25), 5,677.75; Doherty, John
P. (Dep. Goderich), 6,768.50,
(960.40), 7,728.90; Fairies, Norman
(Howick), 2,640.00, (580.45),
3,220.45; Fisher, Robert W. (Zur
ich), 5,298.50, (1,012.60), 6,311.10;
Fraser, Douglas C. (Morris),
3,249.00, (230.50), 3,479.50; Ful
ler, Lossy (Dep. Exeter), 2,636.50,
(364.48), 3,000.98; Gibson, Allan J.
(Ashfield), 3,413.00, (621.86),
4,034.86; Hicknell, Marie (McKil
lop); 2,638.50, (408.70), 3,047.20;
Johnston, David W. (Bayfield),
33,374.82, (10,042.80), 43,417.62;
Keys, Murray (Dep. Hay),
2,223.00, 2,223.00; Machan, Bruce
M. (Wingham), 2,736.25, 2,736.25;
McBurney, Brian W. (Turnberry),
3,185.00, 3,185.00; Mickle, Wil
liam L. (Exeter), 6,505.25,
(1,065.00), 7,570.25; Prout, G. E.
(Usborne), 3,173.75, (641.95),
3,815.70; Robinson, James B.
(Hensail), 3,089.00, (613.60),
3,702.60; Rodges, John (Dep.
Goderich Twp.), 1,978.00,
1,978.00; Snell, Ernest R. (E.
Wawanosh), 3,314.00, (390.02),
3,704.02; Stirling, Grant H. (God
erich Twp.), 6,325.00, (664.25),
6,989.25; Tommes, Thomas J. (Ste
phen), 4,619.00,(712.41), 5,331.41;
Vanstone, William S. (Colborne),
2,188.00, (279.55), 2,467.55; Was
son, Albert A. (Blyth), 2,650.00,
2,650.00; Wilder, Lionel E. (Hay),
4,760.43, (759.77), 5,520.20; Wor
sen, Harry E. (Goderich), 2,790.00,
(525.55), 3,315.55; Workman, J.
Gordon (Brussels), 5,592.25,
(1,708.05), 7,300.30. Board mem
bers: Steckle, Paul D., 1,330.0(1,
(699.75), $2,029.75; Baird, James,
1,622.75, (538.30), $2,161.05; Day,
Margaret, 1,474.00, (454.25),
$1,928.25; Elston, Isabel, 1,938.50,
(504.25), $2,442.75.
Total $156,643.00, ($27,789.81),
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Pregnancy centre speaks
to Wingham Voice for Life
The February meeting of the
Wingham Voice for Life was held at
the home of Ed and Kelly Skinn.
Rev. John Vaudry led devotions
with an inspirational song titled,
“Who Will”. This song asks,
*:Who will stand up for the
children, the children who have no
vdice?” Mr. John Van den Assem
welcomed all members.
Mr. Terry Fubman from the
Mount Forest Crisis Pregnancy
Centre informed the group about
the centre’s worthwhile services.
This centre is also called Ramoth
Life Centre. The centre offers
counselling and friendship with a
24-hour hotline. All services are
completely free of charge and all
matters are treated with confiden
tiality. Mr. Tabman has agreed to
be the guest speaker at the 16th
annual Voice for Life banquet. This
banquet is planned for Wednesday.
April 25 at the St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Wingham.
Tickets will be available from all
board members.
The group decided to continue
sponsoring radio ads on CKNX FM
102 for another month. The televi
sion ads will also continue. The
southwestern regional group has
chosen a new name: “Alliance for
Life”. Southwestern Ontario. On
July 5. 6. 7 there will be a general
meeting for all of Canada held in
Ottawa. The next board meeting
will be held March 5.
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