HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-12-24, Page 10980 CFPL's TOM BIRD ,11rJec,.;;:eee.xe,...e4,7 '''..,,keekeyeeeeee PAGE logN THE WINGI-IA1 ADVANCE-TIMES MONDAY, Dge10101i1E 24th,. 1951 We express our appr•ectyrorl for your -Frlenel'y patronage ar'd wlsh yet. 511 the law: of Che;etrnai,flme at this ±!1's YC T iEAT RE NEWS OF BLUEVALE Although roads were badly drift- ed and visibility poor, it did not pre- vent a large attendance at S. S. No. 10 Browntown School for the Christ- mas entertainment. The school was most attractively decorated for the occasion. Donald MacLean acted as chair- man for a mixed program of dia- logues, drills, choruses, vocal and in- strumental numbers and dances, ar- ranged by the teacher, Mr. John Spivey and the music supervisor, Miss Jackson. Santa arrived in all his glory and distributed hosts of gifts to the delight of the children. Mr. and Mrs .R J. McMurray open- ed their home this week for the Christmas party for the Morris Euchre Club, when eight tables play- ed. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Roy Sellers and Art Edgar for high points 100 and 95 respectively, The club is starting its fifth year and these are the highest scores on re- cord. Mrs. Bill Elston and Jim Case- more were winners for playing lone hands. Gold trimmed crystal salt and peppers were presented to the ladies and playing cards to the gentlemen. Christmas novelties were presented to Miss Isobel Spier and Arnold Mathers, The hostess served lunch at tables laid with Christmas cloths, The house was decorated in accord- ance with the Christmas season. Mrs, Nellie Lillow is visiting her sun, Jack and Mrs, Lillow at Strat- ford and also Mrs. J. M. Lillow Sr, Misses Marilyn and Norma Moffatt spent Wednesday at Kitchener. Mrs. Mary Robertson left this week for Beigrave ,where she will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Mar- garet Nicholson. Bernard Lillow, London, spent a few days with his mother and other ' relatives and friends. Many in the village and surround- ing district were saddened to learn of the death at her home in Kings- ville of Mrs. Lester Saunders, the former Miss C.I.rrie Diamond, Sym- pathy is extendt.d to the bereaved, Canadian provinces this year will spend about $175,000,000 on highway construction and repairs. Morris Twp. Council Clean Up 51 Business The Council met in the 'Township Hall on December 15th., with all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Chas. Coultes and Sam Alcock. Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded by Bailie Parrott that R. Kennedy be paid $110.00 as per contract, Car- ried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, sec- onded by Sam Alcock that Thos, Henderson be re-appointed to the Wingham High School District Board,%Clarence Martin to the Sea- ............. afoton.- forth High School District Board and Mervin Richmond to the Clinton High School .>istriet Board, Carried. Moved by Chits. Coultes, seconded by Bailie Parrott that by-law No, 2, 1951, in regard to Dog Tax be res- cinded, Carried, Moved by Sam Al- elt, seconded by Wm, Peacock that the road bills as presented by the Road Superintendent be paid. Car- ried, Moved by Wm. Peacock, second- ed by Bailie Parrot that we see about purchasing chairs and table for the Township Hall: Carried. The meet- ing closed on motion of Chas. Coal- tee and Sam Alcock to meet again on January 14 at 10 a.m. Carried, The following accounts were paid: County of Huron, County taxes, $22,680,29; Brussels Telephone, $6396.- 80; myth Telephone, $1,037.43; Mc- Killop Telephone $102,00; Ivan Mc- Arter, caretaking, $15.00; Harvey Johnston, salary, $150.00; Chas, Coul- tes, salary, $100.00; Sam Alcock, sal- ary $100.00; Bailie Parrott, $100.00 Wm, Peacock, $100.00; Geo, Martin, $400,00, postage, $30.00; Revising Vot- ers' Lists, $26,00; Old Age Pensions, $19.96; Fed. of Agriculture, $28.30; McCaughey Drain, $5.00; Hydro for Hall, $6.07; Nelson Higgins, salary, $275.00; Unemployment stamps, $28.; Financial Statement, $10.00; Relief Officer, $25.00; School . Attendance Officer, $12.00: Postage and Supplies, $15.00; Road Audit, $0.00; Gordon Greig, Federation of Agriculture, $797.18; Hydro Electric Power Com- mission, $60.08; Mrs. Robt. Craig, relief, $20.00; Fox borihties, Jack Higgins, $2,00; C. W .Hanna, $2.00; Bruce Smith, $2.00; Wm, Harman, $2.00; Louis Phelan, $6.00; Provincial Treasurer, Insulin, Be; Robt, Michie, weed inspector, $4.55; Blyth Stand- ard, advertising $1,40; Thos. Laur- _Christmas matzo! eeesepeee...7,..,.....eeeeeeet once, Bowes Drain, $5.00; Brussels • Legion, wreath, $17.00; Frank Aleeek, fox bounty, $8.00; A. H. Erskine, In- digent fees, $78.00; Cyril W. Bam- ford, Middle Maitland Conservation Authority, $34.00; Clarke Thynne, pigs killed, $20.00; Frank Shaw, val- uators fees, $2.60; A. H Erskine, Indigent fees, $22.50; Post Publish- ing House, Printing Contract, $115.00; Harold Sellers, rent of dumping ground, $22.50; Advance-Times, ad- vertising, $2.34; Wesley Hackwell, Walton Street lights, $9,30; Village of Blyth, Division Court, $20.00; Robt. Bird, fox bounty, $2.00; Geo. Michie, sheep killed and damaged, $122.40; Walter Shortreed, valuator's fees, $3.26; Canadian lndestries Ltd., War- Weide, $100.00; A, H. Erskine, Col- lecting Taxes, $73,98; Clarence White, spraying $24.75; C. R. Coultes, Little drain, $1,25; Joseph Yuill, Little Drain, $5.75; dog tax refunds, Wm. touch, $2.; Frank Nichol, $4.; Carl Procter, $2.; Norman Higgins, $2.; Chas. Higgins, $2; J. M, Coultes, $2,; Frank Walters, $4.00; Harvey John- ston, $4,00. Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve Geo, C. Martin, Clerk. tnyl (-r; 7.),Y 11111} ,To el to i 5 10 Radio & Electric MAY THIS HOLIDAY SEASON PP ONE OF HAPPINESS AND .10Y FOR EACH Or OUR CusIoMeics! FRIFNI‘s AND "Serving You Since 1935" art Christmas. Entertainment At S. S. No. 10 Brownitown 980 CFPL's KEN ELLIS qood W/1 to MP .$4,03......msaumayncemoN Lieut. and Mrs. K, L. Kirby and Gordon Of the Salvation Army \c.Iish you ,a MERRY CHRISTMAS and GOD'S BLESSING in the coming NEW YEAR! MOW ... may you find your Christmas stocking chock-full of your fondest dreams come true ... DONALD RAE & SON 0 ant Cbriania5 recting5 0 Ott !'R8 counting among our tnany blessings the privilege to enjoy your friendship, good wilt and patronage . yd TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:I5 p. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. 1111111 ..... ..... Malin ...... inns;; ....... .... .. . II ....... n li ... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 24, 25, 26 n the iviera" Gene Tierney 1111111111.18011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/11111$11/11ii ....... 1111111•1111me$1111 iiiiii Ilnill$111111111/111111101 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Dec. 27, 28, 29 Take Care of my Little Girl Jeanne Crain Dale Robertson 141 iiii 1 i 111/11111 ........ 1 iiiiiiiii $ iiiiii 111.1.111 iiiii 1111 tttttt 1111.111 lllll 1011111 /1$11 ......... /1/11.11 ...... livilliA$11 ...... $ .yin Monday, Tuesday, Dec. 31, ,Jan. "Half Angel'? Loretta Young Joseph Cotten 111111/11111•11111111111111111111111111111M1111$1t1111 ..... 1 ...... 011111111411111111111/11111111111$1111111111114111111111$111,1111111 Wednesday, Thursday, Jan. 2, 3 "TERY SA" Pier Angell jOhn. son atv OV.-"ilaVM-Weg-Kt-OiMaject R wish you all the joys and happiness of Christmas. May yours be a Merry one! Crawford Motors dN Danny Kaye Corinne Calvert ua 1--V" "the management and staff of out firm express the wish that you, will enjoy a most happy, holiday season. We hope that the holiday ordi brine the realization of your fondest ambitions for happiness and friendships! KING DEPT. STORE.