HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-12-24, Page 9W4'*:..<46;i4W: 24th., 1.8ti1 THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES RAGE NNE 0 • 980 CFPL's GEOFF BINGLE and CROFT MeCLIELLAN 4 4 1 CAL VEWS OF WHITECHURCH So S. No. 10 Kinks Presents Annual Christ m s Concert MeKercher, vies-president elhertreed, and vice-president Geiger; Mrs. (-ere- don Knight, as Wiles re presentative t and Ronald Sav2i tehail a.. Junior Farmer Repreeeetetive. for their support in having areas that are aredeerainantle rural population, ' retnain on stamiara time, MERRY XMAS TO ALL The Memorial Hall at Whitechurch was well crowded on Monday evening, when S.S. No. 10, Kinloss, presented their Christmas Concert, under their teacher, Mrs, Norman, Rev. W. 3. Watt was chairman. Several short plays, "Quiet Evening", "The Spell- ing Class", and "Advice to the Love- lorn", (acting Dorothy Dix) were es- pecially- well presented, with all joining in the Christmas carols, Santa arrived to give out the presents from the well-loaded tree, and the treats of candy and nuts, Lunch was served and the social time en- joyed by all. W.141,S, The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday at the home of the President, Mrs. 5. G. Gillespie, who presided over the meeting. The theme, "Lighting the Way Through Friendship". All sang, "Come and Worship" and other carols and re- peated the Magnificat. Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs. Thos. Moore and Mrs. Ben Mc- Clenaghan took part in the candle- lighting service, and Mrs, Ben Mc- Clenaghan led in prayer for the peace of Christmas time. Mrs. Albert Coultes gave her report of the bales shipped, and said that over 1800 bales of clothing had been shipped by the United Churches of Canada, 73 tons to Korea, 14 tons to Japan, and six tons to Jamaica. Mrs, Thos. Moore gave a ,,:.dlendid report of the Mission Band. They had raised over $37. Mrs. 3. G. Gillespie was a Life Member from this Society this year. and the allocation had been exceeded, The Indies of the W.A. had recently had new kitchen cup- boards, with work table and sink, installed, in the church kitchen. Mrs. Victor Emerson presented the slate of officers, for the coming year, an follows; Honorary Pres., Mrs. (Rev). S. E. Hayward; Pres.. Mrs. .T, G Gillespie; 1st Vice, Mrs. Jas. Fal- coner: 2nd Vice, Mrs. William Moore; 3rd Vice. Mrs. A. Coultes; Spa., Mrs. Ner J. Watt: :Assist. Sec., Mrs. F7ra Seholtz; Correen See., Mrs. Bee, Mc-tele e sther,• Pianists. Mrs. W. R Ti'a rrier , Mrs P Ferrier• Mission -Read suede, Mrs T, R. Moore, Mrs. 7erillen Moore; Ileby Bend Stmt., Mrs, waiter .Tames: Convener. Mrs. P. Farrier, Mrs. Herb T,,aialsw; Prayer Comm., Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Clan- Teeeeereere Sea, Mrs. .T. G. Gillespie: Literature Mrs, R. 3. Laidlaw: Stewardship, Mrs. V. Emerson: Auditors, Mrs. Albert Coultes, and Mrs. Russell Chapman; Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs. W, R. Farrier; For the W.A. President, Mrs. Russell Gaunt; 1st Vice, Mrs. G. E. Farrier; SecaTreas„ Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Gaunt. Lunch was served for the quarterly birthday tea for the 12 ladies in attendance, Brick Church S. S. held their Christmas concert on Monday even- ing with a splendid attendance, with Rev. W. J. lYloores as chairman. The pupils gave their recitations and pan- toraines and all enjoyed the coloured slides of the Christmas story. Santa arrived in time with his pack of candy treats and gifts for all, Mrs. Ernest Snowden, Mrs. Roy Robinson and all the members of the Humphrey family, were called to Wingham Hospital on Sunday, on ac- count of the critical condition of their father, Mr. Wm. Humphrey of St. Helens. The people of S. S. No. 7, East Wa- wanosh, held their Xmas concert on Friday evening in the school, with Mr, Clarence Chamney as chairman, and all enjoyed the interesting pro- gram presented by the children, and also the new lights, which were in- stalled this fall. Santa came with candies, and oranges for all. Mrs. W, Dow and Donald have both been under the doctor's care during this week-end. Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier and son of Long Branch ,are holidaying this week with their parents, Mr and Mrs. W .R. Farrier and with Morris relatives. Mr. Wm. Henry has purchased the house owned by Mrs. Eyvel and for- merly owned by the late Robt. Car- rick, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Falconer and John of Glamis, spent Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas Falconer. Miss Florence Beecroft of Toronto, Spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, Mrs. Andrew Kirk received word on Friday that her brother, Mr. Charles Girvin Baillie of Los Angeles, California, had passed away on Thursday morning at his home there. FORDWICH W. I. Hold Children's Party The Fordwich VV. I. met in the Community Hall for their December meeting and children's Christmas party. The President, Mrs. McCann occupied the chair for the business part of the meeting. Correspondence was dealt with, several thank-you letters from shut-ins were read. Treasurers report was heard. Roll call took the form of a gift exchange between members and visitors. Mrs. Howard Harris gave an inter- esting display of Christmas table centres, making use of such material that is available in every house, fancy wrapping paper, cereal boxes, empty cans, used Christmas cards and ribbon, coverings of fruit baskets pine cones and pieces of birch. The mystery box was won by Mrs. Mc- Cann. The convener of community activities, Mrs. Sothera occupied the chair for the program and members had the pleasure of entertaining a number of school children, who in turn offered a very enjoyable pro- gram. Four tiny tots, Janie Hambly, Kar- en and Johnny Carswell and Grant Hargrave were called to the plat- form and recited in turn a short humorous recitation. Mrs. Devitt played a piano solo, "Christmas Fan- tasy." Vocal duets by Margaret and Allison McCann, seven children recit- ed "The Seven Candles." Nancy Soth- ern played a piano solo and Gary Sothern sang a solo accompanied by Nancy. Patsy Harris gave a recita- tion, A skit was given by ten child- ren. "Little Christmas Bells." Several Christmas Carols were sung by all. A contest was enjoyed "How many words can you get out of the word Christmas" in a few minutes. The contest was won by Mrs. Colwill who had 24. The children were each given a bag of candy and lunch was served by several ladies present. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Anson Demerling. vommoramomme Mohawks Scalp Kincardine 11 5 In a wide-upon hockey game at the Wingham Arena last Tuesday night, the Wingliarn Mohawks defeated Kincardine by the lopsided score of 11-5. Nine penalties were handed out during the game. Wingham kept the play in the Kin- cardine end all during the first per- iod and the period ended with Wing- ham leading 4 to 0. Kincardine came hack in the second, fighting, and outshot Wingham, scoring four goals to match the four scored in the same period by the Mohawks. There were six penalties in this period of play, four to the lakesiders and two to the locals, Kincardine had three men in the box at the same time, one on a delayed penalty .Gibhart and Wilson tangled both in front of the penalty box and in it, to liven up the game, The last period saw the Mohawks take complete charge and tally three counters against one Kin- cardine tally. Gibhart was given all four Wing- ham penalties The Wingham scoring was divided against six payers with Bill Lockridge blinking the red light three times, Roy Wilson twice, John- ny Orewson twice, Dewberry twice, Gibhart once and Killingbeck once, Wingham defence men were handing out some solid body checks and the two way work of Fyne and Westlake was noteworthy. Zold and T. Wilson each tallied two for the opposition and Trendall got the other one. WINGHAM—Goal, Sangster; L, de- fence, Westlake; R. defence, Pym, Centre, Locktidge; R. Wing, Wilson; L. Wing, Crowson; Alternates, Dew- berry, Templeman ,Hilbert, Killing- beck, Brent, Stainton and Gibhart. KINCA_RDLNie—Goal, Pituski; L. defence, J. Wilson; R. defence, I), Zold; Centre, T. Wilson; lee Wing, Pollard; L. Wing, I. Connell; Alter- nates, a-enforce Pierce, Thorndyke, Courtney, Bell, Wall. Referees, MacLean and Boussey. Federation News by Gordon M. Greig, Sec. Fieldman Five men were named to the Huron County Federation of Agriculture ex- ecutive at the December directors meeting bringing the 1952 executive up to eleven members. Mrs. Lloyd Taylor of Exeter who has been lady director on the executive for the past four years declined to accept the appointment again and a new woman member on the executive will be sel- ected at a later date. The executive is as follows: Mr. R. S. McKercher, president; R. R. 1, Dublin; Mr. Wil- fred Shortreed, Walton; Mr. Delbert Geiger, Zurich; Mr. C. C.R. Coultes, past president, Belgrave; Mr. Gor- don Greig, Sec. Fieldman, Clinton; Mr, Ronald McMichael, Junior Far- mers, Wroxeter; Clarence Shaw, Wingham; Mr. Douglas McNeil, R. R. 5, Goderich; Mr. Gordon Ratz, R. R. 3, Dashwood; Mr. Howard Johns, R. R. 1, Woodham; and Mr. Harvey Taylor, Brucefield, Ont. The nominating committee present- ed the list of names for the commit- tees for 1952 and approved the meet- ing. Resolutions committee, Wilfred Shortreed, chairman; Charles Coul- tes, Gordon Richardson, Jack Wheel- er, and Alvin Rau; Warble Fly Com- mittee, Bert Lobb, chairman; Jack McKenzie and Keith Tyndall; Beef Cattle Committee, Rageell Knight, chairman; Annie McKinley and C .R. Coultes; Peultry Committee, R. S, AleKereher, chairman; Edison For- eat, Qrval Harrison, Howard Johns, and Elgin McKinley; Eduoational, Committee, Four Presidents, Lady Director, Sec. Fieldman and chair-1 man of Farm Forum committee; Wheat Producers' Committee, Gor- don Greig, chairman, Ed. Hendrick Delbert Geiger and Wilbur Turnbull. Cash Crop Committee, Harry Strang, chairman; Wm. Essery and Delbert Geiger; Insurance Committee, Pres., R, S. lVfcKercher., Sec., Gordon Greig, Harvey Taylor, Ed, Hendrick, and C. R, Coultas, President R. S. McKerche was named Director to the Ontario Fed- eration of Agriculture from Huron County. Representatives were appointed to attend the Ontario Federation of Agriculture annual meeting that tak- es place in the King Edward Hotel in Toroato from January 8th, to 11th 1952. Delegates chosen were president Two resolutions were presented to the meeting and endorsed. The first dealing with increased fox bounty came from Grey Township and it was directed to the January session of Huron County Council. The sec- ond resolution dealing with daylight saving time was sent in from Hay township and it is being sent to sur- rounding County Federations to ask Glad 07i&n9s! We would like to extend our sincere Best Wishes and Chrsitmas greetings to you and yours for a very Merry Christmas and a successful and Happy New Year, Electric 117 HOLIDAY GREETINGS! May happiness and gPod cheer be yours at Christmastime! Hamilton Optical 980 CFPL'o ROY JEWELL fiormitoom.oramormis.. veee-leeee for your• friendliness—and the hope that your holiday will be happy with joy and blessings to carry over into 4 bright, new year! May we express our appreciation David Crompton Jewellery and Gift Shop Certified Watchmaker Christmas belongs to everyone, regardless Of faith or religious creed. It is the symbol of all that is good and generous, and indicative of the spirit of humanity ... it is GOOD WILL to all men! Good old $t. Nick . . . he's got a pack-full a our sincerest good wishes for friends and customers for a bright and merry Christmas filled with many good things! The words "Merry Christmas° we extend to express . Our sincerest good wisherf :or your happiness! Brownlie Memorials RV10E y W1NOHAM, ONT. Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell 0 Huron IS RD'S