HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-12-19, Page 3WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, ipst WISHING WELL The Dome of Delicious Severgoes QUART— Orange Grape Lemon Lime Gringerale — SPECIAL, for CHRISTMAS— Quart Cingerale in Christmas Cartons also Jocko in the 8 ox. can. ti's delicious hot or cola Hamilton Beverages Phone 485 Wingham Orange Grape Lemon Lime Ginger* Cream Soda Root Beer Lime Rickey Diabetic Gil gerale R THE WIN GRAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE TBIRMS HIGHLIGHTS from the HIGH SCHOOL "TRACTION —ACTION" 'Tires lawcig.geraiMoor4.migimmo MA61% THEY KEER, YOU GOING IN SNOW, SLUSH OR MUD For the "all-weather" driver who can't afford to fet stud. Super-Lastic Snow and Mud Tires are great for bad roads— They'll "walk" your car right through heavy snow, slash or mud. Always on the job—no need to bother with chairs when you equip your car with Super-Lastic Snow and Mud Tires. We'll install them frec--we'll give you a written Guarantee and Road Hazard Insurance Policy—and we'll save you real money. Trade in your old tires now. DeLaxe Quality—at Bigger Savings See your catalogue or ask us for the latest prices, sk es t she for a erry1C list arias If You Don't Know Furs Know Your Furrier New Shipments in of Hudson Seal Persian Lamb and Muskrat. Other types of fur - preferred stylings available —Customers please call for coats left for storage— ( Custom or Ready-Made ) DU VAL FURS Phone 300 Wingham North St. ...••••••••••••••M••••••••• •1••••••••••• MARGARET MAIN'S RING CRIDIESTIVIS CARE CLARK'S RICH FLIT 'DING FESTIVE COLOURED JIIM113. GUM rs wAuxiiiv CANDY c gum JELILE OLD-FASHIONED LARGE VP Erkr CREAMS LB. 0 ••••••••••.,1/4".~...,•••••••,".".•••"••••••4.•••••• THE CHILDREN'S FAVOURITE CHOCOLATE PEARS Lb. 430 18 OZ. TIN 16 OZ. CELLO 16 OZ. CELLO 31p 350 MOIR'S CHOCOLATE AND CREAMS FAMILY 31/2 lb. box ASSORTMENT 1.79 QUALITY MIXTURE IN SHELL 16 oz. Cello MINED NUTS !)..MtCtzistExtMeArciCzer..W.c.v,PaktttXictetCSETzte..1,ztVEtzgit'iiqtZtztzizistc,icmcw. THE STAFF OF YOUR DOMINION STORE EXT,NDS I HEAMTIEST SEASON'S GREETiNGS LARGE BUDDED DIAMOND WALNUTS goil2z 5B0 DOMINO (Contents Only) DRY 30 oz. bottle GINGER AIX 2 for PICKLES l Osig0 Club House Manzanillo Stuffed OLIVES Is2ar O. DELMONTE (In Glass) FANCY FRUIT SALAD o 28 z. SHIRR/FF'S LUSHUS JELLY Plcgr. 1.00 DEL MAIZ FANCY CORN RICH, THICK—HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP' 13BottlOe s. 200 SAGE—THYME—POULTRY DRESSING Shaker i 10 CLART-I'S OLD LONDON TOWN FRUIT 24 oz. Tin l'ENCEMEAT 320 48 HOR9EY SWEETENED ORANGE BICE TinOz. 310 2:10.5IPS AMERICAN BE UT? FANCY T5inOz. 410 NEW CANADIAN MILD MEESE MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRE SSING 16 Oz. 530 Jar LIBBY'S FANCY TENDER TUNG PEAS TinOz.200 Whole or Jellied—OCEAN SPRAY 16 Oz. Tin CRANBERRIES 250 FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON r12 s /160 For your Christmas Feast we have a choice selection Green Onions, Radishes, Tomatoes, Head 'Lettuce, Mushrooms, Cabbage and Carrots. FIRM GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS NO. 1 ONTARIO WAXED TURNIPS lb. 6c '7.tercrd cg suarsusr 0111/111GES tig.22w. 490 NEW CHOP CALM:null.% NAVELS- - CALIrottbrIA 120,SHOR BED GRAPES 2 LB190 EATMONE BRAND O 390 CRAIVIIEWEIN.70 M TENL ER CRISP 1,A,NC1i .„Bch, 4ELEfilt KEAKTS Z50 Dommos state TAD. 1Kilorarsit EtrECTIVZ IN I Until Cloning %Sine Moat„ "sec 24 411111111111111111111111111011110011111111111111 POWDERS IMPERIAL The refrigerator with 3 best kinds of cold—each with its own refrigerating system—Food- Freezer Cold, Super-Safe Cold, Super-Moist Cold and all these features— * Famous Meter-Miser mechanism with 5-Year Protection Plan Double-eery Crikkube Trays • Aluminum shelves—can't rust 0 2 big, deep Hydrators 0 73,5 lb, frozen food storage in separate Locker-Too the finest chocolates money can buy and a gift that will be enjoyed by all PICARDY ANNE HATHAWAY SMILES 'N CHUCKLES Boxes from 1 lb. to 5 lbs. QUALITY ASSORTED BULK CHOCOLATES CHRISTMAS CANDIES OF ALL KINDS While up-town drop in for a Snack, Soda or Hot Chocolate at HERBONDY'S (Nett to the theatre) AVIZIOVP: *-4,41%10t:A-2004101 4 it is rIs Christmas Dance.1951 This year's Christmas dance prom- ises to be the best ever, some say that Lionel Thornton's Orchestra is comparable to Guy Lombardo's and better than Tommy 'Dorsey's, With testimony like this, we can hope that the music will be something more than acceptable. Gordon Lane and his committee have been inspired with some extra special ideas for decorations, At first they were very closed-mouthed about the whole thing, but after a little pressure was exerted, he did tell us that the decorations will be blue and silver, with stars and moons all over the place. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it: The lunch committee is headed by Dolores Hamilton, she quite freely informed us that cup-cakes and pop will be served, Sounds even better than before. Nothing but superlatives serve to describe this\ biggest, best, prettiest, most wonderful dance. So we urge everyone to be at the Wing- ham Armouries on Thursday, Decem- ber 20. ,Around School by By "An Old Timer" (Catherine Heating Wel, folks, did ya, know thet thet there Wingham High School is gonna have another of them there Literary Meetin's purty soon? They have sum right good eclybrations down in the Town Meetin' Hall. They sing and play and recite and perform around, and their programmes is real inter- estin'. Ya know, ah never was much for makin' purty speeches but the presydint, John Lancaster, can speel off some mighty good yarns. High School also has a book or sump- in' that they call a "Journal". It contains some Inlay weird tales and side-splittin' jokes aboot everybody from here 'clean to Kalamazoo. The edytor of the "Journal" - is Gordon Lane; an' how he ever thinks of sum o' them edytorials is more than my pore brain will reckon up! An if ya want to hear all the latest gossip, was, there's a column in the Journal that takes care o' that too. It must be a woman that scratches up thet thar gossip cause no self-respectire man could ever fill his over-worked brain with stuff like that. When the whole High School gets into thet big Town Hall, it leaves plenty o' room for old-timers like you and me. I've bin at a Literary Meetin' and they sure 'are sumpin' to write home aboot! We'd like to see that Town Meetin' Hall plum full at the next meetin', Wednesday afternoon December 19th at 3 o'clock, Come one an' come all, an' don't fergit to bring yer Uncle Louis, too. He might enjoy seem' some o' them thar purty girls in Grade 13. Ah think ah'd bet- ter quit now 'cause ah hear Emma yellin' at me to git to work. Oh, she's a hard wife to get along with! So, we are going to have snow for Christmas after all. "Silent Night" and "Jingle Bells" never do sound right without the snow do they? Once again we are tramping up the hill, through mountainous snowdrifts and we feel icy Arctic winds blowing in our faces. We huff and puff under the weight of dozens of books and heavy winter coats. We proceed outside to be greeted by snowballs and we slip, slide and slither down the hill. Oh, what cheerful thoughts we town kids have when we see snow falling in Wingham! But, Christmas snow and we last-minute shop- pers don't mind it either, It \gives us More of the Christmas spirit (spirit just wouldn't be Christmas without of Christmas, that is.) Now, as I tackle a Geometry ques- tion, I find myself humming some- thing about "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow The Old-Times Talks Wel, folks do yuh recllect that I was talking aboot Literary meetin's? Wal, I found out that the High School is havin' another one this very aft' noon..If Emma')) let me off ehoppin' this durn wood, shore be there too, By the way, folks the High School is puttin' on the biggest jamboree in the Armouries tomorrow night. They call it a dance but I'd call it a shin- dig. Emma and me is shore gain'. Emma said she' haft' git a long dress so I dug out the dress my granmaw was married in. Emma looks real purty and I know she'll be the "Mlle of the ball". The band or ochestry is real musical too. Personally I think Uncle Louis with his Harmonicy is jist as good, but nothin' is too good for Wingham High School. Question of the Week! Who is taking whom to the dance Thursday night? Leff Here The Magna Charta said that the King was not to order taxis without the consent of Parliament. Miss Heard: What did the Spartan mother say to her son? Cliff Coultes: Return with your shield or pawn it. Definitions: A corps is a dead gentleman, a corpse is a dead lady. A sinister is an old maid. A skeleton is a man with his inside out and his outside off. Tantrum is a two seated bicycle. Battle of the Century By Jolm Hanna The crowd roared and all eyes turn- ed to the hallway leading to the cata- combs at the Wingham Armoury. It was Thursday afternoon, December 13, the day of the opening basketball game of the 1951-52 season. It was to be an exhibition affair between the W.D.H.S. teaching staff "Cripples" and the H.S. senior entry in the H.S. S.A. This year's large student body filled the armoury to overflowing and even floor space was at a minimum. However, at this moment all eyes were on this strange conglomeration of humanity emerging from. the dress- ing room. Cries of "Oooh ,there's old Mr. Vogan," "lookit Higenell," "that little guy is Martin;" "old Fergie." "I hear Mr. Jackson is pretty good." Suddenly all is quiet; it is the moment before the jump. Tweet, tweet! The ball and two centres are in the air and the battle of the century is on. Play rages back and forth. The roar of , the student is drowned out by the puffing of the "fast-limping" cripples, A group of students? in the balcony (probably looking for some extra marks) organize a cheering section and yell "C'morn Cripples," Manager Porter of the senior team paces back and forth shouting orders to his charges. Some of the more" self con- scious" staff, or should we say "smarter ones," have resigned themselves to a spectator role. An- other prominent member "Tooter MS- dill," horn and stopwatch in hand has undertaken the job of timer so he can be near the Seniors bench and I hear their plans of attack which he relays to the "Cripples" at every op- portunity. A mighty roar; several spectators faInt and also one player; Mr. Martin has made a basket! The spectators begin to complain loudly that they Cannot hear the whistle due to the "Cripples" heavy breathing but at last the horn ends the game, The tense Moment has arrived, "Who is the winner?" Everyone has gathered about the chief scorer, timer and spy Mr. Madill, who is beginning to turn very red! Finally he announces the score: Cripples 16—Seniors ID. He is mobbed by angry students—Oops forgot the last basket,; Seniors 17-- Cripples 16, He makes for he door— never knew that man could run so fast! Smokers' Sundries the welcome gifts G.B.D. PIPES RONSON LIGHTERS PETERSON PIPES at Cameron's Billiards WINGIJAM ONTARIo wowi-ovor4vow LOCKER TOP! 2-0001t OPEL 1 3 KIPS OF iff SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BROADCAST emote a:te coil/la* emtkli hViw to fieyeewite ex4/46216ri" sung by a choir of sixty voices, composed entirely of Head Office employees of The MI thial Life Assurance Company of Canada at Waterloo, Ont, This programme,,designed to further the true spirit of Christmas, is being broadcast throughout Canada, and may be heard locally as follows: DECEMBER 24th AT 930 P.M. Radio Station CKNX WINGHAM THE OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE; WATERLOO, ONT. 1110 SON APPLIANCE WS' --,--, at RVIC ?' Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell . . - -7„ Phone 29 Wingltain kr:i M,,-9 Malie,,MarW,M 'N'L .;:: ..A''1'.':•P j&,-%V .,P ''':4% .a ,--:'="0. 7.:Vr,)V,?-k."0".k,07070AM gort __mix,oz„,zzw....a,,..::m_4„&vzz,:,,,f.T r,,e4,4p, &e,•,..,,:,z,,,,x_;,,,?. .;41f.:0:4,-;.f.,•,,zr,,,:f;.:,0,;,yz ;_„..„,,:zifig.g g 4 F r Yo r Chritmas*