HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-12-12, Page 11STAINTOWS "The Farmers Supply House" Phone 30 Winghani Super Chief SLEIGHS $7.50 - $8.50 Baby Rail SLEIGHS $6.50 Doll's HIGH CHAIRS $2.98 SLEEK Ammo, TO CANADA'S NAVY Central Press Canadian As it slid gracefully down into St. Lawrence river at Montreal, H.M.C,S. $t. Laurent presented impressive evidence of efficiency of Canada's three-year $200,000,000 naval shipbuilding program. As much equipment as possible is concentrated below decks giving the 360-foot sub-killer a low streamlined silhouette. This feature also affords added crew protection against atomic bombardment. The 2,500-ton St Laurent and her 13 sister ships now under construction, constitute most modern units of two ocean fleets of 100 ships which Canada expects to complete IV 1951 WVIDNESDAZ DECEMBER is, 1951 rr THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES tadolynex-r- p.4.00 Er.44. YEN Y2 • kii • ii ii a 3 El 11 a I i i U U U U U U F p p p izl p iii it ii U U 6 p N p 1 U U U p U I I figure and'professional skates miiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii,,,,,,-„„,,,,,,,,,i„,...„,tii.,..„,..„,.„•„,..w.„.,„.........,,,,,,,,.,„•,...„,...,,,,,„,„,.„,,,,,,, i • i Ai; S E E Aw w i if- STAINTON'S for SKATES Ili N li ii ▪ A complete line of world famous C.C.M. w Iti a,. ill ii i 4110411W0,11111•0110041..1.0114.....1110.411•11.41111111.1111,1. BAUER'S CHILD'S SKATING OUTFITS Boys' or Girls', sizes 7, 8, 9, 10 $11.95 $14.50 $15.95 Kindergarten Sets $6.95, $11.95, $12.95 Shoofly Rockers $5.50 Girls' C.C.M. MATCHED SETS size 9 - 3 4- 10 DOLL PRAMS maroon, white, rose, red, blue $6.50, $7.50, $11.75 $17.50, $21.95 Will Accommodate Semi-invalid or Bed Patients. MRS. 3. H. MoKAY PHONE 103 WINGHAM ONTARIO 41.0411 (t4.1.00,..0.1.•1141=1.4!4•MIK1.11110.1111.041•• C.C.M. Shoulder & Arm PROTECTORS and KIDNEY PADS $2.65, $3.75, $4.50 $8.35, $9.00 HOCKEY GLOVES $5.25, $6.50, $6.75 $11.50, $14.00, $18.00 C.C.M. Tackaberry Professional Hockey MATCHED SET . . $49.95 = $55.00 sizes 10 - 2 $13.95 sizes 10 - 2 $15.95 sizes 3 - 10 $17.50 $21.95 $24.95 Believed in Predator Control • t: and equipment. Boys' C.C.M. MATCHED SETS size 10 2 $9.95 3 5 $10.95 6 12 $14.50 the crows aro the duck's enemies dur- ing the nesting season. If man shoots red deer fop food, man should kill the timber wolf to the same proportion. Man upsets Nat- C.C.M. Professional Hockey Matched Sets $34.50, $39.95 $47.50 BOYS' WAGONS $5,75, $7.95, $9.95 $14.95, $17.50 KIDDIE CARS $7.25 Station Wagon $29.00 C.C.M. Tricycles $15.95, $17.50, $18.50 $21.50, $22.50, $23.95 Men's & Boys' Matched Sets $16.95, $19.95 $24.95 $5.75 N U U U U U 11 U U U U fa- U U U U Esi loll U P U what Percentage were shot in eaph State and each Province, and his bird banding system gave him this data. Founclation Pays No Salaries The Jack Miner Migratory Bird Foundation was incorporated in the United States in 1932 under the phil- anthropic laws of Michigan and in Canada by a special act of the Ont- ario Legislature. So sound is the legal set-up in both countries that the finance department at Ottawa ,Ontario, and the treasury department at Washington, D.C., have made rulings that any gift to The Jack Miner Foundation is exempt from inheritance taxation. This alone is evidence of the soundness of the legal set-up. There are no salaries paid to any directors ,who all give their time to AgAVOWAiMMOIVMAteetteAVAVAV riii n administer the activities and purpose for which The Jack Miner Founda- tion was created, Every dollar con tri- buted to The Jack Miner Foundation is used directly for the Conservation program carried on at The Jack Min- er Bird Sanctuary at Kingsville, Ont- ario, Canada, ure's balance so it is up to him to balance same. Jack Miner would say. "If the potato bugs attack my potato vines, I use Paris Green. I don't wait for God to send another hug to kill them. No man ever believed in natural habitat more than did Jack Miner. One needs only to visit his home and bird sanctuary. There you will find 53,000 trees, plants and shrubs plant- ed by the late Jack Miner because he used to say an ice storm or a bliz- zard can come and if wild life such as pheasants and quail do not have food and shelter, fully ninety per cent. of such game can be wiped out by the storm. He would always add that no one ever saw evidence of an ice storm or blizzard ever reducing predators. Such being the case, then the Great Horned Owl and other predators that are enemies of our more valuable bird life should be reduced to the same proportion that the ice storm reduces the more valuable game be- cause this mass of predators is left to live on the ten per cent. of our game birds which is left after such a storm. All out of proportion. In other words, our game birds cannot stand man's guns, ice storms, a blizzard and the predators. It is up to man to reduce the predators to the same proportion that our game birds are reduced by such causes. Deikraft Tables from $19.95 Coffee Tables - End Tables Lamp Tables - Step Tables Nest of Tables - Occasional Chairs LAMPS TRI=LITE BRIDGE BOUDOIR TABLE Ornament = Vases Cups and Saucers Gif mare Books - Xmas Cards Gift Wrappings PICTURES OILS - PRINTS WATER PICTURES ilk5NgliVIIVAEO3t0IWA:521WM6a4VAO.: The only safe way ... Slap! Please Datil Touch Don't go near ill Stay on guard to keep everyone away Have your Hydro office notified at once! Everything possible is being clone to keep Hydro wires sal% in your community. Some things ... winter storms and human, folly . . . are beyond control. When those occurs Hydro ask* for your co-operation. Your help may save a life, Vin yam Utilities Commission Girls' C.C.M. IFIGURE SKATING _ MATCHED SETS The late Jack Miner Canadian nat uralist ,always gave reasons for his opinion, He would say if man shoots ducks for food, then man should shoot crows to the same proportion because Mil.AVRIMIC*0•11.0101.10 SKATE LACES 20c & 25c "FAIRVIEW" Nursing Home for the Aged C.C.M. Hockey Knickers Boys' • $3.25 Men's $8.35 Professional Knickers $10.50 BOYS' SHIN GUARDS $1.60, $2.45, $3.25 $4.35, $4.65, $9.25 Sons Carry On Jack Miner had three sons, who give their time to the Conservation program started by the late Jack Miner at his Kingsville Bird Sanct- uary. The biggest tribute paid these sons is by visitors who visit the San- ctuary and declare it is far better than when their father left it. Manly F, Miner is the eldest son. He had charge of the office and man- agement of the Sanctuary, better known as public relations. William Edward Miner, better known as Ted, has charge of the farm land upon which a large portion of the grain is grown. Jasper Wilson Miner is the young- est and is the most like his late father. He has full charge of feeding the kibirds, banding the thousands of ducks and geese and welcoming visitors to the Sanctuary, and from October 15th to May 1st., when the place is open to the public every day except Sundays, he conducts a daily tour at 3.00 p.m. Was Pioneer Bird Bander The late Irwin S. Cobb always re- ferred to Jack Miner as "the greatest practical naturalist on the planet." Jack Miner was not interested in whether the female geese migrate first or not. All that he was interested in was that there were some of each species and sex left to migrate, It is an undisputed fact that Jack Miner secured the first complete fact of where a bird was banded and where it was shot. He banded his first duck in August 1909, and it was shot by Dr, W. E. Bray, of Anderson, South Carolina. This constitutes the first complete record of where a bird was banded and where it was killed. Bird banding was original with Jack Miner as far as he was concern- ed. He was interested in learning ro.••••.0.0.reemp oamo oreognsoamonama I Memorials We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial-and we provide only ma- terials Of unending serviceabil- ity. Design arid workmanship are of the finest, and our prIceS are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT W n gham Memorial Shop /Phone 266 R. A. Spotton 144.010,6410041.14.0.000,049004. WANTED HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER 3c LB. AT FARM. We also pick up dead and dis- abled animals. Horses, cows, pigs at current prices Small animals according to size and condition. C. BRUBAKER Phone 608w1 R.R. 1, Wingliam T A I DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured PARTNERSHIP INSURANCE Has proved its worth many, many times. CONSULT - F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 Warren House Furnishings PHONE 475 WINGHAM