HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-12-05, Page 11Business and Professional Directory Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR.O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. 0. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. RONALD H. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT l'CLINTON, ONTARIO Office: Royal Bank Phones: Office 561, Res. 455. S. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service MODERN FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 106 Night 189 WINGHAM ONT. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham DR. W. M, CONNELL DR. B. N. CORRIN PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Phone 19 • J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE ,HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. Harold Jadson LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Counties of Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm, Household and Property Sales. Phone Collect Seaforth 661-14 &It 4, Sertforth Ontario 6 O II 0 Wishing everyone the compliments of the season. K. M. MaclENNAN Vetennary Surgeon Office — Minnie St. PHONE 196 Office Hours: 3 to 5 p.m. daily except Sunday and Holidays Wingharn, Ontario A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment, J. W. BUSHFIELD, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office Meyer Block, Wingham CRAWFORD & HETHERINOTON Barristers, Solicitors, Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, K.C. R. S. HETHERI \*T4TON. K.C. ORVAL TAYLOR PAGE ELEVEN 2.30. Roll Call, A Christmas custom in our home, and exchange of Cnrist- rams gifts, Rev, S. E. Hayward will be the guest speaker and the pro, gram committee are hostesses end Mrs. F. G. Todd and Miss 'Beth Mc- Donald. Teachers and pupils are busy pre- paring for the annual Christmas con- certs, That of St. Helens School is being held this Wednesday evening, S. SI. No, 3 on Friday and Fordyce on Wednesday next, December 12th. We are sorry to report that Mta- Robinson Woods is under the doctor's care, Her daughter, Mrs. Alex Mar- die of Waterloo is home the. month. Little Miss Nancy Curran has been ill with tonsilitis and pneumonia, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Humphrey of Hespeler, were week-end visitors with Mrs. W. A. Humphrey. Mr, Humphrey is still a patient in the Wingham Hospital, but is making favorabla re- covery. "FAIRVIEW" Nursing Home for the Aged Will Accommodate Semi-invalid or Bed Patients. MR& J. EL McRAV PHONE 103 WINGHAM =:= ONTARIO 411110.11161.0•6041141..011.0.13•11.0, m-kvztv,.vztevmem,-tctvmocvetmrvo.fxvtev..vcRvwvown.v.vw,e-Kqmvatg, Gifts and Gifts Galore Are in Store for All at ar ichael's BE SURE TO SHOP EARLY AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE ABOVE MONEY- SAVING BARGAINS at CARMICHAEL'S WINGHAM'S FAMILY STORE NYLONS A Sensational Price WHILE THEY LAST - "slightly imperfect" 95c Pair — also — LOVELY SHEER FIRST QUALITY 51-15 NYLONS $1.50 Pair SPECIAL! SPECIAL Three Days Only, Thurs., Fri., and Sat. PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR 95 Combinations at $7.49 Preferred Combinations at „ „ „ $5.98 71 Combinations at 0.98 I sq-argil X .4 2 4 S t 4:4 iq WPDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1951 Are You Interested A Little Attention . goes a long way in car care ! Let„,us take pre of the little tliings on your car and avoid the big bills for car repair. Drive in to-day . we'll put your car 'in the pink' of driving condition. 1111111111111111111111111111E111111NIINNIMINNIIIIINIk. 01=0=====i01=0 THE WINGHAM ADVANCErTIMES should be regular church ,attenders. The Bible should be their guide and they should be known by their every day living among men. He reminded the members they were builders— builders of character and closed with choice verses on the subject, The speaker was thanked by Rt. Worship- ful Brother, Gordon A. Gibson. Norman Hoover, Brussels, present D,D,G.M.,for this district spoke brief- ly. He spoke of the freedom which is ours, the freedom of speech in this country when friends could gather for a social time without asking permis- sions, also the many things we have, good food and plenty everywhere, He urged the members to grasp every opportunity to share with those in other countries less fortunate. Rh Worshipful Brother, Tom Brown, was called on for a few words. Mr, Brown was the eldest member present. Dr. R. B. Palmer proposed a toast to the ladies, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton replied. Cloyne Higgins expressed ap- preciation to the ladies who had ser- ved the 'dinner. Mrs. Stan Gallaher replied for the ladies. The group then returned to the Masonic, Club rooms where progres- sive euchre and cards were enjoyed. Mrs. Donnely of Gorrie and Gilbert Howes held the high scores, Mrs. Fred Doubledee won the lucky chair prize. Mrs. Harvey McMichael won first for crokinole, Mrs, Jack MacLean sec- ond, Happy Birthday was sung for J. H. Wylie who was celebrating his birthday. Altogether the evening was a well arranged entertainment and was enjoyed by all present. ' Autumn Thankoffering Service Rev. R. A. Brook of Bluevale Un- ited Church, was guest speaker for the annual Autumn Thankoffering service on Sunday morning, Speaking from the W.M,S. theme" That we may show forth Thy Praise," he said there were 3000 auxiliaries in Can- ada. These had undertaken work in the home and overseas Mission field which would fall short if even the small groups failed to give their best service. Theirs is a great redemptive mAsion, to go and preach the world and lift Christ up. He said there was much to be done and the hour was late. Evil lies in the hearts of men, The gospel of Jesus Christ can bring peace. The choir favoured with an anthem, "Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters," and the male quartette Messrs. G. A. Wearring, Gilbert Howes, Art. Gibson and Vern Hupfer sang "Founded on the Rock of Ages:" Miss Mary Gibson Was organist, The Seglpture lesson was taken from Romans, Chapter 10. Special hymns chosen for the occas- ion were "Who givest All," "Come let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love" and "0 Zion Haste." A generous thankof- fering was received from the women of the congregation for the work of the Women's Missionary Society. Song Service December 9th A special service will he held at the regular hour of 11 a.m. in United Church on Sunday morning next, December 9th. Rev, E. W. Todd will be speaking on some of the early hymn writers. Christmas Carols and other favourite hymns will be sung. The choir will contribute special num- bers and guest soloist will be David Livingstone of Toronto. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Candle Lighting Service Dee. 23 All organizations are expected to take part when sponsored by the Women's Missionary Society a candle- lighting and white gift service will be held on the evening of December 23rd. The special offering will go to the orphans of Korea. Rev. E. W. Todd will have charge. Lebanon Chapter Local members of Lebanon Chapter, Wingham, attended Ladies Night at St. George Chapter, London, on Fri- day night. The turkey dinner was held at Longwood Inn, Cards and dancing followed the dinner. Each lady receiv- ed an attractive umbrella as a favour. Speaker for the occasion was Major A. G, N London, Those at- tending were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibson, Mr and Mrs. Andy Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean. Young People's Union Shirley Newton, president, presided at the meeting of the Young People's Union held in the church schoolroom on Sunday evening. The meeting opened with the hymn "I Need Thee Precious Jesus." Scripture lesson was read from Acts Chapter 1, verses 1-7 by Don Gibson. Rev. Mr, Todd led in prayer "Jesus Calls Vs O'er the Tu- mult," was the second hymn. A film was shown entitled :"We are Broth- ers," Mr. Todd giving the explana- tions ,A quizz on the picture followed, The hymn, "Take time to he Holy," and the repeating of the Mizpah bene- diction closed an interesting meeting. Personals Miss Marilyn MacLean and Mr. Lyle Hart spent the week-end in Chatham, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hunter. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Reffell (nee Lulu Gibson) London, spent the week- end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, A. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Gibson and son, Darryl ,have taken up residence in Wingham. Miss K. Hazelwood received the sad word last week of the death of her brother in British Columbia, Deepest sympathy is extended. Miss Rona VanVelsor spent Thurs- day at the home of Miss Duff, Blue- vale, Mrs. Donald Street and baby, were also visitors at the same home, Mrs. T. G. Hemphill spent the week- end at Hamilton where she visited her friend, Mrs. Syd. Smith. Mrs. Smyth was a former resident of this village. Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Haines of Wingham, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. MacLean. The local branch of the Women's Institute plan to hold a Christmas party and progressive euchre in the Masonic Club Rooms on Friday night, December 7th. In charge of arrange- •0 ments are Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs. Allen g Munro, Mrs. Harvey Timm and Mrs. of W. T. MacLean. The Buds of Promise Mission Band of the United Church met on Monday evening after school to organize for the winter season. Mrs. George Gib- son, Mrs. Wm. Wright and Mrs. Allen Munro are leaders for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs, Chester Higgins of Blyth, formerly of the sixth line of Turnberry, visited with friends here iv on Saturday. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and 'Mr. rir John MacNaughton spent Saturday at Milton. They were accompanied by Mrs. I. J. Gamble of Fordwich, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Smillie have e, taken up residence in their home on the second line of Turnberry and" are having their residence wired for hy- dro. Mr. and Mrs. Smillie have lived for the past year or more near Sea- forth. We welcome them back to our community. Miss Frances Wylie, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. R, R. Hunter also Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and daughter, Catharine, were recent visitors with Mr. and and Mrs. Scott Hunter of Chat- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sanderson, Mrs. Berl Hyslop, Mrs. George Griffith and Its not too late to order your Storm Windows for winter comfort. Campbell & Corbutt Sash Manufacturers Diagonal Rd. Wingham PARTNERSHIP INSURANCE Has proved its worth many, many times. CONSULT — F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 In Figure Skating? The Wingham Arena Commission has been working on a plan to provide instruction in figure skating at the local arena one day each week. Fee for the instruction would be 50c per lesson. If a sufficient number are interested arrange- ments will be completed for the classes to com- mence shortly. It is also planned that a carnival will be held at the end of the season, featuring the local skaters as well as outstanding outside talent. The Commission will carry out these plans only if there is sufficient evidence of interest on the part of the public. If YOU are interested, fill out the coupon below and either mail or hand it to Rod McIntosh, Wingham. Mr. Rod McIntosh, -Wingham, Ont. I .am interested in the proposed figure skating instruction, at the arena and would like to take the instruction. Name -Wingharn Motors Telephone 139 Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars Chevroiel Trucks One hundred attended, when mem- bers of Forest Lodge, 161, A.F. & A, M,, held their annual Ladles Night. Turkey dinner was served by the lad- les of Salem United Church, who through the years have become well known for serving excellent meals. This year they again lived up to their tradition. Harvey McMichael, master of the lodge was chairman. Guest speaker for the occasion was Rev. Andrew Lane of Brussels, chaplain of the North Huron district, "What's in a Name?" was the subject of his able address. He said the word Mason stood for something fine, Its members • .1109.0110.0•0101.•11H)11•11114141•1111•041M.411M04111111.0111111.•11, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the splendid support ac- corded me at the Polls in Monday's election. I wish only to again state that the Town- ship's business \\ill' al- ways be my first con- sideration. Again wishing every- one the Compliments of the Season. ORVAL 11490WAN ....o.dmoosia•O•smi.mouomil•mou.movoloamPolooiDawn CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks to all voters who supported me in East Wawanosh. ALEX ROBERTSON HIMIIM•111.01111•01,111•1.1 CARD 5OF THANKS My sincere thanks to those who worked and supported me at the polls on Monday. NEWS OF WIROXErai 100 Attend Forest Lodge Ladies' Night at Wroxeter Mr.1". Mac anderson spent Monday in London. Mrs. Nellie Wade of Goderich, and formerly of this village ,is visiting Miss Margaret Jardine and renewing acquaintances with old friends. Mrs. William Hart and Mrs. Geo. Griffith attended a trousseau tea in Listowel on Wednesday, given in hon- our of their cousin, Miss Isobel Thompson, whose' marriage took place in Listowel Presbyterian Church on Saturday. ST. HELENS The ladies are reminded of the meeting of the Women's Institute to be held at the home of Mrs. W. A. Miller this Thursday afternoon at •••••••rw......•••••••••••, Attention, Farmers WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS HORSES CATTLE - HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LTD. PALMERSTON I23W DURHAM 398 VALUE EVERY LINE! ew Trucks lalf and One .Ton Fargo Trucks New Cars For Immediate Delivery •••••••••belb.1.44112111111•••••MI See the Latest oriel Ferguson Tractor with the revolutionary 85 rn.rn. motor. This machine is redesigned and re-powered to handle all your farm jobs Drop in and look it over today. Used 1941 Ford-Ferguson Used 1949 Ferguson MERKLEY MOTORS PHONE 84 WINGHAM