HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-12-05, Page 9Coo. Walpole SASH GLAZED Rot-Proofed FRAMES STAIRS PREFIT CAI3INETg with HARDWARE CUPBOARDS MADE - TO - MEASURE TELEPHONE 403-w-12 WINGHAM If You Don't Know Furs Know Your Furrier New Shipments in of Hudson Seal Persian Lamb and Muskrat. ••••=1111111•111•11.10 Other types of for - preferred stylings available —Cuistomers please call for coats left for storage— ( Custom or Ready-Made ) U. VAL FU' S Phone 300 Wingham North St. PlbSIAFCIES. '5M111NE,SEAT, DECLe11ZBl lit THE WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES .PAO ..1SIN10 100 is Mrs. G. Richards gave an account 0 of the work of the club leaders so • far. The Club is meeting in the school, "- The present membership Is 11, but it is expected that more will join the work, The roll call was answered " telling, "What I have done to pre- i pare for Winter." Mrs. S, Bride gave current events. The Motto, "He is happiest who finds peace in his home," was ably taken by Mrs. G. Richard. Hello Homemakers! The custom of Mending Christmas cards dates back to the reign of Queen Anne. During the past half century, however, this custom has become universal, It has hecome a time-consuming job for the homemaker who has the festive meal to plan and prepare and the house to decorate and so many extras, The AM available in rib tread a big problem is the ever-growing list with some deletions and many chang- es of address, Seems to us that the office index system is a must in the home of to-day, It will save you prec- ious time if you buy a package of 3x5 inch cards and write one name and address on each. Then interest someone (the teenager or grandma) to arrange the cards alphabetically. These will be convenient for changes of _address as the cards arrive and a double check as to whether your greeting has been mailed. REQUESTED RECIPES Individual Puddings 2 cups brown sugar 2 cups hot water 1/.3 cup shortening 1 cup raisins 2 cups sifted flour 1 tsp, soda lh tsp. salt 1 tsp, cinnamon 14 tsp. cloves lh tsp. nutmeg 1 cup glazed cherries 1 cup chopped dates VJ cup chopped nuts 1 cup oatmeal Combine sugar, water, shortening and raisins and cook for 0 minutes. cool. Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl and add cherries, dates, nuts and oatmeal, then stir in the sugar mix- ture, Fill greased custard cups 213's full, Bake in electric oven of 225 degs. about 1 hour, Serve hot or cold with hard sauce, Makes 10 servings. Angel Wings 1/2 cup sifted flour 213 cup sugar 1/4 tsp, salt 1 cup shortening 2 eggs 14 tsp. almond extract 1 cup fine oatmeal Slivered almonds Sift flour, sugar and salt into bowl. Combine shortening ,eggs and flav- ouring and add. Fold in oatmeal. Chill the batter. Drop from a tea- spoon on to ungreased cookie sheet. Decorate with slivered almonds. Bake in electric oven of 375 degrees 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from baking sheet immediately. Makes about 48, Coffee Sauce 1;4 cup sugar 2 taps, cornstarch 114 cup strong coffee V: cup milk 114 tsp, vanilla cup thick cream Combine sugar and cornstarch, and add coffee, milk and a dash of salt, Cook 4 minutes stirring constantly, Add vanilla and cool. Whip cream and fold it in, Makes 1 cup, - Fluffy Sauce 1 egg white 114 cup icing sugar 113 cup fruit juice or pulp Beat the egg whites until stiff, add- ing sugar gradually. Add the fruit juice and continue to heat until well blended, Makes 1 cup. Festive Eclairs 1 cup boiling water cup butter or substitute 1 cup sifted cake flour 114 tsp. salt 4 eggs Measure butter and water into a saucepan. Heat until butter is melted and the mixture reaches boiling point. Add flour and salt and stir until the mixture leaves the sides and bottom of the pan. Remove from the electric element and add the unbeaten eggs, one at a time, beating between each addition. Chill. Then with a spoon or wide cookie tube, shape as lady fing- ers on to a greased cookie sheet. Bake in an electric oven of 425 degs. for 20 mins., then reduce heat to 350 degs. for 20 to 25 mins. When cool, make an incision in 1 side and fill with whipped cream or a cream filling. Spread each top with a chocolate icing. Makes about 36, Graham Cracker Crust 15 double crackers 114 tsp, salt 2 tbsps. sugar 213 cup butter or' substitute Roll graham wafers fine; stir in salt and sugar; blend in the butter, Pat the crumbs ince a 9" pie plate, Bake in electric oven of 35U degrees, for 5 to 10 minutes, FORDWICH Women's Institute The members of the Fordwich Wo- men's Institue were entertained at men's Institute were entertained at their November meeting. Mrs, Wm, Sotheran had charge of the devotions and read from Psalm 41. All joined in singing "What a Friend we gave in Jesus." The members are asked to note that the December meeting is to be held one week earlier, which will be Dec. 11th. The roll call is to be a fifty cent gift exchange. This meeting will be held in the Community Hall. The Community Activities Committee are sponsoring a dance in the Com- munity Hall on November 30th. Mrs. C. Harris convenor of Agricul- tural and Canadian Industries in- troduced the guest speaker for the afternoon, Mrs. E. Ankerman who spoke on "Bees and the Bee Keeper," Mrs. Ankerman gave the history of the bee from ancient times onward. The character of work of the drone, worker and queen, An interesting ex- hibit illustrated her talk. The work of the bee keeper requires both brain and brawn. No other business needs h the sense of taste, smell, hearing and sight more than the bee keeper. Mrs. Austin Stinson gave a. demon- stration on candy and chocolate dip- ping, The ladies enjoyed a sample of this work, The mystery box was won by Mrs. Gilmore, Mrs. Roy Gadke, Mrs. Witmer and Mrs. Frank Graham served refreshments. The members of Fordwlch Women's Institute entertained the members of their families one evening recently in the Community Nall. This gathering • MR. A. RUBIN - FAMOUS FUR 508 Bathurst Street, Toronto ! Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 151bSs Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor whet p thrill Bony limb. fill out; ugly hollows fill up. nest uo ,sr,mmy, body loses pall- starved, sickly '."1m,n..pole look, Thousands of girls, women, rnem %vim twat* ',mid gain before, erg nun proud of bp3P:,y-looking bodies. They thank the ,,,,lle3h-lnaltUutt took), Ostreg, It.. s. luvlgoratOra. Iron, vitamin 111, r -.1 um. eurch blood, Improve appetite and if,g0 .1 0... 5 gives you more stsengt't and n,. l e ft 0,, 'It on bare hence. Don't feat gott.b.; I. m..p when you've gained the 5, 10. 15 or VA 0',r normal weight. Costa little, Xew "..70r urqua,i,f Doty ope, Try tntnons Ostrrc lumo Tabloce for new vigor sod added poutb15, this +pry day. At all augulata took form of a Pot Luck supper and had a very good turnout. After doing justice to the good meal provided the members and their guests were entertained with a short and merry programme of music, Dan- tornines, contests and skits. Much credit goes to Mrs. Wm. Sotheran. and Mrs, G. Gibson for arranging suet:, a pleasant evening. Sniootter Safer Softer Ride! GOOIDIVEAR €4, Cadeef,n' Car-makers use and the public buys, more Goodyear Super- Cushions than any other low- pressure tire. G.51 LOOK 100 THIS "HO SIGN" OF QUALITY / T1 /477:777-77 PHONE: 710 DODGE, DESOTO SALES & SERVICE little buys a Lot of telephone service • COMPANY it 1950 Designs Now Being shown Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional charge. Call 276J, Wingham for Appointment or Write diet, Cee There have been many startling developments in modern weapons — even talk of pusli-button warfare but despite all of this — the INFANTRYMAN continues to be the most important man in our defence forces. Today, the Canadian Infantry Soldier is one of the most highly *-7.0..0.-*"*" trained men in our Army. He is master of many weapons. He is tough. He has built a reputation .that is second to none. More young men are needed right away to swell the ranks of the al Canadian Infantry Corps. The jolt is not an easy one. You have to he good to make the grade as the most important man in the Canadian Army-- the IINFA:\;TRYNIAN CZ ire COMPARE THESE PRICE INCREASES DURING THE PAST TER YEAR[ COSI OF LIVING* €.5% IT'S one of today's best buys— grow- ing in value all the time. For one thing — its cost hasn't gone up as much as most other things you buy. Your telephone is one item that takes less of your budget than it used to. Again — it's bigger value than ever because now you can talk to twice as many people as you could ten years ago — and more families are getting telephones every day. in addition — we've been able to keep on steadily improving the -quality of this tradionally friendly and helpful service. If you haven't yet got service — We want you to know we're working at it. You can be sure your place on the list is being protec- ted and your telephone will be installed just as quickly as possible. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA sg ego TAKE A TIP 1. To whip cream, use cream that is 24 hours old, thoroughly chilled and thick. Pour cream into a chilled bowl and beat rapidly until thick. Too long or slow beating causes fat to separate. (You may use evap- orated milk that has been partially frozen before beating). 2. To make a soft icing coating for eclairs, melt fondant candy in a" double boiler and pour over cool cakes placed on waxed paper. 3. To bake fluffy potatoes, scrape the skins well, pierce two or three times with a fork and rub well with bacon fat. Bake in a shallow pan. in a moderate oven for 1 hour and 20 minutes, 4. To make fine, dry crumbs of sliced bread, dry bread in the warming oven of the electric range until crisp. Crush in a big, paper bag using a rolling pin. Start at the closed end the the bag to roll, 5. To blanch almonds, pour boiling water over them and let stand 5 minutes then squeeze each one so that the mat slips from the pointed end, Do not soak more than 114 lb. at one time for they tend to be- come soggy. Embliy TO ENLIST YOU MUST: 1. Vol..pnteer to serve anywhere. 3. Meet Army requirements. 2. Be 17 to 40 (Tradesmen to 45). 4. iVlarriecl men will be accepted. Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot; No. 13 Personnel Depot, 'Wallis House, Rideau 8 Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Oct. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No, 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, James Street Armoury, 200 James St, North, Hamilton, Ont, moiw-o Listen to "Voice of the Army" — Tuesday and Thursday evenings—Dominion Network. a:u by WAttisveseg, By Roe Farms Service Dept 4 .0.010, 3,,,. of PON. Nr•an AIr prepad law„ Telephone service is one of today's best buys tl THIS LITTER IS NEVER SATISFIED, 00C. THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO BE HUNGRY. IT'S NATURAL JIM. THE SOW'S MILK FALLS OFF AFTER THREE. WEEKS, YOU KNOW, BUT I FED THE SOW A 600D RATION MONTHS BEFORE FARROWIN TIME THAT WAS GOOD, J M • You FED 11-1E. PI65 INSIDETHEGOW, NOW YOU'VE GOT TO HELP FEED THEM OUTSIDE THE SOW. 5HE HAS DONE MOST OF HER JOB. I WONDER DO YOU REALIZE JUST WHAT A STRAIN A LITTER OF THIS SIZE PUTS ON A SOW. A SOW'S MILK FLOW FALLS OFF JUST WHEN HER LITTER NEEDS INCREASED FOOD, SO YOU'VE GOT TO SUPPLY 'THE. EXTRA6 ,\ 8 e_ FOOD1$5 IRO gto _ and easy setf-weaninq, For east rugged qrowth . your ddri fter PO a ' d he fivr vi oek • PIG STARTER 7 Of i'4 lTr p1 'v m IttINS. LT' la .1110111i.' 444',09.4"/46 9": 01-1,0H, OH- NOW I see THE IMPORTANCE OF FEEDING ROE WONDERIVEAN <, FROM THE WEEK ON, Howson & Howson, Wiogho,,,, Beigrave Co-op, g eIgi lye Ross Antler got), Belot two B1uova1c: tAiging Bluevak) C, Schorbach, Tee:mot,,!r