HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-11-28, Page 16Memorials
and Bid by Number,
and Name of Article.
You may phone advance bids
on items you want before the
broadcast starts - any time
after 7 p.m..
1. State Article number.
2. Name Article.
3. Amount you bid.
4. Name & Address of bidder.
1 o Allot ion y rain did nut prevrnt over •
ministers, elders tied church mem-
lk-rs of the Horan Maitland Presby-
tery from attending the Induction of
rtev. Matthew Baifie, B.A.,U.D., of
:l...iwnpatrick, Comity Ireland,
into the pastoral charges of 19.uevaic
Fria Bt.•iniore l'resbyterian churches.
Rev. Donald Sinclair of hlxeter,
Z4ioderat.-or of the Presbytery. pre-
b:ded and after ,I .LeV. A. 4. .-1i11113S011,
TF.VSWat ,'r. Interim Moderator, had
:.narrated the steps leading to the call
:Mr. Sinclair conducted the induction
s,rviev. Lee. R. J. Buggy, B.
..\:,:::eswortb, read the 2nd. chapter of
N,hernialt and chose the 18th vt_rs..,
f..sr h;'s test. "Let us rise up and
showing that eteion. faith and
• -,,rm.;‘,Ant at :tr. required before
w. W. M. ; it A.
the minister,
. ..ezt.1 •
as aceompAnist. Lunch was served
atol all enjoyed a social time.
Country Curling Club
The Country Curling Club held their
annual meeting in the Bluevale Com-
munity Hall on Wednesday evening, •
November 21st. The executive and
committee chairman of the Wingham
Club were guests for the event. Pro-
gressive euchre and an old fashioned
country square dance proved to he
popular entertainment. Mr. Fred
Howson of Blyth presented the How-
on & Howson Milling Company Tro-
phy, to the winning team composed i
of Al..x Robertson, Cletus P•cttengor, 1
• C Chamney anti S. M. Willits. Prost-
dksitt. \lex Corrigan, conducted tin‘
i 1.-ntsint,s meeting and election of c:-
ri. for 101 a7ri 1952. Following afe
tit. °Me., rs , Prost-dont, Lair! nee
Taylor; vk.e-oresident. 1,V J. Willit,-:
Ft,-...roary-Treasurer. 3 Gordon Arm:-
ii, Di re,•!ors . Turnb. rry. ?II rod
...;i,„i•. 1'. Mk H , 7 Wn.....1.5 " n.‘11-orri, I r
7- • t'-•-•.‘•;,!, '! 17••,'h !..t.st-n: F,9..-a
1.7m - .1.. l:in .l. :Vex ie-er-
e '',-..rf, - T. Titete..•-n.
ee , Veirele
Over 200 Attend Induction
of Rev. Bailie of Ireland
This will give the people of the district the op portunity to Bid on the pick of the Christmas
Merchandise from Wingham's Shopping Centre.
Proceeds from this auction will be used to carry on and extend the Community Services
undertaken 1w the Wingham Kinsmen Club--- including an expansion of the Free Hospital
Bed Service.
a?•...1 Mrs. 7 ••-. ;•:
loon, :1
an.7: d
:1011.! th.• Sun laySchool room.
*:here Mr Simpson was mast, -r of
remonies. Mr. - Penh spoke brief-
, mentioning :;onto of the av,eneies
that had brought him to Canada, Rev,
P.. A. Brook of the Bluevale United
Church brought greetings from his
•:,ungregation and extended a warm
..'-'elcome. Vocal numbers included a
duet by Mrs. Harvey Robertson and
Mrs. Gordon Greig accopmanied by
Mrs. O. B. Moffatt, anti a male quar-
tette composed of Tom Inglis, Alvin
Mundell, Elmer Eallagh and Ross
eKague, with Miss Lillian Darling
We realize our obligation when
we fill your order for a Mem-
orial-and we provide only ma-
terials of unending serviceabil-
ity. Design and workmanship
are of the finest, and our prices
are most moderate.
Robert M. Peck & Sons
McKinley's Farm and Hatchery
Clifford H. Keys & Sons
John Ostrom .........
Roy F. Pepper & Son
For Catalogues, write any of
Promptly Done
port pity Sale
Scotch rthorns
by the following breeders:
”',`. ;rod "-r•I
vs /.
First Sermon at Knee
Tee,- Meleleee
tats .1,41..'d hi- firet ...mann. fellowbee
I• temelay mewing' in
Ret-ex Presbetk.rion fel:tut:h. Ile used
tin:' text. "Surely Fir' Lord is in this
piace, and I Riley.- it not", Genesis 28-
„. Seaforth
the above
Wingham Businessmen are
Donating New Merchandise
to be Auctioned over the air
to the highest telephone
During the Auction
several lucky listeners
will win valuable prizes.
Simply by being near
their radios and
a ...eine-. i ,urea Gateteine eltarra; t . ans
Ltd. $50.00
one-piece snow-suit
bite. colour ..ire 5 only • ... Carmicliaccs Dry Goods 14,95
S Kroehler Hostess Chair Walker iteee Furnieh
ings 18.00
4 'Westinghouse Turnover
Toaster . Pattison Radio & Electric 10.95
5 English Collie Pup,
2 months ........ J. G. Simulates liennels 10.01)
6 2-24 lb. Bags Pat-a-Pan
Flour . ..... „.... ......... ..Howson and Howson 2.00
7 2-24 lb. Bags Five Lilies
Flour ... ,•- .Howson and Howson 2.90
3 1-25 lb. Bag Purina Dog
Chow .....Howson and Howson 2.90
9 20 Quart Tickets for Gold-
en Guernsey Milk Foxton Dairy ...,...., 3.80
10 Credit Note Smith Bros. Grocery 10.00
11 Quebec Heater for coal Western Foundry Co.,
and wood . . -,•• .......... Ltd. 25.00
12 Credit Note . Catkin Shoe Repairs
Dutch Dueharme 5.00
13 2 Bicycle Tires and Tubes Dave Murray Welding
Shop 9.03
14 Permanent Cold Wave The Beauty Nook 10.00
15 1 doz. International Ace-
bottom Plowshares Nelson 'Cunningham 18.50
16 100 Day-old Chicks, Rhode
Island Red Cockerels ......... Royal Chick Hatchery 18-00
17 1 Clad Table R. A. Currie & Son
Furniture 3.95
18 0 pr, Holeproof Nylons Hanna's Ladies' Wear 12.00
19 2 Bushels No. 1 Spy Apples -Red Front Grocery 6.00.
20 1 Reason Lighter Cameron's Billiards 6.50
21 1 pr. Fog Lamps and
Brackets Len Crawford Motors 18.50
22 1 Ornamental Radio Lamp McGill Radio Service ..... 8.00
23 4 Haircuts and large
bottle of Fitch Shampoo Henderson's Barber Shop . 4.50
24 2 Baby "Toidy-Seats" ..... ...Wingham Manufacturing
Co. . . .. .,.„ ............. 7.58
25 20 Milk Tickets Smith's Dairy ...... ..... 3.80
20 Credit Note .. Harry Angus Grocery 6.00
27 1 Bushel Apples (Delicious) -Harry Angus Grocery .. 2.50
28 Credit Note - for Wingham Advance-Times, %lee 20.00
29 Doll Bed and Doll High Chair
Campbell & Gorbutt 5.95
30 1 Springer Spaniel Pup,
(Reg.) .• •• ...... Bigg's Kennels . .... 35.00
31 4 Haircuts and large bottle
Wildroot Cream Oil Loughlemes Barber Shop 4.50
32 Permanent Wave, any type Adam's Hairdressing 10.00
33 Credit. Note . ....... ........... Mundy's Grocery . . 10.01)
31 Spot Lamp & Trouble Light Wingham meters ... 10.e0
35 Electric Tea Kettle Howard Meehan .... 10.91
36 Sheet of Arborite x 8'
suitable for counter top . Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. 17.60
37 Sleeping Doll Stedman Store
38 2 Gals. Permanent typo
39 1 pr. Haat Shoes for men
40 200 Matched Poker Chips
in Hardwood Cabinet
41 1 pr. Wall. Lamps Wingham Utilities
12 4 Haircuts and large bottle Classee Barber Shoppe,
43 5 Gal. White Rose Motor
Lloyd Hayden ......... ....... .. 4,50 Hair Tonic
Oil, Heavy Duty
41 200 lbs. Shutgain Beef-
7,00 - .. .. Reavie Motor Sales
Canada Packers Ltd. 9,70,
15 10 lbs. Butter and 15 dozen
maker Concentrate
47 Credit Note
daa,slemCerae,sanvviereyar 1107..050
46 Ell gWgsitito Van Ho'uSint. .. Sitirts- it11111 15.00
48 1 Eisenhower jacket with
Eaton's Order Office
Fur Collar
Armitage Cleaners 17.15
49 1 Helen Curtis Flexa,
1/2 lb. Tobacco
50 1 0. 11.1). Briar Pipe and
Ruth's Beauty Salon 1
51 11.1StSmoked Barn
52 1 Ford Windshield Washes'
....... blitelteles Meat Market 9.00
Miller Wholesale
53 1 Dunlopillow Tractor
Huron Motors
to e Hod.gine, Massey.
Harris 8.13
55 Credit Note
.Cameron's Taxi .......- ..... . 30.00 51 Credit Note . .
....TeDinytesueit's Cleanere, *5, , 1040
Se 3so
3d 1 Moyer Electric iron Donald Rae & Sou
Hardware: .ltt 50
57 I Iiingswool Blanket 70"x80" Robert Simpson Order
01 Lieu 1400
58 1 Cardigan Sweater . .1sard & Co. ............... 8.95
59 1 six-piece Dresser Set MeRibbon's Re:van Drug
Store . 13.50
60 10 Oil Changes . Bert Armstrong's Service
Station 16.00
61 1 Set Fireking Ovenware . Thomson Appliances 12.50
62 Credit Note ..... „. ........ ...Shaw's Groceteria • '20.00
63 1 Brownie Reflex Syncro-
Model Camera . lilbuittllerton Studios 15,00
64 1 Radiator Reconditioning 13'ingliam Auto Wreckers 10,00
65 10 Dozen Eggs; 10 lbs.
Butter and 1 Chicken Maitland Creamery . 17.60
66 10 lbs. Roast of Beef A. J. Lockridge, Butcher 8.00
67 V.-ton Range Coke .„ .., A. C. Adams .. ....... . 10.75
68 2 eases large bottles mix-
ed Soft Drinks, Wishing-
well Hamilton Beverages 4.80
69 1 pr. Ibex Flannelette
Blankets, 70" x 90" ...................Walker Stores Ltd. 6.95
70 1 Tire Tube, size 6,00x 16 Caskanettees Service Stn. 5.55
71 1 Tenderized Ham Rutherford's Food Market .. 5.50
72 1 DuBarry Cosmetic Set Kerr's LD.A. Drug Store ..., 8.50
73 1 6-ft. Toboggan with
Matching Cushion 'Canadian Tire Store 11.90
74 1 pr. Ladies' Pajamas by
Tooke . King's Department Store „e .190
75 1 Potted Plant or Cut
Flowers ...... Lewis Florist 5.00
76 4 Haircuts and large bottle
Booster Hair Tonic Slosser's Barber Shop 4.50
77 1 Overhaul and Cleaning
Job on a Spaceheater ........ & Son 7.00
78 5 Gals. Viceroy Motor Oil ,.„John Bumstead & Son 7.00
79 1 pr. Bausch & Lomb Men's G. A. Williams, Optorne-
Sun Glasses trist 8.50
80 1 Men's Corduroy Sport
81 8 lbs. Pure Clover Honey Damm's Community
Shirt King Department Store 7.95 it
Store 1.79
82 2 pr. Deerskin Gloves We'IL Gurney & Son 13.00
83 1 pr. Dr. Loeke's Shoes
for Ladies Dunlop's Shoe Store 17.95
84 1 Oil-Burner Baffle to fit Wingham Metal Fabri-
ally furnace eating .. . 10.95
85 1 Men's Leather Overnite
Bag Heughan's Harness Shop . 8.00
80 1 20-piece Beetaldast Set
in California Modern . Warren House 15.00
87 2 lb. box Smiles & Chuck-
les Chocolates . . Sherbondy's Coffee Shop 2.50
88 1 3-piece Cosmetic. Set Hamilton Optical Co. 10.00
89 1 Fresh Ham, 15 lb. Deyell Meat Market . • 8.00
90 le-ton "Blue Coal" McLean's Coal Co. . • ...... 13.25
91 1 pr, Men's Valentine Shoes Harry Browne Shoe
Repair 16.00
92 1 General Electric Mantel Calvin Burke, Electrical
Radio Contracting 19.95
93 1 Table Lamp The Wallpaper Shop ,..„ 9.85
94 Credit Note to be used In Wellwood's Ready-to-
The Ready-to-wear Dept. . , Wear & Dry Goods 15.00
95 1 case (24 pkgs.) Bye Soap ....Canada Packers Ltd. 9.00
90 1 case (6 gals,) Supertest
Motor 011 Supertest Petroleum Corp... 8.04
97 1 Dress, size IS, color, red . Rush's Ladies' Wear 21.95
98 2 21-1b. Bags Purity All-
Purpose Flour Purity Flour Mills 3.60
99 1 case (6 gals.) Supertest
Motor Oil . Supertest Petroleum Corte .. 8.01
100 1 ease (6 gals.) Supertest
Motor Oil Supertest Petroleum Corp. „ 8.04
101 1 case (12 boxes) Purity
Cake Mix, 6 white and
6 chocolate Purity Flour Mills 4.00
The following Merchants and Industries, In place of merchandise,
gave desh donations to the Kinsmen Radio Auction.
2 C. R. Wilkinson
1 Queen's Grill . $ 5.00
3 Wing's Grill
4 Jack Mason Book Store .•.,,,..,,.•,.. 2.00
5 Rapp's Bakery 15.00
6 Howard Fuller Plumbing
7 Fry & Blackball 10.00
8 C. Lloyd & Son
9 Lyceum Theatre 10.00
10 Percy Clark PluMbing & Heatittg 10.00
11 Pardon's Bakery
Any further donations to Rhine en SerVice Work will lie ao-
knoWledged on the air during the Auction.
f,Arfif,,, melt mu 5
Memorial Shop
'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton
Tuesday, Dec. 4
at 1.30 p.m. sharp
Announce Pageant
Rev. R. A. Brook occupied the pul-
pit in the United Church and announ-
cod that a pageant "Good Tidings of
Great Joy" would be presented in the
church on Sunday evening, December
23rd„ the collection will be for Relief
in Korea.
Triple Group
The Triple Group of the Ladies Aid
Society of Knox Presbyterian Church
met for the November meeting at the
home of Mrs. Burns Moffatt with a
good attendance, Mrs. Leslie Green-
away 'presided, after singing a hymn,
Mrs. Harry Elliott read a scripture
message and Mrs. P. S. MacEwan led
in prayer. It was agreed that there
would be no meeting in December.
Mrs. Eldred Nichol reported that al-
most $40.00 had been realized from
the sale of cards and to date the Sun-
shine penny boxes amounted to
$14.e0. Plans were made for the con-
gregational social.
All repeated the Lord's Prayer in
closing. Quilting kept the ladies busy
during the afternobn. The hostess was
assisted by Mrs. Harry Elliott, Miss
Dorothy Greenaway and Miss Olive
Scott for lunch.
Election Day
Election day passed off very quietly
in the village, Out of 213 eligible
voters 160 cast their ballots. It was
the first time in the history of this
polling sub-division that women of-
ficiated at the booth.
Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie
Seaforth, spent Sunday with their
cousins, Mrs. R. F. Garniss and Miss
Olive Scott.
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Buchanan of
Donnegal, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Alex MeCraelein.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson
spent Sunday with relatives at Brant-
Miss Elsie Lamont is visiting with
her friend, Mrs. Eva Cameron at
Keep This
For Reference
During Auction
. ..... . Crossett Motors Ltd, 12.00
Callao Shoes
Haselgrove Smoke
Shelve 1.0,00 .....