HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-10-31, Page 9ROCCO WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS—From the Custom Deluxe "Victoria" to the Deluxe 13 usiness Coupe, there is a model for you. Body-lines are beautiful. Twelve exciting baked-on enamel body finishes available. CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY— Meteor instrument panel is planned for beauty . . . de- signed for easy night reading and for maximum visibility at all times under all conditions. p LAN now for the future ... with running water. A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM means you have running water in your home for all household and family needs. Lightens kitchen work . . . all the comforts of a modern bathroom. Pleasant and more enjoyable living . . . a DURO PUMP can provide modern living for your family. EMCO FIXTURES and FITTINGS Working in an EMCO equipped kitchen .. , bath- room and laundry is a pleasure . . . protect the health of your family. See us today: WEDNESDAY, OCY,COBER, 31st., 1951 PAGE. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIME S Phone 300 Telephone 459 Listen to "The Ford Theatre" Every Friday Night— Dominion Network CONSERVATION CORNER Two interesting and enjoyable books on Lhe shelves of the Wing- ham Public Library are reviewed this week. PEOPLE NAMED SMITH by H. Allen Smith. Smith on Smiths is at his rowdiest since Low Man on a Totem Pole as he tracks down people named Smith all over the world from Smiths renowned for art and states- manship to Smiths noted for high- way robbery and other nefarious crimes. "Our lead," says THE SMITH, "is so commanding our procreative in- stincts so sharply .leveloped that it is unlikely that any of the other family groups will ever catch up with us." There is nothing a Smith can't do and won't do, and H. Allen ex- plores the infinite number of fields in which the Smiths have distin- guished themselves-crime, law, the Army, the stage, Literature, of course, abounds with great Smith names-Adam, the Reverend Sydney, Logan, Pearsall, Thorne, Betty, Lady Eleanor, to tick off a few. People named Smith is not only packed with roars, belly laughs, and chuckles, but there is also strong trace of Smith, the philosophical humorist, which has been so evident in his recent hooks. People named Smith is the definite hook on Smiths. conditions the trout population suf- fers. In these lakes the control of the perch population by netting is neces- sary and in many instances is an important tool in fish management. Many other species, such as rock bass, calico bass or crappie, bluegill, carp and whitefish often occur in ex- cessive numbers to the detriment of more desirable species. Clearly, net- ting operations for their removal cannot be employed in all cases. Much greater emphasis must be placed en the importance of angling for these Species, and with this object in mind, the Department of Lands and Forests is doing everything possible to en- courage this method of utilizing these important species as food. Throughout the United States, where a great deal of work has been going forward on farm pond culture of fish, it has been found that the success of fish production under certain condi- tions depends upon the establishment and maintenance of the proper bal- ance of game fish, such as bass, and fish of lesser desirability such as bluegills, sunfish, crappie and other species. The bass population should be large enough to control the population of the smaller, less desirable species, so that the latter never reach excessive proportions. This results in good growth of the bass and the other species, If the bass are too abundant they will wipe out the forage species and will become stunted. If the bass are too few the other species will in- crease excessively causing the stunt- ing of all species present. The work which has been going on in Ontario in this direction has been largely limited to control activity rather than attempt at complete eli- mination of an undesirable species. In the Kawartha Lakes, Scugog and Sturgeon, trap nets are operated each year during the spawning period of , the maskinonge, blocking off the maskinonge spawning beds. The mas- kinonge are captured in the traps and released above them, The carp which are captured are removed. The purpose is to give the spawning areas of the maskinonge some protection against excessive numbers of carp. In the Rideau_ Lakes, the coarse fish removal program involves the netting of burbot or ling, a relatively voracious predator, which is not used by sportsmen or commercial fisher- — men in Ontario, Controls of other non-game species VI include commercial fishing for white- fish, carp, stickers and certain other species in the inland lakes of the! Province, which are, by and large, 1 P. considered as having their greatest 411 value as game fish producers. The harvesting of this crop of non-game species has two purposes: (1) To apply to the total population • III of the lake, both game and commer- cial species, a rather uniform fishing pressure so that there is not a selec- E tive fishing by anglers only, but that the game fish removed by angling are I balanced by the non-game species re- moved by the commercial gear, (2) To utilize these non-game spec- ies, particularly the whitefish, which have a high food value. .1.mnroaNn RECENT & READABLE Meteor ... clean-cut, youthful beauty ... precision craftsmanship ... powered by a responsive road-proven 100 Hp. V-8 engine. And now . . . Meteor offers Mere-0- Matic ! With Merc-O-Matic Drive there's no gear changing, no clutch work! ALL you do to GO is start engine—set selector —step on gas! Come in . . . take your demonstration drive. Meteor with Merc-O-Matic Drive is automatically miles ahead in the low-price field! Three-way Option . . . Meteor offers you Standard Transmission—economical Touch-O-Matic Overdrive—and now, Mere- 0-Matic Drive! (Touch-O-Matic and Mere- O-Matic Drives are optional at extra cost.) The game situation in Ontario is good according to Lands and Forests Minister, Harold R Scott. The water fowl and partridge are providing eX- Cellent sport and many hunters are coming home with good bags. The pheasant season, October, 26, 26, 27 and 31, gives promise of much hun- ter success. This year's natural hatch was very successful and has been supple- mented by the production from Provincial pheasant farms, which has increased many fold, to nearly 50,000 chicks and 30,000 six weeks North St. old polts this year, The procedure with respect to pheasants is gradually changing, with greater emphasis on produc- tion of day old chicks which are assigned to farmer sportsmen groups to rear, The increased inter- est thus engendered among sports- men hunters through handling, rear- ing and releasing the pheasants brings them closer co-operation with the field officers and the De- partment and gives them a much SEWING WANTED DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS Done by Mrs. Vrooman QUICK SERVICE Rates Reasonable PHONE 640w1 Whitewall tires and chrome wheel trite rings optional at extra cost. METEOR "DECORAMIC" INTERIORS —Where high-fashion blends with practical utility! Uphol- stery and trim combinations, gleaming chrome fittings—all combined to keep Meteor miles ahead in style. clearer understanding of pheasant management and production. Field investigators have shown that the amount of snow fall is the limiting factor in pheasant produc- tion, so that release of farm reared birds is largely confined to southern Ontario, With further work being carried out by the Research Division on the possibilities of producing adequate food and cover for pheasants, it may be possible to extend the range very considerable distances northward beyond the present limits. There has been a tremendous in- crease in the fur-bearers particularly the beaver, as a result of trap line management, The beaver transplanting program has been carried on for several years, Beaver from Algonquin Park, Cha- pleau Crown Game Preserve and other areas with good beaver populations. have been transplanted in the far north from James Bay to the Mani- toba border in areas where beaver are scarce or there are no beaver. Similiar work is now being carried on with marten and fisher, with Chapleau Crown Game Preserve be- ing utilized as the supply reservoir and other Crown Game Preserves, such as Lake of the Woods, Nipigon, Onaman and Sibley Provincial Park as the release areas. Theree are many lakes in Ontario which could support much larger pop- ulations of speckled trout, but owing to the introduction of perch by natural and by other means, the perch have increased excessively, competing with the trout for food and also prey- ing upon them directly. Under these GLENCANNON MEETS TUGBOAT ANNIE by Guy Gilpatrie and Nor- man Reilly Raine. Chief Engineer Olin Gleneannon of the S.S. Ineheliffe Castle had a terrible predicament, As his ship approached the lively ports of Pug- et Sound, he found himself with an indescribable longing for whis- key nd without a dime in his poc- kets. Ashore meanwhile, the vast bulk of Tugboat Annie was in rela- tive repose, she was idling away the time heaving invective and more substantial missiles at her water- front pals, Then the main shaft of the Inch- cliffe Castle snapped in two. When news of the disaster reached port, Tugboat Annie felt obliged to be the first to relieve the ailing vessel and thereby turn a fast dollar. To her arch rival, Captain Horatio Bull- winkle, it was a heaven-sent oppor- tunity to outwit "the big bagful o' bones and suet" and turn a very must faster dollar. To thirsty Mr. Glencannon, nothing mattered more than the fact that he was broke. Of course, no event which crossed the destinies of Tugboat Annie and Mr. Gleneannon can be called dis- astrous. It resulted in Annie finding a dauntless and bibulous ally in her private war with Bullwinkle, and it brought Mr. Gleneannon many an unhopedfor round of drinks, in the process of which it somehow became necessary to purloin the Inchcliffe Castle, The theft of an entire freigh- ter is no small operation, and in this case it involved a large cast of wholesome and unwholesome char- acters, the Coast Guard, an improb- able salvage crew, 2 masked wrest- ler, and a deceptive Japanese mine guaranteed not to go off. The millions of readers who have laughed through tho separate ad- ventures of Annie and Mr. Glen- cannon in The Saturday Evening Post will give a roaring welcome to this new collaboration which has produced a comedy of the highest proof. It's a sure bet tto take your mind off everything except the most unpredictably funny hi-jinks in recent maritime history. Open or Glazed Sash & Prefit Window Units MADE TO ORDER Campbell & Gorbutt Sash Manufacturers Diagonal Rd. Wingham G. Alan Williams Optometrist In former office of Dr. R. C, Redmond Patrick St., Wingham Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. II You Don't Know Furs Know Your Furrier Specially fine Northern Muskrat Coats in stock at the present time. For Best Quality Fur Coats of all Types DU ''AL FURS WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 'Phone 450 ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Moat Modern Equipment for Shon and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. Brownlie Memorials \11 Quality Always Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First. MERCOMATIC DRIVE emeneeesemenevals n:usil 311114111111111111111:111 11 co • ex ,r ax max i J.X )04. Wiln: Arm0 .56 an. 10k< ,6M1n4 woo, con 146nt WOO aa0n, tnnl, .man. JOON JONnn Name Riqf 14514 n the low-price field automatically miles ahead _Prove it... See gourlifeteor_Dealer f Meteor - Lincoln Mercury Cars Mercury Trucks im is W ingharn, Ont. Crossett rotor Sales this year in'Toronto front Nov. 13-21, NT ER New Life for Old Shoes Don't throw your old shoes awa,y; If the uppers are still good, we will make them like new again for you, with quality materials . . expert workman- ship. Browne's Shoe Repair Wingham . . 44; 64A1:2144.1 1.1111MIIIMIZIMEE11111111E1115:1111.12 .112 ASTE91 11 PEE I MHZ rE.:1 FE Nil i 01 .M I DITili,Eit c kley ors ITE ft Chrysler and Plymouth Cars Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Ferguson Tractors and Farm Equipment TRAINED PERSONNEL Telephone-84 Fr IN( I 1111111111 I 1111 IIMI I IMI I'll' I IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111 11111 foulmumnistimionnuninitalunimunistugit= A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM makes housework much EASIER! Percy Clark Plumbing & Heating Phone 255 Wingham EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED LONDON HAMILTON • ST. CATHARINES - TORONTO - SUDBURY WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER .0 .r.,66.