HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-10-17, Page 3ecp. Wimip I SASH GLAZED Rot-Proofed FRAMES PREFIT with HARDWARE STAIRS CABINETS CUPBOARDS MADE - TO - MEASURE TELEPHONE 403-w-12 WINGHAM - • - ,M0.111.041•0 0418.11111..0.1114.01•••041101..1•1 0411.0.4 "FAIRVIEW" Nursing Home for the Aged Will Accommodate Semi-invalid or Bed Patients. MRS. J. IL WRAY PHONE 103 WINGHAM =:= ONTARIO Vraig.72rAii, "SPEEDY" CROSSETT MOT ORS LTD. THAT ONE IS REALLY A RARE ANTIQUE. HOW IT DESERVES SPACE MUCH? IN A MUSEUM 3 •ER-PARDON ME FOR WHISTLING. I HOW MUCH ARE SOME OF THOSE OTHER NES? LOOK, EUS-YOU CAN LUMP ,:: I'M GOING OVER TO CRMSETT MOTORS AND L THEM THE CAR IET HAVE- THEN OVERHAUL THE ONLY WHISTLING I'LL DO IS IN ADMIRATION FOR ITS PERFORMANCE 1949 Harley-Davidson "74" MOTORCYCLE New Half = Ton Pick = Ups for Immediate Delivery Only one-third down and 27 months to pay an all commercial vehicles. Separate Phone at our used car lot No. 795 ANGLIAS and PREFECTS for Immediate Delivery 7 -MERcURY L,INCOLN . METEOR. pooAte 459:1,444 0//#00A OiVe WANTED Horses for Slaughter 3e lb: at farm. We also pick up dead animals. PRICE Horses $6.00 each Cows $6.00 each Pigs 50c cwt. Small Animals . according to size and condition. C. BRUBAKER Phone 608w1 Wingham Mr, and Mrs. Allan Bumstead are shown following their wedding in Wingham United Church recently. Mrs. Bum- stead is the former Gladys Elsie Shiell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shiell of Wingham and Alan Bumstead is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bumstead of Wingham. --Photo by Hammerton, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr are seen signing the register following their Wedding in John St. Baptist Church. She is the former Lois May Burchill, daughter of William Burchill and the late Mrs. Burchill of R.R. 3, Wingham and Bob Kerr is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. John Kerr of Diagonal Road, Wingharn. —Photo by Hammerton, Wingham. Successful anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sunday with large congregations at both ser- vices. Among the beautiful autumn flowers that decorated the church, was a basket of chrysanthemums placed there by the Todd family in memory of Mr. David Todd, Rev* George Watt, of Dungannon, was the guest speaker and gave interesting and inspiring addresses at both ser- vices. Music at the morning service consisted of an anthem by the choir, a men's chorus composed of Messrs. W. I, Miller, E. W. Rice, Gordon Miller and Don Cameron, and a quar- tet by Mrs. George Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice and Mr. W. I. Miller. In the evening' the choir sang two numbers and Mr and Mrs. Rice fa- vored with a duet W.M.S. and W.A. Meet Mrs. Elwood Barbour was hostess for the October meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of the United Church when 12 ladies were present. Mrs. W. I, Miller was in the chair and the theme of the service was "The Church of the Par-Flung Frontiers", The Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. Barbour and by Mrs. E. W. Rice, The treas- urer reported that $83.00 had been forwarded to the Presbyterial Treas- urer for the three quarters, It was agreed that the organization invite Miss Sybil Courtice of Clinton as guest speaker for the Autumn Thankoffer- jag. In her interesting manner Miss W, D. Rutherford took the topic on "The Church in Little Places" and "Student Missions" from the study book, "From Lakes to Northern Lights", Mrs, W. A. Miller read the experiences of Claire Stevens, a stu- dent missionary. Mrs. Charles Mc- Donald presided for the meeting of the W.A., which opened with the theme hymn, prayer and the creed. The theme of the worship service was "The Great Supper" and Mrs. Frank McQuillen read the Scripture lesson a n d Mrs. McDonald the lesson thoughts. A discussion followed re- garding the bazaar, which will be held in the Auxiliary Rooms, Lucknow, on Saturday, November 17th. Lunch was served with Mrs. E. W. Rice and Mrs, Chester Taylor as hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd and Andrew, Mr. and Mrs, N. Todd, Da- vid and Janet, of Stratford, were week-end visitors with Mrs, D. Todd. Mrs. Gordon McIntyre of Brace- bridge, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry and Miss Doris Taylor, of Lon- don, were home for the week-end, Mrs, R, Woods, Miss Charlotte Johnston and Mr. Lorne Woods at- tended the one hundredth anniver- sary of the Brucefield United Church on Sunday morning. Miss Beatrice McQuillen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon, Mary and Barbara Ann were visitors in Hamilton on Sunday and were fortunate in having a good view of their Royal Highness- es, Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh on two occasions. Owing to illness in the cast, the Lucknow play which was to have been held under the auspices of the St, Helen's Women's Institute, had to be postponed. THE: WINGILIA1 A recent wedding of interest in Wroxeter took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hays, when Dorothy June Watson was married to Lloyd Leroy Keller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller of Mitchell. - -Photo by Hammerton, Wingham. A Teeswater couple, the former Helen Margaret Burgess and Bruce Keith were wed in Queen St. East Presbyterian Church, Toronto recently. • —Photo by Hammerton, Wingham. PAGE Tunfor, DONNYBROOK The W.M.S and W.A. met on Tues- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. John R. Thompson with 12 ladies present. The program was arranged and presided over by the president, Mrs. H. Jefferson. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as read and the treasurer, Mrs. Arnold Craig, gave a very encouraging report of the year thus far. The 103rd Plaint was read as the Scripture lesson and the topic for the meeting was "Har., vest Bounty", based on the second verse of the 103rd Psalm, "Bless the Lord 0 my soul and forget not all his benefits." It was given by Mrs. R. I Chamney. A prayer was read by Mrs. Stuart Chamney and the hymns "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and "Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love" were used in the service. Mrs. Ed. Robinson read an article on Chris- i tian Stewardship and Mrs. Norman Thompson an article on Japan. Mrs. H. Jefferson and Mrs, Norman Thomp- son were appointed delegates to the sectional meeting at Westfield. Mrs. Mark Armstrong invited the ladies to her home for the November meet- ing. A sale of baking and other art- icles was held, Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H, Jef- ferson and Mrs. R, Chamney. Mrs. Norman Thompson, Mrs. C. Jefferson, Mrs. H. Jefferson and Mrs. R. Chamney were among those who attended the sectional meeting of the W.M.S, at Westfield on Thursday. Messrs, John A. and Donald Thomp- son, Mr. an"l Mrs. Arnold Craig, Mr, and Mrs. 1' 'Robinson, Mr. Charles Jefferson, -i and Elaine Jeffer- son, Mr. alt Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. R, Chamney were among those who attended the plowing match at Woodstock. WE OFFER MEC THIS BEAUTIFUL SILVERPLATED STEAK PLATTER TirEpNgspAz ovxolom, 17, 11151 NEWS OF ST, HELENS Rev. Geo, Todd, Dungannon Is Anniversary Speaker Come in and See our Safe-Buy Used Cars . OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 p.m. See the new Consul =. Ford's latest English car. 30 to 35 miles to the gallon. Most Americanized English car on the market. 1950 Ford Coach 1950 Ford Coach with radio and sun visor 1950 Mercury Sedan 1950 Austin Sedan, black 1950 Austin Sedan, sand 1949 Ford Sedan, with visor 1948 Oldsmobile Sedanette with radio 1948 Dodge Sedan with radio 1947 Monarch Sedan 1946 Monarch Sedan 1940 Dodge Coupe 1940 Ford Sedan 1939 (2) Dodge Sedans 1939 Plymouth Coach 1937 Chevrolet Coach 1937 Dodge Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coach 1931 Model A Sedan 1929 Model A Coach TRUCKS 1949 Reo, three-ton stake, 14 ft. platform 1949 Mercury three-ton stake 1947 Fargo five-ton chassis and cab 1947 International three-ton 1946 Fargo two and a half ton 1946 Mercury half-ton 1937 Ford two-ton 37 NEWS OF BELCRAVE Friends and Neighbours Hold Shower for Newlyweds A large crowd of friends and neigh- quartette was contributed by 'Mrs. bors gathered in the Pon is Hall Fred Cook, Mrs, H. Wheeler. Mrs last Wednesday eveneing tn do hon- Moores and Mrs. J. Michie. Mrs. Wa.- or to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Adair, who ter Scott and Mrs. incept told of th, were recently married. Luring the witness of the church in our commun- lunch period Charles Coultes invited liety. Mrs. Grierson was the 41,,,st the couple to the platform and read speaker and told of her work in Kor- Roy E. Bennett, the address while Jack Taylor pre- ea and something of the conditions sented them with a purse of money. there today. Mrs. Art Scott and Mrs. Mr. Adair on behalf of his bride, George Johnston sang a duet. Lunch --- thanked everyone for the gift and I was served by the Evening Auxiliary. dancing continued to the music of The I C.G.I.T. The opening meeting of the C.G.I.T. was held on October 11th., at 7.30 p.m. in the church. A scavenger hunt was much enjoyed. After a sing-song and the purpose repeated, officers for the coming year were elected. President, Joan Wightman; vice- president, Donna Anderson; Secretary, Evelyn Cook; Assistant Secretary, , Mary Scott; Treasurer, Lorraine Han- j /la; Pianist, Marilyn Moores; Press ; Reporter, Mary Scott. The theme of worship period was Thanksgiving, those taking part wee, Lorraine Hanna, Donna Anderson.1 All Passengers Insured /VIarilyn Moores, Psalm 314 was read responsively and hymn 277 was sung. Miss Martin a Missionary from India gave a very interesting talk, Meeting was closed with Taps. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Win. Purdon and fam- ily and Mrs. Calvin Robinson 'anti Gary spent Sunday at Hamilton, The children of S.S. No. s have been getting a few holidays as their teacher, Miss Mildred Higgins leas I been ill with the flu, Mr, and Mrs. John MeBurney and Grant, were week-end visitors with Mr .and Mrs. Eugene Armitage at London. f ; Mrs, Maitland Johnson and date- • 0 ghter, Mary Lou, spent last week with relatives in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Smith and family of Clifford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Levi Bieman. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bieman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman and boys, visited ! with Mr. and Mrs, Howard McKelvie of Walkerton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinn and family visited with his sister, Mrs. Jane Storey of Seaforth on Sunday, Mrs. Thos. Smith and daughters, Amy and Irene, spent the week-end in Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. W. Grierson. On Saturday they saw the Royal couple as they toured the city. Rubber - Marboleum TILE Sold and Laid Repair Work Built-in Cupboards General Contracting Bennett Contracting Company PHONE 447 WINGHAM 1950 Designs Now Being shown S. Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional 1111 charge. Call 276J. Wingham for Appointment or Write ig 508 Bathurst btveet, Toronto 11.! .741111911 /11t113114t1B1111,1111311111 /4111PIPIRIIITO minnowilonainclethiamilculatuffite, i MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR -II COMPANY Trinity Anglican Rev. E. 0. Lancaster of Wingham, will have charge of the service in Trinity Anglican Church next Sunday at 2.30 p.m. United W.M.S. A joint meeting of the afternoon and evening auxiliaries of the W.M. S. was held in the United Church with a good atteendance. Mrs. E. Wightman opened the meeting with a prayer of General Thanksgiving and singing God Save the King, The after- noon auxiliary provided the program for this Autumn Thankoffering. Mrs. Jesse Wheeler was in charge of the Worship period. Mrs. R. Cham- ney led in a prayer of Thanksgiving for the church in our community. A Junior Farmer's Orchestra. .„,osms0 TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON amiitori s ingoarn uatz-Aio -...:- ----., ---- On this introductory special you get a 44- piece Service for 8 in "Bridal Wreath" and a handsome anti-tarnish Chest for only $ f • 50 Fins the Steak Plater, at no extra cost to your Set includes: 8 Knives, 8 Forks, 8 Dessert Spoons, 8 Teaspoons, 2 Table- spoons, 8 Salad Forks, 1 But- ter Knife, I Sugar Spoon. . •TRADEMARKS OF ONEIDA LTD. ore .01=0.0.11111V4 .[7....•11.11......004101.10011.0.1••0200.1110.11• You Can Da So Mach — for Your Howe with Wallpaper more style - more beauty - more years of service - in every price range. SUNTESTED — offers hundreds of fashion- correct patterns and colours in both washable and unwashable papers. VISIT THE WALLPAPER SHOP FOR YOUR DECORATING NEEDS. The WALLPAPER SHOP Miner Wilkinson, Decorator Thr.enown 1 n