HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-10-03, Page 7WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEI1 3, 1951 1001001104 Hello Homemakers: We should he able to add an "s" to squash to re- mind us of the many varieties of squash, However, it is not too diffi- cult to tell the difference in the eat- ing of summer squash and the winter squash. The early varieties are so delicate in flavour while the later kinds (Acorn and Hubbard) are stronger both in flavor and color. Some of the summer squash are easily named because of their shape - -The Yellow Crookneck, The Button and Vegetable Marrow. Others that are more difficult to label are ones like Zucchini and Cymlings, If you do not know tthem, take a trip to a market where gardeners can tell you about these interesting species, TAKE A TIP 1. To cook summer squash: Take off stem end. Remove large seeds and coarse fibres. Leave in halves, slice or dice. ((Paring is not necessary.' Boil halves squash 40 to 60 minutes or boil diced pieces about 15 Minn-' tee, Or bake summer squash at 350 ; for about 40 minutes. 2. To open or cut winter squash eas- ily, place the whole vegetable in a preheated electric oven of 400 de- grees, util heated through. Cool, Cut and pare. 3. To cook winter squash cut into serving sizes and free of seeds and fibres, (a) Boil 25 to 30 minutes and serve buttered. Or scrape from shell and mash, (5) Bake pieces of squash in pre- heated electric oven of 350 degrees about 50 minutes. Seasoning for summer squash may be one of the following: Nutmeg, cayenne pepper, minced onion, chill sauce, cheese, hits of cooked bacon, and brown sugar. 5. Additions for baked squash: Fill hollow portion with cooked sausage patties or seasoned lima beans mix- ed with sour cream and chives, 6. To glaze squash: Pare and par- boil pieces for 30 mins. Drain, Place in shallow baking pan, Drizzle over pieces a glazing syrup of 112 cup ' white sugar, 112 cup brown sugar, 1j2 cup water and 2 table- spoons butter, Bake in electric oven of 350 degrees for 30 minutes, bast- ing frequently with the syrup, 7. Peeling and seeding summer squash is optional, Some people believe that the seeds strengthen the flavour 4, `1311113115SURISSRMISMITMINSIMINYVASISEIGIWIIIE Clubhouse Manzanilla Stuffed OLIVES 12 Ice Oz. Box Jar 670 DAISY SWEET MIXED PICKLES 11Os. 270 i Fancy Qualify BLUE and GOLD Always a Favorite—DOMESTIC SHORTENING Lb. 350 AYLMER FANCY OUALITY Custom Ground—RICHMELLO MINCEMEAT •ritb. 300 ROSE BRAND CRANBERRY SAUCE 12.rOz. 280 FOR YOUR POULTRY DRESSING ECIENE/LE, 14 HORSEY SWEETENED COME LT'. 950 E CRY' 11CM 20 OZ. TIN DOMINO REFRESHING—PLUS DEPOSIT DRY GINGER RIZ 30 OZ. BOTTLES 2 FOR 2S0 SHOP ".'OR LONG WEEK-END STORE CLOSED ALL DAY 'MONDAY (THANKSGIVING) 24 OZ. JAR NEW CANADIAN MILD LB. TIVOIMM f•'17r2,1 • • 5141-11'tala KRAFT vz,LvErr A 9 OZ. PKG. 01 Tr'7,77q.Bell,,7,1 z,i.,,,,,,,!,,,_ -.:1- ,.. -'4.20-51,,Le0 NATIONAL CI-11FISE. FESTIVAL 1 LB. EKG. Ilitanclrf.71P /I. GS 61) FOR Wi 744 HUTZ47. CONDENSED TOMATO t°11'; 2 f.ANO 10 Oz. 2 C-T.77, TiUS for OGZLVIES —3 OZ. PKG. 77kli `in tcYv,) vcrp.s7rt, E 3 VS e ra).1 '3 t'ATIN0 TO tor,p fqp c77;•,), ,17-g r.7" r7-1 ‘63 U S. NO 761 HEINZ TOMATO KETOUP HEINZ CIDIM ,,vurE VINEGER 3.7 Brotio — wis..tinnvrincre,,r !"'" vr• - A z ca Ca) Ch. i . P •tzi• :414;ket&x.. t. Now"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thounands whenever could wan netght before, now have shapely attractive Mime. No more bony hems, *any hollows. They Minna Claims. It rata t oall On bodice skinny because blood lacIte ham ops you up. too, Improvet opperius, digestion so ma nourishes you baser. non s tour srotung foo Mk top whorl yoU Rely figure you Wish. mtrodtori rir . gavtoettolateir site only 600, Tr, Ottres. Teal. Tablet/I tocaavt pauti 3,01.ds, Wray !larvae. new zetatwoz.M11.1A0A189 Quality Always Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First. L CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Me!-.t Modern Equipment for Shon and Cemetery Work inscription Work Promptly Attended to, rowrilie 6 e Memorials I LLIA1V1 BR OWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 'Phone 450 Trig WINGHAM ADVANCE,-TIME FAGS S3V • colouring. They do not grow as large is quite prolific in these areas. as the Sugar and Silver Maple, but' The maples can be identified quite they do grow into a fair shade ir-e. readily by their leaves and buds, and The wonderful autumn colours that anyone wishing to have some lovely make the New England States and ;Rod Maples on their grounds shotiId New Brunswiek a blaze of colour is learn how to identify them and have largely due to the Red Maple which some transplanted. orusseis, Q.14 :3 :3 Anne Allan invites you to write to her in care of The Wingham Advance Times. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies, — Autumn Colouring Of Leaves while cooking, others Consider the seeds a nuisance to remove from the pulp when it is hot. 8. Our preferred method of cooking squash is in a colander or sieve over boiling water. We sprinkle a teaspoon of salt on prepared serv- ing size pieces. The kettle is cover- ed as tightly as possible. Since squash is surprisingly watery, it will mash as soon as skins can be he removed—and you can see the skins partly separate from the pulp in about 20 minutes. Beat in 1 tab- lespoon top milk and a pinch of pepper, then serve. 9, Prepare squash for pie filling the same as pumpkin. THE QUESTION BOX. Mrs. T. IC asks: How do you serve oyster plant? Answer To cook oyster plant or . salsify prepare like • Plunge into cold water with a little lemon juice or vinegar in it to prevent die- , coloration, Boil Inch-cubed pieces in salted water until tender. Serve with a cream sauce. Mrs. C, B. asks: How can you pre- vent !. a sharp acid flavour in stewed' green tomatoes? Answer: Stir the sliced green toma- toes to be sauted with a few sliced ; onions in butter or bacon dripping. Cook tomatoes slowly until tender then season 2 cups green tomatoes with 3-4 teaspoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon paprika and 1-2 teaspoon curry I powder. Mrs. T. H. asks: Can you cook tope of field turnips as cooked greens? `Answer: It may be a little late in 1,4,1n G the season now unless you pick the; u small tender leaves from the centre.' Cook as you do cabbage and serve; with browned buttered crumbs. Mrs. H. xr, asks: Can you suggest a stuffing for green peppers that can be tossed together in 'a hurry? Answer: Blend together canned corned .beef and condensed tomato soup to make a stuffing for parboil- ed sweet peppers. Bake 15 to 20 minu- tes. Note: Thank you Mrs. M. for re- minding us that carrots are good peeled and grated. Then carrots may be cooked in a little holing water 12 minutes. Speer R Comments on the early colouring of maple leaves have been noticed in the local newspapers and the question has been asked why do some maples take on autumn tints in late August and early September? There are seven native species of the maple family found in Ontario. Five reach tree size and the common names of these arc as follows: Sugar or Hard Maple, slack Maple, Red or Swamp Maple, Silver or White Maple, Manitoba or Box Elder. The other two native maples are shrubs that seldom reach a height of more than fifteen feet, The Nor- way Maple, an introduced species from Europe, has been planted ex- tensively along city streets and on • private grounds. The species most common are the Sugar and Silver Maple. The Black Maple is comparaitvely rare and the leaf and general appearance is very much like the Sugar Maple. The Red and Silver Maple are mostly found in swamps, but both will grow on well-drained soils. The Silver Maple 'has been planted extensively along town and city streets in Western Ontario. Red Maples are sometimes ' found on city streets but these were probably planted accidentally as the Silver and Red Maple are difficult to tell apart when the leaves are not on the tree. 'I he Sugar and the Red Maple are the species that have a brilliant - unln colouring. In Ontario. most of the colouring with the maple in the woods and along streets are the Sug- ar Maples as there are perhaps hun- dreds of Sugar Maples to one Red Maple. During the latter part of Aug- ust and early September it will he noticed that the odd tree along city and town streets takes on brilliant colours and there will be swamp areas and single trees along fenee rows that also colour early each year. In most eases, these are Red Maps. More of these should be plante I along our streets and around our farm homes because of their eirly MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO cs T20,..z. 2 for 2.71;1 GET YOUR COPY TODA : MAPIE LEAF FLIMES Free "Alice in Wonderland" Figurines LARGE FLAKE OR C.17ICK DUI:L cAys Lb. for inter41 PER VI STS COPY W.. p Reg. Bar BETTER LIVIR3 11.AVATENE A MEAL FOR FOUR 0, El Er Z.1) 73 ..:7? $1742 TA' • 1.,•J $2.0 CHALLENGER FANCY ED R4,,,OCETTE !: ST. WILLIAMS ORANGE & GRAPEF.LJIT Pi 11 Ea ME 7 GOOD LUCK VI ice:* L.J CHUBBY OR HANKY rt"--plp 576.7, --77o 77 OZ. TIN 24 OZ. JAR 417 fl "7. tl