HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-10-03, Page 6HALCO COMBINED OIL and COAL UNITS are the result of years of experience and tireless effort in the designing of better and more service- able Heating Equipment. HALCO FEATURES 1. Your home is never without a source of heat-- .\ coMpletely automatic highly efficient Oil 1 testing System. 3. highly efficient Coal or Wood Burning which will heat your home without the circulating fan in case of a Hydro shut-off or failure. 4. Can he Used as a medium of disposal for waste paper, boxes, vacuum sweepings, etc. - When used in rural districts, NALCO can be fire during convenient hours with low-cost local fuels. The Oil Burner automatically takes over when these fuels burn out. 6. A complete Duel heating System where no manual adjustment is necessary—no loss of the efficiency of the Oil Burner when other fuels are burned at the same time. H1SELER & SON EVERYTHING IN OIL HEATING Box 332 Phone 426 W ingfiarn - Ontario lllllllll 14111111.1f001111111111 llllll lllll 1,11,1111401/01111111I llll I l 11, lllll 11,111100 lllllllll 3. PAGE SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDNgSDA1', OCTI)TSgrt .3, WU Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Don MacAdam on the birth of a son on Sunday, September 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renwick and Mrs. J. Smeltzer left Thursday on a motor trip to Sault Ste. Marie to visit with relatives, Mrs. Fred Doubledee was home for the weep-end after spending the past week in Toronto where she is under- going treatment. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller and HOnnie Jean of Staff a, visited with lyfrs, N. Dunkin on Wednesday, Mr, Jack Fitch Jr., and Mr. Carl Douglaa, have returned home after attending the cattle sales at Thessalon and Little Current. Mrs, Wm, Curie is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs, How- ard Cowing at 'Tiverton, There will be no dance in the Delmore Community Centre this Thursday night, but there will be one on October 11th as usual. Mrs. Wm, Nickel is spending few weeks with her daughter, Mrs, S. Mackford and family in Toronto, A new granddaughter has arrived at that home. NO GUESSING 14 lbs. Extra Feed - 100 Extra Eggs THERE IS NO GUESSING HERE ! Resarch has proven that a hen which lays 200 eggs a year eats only 14 lbs more feed than a hen which lays 10t I eggs a year. 100 eggs from 14 lbs. of feed —that's PROFITABLE PRODUCTION 1.tst one more reason whv von should feed for heavy, eontiint .1.ts l*THdUCtilln. We Have a SHUR-GAIN Feeding Plan to Suit You— Bring in your grain and let us add other grains, if neces- sary, PI,LS St UR-CAIN 1.,_;CMAKER. Concentrate. \'1'e will plan a feed for you, using your own grain for a base, which will push your pullets into heavy egg produc- tion which they will hold -while still gaining hotly weight. Canada Packers Limited Wingham, Ont. Telephone 142 NEWS OF BL(. ErALE Bluevale United Church Hold Anniversary Services Good congregations attended the music'. floral decorations and large anniversary services in Bluevale T'n- ilea Church on Sunday, when Rev. David W. \Williams, of Victoria St. Chuan], Goderich, was the guest speido•r In the morning Mr. \Villains • spoke on "Why do I go to Church?" "God Will Not Let You Go." The 1 choir. under the direction of the org- ' anise Mrs, W. J. Johnston, sang an- thems appropriate to the occasion. At the evening service a male quartette, comprising Messrs. O. Hoffman, F. • MeCutcheon, R. Smith and C. John- ston. sang "'Wandering Child Come! Home.'" The inspiring addresses, good Discover for yourself what it means to hear again that wonderful world of sound you once knew. Send this coupon for complete information. iff you are hard of hearing—no matter what your age—it may be possible to hear even whis- pers again—without a "hearing aid" in either ear! An amazing new Acousticon invention lets you hear with clarity and com- fort . . . without so-called "in- visible" earpieces . . . without a headband , . • without pres- sure of ANY kind. Easy budget terms 'r grandma HE with nothing comdkon lllllllllllllll 1 lllllllll 1 llllllll 1 llllllllll 11111111 lllllllll 1111 lllll 1111111111 lllllll l 11111111111111111 llllllllll 111111111 i S()):. attendance made a memorable day. Rev. H. H. Livingstone of the Me- op charge of ni Ch art pri•al'il in Bluevale 'United next Sunday morning, while Rev, F. A. Brook is absent preaching anni- versary sermons, Women's Institute The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday, October 11th, at - o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jack Wickstead, 'Home Economics' will be the theme of the meeting, Roll Call, A handy supper dish, Motto: Home making is no common task: it is the The Acousticon Super-X-Ear is as beautiful and tiny as a fine piece of jewellery. You can wear it on your wrist, slip it in your watch pocket, wear it as a brooch or tie clasp—no one need know you are hard of hearing! Yet this amazing elec- tronic miracle is more power- ful and clear toned than any hearing device we have ever in- vented. RS again her ear 35th Anniversary Last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tur- . • • VE`y, 2nd. line, Morris, observed the alth anniversary of their marriage. They were the honored guests at a ' dinner at the home of their only dau- ghter, Mrs. MeTaggart and Mr. Mc- Taggart in Goderich. Guests included Mrs. Turvey's two sisters with their husbands, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sellers, Morris. The immediate family ] presented the bride and groom with a silver water pitcher. They were the recipients of many other gifts including jewellery, cups and saucers, linen, letters and cards. • Mr, and Mrs. Turvey were married at the home of the bride's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Archi- Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Darling had a similar trip earlier. Mrs. Richard Jeffray has purchased a• house in Stratford and will snake her home there in future. We are sorry to lose Mrs. Jeffray from this district, Mrs. .Tames Darling mid Jimmie, Visited Mrs. Amy Rutherford and family in Goderich on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Walker and Donald, of Helgrave, visited Miss Joyce Darling on Sunday afternoon. Mr. John Dickson was home for a week with an infected hand. Mr. and Mrs. H, Zinn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell one evening recently. The next meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Commun- ity Hall on October 10th. Mr. Howard Wylie of Wroxeter, will be guest speaker, The roll call will be "Sing, Say or Pay. Mr, and Mrs. Alex McIntosh and family of Alliston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Press on Sunday, Mrs, Bariase of Winnipeg, and bald, near Seaforth, by the Rev. Mrs, N. Louttit of. Wingham, visited David Carswell, of Winthrop Preshy- with their sister, Mrs. John Farrell terian Church. They have one grand- and Mr, Farrell for a few days this child, Scott MeTaggart, past week. Personals Mr. John Abraham of Windsor, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Challacombe and Mrs, Thos. Abraham. and son, Allen, Toronto, visited re- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fitch of Clifford cclitly With Mr. and Mrs. Eldred attended church at Delmore on Sun- i Nichol. Alkien has been assistant to day and visited with the former's the rector at Port Credit and is now for some time Carilloneur at St. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch, 1 a student at Trinity College, He was Rally Day service was held in the United Church on Sunday with the John's Church, Norway,a minister, Rev. J. H. Martin in charge. • Mrs. William Nicholson was taken The story was read by William Mill- to the Wingham Hospital for a short vey. time for treatment after a fall m Rev. J. H. Martin, Messrs. George which her face was cut. Inglis, Cameron Taylor, Roy Ruther- George Garness, of Thessalon, On- ford and Arthur Fitch attended the tario, was killed when he was Laymen's banquet at Paisley struck by an automobile on the road Wednesday evening. near Thessalon. He was a first cousin i of Mr. Wm. Garniss and Mrs. J, J. Sellers of Morris and Miss Mabel Coultes of Bluevale. Stanley Darling, Jim and George, motored to Toronto on Sunday, Mrs. Darling returned home with them. ' Mrs. Darling has made a good recov- ery following her operation, Mr. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon ac- companied by Mr. William Millier of Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mac- Tavish and two sons, Turnberry, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. H, McKinnon, who along with their guests visited Mrs. Isobelle Arm- strong and Dune 14leKinnon of Brus- sels. Mrs. Mary Robertson, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Margaret Nichol- son, of Belgrave, are spending a few weeks with their niece, Mrs. Earl Hislip at Dunnville and with friends in Toronto. Mr. John Abram has sold his farm on the first line of Morris and has moved to Bluevale. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colley have been visiting for a few days in Wind- Miss Maude Brock Kincardine, spent a t6ty with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Thomson and George jr. Mrs. James Johnston is visiting her • mother, Mrs. Dobie'at Fort Frances. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKinney ac- ' companied by Mayor and Mrs. Gurney and family of Wingham, spent Sun- day at the McKinney home here. t Mr. David Hislop, of Perth, a sec- ond year divinity student at Knox College, Toronto, had charge of the service at the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacLean, Barrie, were week-end guests of their grand- mother, Mrs. J. J. Sellers. Mrs. Margaret Nicholson, Belgrave, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Mary Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lillow and dau- ghter, of Stratford, .were Sunday vis- ...itors with Mrs. Nellie Lillow and other relatives. Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with their cousins, Mrs. R. F. Garniss and Miss Olive Scott. ' attitude that snakes it interesting or dull. Mrs. Charles Withers. Mrs. Gordon Mundell will give a rt pert of the Area Convention held at Guelph. A reading will be given by Mrs. Hoffman. The hostesses for lunch i Mrs. Roy Turvey, Mrs. J. Johnston elrtd :tars. Bert Mr. David W. Heslop, a student from Knox College, Toronto, had charge of the service in the Pres- byterian Church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mathew' Bailie of County Down, Ireland has accepted a call to Delmore and Bluevale Presbyterian charges, and expects to sail for Can- ada on Nov. 6th, Misses Lillian Darling and Jean Dickson and Messrs. Bruce Darling and Alvin Mundell have just return- ed from a week's motor trip. They visited points of interest in Eastern Ontario, and Quebec, and spent a few days in the U. S. AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com- pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. Watch Repairs George Williams Located in MASON'S STORE FIRST CLASS On VALUE FEATURE SAFETY•RIM WHEELS hold tires firmly on rim in case of blowouts. A valued safety feature. CHA1R•NEIGHT SEATS pat sfulereastandl5f1/201"suph plgohrt for erect, natural 1 -;•:•••••e•-WSSi:ESite; , •••• OIL FILTER filters abrasives out of oil---an Important contribution to Plymouth's long engine life. ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD WIPERS Unlike the vacuum type, they don't slow down when you stop on the gas. SPLASH•PROOF IGNITION SHIELDING assures quick, sure starts in damp weather—avoids stalling on flooded streets, IGNITION.KEY STARTING WITH AUTOMATIC CHOKE Eliminates over-choking, Just turn the key —the engine starts. SIX•CYLINDER BRAKES Two extra hydraulic cylinders at the front wheels give you better, more certain control. FLOATING OIL INTAKE • Floats just below the surface of oil fn crankcase, so draws only the cleanest oil. a. CHAIN.CAMSHAFT DRIVE Has more contact area than the direct gear. type, so wears less and runs quieter. FLOATING POWER A way of mounting the engine so It's balanced and cushioned for extra smoothness. OILITE FUEL FILTER Keeps water as well as dirt from entering fuel lines. Self•cleaning, INDEPENDENT PARKING BRAKE A separate system from the service brakes-. gives you an extra margin of safety. ;V,040":"410Iftiaiko?.4-:.. ,••• lllllllllllllllll lllll yiliouth i FULLY GUARANTEED—A guarantee backed by Acousticon, world's first and oldest manufacturer of electrical hearing aids. 1(1411111111111 llllll 1111 lllllllll 11111111111111111111 lllllllll 1111111 lllll 11111111111111111 • Without obligation please send me further information on the uper-X-Ear. Acoustican, Dept. W 67 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ontario. Name Address City Prov llllllllll 11111111 llllll 11111111.1111 lllll 11111111111111111111111111110111 lllll 1 llllll 11111 . available — Canadian prices same as U.S. Open or Glazed Sash & Prefit Window Units MADE TO ORDER Campbell & Gorbutt Sash Manufacturers Diagonal Rd. Wingham BELMORE ••"-, ••• • Here are some car featuresthat you'll quickly recognize as "quality features". They're the kind of features you'd expect only in high-priced cars. Now let's see who offers these features as standard equipment, among the cars in Plymouth's price class! Here are Plymouth's or answers on value in the lowest-priced field This is only the beginning of the Plymouth Value story! Your Plymouth dealer has the new Quality Chart showing many more of Plymouth's big-car Quality Features. Let him show you how Plymouth gives you 19 out of 20 of these big-car features while car "A" gives you 11—and, car "B" only 5! He'll show you what these features mean in extra Comfort, Safety and Performance. And, as a final test—he'll ask you to drive Plymouth! Then, you'll find Plymouth rides like a big car because it's big-car-built— to serve you better! THE CRANBROOK FOUR-DOOR SEDAN White Sidewall Tires Extra Equipment SEE YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO DEALER MERKLEY MOTORS 0 Telegrre Wingham