HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-09-12, Page 8"Can inflation be checked ? "Every one of us is concerned with the answer to this vital question. Today's all-time high costs of goods and services affect the living standards of people in all walks of life; and those living on fixed incomes are especially hard hit. "In addition to weakening our economy, inflation threatens our defence programme. "Therefore every method of controlling rising prices must be applied with vigour. "Government measures such as increased taxes, credit restric- tions and reduced non-defence spending are necessary, if unpop- ular. Of course, business and industry must co-operate--espe- cially by increasing productivity. The average man might feel that any control he alone can exert is insignificant. But the individual can and should help by doing his utmost to save money. "Every dollar he saves — through bank deposits, savings bonds or life insurance — plays a part in helping to stem the tide of inflation. And at the same time, it brings the saver important personal benefits, "These benefits need no re- viewing, But it may be pointed out that nothing has changed their importance even though there are many demands and temptations to use income for other purposes, Nor has any. thing supplanted saving as the one method most people have of obtaining many of the things they want and need most. "All in all, there are more reasons for personal savings today than ever before." JAMESTOWN • (Intended for Last Week) On Thursday night of last Weehl. a presentation was held for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Warwick, M. I3luevale Community hall, in honor of their recent marriage, Music was .supplied by Wilbee's orchestra, Mrs. Ralph Bout:vela and little daughter Sharon, also her nephew, Ronald Mitchell .of Toronto, spent few days last week at the home of Messrs. Alex. and John McDonald and renewed other acquaintances in the community, Mrs. Gordon Weir of HOWL* spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sclah Breckenridge, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Seip and Odd- ren, also Mr, and Mrs. Jack McCleary of Streetsville, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Mc- Donald. Miss Wilma Johnston and Mr. Alex McDonald were week-end visitors with relatives in Toronto. Master Clifton McDonald who spent the past two weeks with rela- tives at Streetsville, has returned home, Open or Glazed Sash & Prefit Window Units MADE TO ORDER Campbell & Gorbutt. Sash Manufacturers c' Diagonal Rd. Wingham avings play a vital part in the battle against inflation" • . says Emerson Creed, Financial Editor, The London Free Press n Remember—in your lavings plan, life intarance meat a special need. In no other way can you combing savings with financial protection for soar loved ones. A message irons THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA and 'heir representatives L-45I D Brothers under the skin? The BLACK and GRAY SQUIRRELS are more closely related than you'd imagine. Contrary to most beliefs they are not different species, but rather color phases of the same animal. Both colors may occur in the same family. This series of unusual natural facts is presented by. Carling's in order to promote a keener interest in our wildlife and its protection. Once you're acquainted with nature, you'll want to keep it unspoiled. YOURS TO PROTECT...YOURS TO ENJOY CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED MATIRLOO. ONTARIO Power *Full Settee Through crackling, hissing sleet and snow; maintenance men battle unceasingly to keep Hydro tower flowing. When fire strikes . II accidents occur ... ;wires fall—emergency crews speed to the scot* to repair damage and protect 11‘411: revery Minute of every day In the year, your Hydro service Is nielintained and guarded by the vigilance of the NM and women whit servo the pub,* oho employ Wingham Utilities Commission INCOSIMIt they RN on the lob; you end your led kiddies can continuo to oniey the consfosts se to olostrkol ssrviciorasurpossod eityldiolO Wingham Utilities' Commission Wingham Ontario greater than when "1$.904 behind the wire of cages in the cruelty of eon- tery...confinement, if every hunter would obey the game lelva and con- servation measure were observed by every individual there is no .doubt but that the Oreerteek Swamp would In the apace of .only a few years 'NI, egMQ. a great tourist attraction where these denizens of the forest ceuicl iseg4 at anytime in their naturgi.,surl., rounOings,—Walherton. Herald-Timeall 0 La new?" One of a series by your bank / J. W. BUSHFIELD, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Win/Chant K. M. MactENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office — Minnie St. PHONE 196 Office Hours: 3 to 5 p.m. daily except Sunday and Holidays Wingharn, Ontario A. EAVISII BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Tee'swater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, or by appointment. Harold Jackson LICENSED AVOTIIONEER For Counties of Huron and Perth /*totalizing in Farm, Household and Property Sales, Phone Collect Seaforth 061-14 R.R. 4, Sestorth Ontario I HR. W. M. CONNELL DR. B. N. CORR1N PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Phone 19 GRAWFORD HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors. EU, Wingitam, Phone 44 J. H. CRAWFORD. X.C. R. S. X.C, WI roumsi ADvANcx,Tnvig$. ‘WPNgsART, stIrTiompg p51. The treatment a would-be holdup man got from an aged couple, ought to be enough to put a big dent in any crime wave. The couple, who own a filling stat- ion, routed the bandit after he had fired two shots at them, one of them which hit the aged man. He picked up a plate of boric acid powder and hurled it at the intruder, The woman picked up a chair and yelled, "I'll brain you." That was enough for the bandit. He ran, Duke, a four-year-old collie, appar- ently was over-trained, Hg did all right as a letter carrier and newspaper "boy," But he got into trouble when he went into the laundry business. The man who taught the collie to bring home his mail and newspapers was puzzled when Duke started arriv- ing with sheets, towels and pillow cases, • A neighbour cleared up the mystery when she found Duke stripping her clothesline. Add to the list of fellows with strange jobs the name J. C, Harris. On weekdays, Harris is the village policeman. Come Sunday, he's pastor of a local church. Harris doesn't think it's odd. He says "Both jobs have the same aim- to make this a law-abiding commun- ity." Somebody around Barrie must have been desperate for a steak. A farmer says a marauder killed one of his steers, But instead of haul- ing off the whole carcass, the thief just cut off a hind quarter and took it away. There's a ferocious-looking 70- pound bulldog who loves to get lost. Cicero, that's the dog's name, also likes cats and plays with them. But mostly he just gets lost. His mistress, says Chicago acquired his fondness for getting lost when, after being lost the first time, he was sent home in a taxicab. Now Cicero gets lost deliberately in the hope of getting more taxi-rides. In Montreal, Harold Davidson has been losing sleep over a sight he saw on a city bus. He says a woman got on, opened her umbrella as she took her seat, and held it open over her head ass Lne way. When she got off, she closed the umbrella and walked along St. Antoine Street. The curiosty of a Hamilton woman cost her a wallet and valuable papers. Clara Thompson says she was standing in, a park overlooking a freight yard-.,,trying to see whether trains cameinto Hamilton backwards or frontwards. At the same time, thieves broke into her car and remov- ed her wallet. 'The Insurance company will get an Ottawa resident's car and the job of de-hot-rodding it. Our victim had his car stolen some weeks ago. The cops found it and identified it by the serial numbers, but our poor boy took one look at what the teen-agers had done to his precious jalopy and screamed. They had removed the fenders, windows, radiator grille, the hood, the seat cus- hions and even the brakes. Then they had "suped up" the mot or and painted what was left of the car red with white stripes! Seanshooters aren't always the thing to play with, Nineteen-year-old John Smith from Newmarket, Ont- ario, landed in jail because of a too- powerful beanshooter. Smith says some little boys were making too much noise so he fired at them with a bean-loaded shotgun. Love—or sumpin' makes people do strange things. Twenty-five-year-old Norman Steadman from Toronto thought his estranged wife had seen practically everything. So just to impress her— he jumped through the window of a home she was visiting. All he got was 14 stitches in his legs, a charge of malicious datnage— aenstdrahnigse rfe is still mad at him, and •••••••••••••over - o•••••••••••••••••••••••••• WARREN ROUSE. PM Furishings DRAPERY SLIP COVERS VENETIAN BLINDS LAMPS CHINA GIFTWARE OCCASIONAL FURNITURE C. C. McKIBBON Phone 415 Winghaut Young people, under the age of 25, are responsible for 28 pep cent of all fatal motor accidents, But the Ont- ario Department of Highways places a lot of blame on parents, who haven't made certain their children were taught, to drive properly. Remember parents . it's up to you to influence your children to drive. carefully , . today and every day. Wild Life Plentiful In Greenock Swamp That wild life is plentiful in the Grennock Swamp this fall, is borne out by the experience of a Walkerton motorist and members of his family on Sunday afternoon last, While tak- ing a drive along some of the' roads through the local hinterland the"party were in close proximity to a turkey buzzard which is rather a rare speci- men of feathered creature in these parts and also flushed a large blue heron or crane, The thrill of the day however was a family of four young racoons which provided entertain- ment for several minutes by their playful antics on the roadside before being ushered to safety by their ring- tailed mother. Besides this, several partridge took off from the roadway when almost run down by the car, and a baby groundhog also scamper- ed to safety only a few feet away. As the car was leaving the big swamp the last specimen of wildlife spotted was one of those animals more fam- iliar to townspeople, a striped pussy or in plain words a skunk. Fortunate- ly the car breezed past the polecat without exciting its objection to the intrusion on its wild domain and not one whiff was cast upon the ether. The afternoon's outing was akin to a 'visit to the zoo, but the thrill and pleasure of seeing these animals in their natural habitat was many times WIlino=1.11110•11410.4.01.4=.111.00/, Memorials We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- arial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR.O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. 0. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. RONALD O. KANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CLINTON, ONTARIO Office: Royal Bank Phones: Office 561, Res. 455. J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE . Phone 151. As HE PULLS UP at the end of his day's run, it's just his friendly way of saying "hello". But if there is some important development in town, he expects his friend the bank manager will know about it: ... plans for enlarging the school ... the chance of a new factory opening up ... It's part of the bank man's job to know his community. His customers expect him to know "what's new" in other parts of Canada and elsewhere, too ... business facts, leads to new markets at home and abroad for farm as well as factory. You will find your bank manager well posted, and ready to serve you. Chartered banks work that way. S. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service MODERN FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 106 Night 189 WINGHAM ONT. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office -- Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 154 Wingham They Tell Me ifs True By gob Clark 43.•n •131101111,041Me1411041,M1•04111604•1111.41•111.4ABO.M00100, • • Business and Professional Directory