HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-09-05, Page 10TEN A(*Fs WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIME g$RA,V, 'T1 hfIBM% 0# MU
Erefcroensogimiceani t 7-
Mr. and Mrs, garl. Ridley are On a
trip to Orihia and the Parry Sound
Mr, and Mrs, Fred HaniblY, Was
Lois liambly, Misses Evelyn Sim-
mons and Aidyth Bast, and Lyle
Simmons spent a day at the Toronto.
"Serving you since 1915"
Minister from Northern Ireland
Called to Presbyterian Charges
Last Thursday evening, at a meet- complishmeots, whose death is re-
ing of the combined congregations of ported, was a speaker in Bluevale
I Bluevale and Belmore Presbyterian while with, Gl? lox,
Churches at Belmore, it was decided Mrs, Peter MaeEwan will attend
extend a call to Rev, Matthew the funeral a her cousin, Mr. John
Bailey, of Northern Ireland, to fill the Montgomery, ossforth,
Mrs, John A. Geddes of Belgrave, Vacancy in, the charge caused by the
death of Rev. Chas, MacDonald, D. D. died in 'Wingham General Hospital,
Monday evening, She had been in
SIARKWARDT - JORGENSEN poor health for many years. On Sim-
i An August wedding of interest to Ids% esihi ae sank 117 toel dae sato mclaa.0 gShhtee rwaofs
many hereabouts was that of Miss the late Harriet Jorgensen and Mr. Ralph Lachlin and Mrs. Fraser,
Markwardt, at the home of the PiarieerS of the first line of Morris,
bride's brother, Clifford, Milwaukee, Mr. Geddes died three years ago.
Wisconsin. The bride's father, Rev. J, They were married more than i15
C. Jorgensen, officiated, assisted by ye Unitedari Church.rs.Gcddes
was member of
the bride's brother, Rev, L. C. Jorgen- the
minister at Bluevale and Belmore,
sen of Huston, Mississippi, formerly brother Mrs. James Surviving are three sisters and a
Robertson, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jorgensen John Mustard, Mrs, rtobt. Nicholson,
were groomsman and Matron-of-hon. William. Fraser, Swift Current, Sask-
. etehewan. Burial will be in Brandonour. Mrs. L. C. Jorgensen was accom- , panist to the wedding soloist, cemetery Belgrave.
A buffet supper was served after
the ceremony, Miss Jorgensen was
well acquainted here when staying at
- the manse,
After a long illness, Mr. Henry Bos-
man died in Wingham General Hos-
pital on Thursday, He was in his 83rd
s year. The younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bosnian, pioneers of
---s-ssi--,,sss1es..0.-s,s--"-0-,•-•"'''''''''"''''''''"'"'"'"1"~'1"" Morris Township, he had lived all his life on the home farm, He attended
Browntown chool an was a Rill!lrilill1111111111111111111111SatiltliSMISIII11111111111131111111111111111111K11111(11111111111M11111111111: ef Ebenezer s methodistd Church, which
later was absorbed into Bluevale Un-
Save $300.00
Black Coach with Overdrive,
Whitewall Tires, Heater, Sun Visor
m E-4 This car has 15een accepted as part pay=
event for furniture for an entire house.
It's a genuine- bargain offer.
Phone 22
Are You Ready For
Fall Farm Work
Before long" you'll be struggling with your fall
plowing and manure spreading. Here's where
Pt1R.GUSON can help you out. The handy
loader and spreader eliminates some of the hardest
work on the farm, and with a Ferguson Tractor
and Two-Bottom Plow tillage itself is made quick
and comparatively easy.
Order Ferguson Equipment to-day at
Whether you need a`
small repair job on
an iron or a complete
overhauling of your
washing machine
call us for prompt,
expert service.
Lowest Prices
Large Stock of
Repair Parts
40 Wiring devices
of all types
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Johnston and family,
visited at Mount Forest on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mooney of Tor-
onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Bluevale school will not re-open
until Monday, Sept. 10th., as painting
of the interior has not been finished.
Visiting Toronto recently were Mrs.
George Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.;
Smith, Eleanor Smith, Norma Felker,
George Greenaway.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Elsey and Bob-
by of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Lutz and family of Auburn, and Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Campbell of Morris,
visited Mr. arid Mrs. Stanley Darling
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Darling, Jim and
Harry, are spending a few days this
week in Toronto.
The Griffiths family have returned
to Montreal, after a ‘summer's vaca-
tion here.
The Hooper family have returned
to their home in Bowmanville.
Miss Olive Scott returned home on
Monday after some weeks h Victoria
Mr. Erland Echlin, a man of ac-
The ladies are reminded of the
meeting of the Women's Institute to
be held at the home of Mrs. James
Curran this Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and
Donald, were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. W, I, Miller before leaving for
their new home at Bracebridge.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
(Rev.) S. E. Hayward is a patient in
the Goderich Hospital.
Terry Wilson spent a few days with
his cousin, Jimmy Wilson at White-
church last week.
Miss Florence Stuart of Evanston,
Ill., is a visitor with Miss M. C. Ruth-
erford and Miss W. D. Rutherford.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McIntosh of St.
Catharines, Mr. and Mrs, Neely
Todd and sons, David and John of
Stratford, were visitors for the holi-
day week-end with their mother, Mrs.
D. Todd.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Moore, Mar-
guerite, Beverley and John, were vis-
itors last week with Mrs. Moore's
brother, Mr. Harvey Webb and Mrs:
Among those students who will at-
tend High School this year are Lois
and Ruth Webb, Jean Forster, Caryl
McCrostie, Margaret McNeill, Murray
Gaunt, and Ivan McQuillin. They will
all attend Wingham District High
School. Margaret Miller, Flora Jean
14IcQuillan, Norma Murray, Isabelle
MacPherson, Anne Todd and Wilma
osgagootgmogigegogg gimo
Gospel Hall
Regular Sunday Services
Sunday. School 10.15 a.m.
Remembering The Lord --re-, 11,15
Gospel Meeting at 8 p.m.
Prayers and Bible Study
Each Friday evening at 8 p.m.
The Salvation Army
Lieut. and Mrs. K. Kirby
11.00 a,no-Holiness Meeting.
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School,
7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service.
7.00 p.m.-Sunshine Hour.
2.30 pm,-Home League.
8,00 p.m.-Prayer Meeting.
A hearty Welcome awaits at the
Salvation Army
sirliftiff1,11,71)1.1111111141 ll ll ll (1114.111011111,1.1011111.11 lllll
Chisboro, will attend 1.4uchnow Bis
triet sigh School.
and Mrs. jun Bowden of De-
troit, Mr. and Mrs, Horace .Me.Guire,
and daughter,. Shirley Anne, of Lon
don, were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, N. J. Thom,
Mrs. Alex Mardie and son, 130hh3t,
and Mrs, Mel Brown of Waterloo,
have returned to Waterloo after .holi-
daying with Mr, and Mrs. R. Woods,
Mr. Brown spent the week-end here..
Mr, and Mrs. Callum Cameron and
Carol .0 Detroit, were guests -of Mr,
and Mrs,. John Cameron for the holi-
day weelc-end,
Mrs. Leslie Burrows, London, was
a recent visitor with her mother Mrs.
74, Strome,
Mrs. Herb. Walkom and daughter
Margaret, Belleville, visited last week
with Mrs. Olive Walkom.
Miss Violet Beswitherich visited
friends in Toronto last week,
The benefit dance for Harvey
Williamson held in the Community
Hall had a large attendance.
Go By Train to the
SEPT. 10 - is
Low Rail Fares
Coach Class
Good going Saturday, Sept. S to
Saturday, Sept. 15 inclusive.
Return Limit - Sept. 17
Full 'Information from any agent
Most important and
first of all harvest
needs is a good over-
all. King's fine stock
will outfit you no
matter how tough the
job may be. Double
stitched seams in a
w ell tailored blue
denim of sanforized
material, Here are
three good names to
choose from, Haughs,
Walkers and Big B
Sizes 34 to 48
Price $4.50 to $5.95
TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7;15 p.m,
101011111,141111.1.11,10011,1111gpl ,,,, gl ,, ,,, gallyggggglgigggi$110.1100ggligl ,,,,,, ....... 11,1 AA 0
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 6, 7,
Loretta Young Barry Sullivan
g ,,,,, ,,,,,, 4144110gem , g ,,, 1 ,,, g ,, g , 11010 llllllll l ll I lll 111111111)1 111111111 111„1.1 1„ ll 0 l l 111111111 l g lll 1041111,ggogg
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 11, 12
Joan Crawford Wendell Corey
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 13, 14, 15
Sword of Monte Cristo
George Montgomery Paula Corday
11 heti Church. BRAND NEW 1951
The funeral service was conducted
by his pastor, Rev. R. A, Brook, at his
late home on the second line of Mar-
ris, on Saturday afternoon. The pall-
s-s-, bearers were Wallace Agar, Walter
Sellers, Fred McCuteheon, Bernard flA Thomas, Bert Garniss and Melville
IvIathers. The flower bearers were:
Chas. South, Don MacLean, Russell
Ili Bone, Milton Fraser, Earl elle'rs and
Chas. Mathers,
- He is survived by two sons: John,
PA principal of Dutton High School and
Charles, on the homestead; also three
sisters, Mrs. Luther Pepper, B. C.,
11! Mrs. Robert (Sarah) McGuire, Ethel; I and Mrs. Jas. Leishman, Liberty,
, Sask,,, and four grandsons,
AI 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Warwick, Mor-
- ris, • were guests of honor at a corn-
inanity party in the community ball
WI on Thursday evening. Willoughby's
orchestra supplied the music. Mr. and
IA Mrs, Warwick (formerly Helen Brec-
kenridge), were presented with a
purse of money as a wedding gift.
Rev, R. A. Brook preached in the
ill United Church on Sunday morning,
= using a theme appropriate to Labour
Day from the story of Christ using
* Peter's boat as a pulpit. Rev. Samuel
Mildmay Kerr of Glace Bay, N, S., preached in
w Knox Presbyterian Church,
- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson of
Toronto, were week-end guests with
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiekstead.
Where health is concetn-
ed, service must be de-
pendable and fast. And
filling prescriptions, most
definitely concerns the
health of the whole com-
Such is the responsibility
we acknowkeldge, Your
prescription will receive
careful attention, every
Hiseler and Soo
'IP Everything in Oil
k Heaters
tirs Space
'0 Heaters 414 V.
eire Conversio n
411% Units
14 4.4
Factory - Trained
Foxe 332 Phone 426
All wool or cotton
work sox, An essen-
tial item for the har-
Cotton sox 69c pr.
All wool, 3 lb. weight
Remember to ask for
"Cowboy King" and
be sure to compare
its weight with others
you have tried. You
will find it to be the
heaviest and most
rugged of all dungar-
Sizes 30 to 42
Price $3.95 .to $5.95
Work Shirts
Specially selected Work Shirts for longer
wear. Full cut lines for comfort and free,.
don't, assuring you of complete satisfaction;
See our new shipment in the gayest colours I
of checks and plaids.
Price $1.98 to $2,98
Once .more the harvest season has come
around and as usual Kings are prepared
to meet the heavy demand for the best and
most rugged in harvest apparel.
,t14411fi llll Y11, Y111/Y1IYi ll ll Y410 lll lll te1141444
Sturdy work pants in khaki drill, moleskin or
light woven cottons, Many men prefer these
because of their cool comfort. All sizes available
Priced from $3.50 to $6.95
I ll ll 011101.41110,01/ii'llOWW64thiiiiiittiiiktifinitlililiii111{1110111i0.11110111001110111'