HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-08-15, Page 6LIBERALS GATHER FOR CONVENTION-Above . are prominent members of the Liberal party who gathered in Wingham recently to hold a nominating Convention for the constituency of Huron-Bruce. Left to right they are Walter Thomson, l'Vf.P,P„ lea- der of the Liberal party for the Province of Ontario; Brown Smythe, Auburn, president of the Huron- Bruce Liberal Association; Donald Blue, and, Robert S, Hetherington, Wingham, past president, Elmer J, Farrish, of Howlck Twp,, was nominated, WATERLOO ,M.M. TRACTORS & • MACHINERY NEW EQUIPMENT-- All sizes of New Tractors, Models R, Z, U and G. Tractor Manure Spreaders on Rub- ber and ready for used truck tires. Swathers and Combines. Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. USED EQUIPMENT- International WD9 Diesel Tractor, Ford Tractor with ,,new motor and new tires, with plow and pulley. Massey Model 22 Row Crop, Waterloo Model R. Used 6-ft. Case Combine. EBERSOL WONDER ELECTRIC HAMMERMILLS with new type David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 59 Wingham P RESCRIPTION S Are filled in exact accordance with your Physician's wishes AT Kerr's Drug Store YN IVIEMORIAM ANGIJS-,-,In loving memory of my dear sister Florence Angus, who passed away Aug. 17, 1947. 'TiS sWeet to know we'll meet again Where that are no more; And that the one we lotted so well Has just gone en before, -Sadly missed by her sister, Olive and family, 15* Tars IT WHAT CAN HAPPEN when tractor and truck try to fight it out! The two collided north of Formosa with the testa that the tractor Was coinPletely buckled in the mid-section,. Tractor driver dames Brawn, of Arthur Wag thrown clear of the machine and landed On the ground under a gravel truck. One of the passengers in the truck Which struck the tractor suffered ininor FOR SALE .Fresh Extracted CLOVER HONEY Good `"Quality GARNET FARRIER'S HONEY HOUSE WHITECHURCH, ONT. Filling Service from 7.30 to 10 p.m. on the following dates: August 15, 16, 22 and 23 For other appointments phone 711J1, Wingham THE SENSATION OF THE YEAR! Coping To Lucknow Here's Your Opportunity To See An Attraction That's Being Brought Back To The C.N.E. for the Second Consecutive Year! The King •AND HU COURT In The Caledonian Park, LUCKNOW MONDAY, AUG. 20th See this Internationally Famous 4.114an Team play The Lucknow Legionnaires. THEY'RE SENSATIONAL on the DIAMOND and will give an Amazing Exhibition of TRICK BASEBALL, apAGE THE WINOHAVI ADVANC„. #TIAM vvERNsrp.4.1), 4UGUST LOST iWOULD THE PERSON or persons Who removed a child's wagon from ,,,Cameron's service station please re- to tarn it at once. 1.5b FOR SALE "WILL ACCEPT PIANO for storage. Guarantee good treatment, Phone 1.09, Wingham, 15* FOR SALE-Green awning 17 x 17 feet. In perfect condition, used only 'two years. Apply Queen's Hotel, Wingham. 15b FRESH STOCK OF used, plain ease pianos. Refinished like new. Re- conditioned. Popular makes. At the Mildmay Furniture Store. Also five new pianos. Trade-ins accepted. 15:22b SELL YOUR POULTRY the Co-op- way. Call 271 for prices and truck- ing service. Our prices are good. Store your meats, fruits and vege, tables in our modern storage. Lock- ers, waxed cartons and waxed pa- - per available to toWti and country patrons. rrb hammers. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL APPLI- ANCES Radios and Radios with Record Players. Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers, Electric Shavers, etc. Used Electrical Appliances. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ont. Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 FOR SALE-Eleetrie two-Writer rangette with chrome top and utility drawer. Kitchenette china cabinet, large fruit cupboard and verandah gate. Apply Mrs. Annie Nicol, Minnie Street, 153i4 FOR SALE-New Idea Spreaders, Side Rakes, Corn Pickers, Model Z Tractor, Ford Tractor, M.1)4 Trac- tor Discs, No, 69 Combine, foot power Grain Binder, LK°, Power corn Binder, Doom's Wagon Unloaders, Fax Hog Feeders, Lantz Plow Colters. Ask for folders and prices. New Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ont., phone Carlow 2821 15.22x TRADE THE PIANO you are not using or your old chesterfield for one of Schuett's fine new Frigi- daires, new Kroehler chesterfields, You'll enjoy buying at the Mildmay Furniture Store. 15:22b FOR SALE-Quarter-cut oak dining- room suite, buffet, extension table and six chairs, also large extension table, T. Mundy, phone 287 or 82. .a* "' 15* FOR SALE-20 foot CQP1Wete cabin ' trailer, Apply to box 151, Lueknow. 15:22* FOR S4E-2 - element Sunshine range with heavy wiring, in ex- cellent condition. Phone 291 after six, 1.5b FOR SALE-Massey-Harris Right- Way Milker, 3 units $200.00 for quick sale. Robt. E. Golley, phone 743W3. 15b FOR SALE-50 Roe-bred Sussex Red pullets, starting to lay. Apply Wil- son Thornton, Bluevale. 15b FOR SALE-No. 12 DeLaval Cream Separator, also lark red registered bull, 11 months old; 22 pigs seven weeks old. Apply Harris M. Camp- bell, 553r4, Brussels. 15* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-13 pigs, twelve weeks old. Apply W. Paulin, phone 77r1, Wroxeter. 15* FOR SALE-18 Chunks pigs, 5 wean- ling pigs. Apply to Lloyd Mont- gomery, phone 74311, Wingham 15* CARS FOR ,SALE FOR SALE-1942 Chrysler Club Coupe. Call Frank Pickell, phone 665, Wingham. 1:15* FOR SALE-Brand new car, Can- adian, make. Over $200 discount from list price. Schuett Furniture Store, phone 22, Mildmay. 15:22b FOR SALE-1932 Plymouth Sedan, four-cylinder, in good condition. Mervin Hunter, Josephine St. 15* HELP WANTED-FEMALE GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED full or part time, Apply Sherbondy's Coffee Shop. 15b HELP WANTED-MALE CABINETMAKER Machinist and 4th class engineer. We are expanding. Pleasant working conditions, top wages, group insur- ance, definitely steady employment, five day 48 hour week. Zee or write James Cole Furniture Company, Ingersoll. 15:22b WANTED WANTED-Men or women to demon- strate an old Canadian Product. Earn $30.00 to $80.00 'weekly, just a few hours afternoon or evening. Your district is an open territory. Write Mrs. A. Neeb, or phone 116R, Listowel. 2511:15b ROOM AND BOARD WANTED for young man. Office employee. Need- ed Sept. 1st. Call Advance-Times, 34. 15* FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT-Seven room frame house in Belgrave, with half acre of land. Apply to Mrs. Agnes Dunbar, Belgrave, 151) FOR SALE-Dusiness in Tecswater known as Ross Ladies' Wear. Annual turnover $30,000. Business must be sold to settle estate. For particulars apply to Walter Ross, phone 69r21., Teeswater, 154' OR SALE-Shed frame, 30x24 feet, good condition, Also good frame house, 18 x 27 feet and kitchen 18 x 18 feet, suitable for moving. Apply to Edward MeCienaghan, phone 40'213 Wingham, 15* FOR, SALE-Busineas- premises on Josephine St., Wingham, close to CRNX. For particulars write Box 239, Wingham, Oat, 15b HOUSE FOR SALE-Five room frame dwelling,Wingham town plot, For information Apply Harvey Sangster. 15* HOUSE FOR SALE-On corner lot, Frances and Victoria. Six rooms with summer kitchen and attached garage. Newly painted this year and completely redecorated interior, In- sulated and storm windows all aronnd, Apply Mr, Garrett, King's Dept. Store, ),51-42 FOR SALE-General store, with re- pair shop, gas pump, half acre of land. Ashfield Township. For par- ticulars write Box 73, Advance- Times, 15;22', REAL ESTATE-Ninety acres north of Teeswater with hydro and bath; 100 acre estate to settle; 200 acres, 2 miles from No, 4 highway, good farm; 150 acres on No. 86; Garage and service station in town, very central; Several dwellings. W. C. Oke, Seaforth Real Estate; E. Thompson, phone 505 Wingham, Salesman, MISCELLANEOUS FOR FLOOR SANDING and FIN- ISHING, carpentry, repair work and cabinets. Apply A, Green, phone 464W. 1,:15:22:29* ATTENTION CLOVER Growers- We are interested in inspecting fields of pure yellow blossom sweet clover, with the object of buying when threshed. Contact Roy Cramm, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68r3. 15* NOTICE I have taken over the egg-grading station, formerly operated by Doug Carter and would appreciate your patronage. Top prices paid. G. L. (Pete) Dobson. 15'1 ' NOTICE I would like to inform my customers in this locality that I expect to be back in Wingham shortly, having been detained by illness in Toronto. Reuben Silverberg CREDITORS PLEASE NOTE All parties having claims against Wingham Recreation Council are hereby notified that accounts must be in the hands of M. McPhail, Wingham on or before August 25, 1951. Com- plete statements must be furnished. 15:22b CHANGE OF NAME ACT TAKE NOTICE that Ann Elizabeth Ursula Scaramanga, of R. R, No. 3, Wingham, Ontario, will apply before His Honour Judge Costello at his Chambers in the Court House, Gode- rich, Ontario, on Friday, the seventh day of September, 1951, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to change her name to Vicki Moszkowski. DATED at Goderich, this 19th day of July, A. D., 1951. Frank Donnelly, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant. 25:1:8b THANK YOU My appregiation and thanks to the nursing staff and doctors for thought- ful kindness shown my sister Miss Sophie Smith, while a patient in Wirigham Hospital, Mrs, Bertha Plant, Wroxeter 15b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. A. M. Fralick wishes to thank her many friends for all their kind- ness while she was in hospital. 15* CARD Or THANKS Mrs. Roy Chapman, Detroit, wishes to express sincere appreciation to Dr, COrrin, Mrs. Morrey and staff for their kindness to her late husband during his final illness. 15* CARD OF THANKS Mr; and Mrs. Joseph Cumming of Toronto wish to thank Dr. Palmer and Dr. Connell and the Staff of Wingham General Hospital for the ex- cellent service rendered during his recent operation, 15* OMR NOTICE TO OlgLOW9liinS AM), 441fEWS. .1S7QT.Ieg IS HEREIN ,GIVEN that all persens having claims against the estate of FRED RICK ATZNAN, DER EDGAR,, late of the Township .Flowieb, in the County of Huron, • Retired Farmer and Professional Engineer, who died on the 20th day of July, A.D., 1951, are requested to • I forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of September, A.D„ 1951. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER ow- EN that after ,the said date the Ex- ecutors herein will proceed to distri, bute the estate to the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such notice, of which, they shall have had DATED at Clifford this 9th day of August, A,D., 1951, George Edgar and Alice Edgai Executors R, R. 1, Gorrie, Ont, DONALD M. MeKENZIE, ESQ., Solicitors for the Executors, Clifford, Ontario, 15:22;29b IN MEMORIAM PALMER-In loving memory of Lissetta Jade Palmer, who passed away Aug, -13, 1941, In all the world we shall not find A heart so wonderfully kind, So soft a voice, so sweet a smile. An inspiration so worth while, A sympathy so sure, so deep, A love so beautiful to keep. -Ever remembered by Husband and Sisters. 15* IN MEMORIAM NICKEL-In loving memory of a dear brother, Carman Gerald Nickel, who passed away three years ago August 17th, 1948. No eyes can see us weep But many a silent tear is shed While others are asleep. Though our hearts may break with sorrow By the grief so hard to bear, We shall meet him some bright morning In the upper garden there. -Sadly missed by Verna, Harold and Billie, 15* IN MEMORIAM NICKEL-In loving memory of a dear brother, Carman Gerald Nickel, Who passed away three years ago August 17th, 1948. We mourn hint in silence So many things have happened since You were ,called away Things that you would have enjoyed Had you been left to stay So many things to share with you In just the usual way Things that could be so much nicer If you were here to-day. We 'think of you in silence Your name we oft recall But there is nothing there to answer But your picture on the wall. -Too dearly loved, to ever be for- gotten by Dad, Mother, Kay, Howard, Mary and Ann. 15* WESTFIELD Mrs. J. W. Humphrey, Miss Josie Medd of Chatham spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. Frank Campbell and Miss Winnifred, Mr. Wm. Walden spent the week- end with his daughter, Mrs. Reg. Jenning and Mr. Jenning of Detroit. Miss Eileen Taylor was a London visitor on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and family of Walton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Hooper of St. Marys visited on. Thursday with Mrs. Frank Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snell were Windsor visitors on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak of Crewe, Miss Edna Doerr of Auburn is visiting her cousin, MrS. Dougais Campbell, Mrs, Ed. Kurschenski and Maureen of Detroit, Mrs. Jasper McBrien of Goderich visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mrs, Leslie Vincent and children of London; Mrs. Stanley Black of the 6th concession visited on Friday with Mrs, Harvey McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. William Gow, of Au- burn, Mrs, R, Vint, Mrs. Mary Mc- Tavish of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ludith and Mr, Chesteh Ludith of Detroit visited on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Vint, Rev, and Mrs. Queen, of Pittsburg, and Rev. and Mrs. Crampton, of Phil- adelphia, who are holidaying at Bo- gie's Beach, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Perrault, of England, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sallick, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and alas, Arthur Spelgelberg. Mrs, William Walden spent a few clays with her daughter, Mrs. Sid Mc- Clinchey, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs, 'John Hildebrand and baby, of Jordan Station, were week- end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. Mr,' and Mrs. Colin Campbell, of Ottawa, are spending a week with Mr. and Ma-, "7 et Campbell and Mr. W, H. Campbell, Mrs. Mackinash, of Kitchener, Miss Ann Clarke, ci Toronto, and Miss Co- lina Clarke, of St. Catharines, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Marvin Mc- Dowell and Mr. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and family visited on Sunday with ,aMiss Edna Smith, of Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. H. I. ,Smith and Mrs. J. E. Ford, of Comber are visiting the ladies' sister, Mrs. Frank Campbell. Master Ronny Connely, of Luck- now, is spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Vint. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Davis and Walter, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Speigel- berg. Hanna - Taylor A quiet and pretty wedding took place on Saturday afternoon, August 11th, at Port Albert, on the lawn of the summer home of Rev, and Mrs. W. J, Taylor, when Ellen Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert W. Taylor, of Auburn, was united in mar- riage in a double ring ceremony to Raymond Griffith, son of Mrs. Joseph Hanna, Atwood, and the late Joseph Hanna, by Rev. W. J. Taylor, Dor- chester, uncle of the bride. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, looked charming in a suit of grey gharmaine and grey hat with navy blue accessories and corsage of stephanotis and Better Time roses, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna, Bel- grave, attended the bride and groom. A buffet luncheon was served in Goderich at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Martin, uncle and aunt of the bride. Their home was tastefully decorated in pink and white for the occasion. Later the couple left on a motor trip to points north. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Hanna will re- side in Belgrave. HAY BALER CRUSHES FOOT LLOYD MORSE, MOLESWORTH Lloyd Morse, 35, Molesworth, dis- trict farmer, is in Listowel Memorial Hospital suffering from a badly crushed heel sustained in a tractor accident, Friday. The mishap occur- red when Morse, operating a tractor drawn hay-baler, attempted to hack up and turn, and the machine jack- knifed. He was attended by Dr. J. G. Kirk. BIRTHS TOWN-At the Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital, on Wednes- day, August 1, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. George Town (nee Gretta Owen) a son, Ronald Owen. YAKE-In St, Michael's Hospital, To- ronto, on Thursday, August 2, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs, Elmer C. Yake (nee Dorothy Boyle), a daughter, Marilyn Irene, CLARK-At the Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, August 3, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark, R.R. 5, Lucknow, a son, KIRTON-At the Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, August 5, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kirton, R.R. 1, Bluevale, a son, GRUBBE-At the Wingham General. Hospital, on Monday, August 6, 1951, to' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grubbe, Bluevale, a daughter. GOLDRICH-At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, August 7, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gold- rich, London, a daughter, Margaret Jacqueline, ROSS-At the Wingham General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, August 8, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs Jack Murray Ross, 624 Groves Street, Preston, a son. CARTER-At the Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, August 10, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carter, R.R. 2, Wingham, a daughter. RENWICK-At the Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, August 12, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ren- wick, Teeswater, a daughter. WALTERS-At the Wingham Gener- , al Hospital, on Sunday, August 12, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wal- ters, R.R. 2, Teeswater, a son. BROOKS-At the Wingham General Hospital, ,on Sunday, August 12, 1951 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks, R.R. 2, Wingham, a son, KIRKLAND-At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Sunday, August 12, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Kirk- land, R.R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter. DORSCHT-At the Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Monday, August 13, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Dorseht R.R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter. WILSON-Kt the Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, August 13, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Wil- son, Listowel, a daughter. QUERENGESSER-At the Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, Au- gust 14, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Querengesser, R.R. 3, Brussels, a daughter, Be Wise „Economize. Scrutinize the Want Ads' Radios & Washers REPAIRED GUARANTEED SERVICE Home Appliances E. SEDDON PHONE 505 WINGHAM FOR SALE-Baby carriage, medium blue. Also a play pen, like new. Mrs. G. C. Gammage, phone 105. .151) FOR SALE-Seven room frame house on James Street, situated on double lot. Cheap for immediate sale, Pos- session by Sept, 1st. This house must be seen to be appreciated. Call 254 after August 15th. 15*. PIANOS at Mildmay Select from a dozen Used Pianos, plain eases, refinished, modern, reconditioned . at the . . . Mildmay Furniture Store Used Pianos $89.00, $165.00, $225.00 Etc., Etc. 6 New Pianos including Sherlock Manning, Mason kt; Risch, Willis and Other Coed ilIakes. Electric Church Organs • Trade-ins accepted . FREE DELIVERY Phone for salesman to call J. F. Schutt & Sons Mildmay Furniture Store Phone 2.2