The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-08-01, Page 4WURLITZER ORGANS LITURGICALLY CORRECT FOR EVE:.Y CHURCH ASK FOR Garnet E. Farrier MASON & RISCH PIANOS A model for every home Arrange for a demonstration of these fine musical instruments. Complete range of pianos and organs in stock. rue Church Tone. Music -Majestic;' Bright or Solemn FOR RENT-Apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Write Box 69, Advan- .ce-Times, 25b ROOM AND BOARD-For one or two persons. Apply Mrs. C. R. Hen- derson, Leopold Street, phone 552W. HER HIS MELLO:WI:1r EXCERENCY "XV = 21 Intl' 21 feuds E $4950 $4950 11 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 FOR RENT •••••••• ••••I LOVA .11 the Gift in of a Lifetime! David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 59 Wingharn NOOTKA'S 1,000th SHELL HITS ITS TARGET •, * " During a bombardment of targets on the OAST cCtl"t61 0 ft) Kre8ogreCaantlad,MianC.S. Noetka fired her 1,000th four-inch shell Since arriving in the Korean, theatre and with it scored a direct hit on an enemy railway bridge. Kneeling is Able Seaman Charles Stobbs of 'Woodstock, Ont., who loaded the round into the gun, Standing, left to right, are; P.0, George Board-. man, Toronto, who fired the round; C,P.0, Brland Grant, Ottawa, who pressed the fire buzzer signal; P.O, Riehard Russell of 'Victoria and, Halifak, Captain of "X" gun, from which the round was fired; and, Lieut, Anthony Slater of Toronto, gunnery °Meer on the Nootka, who' controlled the gun frOin the bridge, Gold Seal Sockeye 1/2 lb. SALMON . 45c Summer Pride Cream - 15 oz. CORN • 2 for 27c Stoakley's Honey-Pod - 15 oz. PEAS 2 for 37c Clover-Leaf Solid-White 1/2 lb. 8 TUNA FISH c Fair-Haven SARDINES 2 for 19c Crispie - 12 oz jar SWEET RELISH 28c ------- Weston 's Special - BULK COOKIES Raisin Cookies . . ... . , . lb. 31c Macaroons . lb. 35c Home style Cookies lb. 33c Ianr with these HOLIDAY SPECIALS Wednesday to Saturday, August 1, 2, 3, 4 Anii•linirrimoraimmes.id. See our Specials on Fruits & Vegetables for the Holiday Week - end also our Meats to suit your taste fora picnic. Sha 's Groceteria Phone 161 "We Deliver" Wingham THE WINGI-3:AM ADVANCE-IMS PAGE. VOIJI1 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Massey-Harris Binder, Mower, Tractor Disc, nearly new, and other implements. Phone 7211)4 t lb FOR SALE-White enamel, Empire cook stove, burns coal or wood, in first class condition. Kitchen table, side board and china cabinet com- bined, and set of curling stones. Apply Harold Hamilton, Bluevale, Phone Brussels, 30 ring 7, 1* FOR SALE--New potatoes by the bag. Geo. Baird, Town Plot. 1.* FOR SALE-10 acres Beaver Oats. Call 626W3. FOR SALE ..Frost & Wood Binder, cheap, Good working condition, Phone 4r10, Wroxeter, J. L, Mc- Ewen. FOR SALE •-Massey Harris Dinter. 0 ft. cut, in ood repair. Edgar Wightman, Belgrave. SELL YOUR POULTRY the Co-op- way. Call 271 for prices and truck- ing service. Our prices are good. Store your meats, fruits and vege- tables in our modern storage. Lock- ers, waxed cartons and waxed pa- per available to town and country patrons. rrb PICTURE FRAMING---A specialty, • Warren House, Wingham. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-12 weanling pigs, apply to Garner Nicholson, Phone 13R17, Brussels, 1* REAL ESTATE FOR SALF,.-200 acre farm south of town; 100 acres near Wroxeter; 200 acres with government loan; 200 acre farm five miles from Listowel with 30 acres of hardwood bush; general store in Bruce County; sev- eral dwellings in Wingham, Brus- sels, Seaforth and Teeswater. -E. Thompson, Real Estate, phone 505, Wingham. lb OARS FOR SALE FOR SALE-3942 Chrysler Club Coupe. Call Frank Pieltell, phone 665, Wingharn. 1;15* W A N'r P WANTED-A Girl roomer on main street. For further details, phone 386, 1* WANTED-Men or women to demon, strate an old Canadian Product. Earn $30,00 to $80.00 weekly, just a few hours afternoon or evening. Your district is an open territory. Write Mrs, A, Neeb, or phone 116R, Listowel. 25:1:15b TENDERS FOR CARETAKING- Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Aug. 6th for the caretaking of No, 6 (Holmes) School in Turnberry Twp. School Area. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex Corrigan, Sec -Treas. 25;1b TENDERS FOR PAINTING-Tend- ers will be received by the under- signed up to Aug, 6th for the re- decorating of Na, 4 School Bluevale in Turnberry Two, School Area. Board to supply paint. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Alex Corrigan, See,-Treas. 25 :lz MISCELLANEOUS FOR FLOOR SANDING and FIN- ISHING, carpentry, repair work and.cabinets. Apply A. Green, phone 464W. 1, :15:22 :29* DOUBLE YOUR INCOME-Become direct factory representative for large company established over 25 years. Lovely dress and lingerie styles, newest range of fabrics and colours. Also children's and men's wear. Every garment factory guar- anteed. Highest commissions, bon- uses. Write Mr, W Yeman, British Knit District Manager, Kintail, Ont. 25:lb CHANGE OF NAME ACT TAKE NOTICE that Ann Elizabeth Ursula Scaramanga, of R R, No. 3, Wingham, Ontario, will apply before His Honour Judge Costello at his Chambers in the Court House, Gode- rich, Ontario, on Friday, the seventh day of September, 1951, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to change her name to Vicki Moszkowski. DATED at Goderich, this 19th clay of July, A. D., 1951. Frank Donnelly, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. 25:1:3b IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father, Samuel Griffith, Wroxeter, who passed away August 1st., 1950. '--Lovingly remembered by his wife and family, 1* WATERLOO M,M. TRACTORS & MACHINERY NEW EQUIPMENT- All sizes of New Tractors, Models R, Z, U and G. Tractor Manure Spreaders on Rub- ber and ready for used truck tires, Swathers and Combines, Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. USED EQUIPMENT- International WD9 Diesel Tractor. Ford Tractor with new motor and new tires, with plow and pulley. Massey Model 22 Row Crop, Waterloo Model R. Used 6-ft. Case Combine, EBERSOL WONDER ELECTRIC HAMME'RMILLS with new type hammers. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL, APPLI- ANCES Radios and Radios with Record Players, Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers, Electric Shavers, etc, Used Electrical Appliances. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Delmore Ont, Phones: Delmore, 4 Wroxeter 7e7 COMING EVENTS AT THE PALACE GARDENS, For- mosa, on Sunday, Aug, 5th, from 2 to .5 p.m., Cactus Mac and His Helpers will be featured, lb NOTICE Local residents are reminded that places of business in the Town of Wingham which fall' within the scope of the closing bylaw are required to have doors locked and hlin,ls drawn by 11 p.m. each Saturday night. J. W. Irwin, Chief Constable. lb 'TOWN OF WINGHAM TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, Aug. 11, 1951, for laying approximately 3000 square feet of sidewalk in the Town of Wingham. Cement available. Ten- ders should state price per square foot, complete with fill where neces- sary. Additional information may be obtained from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk-Treas., lb Wingham, Ontario IN MEMORIAM PAULIN-In loving memory of dear Dad who passed away July 5, 1936; Mother, Aug. 2nd., 1943, and Uncle Dick 1VIeMichael, Aug. 8, 1948. Their life is a beautiful memory, Their death is one silent grief, They sleep in God's beautiful garden, In the sunshine of perfect peace. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by the family. lb THANK YOU The Golley family wishes to express sincere thanks to all who aided in the search for their son, Barrie, last Fri- day, especially to Jim Elston, who found him, and to CKNX for broad- casting the appeal bin help. 1* IN MEMORIAM GREEN-In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Frank Green, who entered into rest, July 29, 1944. Dear Mother, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us, As you always were before. -Ever remembered by son Allister and Gladys. WESTFIELD Mrs. Annie Walper of Auburn, Mrs. :$0Ycl of Walton, visited on. Tuesday 'with Mrs, Douglas Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walsh of Blyth, were Westfield visitors on Sunday. Miss Jean Ypungblut of West Wa- wanosh, visited on Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Gordon Snell. , Mrs, Fred Cook accompanied by her sister, Mrs, Geo, Cook of Belgrave, left on Thursday for Elgin, Man., where they will visit with Mr, David Cook and other friends. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Rodger of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Rodger and Jimmy of St. Catharines, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger, Mrs, N. 0, Ainslie of Goderich spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Bert Taylor and Mr, Taylor. Guests at the home of Mr ,and Mrs. Clarence Cox on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Albert Shiackleton of Toronto, Mrs. Will Anderson of Au- burn. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Smith and family, Mrs, John Gear and children visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Wightman of Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Meridith Young of Londeshoro. Mrs. Ray Wilderman of Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Snell of loth conccession of East Wawanosh, visit- ed on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Rodger and family were • Formosa visitors on Sunday. Master Lyle Smith spent a few days last week with his cousin, R.Nii Smith of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Stackhouse and Miss Eva of Brucefield, visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell. Mr. Wm. McDowell rethrned home with them for a few days' visit. Mrs. Jean Kechnie and Mrs. Ida Petts of Blyth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McBrien of Goderich, Mrs. Ed. Kurschenski acct Maureen of Detroit, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mr. Ken McAllister of St. Augus- tine, spent the week-end with Mr. Norman Wightman. Mrs., Kenneth Campbell motored to Toronto on Thursday and was accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brophy and children, who were visiting in this vicinity for several days. Miss Hattie Wightman accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrand and babe of Jordan Station on their two weeks' trip through Michigan and Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs. Henry Mathers of Lucknow, $antams Trim Exeter Monday The bantam baseball team came home from Exeter on Monday night after taking a 9-5 count from their opponents, Waine was the big hitter of the game with a triple and a double. , The Wingham boys scored two in the first, by Murray and Waine; four in the fifth, Storey, Murray, Lan- caster and Lott; and three in the sixth ;Biggs, Hayden and Lott. Pollen of Exeter crossed the plate in the first, followed by McFalls, Taylor, Pooley and Parsons in the fourth inning. Wingharn-Storey, 1,f.; and p,; Murray, c.; Lancaster, lb; Waine, p. and 1.f.; Gibson, r.f.; Bain, s.s.; Biggs, c.f.; Hayden, 3b.; Lott, 2b, Exeter-Pollen e.f,; Wade, S.s.; Ford, lb; Wells, 3h; McFalls, c.; Taylor, 2b,; 13. Taylor, r.f.; Pooley, 1. f,; Parsons, p: July 24 to August 4 Salad Week Mrs,. Walter Ohlam of Plevna, Ont,, has won the Grand Prize in a nation- wide Salad Recipe Contest held by Chatelaine magazine, Her "Chef's Salad Bowl" won over thousands ..)f entries from every province in Can- ada and earned $350.00 for Mrs, (All- man. In the same contest, it was also judged First Regional Prize winner for Ontario. Twenty-five years old and the mother of five children, all under six, Mrs. Ohlman. has had no training as a dietitian yet her salad satisfied the judges on all counts-texture, appear- ance, taste and nutrition-proving that you don't have to be a trained expert to be in the blue ribbon class. "What's more,", the judges decided, "such a salad is almost a meal in itself and with a few adaptations can be served all the year around." If you want to give your family a treat, here is the recipe: Chef's Salad Bowl 1 head lettuce, 1 cup diced cucum- ber, 1 green pepper ,cut in narrow strips; 1 cup cooked ham or luncheon meat, cut in strips, 3 hard-cooked eggs, quartered; 2 tomatoes cut in wedges, 112 to 3j4 cup French dress- ing; 1 tablespoon crumbled blue cheese, 1 tablespoon catsup. Break lettuce in bite sizes in salad bowl. Add cucumber, green pepper, ham, eggs and tomatoes. Combine re- maining ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Pour over salad and toss lightly. For a main course or serve in individual dishes. Province to Extend Hospital Facilities A shortage of beds in Ontario public hospitals and sanatoria--which total- led more than 15,000 at the start of 1947-will have been reduced to less than 6,500 in the near future, Hon. Mackinnon Phillips, Minister of Health for the Province, has announ- ced. "The shortage of beds for the acutely ill, chronic and convalescent cases, and tuberculosis patients, has been cut by more than 5,000 in the past four years," 'Dr. Phillips said. "It is in the process of being further alleviated owing to the fact that ac- commodation for an additional 6,000 beds in the form of new buildings and additions to existing hospitals is pre- sently under construction or planned." He pointed out that more than 2,000 beds had been abandoned during the period. The situation in regard to tuber- culosis sanatoria is particularly grat- ifying, the Minister of Health added. A shortage of more than 400 beds which existed at the beginning of 1947 would soon be eliminated, since build- ing accommodation for the needed beds either had been constructed, was under construction or was definitely planned. BIRTHS KING-At the Wingharn General Hospital, on Wednesday, 25, 1951, to Mr, .and Mrs, John King, Teeswater, a son. SMITH-At the Wingham General Hospital, on " Wednesday, July 25, 1961., to Mr. and 'Mrs. Hartley Wingham, a son. WEBSTER-At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, July 26, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Webster, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a son, JAMIESON-At the Wingharn Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, July 27, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. John Jamie- son, Wingham, a son. WILLIAMSON -At the Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, July 27, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Williamson, Ford,vich, a daughter. DINSMORE.--At the Wingham Geri- erai• Hospital, on Tuesday, July 31, 1951, to Mr. ,and Mrs, Carl Dins- more, R. R, 1, Gorrie, a son. MEM TAKE EXHIBITION TILT The Wingham Crossett Mercurys took a 5-3 decision from the St. Thomas team which visited Wing- ham for an exhibition game on Sat- urday night. The game had been postponed from the previous Satur- day evening on account of rain, Th IVIercurys opened in the first frame when Templernan got on first with a walk. Westlake made it two by the end of the inning with his run scored from a walk. Templeman scored his second of the game in the next inning and Hanna brought it up to four from a single, Westlake com- pleted the scoring picture with his run scored from a walk in the fifth. All three St. Thomas runs came in the sixth when Bulmer, Moyse and Campbell crossed the plate. The St. Thomas pitchers gave up four hits, to the Wingham hatters, while Sparrow gave only two. The latter was credited with 13 strike- outs compared with seven for the vis- iting pitchers. IVinglaam-Templeman, l.f.; Crew- son s.s.; Aitchison, 2b; Westlake, 3b.; Sparrow, p; Foxton, r.f,; Edgar, c.; Foster, c.f.; Hanna, lb. St. Thomas-Johnston, r.f.; Stokes, Levigne, l.f.; Bulmer, s.s.; Moyse, lb; Armstrong, c.; Campbell, sb; Cadwell, c.f,; Edwards, 3b; Knight, Haite, MacDonald. p. • WgPNESPATi NIA: MST l, 1951 WINGHAM TAM GONG COUNT FROM RIPLEY Playing an exhibition game at ley last Tuesday night to mark the opening of the floodlighted park in that village, the Crossett MerettrYS pil ed up a big count agairtat an all-star teom from Tiverton, Car- gill, Narva and, Ripley, The final count was 26-5, Sparrow scored a homer in the ninth and McCormick drew first blood for the opposition with his home run in the fifth. Wingham-Sparrow, p; Groves, 0; Hanna, lb; Saxton, 2b; Gardner, 3b.; Sell, a.s.; Templeman, l.f.; Foster, c. f.; Foxton, r,f, Ripley-Needham, p.; Shewfelt, c.; MacDonald, lb; Cassidy, 2b; L. Kun- kel, 3b; Harrison, e.s.; McCormick, 1.f.; Courtney, c.f.; N. Peters and Kunkel, r,f. BEING WORTHY The man who is worthy of being "a leader of men" will never complain about the stupidity of his helpers, the ingratitude of Mankind, nor the inappreciation of the public. These are all part of the great game of life, To meet them and to overcome them, and not to go down before them in disgust, discouragement or 'defeat, that is the final proof of power, Phone 711j1 Whitechurch Ontario • p RESCRIPTION S Are filled in exact accordance toilh , your Physician's wishes AT Kerr's Drug Score NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of FRANCIS WILLIAM GALBRAITH, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farm- er, who died on or about the ninth day of July, 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on or about the fourth day of AugUst 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately thereafter the assets of the estate will be distributed amongst the parties concerned having regard i only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED this 18th day of July, -1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, etc., Brussels, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors 18:25:lb PARTNERSHIP INSURANCE ' Has proved its worth many, many times. CONSULT F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 Radios & Washers REPAIRED GUARANTEED Amon Home Appliances E. SEDDON PHONE 565 WINGHAIVI I