HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-06-27, Page 5METCALFE—In Tomato Sauce 20 Oz. Tin BEANS With Pork 111,0 • DOMESTIC SHORTENING FAIRWIND SOLID WHITE TUNA MAKES 'REFRESHING FREEZES Or ma lige MONARCH MARGARINE DRINKS Lime, so Pkg. Ta 400 1 Lb. Pkg. TOMMY TUCKER 1 Print Lb. in 64 7 Oz. Tin e BASSETT'S—Delicious Candy LICOR/CE ALLSORTS 16 Oz. 4110 Cello 16 Z. JAR tSi;i167. EAD 24 OZ. LOAF 27 310 CLARIC'S ASSORTED HELLMANN'S HOME STYLE SnAlitEl D ESE! G 3 OZ, 2 FOR TINS ItS PILSTM 0 •I BRUNSWICK—IN OIL 13,11DINES 2 for I VeS TIN RICHMELLO S ICE 13 BLUE RIBBON SAL MICE S 16 OZ. JAR 16 Oz. Jar 20 OZ. TIN LEON CHOICE FIE APPLE IMES EET WATERMELON ruEs14 ONTARIO CR1N CAR AGE SIPE TO LEmotis tt."6 530 DOMINION *Tonto M.o. JUICY CALIFORNIA VALENCIA SUNKIST ORANGES 14 oft THE itiotIRA't WEEK END DOZ. SIZE MN'S 25 ATTRACTIVELY' toll/CED 1,43, 50 CELLO 14 OZ. 250 T1 PORTED RED VAM*1 #1iRdtIVE- 4Utdie dAtyltOnrtlA WINCHAM wit 'ambit Timi Bito, Yana' soul Cut Haying Time with a Ferguson Side-Delivery Rake Tractor-mounted, Finger-Tip Controlled and power driven from the take-off, the Verguson Side-Delivery Rake will do a real job in no time fiat. Other- methods of handling the hay crop in the field are antiquated compared with this time and money saving process. ORDER TODAY AT MERKLEY MOTORS PHONE 84 WINGHAM es to runswiek Dining Room Coffee Shop Sunday Dinners being served from 12 - 1.30 and 5 - 7 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 666 Coffee Shop Open Daily.from 7 a.m. Delicious Meals and Sandwiches Special Businessmen's Lunch Daily 50 cents V110111•1.•11111 BA GAINS USED CARS .= 1947 Mercury Maroon DeLuxe Coach - radio 1947 Ford Custom Sedan - clean throughout 1946 Ford Deluxe Coach - A 1 mechanically . 1941 Mercury Blue 5-passenger - mechanically perfect 1940 Chevrolet Black Coach DeLuxe - over- hauled USED TRUCKS 1947 Mercury 1/4-ton Pick-up - new tires, overhauled 1945 G. M. 3-ton Stake - new motor, painted All Above Are Sold Under Guarantee. Inrnmediate Delivery New Units. CARS Prefects and Anglias NEW TRUCKS Vrton Pick-up 1-ton Pick-up 2-ton Chassis 8z Cab 3-ton Chassis & Cab All above are sold tinder gttarantee. HURON MOTORS A. D. MaAVILMAM PHONE 237 'WINGHAM wEENEsEa,.JUNE 21, on THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE .411,4 BLUEVALE Iwere Sunday visitors with Mr. and I JAMESTOWN tending the funeral of the late Mrs, Isabel :Earngey 'on Thursday Were; Mr, and Mrs. Corbett, Durham; Mrs: Hukling and son, 'Harry, Hanover; Mr, and Mrs, Hugh McLean, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McLean, Waterloo; Norman Johnston, Miss Pearl John- ston and Mrs. Victor Shera, Moore- field. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Pritchard of Lon- don, were visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Tom VIttie, Miss Thelma Stafford of Kitchener was also a week-end visitor at the same home. Mr. Ira Hamilton of Toronto, spent Wednesday with relatives here, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Johnston and family of Bluevale, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Ruttan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman, Mr, WORIE. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Mr. and. Mrs. Glad Edgar and Mrs. W, Strong were .1.4 Ayr on Saturday .0,, tending the .Cochrane re-union. Mr. and Mrs, John ,,Gamble, Dr. and Mrs, Whitely attended the Camp meeting near Deemerton on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.- Penrose and Ken, of Hamilton, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glad Ed- gar, Mr. Allis Klinch, con, 2, fell off a load of hay on his farm when the trip rope broke. He suffered a slight con- cussion, Latest reports are his eon, dition is greatly improved. Among those, from a distance at- COLOURED MILD itEW CHEESE BURLINGTON TOMATO SWEET TREAT CATSUP got2ze. 2 for 330 PINEAPPLE FRESHLY GROUND RICHMELLO =SIMS (Assorted Flavours) Lag 960 JELLY POWDERS Pkg. 100 COFFEE b. FOR COLD DRINKS HORSEY—Sweetened REGAL CUPS 10i. no Pkg. a ORANGE JUICEUL 1 80 BROCADE PAPER CLARK'S FANCY SERVIETTES 7:1 ! 170 TOMATO 20 ox, for. 210 DELICIOUS McCORMICK'S BUTTER BIX 'In:, 210 RAM latntle.gn Loaf 530 HORSEY SWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 '.21,1:' 29 Museum To Be Officially Opened Huron Pioneer Museum, Goderich, will be officially opened on Wednes- day afternoon, July 4th. Mr. Thos. Pryde, M.P.P., will cut the ribbon. An invitation is extended to all public spirited citizens especially to school teachers, school boards, and Women's Institute members. Primary purpose of the Museum is educational. Visiting Curators from other museums have unanimously stated that Huron has the best collection of pioneer tools in Ontario. This should be of special interest to Howick residents as Mr. Herb Neill, curator started the nuc- leus of this museum in Gorrie. Improvements About Town School Zone signs have been placed on the main street at the Southern entrance to the village, which it is hoped will prevent speeding and the hazard to children crossing the street. Other improvements noticed have been a fresh coat of paint on the exterior of the Community hall, a new cement walk and a sign "Community Hall," Anglican Chinch News Service will be resumed in the An- glican churches in Gorrie, Fordwich and Wroxeter on Sunday, July 1st., at the regular hours, with the rector, Rev. G. D. Vogan in charge. 'Woman's. Auxiliary On Thursday afternoon members of St. Stephens W, 4, met at the home of Mrs. M. Gilkinson and packed clothing for the Indian Residential school at Cardston, Alberta, and for the Mohawk Institute at Brantford. The clothing for the school at Card- ston, included a new outfit for a girl of 10 for a year, and also good used clothing. A short business and devot- ional meeting was held, followed by refreshments, Pennell - Downey A quiet but pretty wedding took place at 8 pan on Saturday, June 28rd., at the Anglican rectory, Wind- sore Rev, M. C. Davies, officiating, When Marion Kathryn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Downey of Ger- rie, was united in marriage to Wray William Pennell, son of Mr. and Mrs. WM. Pennell of Kincardine. The bride Was very attractive in a dress of flowered silk nylon with white accessories. Mrs. Russel Lane of Tillsonburg, sister of the bride, and Mr. Glenn Pennell of Windsor, brother of the groom were attendants, Mrs. Russel Lane was in a costume of grey silk crepe with white accessories, The bride arid groom will reside in Strong y Arthur returned home from Toronto with Dr. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Carbert and Miss Car- nert of Wingham, formerly of Mit- chell, visited their relatives, Mrs. Edith Curtis and Miss Margaret Curtis. The bride was charming in a street- length dress of white lace over taf- feta, with white picture hat and white accessories. She wore a corsage of deep pink roses. Her only attendant was Miss Lorna Ellis, dressed in pink lace over taffeta, pink picture hat, pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Clifford Reddon of Howick. Receiving at the Legion Hall, Mrs. Arthurs wore grey figured silk, white accessories and corsage of deep pink roses. Mrs. Strong chose powder blue faille, lace trimmed, with white acces- sories and corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Strong left on a honeymoon to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. The bride travelled '14--66t pink gabardine suit with white accessorie* Mrs. Isabel Earngey Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at the Edgar funeral home for Mrs. Isabel Earn- gey, with Rev. J. Robert Watt in charge. Mrs. Earngey, a former resi- dent of Gorrie, passed away Tuesday morning at the borne of her daugh- or and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Law- rence Short in Fergus, after a long illness. She was born in Howick Township, on the 9th con., a daughter of the late Duncan McLean and May Hal- liday. At an early age the family moved to Harriston, where Mrs. Earngey lived for some time. Later she resided in Toronto. In January, 1907 she was united in marriage to Wm. Earngey, of Gorrie, and came to live here. Her husband prede- ceased her in 1937, Three years ago, owing to ill health, she went to Fer- gus, where she has since made her home with her daughter, A member of the United Church, she was a kindly neighbor and before illness prevented, an active member of the Women's Institute, being pre- sident for some time. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. L. (Mento) Short, and one son, Joe, of Hanover, three grandchildren and one brother, Hugh McLean, Listowel, Interment was in the Gorrie ceme- tery. Pallbearers were: Jas. Shera, Ben Maguire, Lorne Walker, Norman Wade, August Keil and Dick Carson. Women's Institute An interesting feature of the June meeting of the Gorrie W. I. at the home of Mrs, Sandy Edgar, on Tues- day, June 19th., was Mrs. Pearl Kaine's account of her five month's visit to California and Mexico, Mrs, Kaine took the route throughout the state of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kan- SUS, Oklahoma, Aritona and 'New Mexico, travelling on the luxurious streamlined coaches Of the Sunset Limited, and returning by the coastal route and Western Canada, She told of the Rose Parade in Pasadena, en New Year's Day and of Mrs Joe Horton. ris Bosman in Wawanosh. Mrs. Archie Messer and daughter, Margaret, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Elliott. Mrs, Cecil Griffith, Brampton, is with her sister, Mrs. Charles Bosman, and nursing Mr. Henry Bosman, who recently suffered a stroke of paraly- sis. Miss Sanderson, Miss May Orr and Miss Jean Gordon, Toronto, are holi- daying at the Sanderson home here. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Messer and daughter, Betty, Toronto, who have spent the last few years at their end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John K. MacTavish and Mr. and Mrs, R. H, McKinnon, Mr, and Mrs. Spence McKinnon, Georgetown, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. Norman Hoover and daughter, Silvia, Brussels, visited her friend, Garden Party .. Despite a threatening storm of rain, hail, thunder, lightning and wind there was a good attendance at the garden party at the United Church under the auspices of the Women's Association. Following a cold meat supper, served in the Sunday School room, a variety programme was pre- sented in the community hall, with Rev. R. A. Brook acting as chairman. The program consisted of a playette entitled "The Party Line," and a skit by Mr. and Mrs. George Hethering- ton;( vocal solos and male quartettes, also instrumental selections, reading by Mrs. Stewart McNaughton and Mrs. Gordon Greig. Newlyweds Honored A good crowd of friends and neigh- hors gathered at the community hall in Bluevale last Friday night for the presentation i n honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nicholson (nee Roma Breckenridge) who were recently married. Miss Viola Bradshaw spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell in Bluevale. Mr, John Snell underwent an oper- ation in the Wingham General Hos- pital. His many friends wish for him Radios & Washers REPAIRED GUARANTEED SERVICE Home Appliances E. SEDDON PHONE 505 WINGHAM a speedy recovery, Quite a number of the children in the community have had the measles Glenn, son of Mr. and Mrs, Law- rence Plant and Paul, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Thornnson, under- went operations for the removal of their tonsils. SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP Meals = Fountain Service North of Lyceum Theatre Wingham, Ontario Sewing Wanted DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS Done by EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS QUICK SERVICE RATES REASONABLE PHONE 602 w 12 LB 490 20 Ox. Tin120 JUICE and Mrs, Jim Doig, Mr. and Mrs-170y Dowdy and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dowdy attended the tenth wedding anniversary celebration. of Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Johnston on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Downey, Harriston, Miss marion Downey, .Kit- Owner, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Downey on Sunday, June 17th. Mrs. Russel Lane, Tillsonburg, has returned to her home after visit- ing with her parents for almost two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Hyndman and Mr, and Mrs, John Toner spent last week-end in Toronto. Mr, and. Mrs. Wm. Bolton and Pat- ricia, and Mr, and Mrs, George Anger, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Daily of Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Dane, Carol and David, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Wade on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Turney and children of Kenilworth, Mr. and Mrs, Claude Witherow and family, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hermiston and. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Witherow of Normanby, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong. A number of Howick Junior Far- mers and Jr. Institute members were at the 0.A.C„ Guelph, where the Jr. Farmers' Field Day was held on Sat- urday. • Congratulations to George Gregg who has received 'word that he has successfully passed his first year ex- aminations at Toronto University. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King, Mr. and Mrs. Earl King spent the week-end in Detroit, where they were guests at the marriage of Mr. EdWard King to Miss Caroline Orr, both of Detroit, Mr, Edward King is a son of Mr. and Mrs.! Ernest King Jr., of Kingsville. Mr. and Mrs. Knowison Elliott of Toronto, have been visiting friends here for the past week, A number from here attended the Masonic Church service held in the Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, on Sunday evening, at which Rev, J. J. Robt. Watt was the preacher, nowiek Lions Club Elects Officers At the season's closing meeting held in Fordwich on June 21st., the How- ick Lions elected the following offic- ers for the ensuing year: President, Clifford Walmsley; 1st. Vice Pres., Harvey IVIeDermitt; 2nd. Vice-Pres., Gordon Gibson; 3rd. Vice-Pres., Harry Hastie; Secretary, Hector Knight; Treasurer, Roy Hunter; Directors for one year, Dick Carson, Gordon Edgar; two years, Stan. Bride, Pete Dobson; Tail Twister, Ken Edgar, Lion Tamer, Gilbert Howes. Mr, and Mrs.. Milton Fraser .aecern- - JAck,. on a week-end visit to Niagara and • • Mrs, • - • Be 1 !mop* at Dunnville, panted their daughter, Mrs. Cox a and an. s,l‘pTesrir,t11:sir:t4494;4"..w-11;744C usTtiastff°4r:d1: Falls and with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turvey were Mr, and Mrs, Charles Hoffman Sun- Joyce, attended a Private service at day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- t 1 e Creditors cemetery, Mra.Rreldmiten and Mrs D. s,maNg4toattrdedtev4, en's Institute meeting at Gleneden, near Mount Forest, where Mrs, Mae- Naughton spoke on the subject of "Home and Country", Both ladies contributed vocal selections to the program, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling„ Jim and Hairy, also Mr. George Newmans visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Newmans at Windsor. Mr Newmans will remain for an extended" visit with his son, Lorne and Mrs. Newmans, Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Shaw, Tor- onto, visited the former's mother, summer home here, sailed this week Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Mr. Ralph Shaw for the Old Country, for a two mon- th's holiday, They expect to visit Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland and France, Mrs, R. A, Brook is spending this week with her daughter in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mann and fam- ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allridge at Fordwich, Mrs, Isabel Yeomans, her son, Jim, Mr. and Mrs, John Portland, Col- Mrs, Yeomans and two children of lingwood, Mrs, A. Armstrong and Detroit, visited with her sister, Mrs. Dune. McKinnon, Brussels were week- P. S. McEwan and Mrs. Lamont, and brother, Dougall Strachan. Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie, Seaforth, spent Friday with their cousins, Mrs. R. F. Garniss and Miss Olive Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Hallahan of Kerwood, were recent visitors with Mr. and Miss Margaret Curtis. Mrs. Charles Hoffman. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Haye and family of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Agar. Mrs. Scott and daughter of Clifford, A large number of relatives and friends gatherdd at the community hail this week to honor Mr. Gordon Nicholson and his bride, the former I Miss Roma Breckenridge, daughter ; of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Breckenridge, 1st. line of Morris. A complimentary address was read by Mrs. W. J. Pea-1 I cock and a sum of money was pre- ! dented. The Farm Forum, of which Miss Breckenridge had been a valued 1 member presented the young couple with a handsome electric lamp an•1 card table, Personal gifts included an electric iron, chenille bedspread, wool- len and flannelette blankets, sheets and pillow cases, Mr. and Afrs. Nich- olson expressed their appreciation. I Lunch was served and dancing en- joyed to music supplied by Tiffin's Orchestra. Lodge Attends Church Forest Lodge No. 162, Wroxeter A. F, & A. M., G.R.C., held special !Divine Service in Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, on Sunday even- ing. Rev. J. R. Watt, B. A., B. D„ of Gorrie, was the guest speaker, using ' "Love" as the theme of his sermon, • based on a portion of the 13th chap- ; ter of I Corinthians. A choir compos- ed of Masons led the service of song I and two quartettes were sung by Messrs. Carson, Gibson, Howes and Robinson. Members were present from neighbouring lodges and joined in the procession to the church, Mr. Robert Bissett, of Goderich, had charge of the morning service at Knox Presbyterian Church. His sub- ject was "A Living Church" as defin- ed in Paul's letter to the Ephesians, and compared it with the church of today. Laides' Aid Mrs. R, J. McMurray was the hos- I toss this week for the June meeting of the Morris group of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church, The president, Mrs. Bill Elston pre- sided and after singing a hymn, led in prayer. Mrs, Bernard Thomas read a passage of scripture, The report of the secretary-treasurer, was given, followed by business discussion, There were eight ladies present, who spent the afternoon doing custom quilting. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Harry Elliott arranged the programme for the monthly meeting of the Triple Group of the Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. Oly Moffatt. afitltetnildeinItg oltyh‘evooEdaste8rowsiunraiste 0sela7liyiec:r lVfes. J. J. Elliott led In prayer and Mrs. Raymond Elliott read a scrip- where 75,000 calla lilies were used in Wm passage from the Psalms. Mts. decorating. Los Angeles has num- E. Nichol reported the purchase and trona bridges but rivers are dry ex- Sale of Every Day cards, It was de= in rainy season. A trip by plane side to continue with the project. to Mexico City was also enjoyed, Mrs, Cecil Wilson reported On the district annual. Thd mud was pre- pared by Miss Margaret bane, on "No One Cets tndigostion from 'Eat* A quiet but pretty wedding took frig Iltutibld t)16,” Roll call was "A phide at the United ChUrch household pest and its controLo A Ilarriston, Saturday, dune 16th,, social half hour was enjoyed with when the Rev, 13.:E, Newhhatis united Mrs. Wra dregg, Mrs, S. lintelilatni In Marriage, behna Ruth, youngest 'and the hostess serving refteshirients, daughter of Mt, and 11/ts, Earning tinti olig at this btliett Aookloo *bre Arthurs of Efeviri to Charles Stetvittrt Mrs', gifting and Mfg, isefdy Strong, son of Mr, and Mia, 11, Ashton. A donation of $2,0 Was rioted Strong of C4Ortle, the Witigbatit d(itietal #611111titt• Piano duets wore played by Eleanor- Smith and Etoille Moffatt and by Mrs, 0, B. Moffatt and Eleanor. The presiding officer conducted a contest, "A Musical Romance" with Mrs, Vof. fait playing the requited musical ninbers, 'Mrs, Mary McKinney and Mrs, Leslie Greenaway tied, winning 18 Correct answers out of a feasible of 19, IVira,Ii ',ns Mra, Adair and Mrs, )J01%6 Moffatt, assisted the hoS, teas with serving lunch, boring the afternoon the ladies out quilt patches,