HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-06-27, Page 4iii GUAM TRUST CERTIFICATES O INDIANS soLio UtleiS Although thp game and fish laws Prohibit the white man from killing frogs during the month of April and May, this regulation and measure of conservation does not affect the In- diana, The Red Skins therefore take full advantage of their right and privilege of catching the croakers when they first emerge from their winter's sleep in the mud beds of creeks and swamps, which is incaba, tion and pollywog time, That they are successful in the hunt for the hop, pers was evidenced on Wednesday of this week when a trio of residents of the Saugeen Reserve visited the Coun- ty Town selling frog legs at fifty cents per dozen, They encountered willing purchasers, being soon sold out and a dish of frog legs was on the menu in many Walkerton homes that night,-.Walkerton, Herald-Times. Three-fourths of the nitrogen, three fourths of the phosphorous, nine- tenths of the potash and two-fifths of the organic matter in feed later turn up in manure, ,Shelling corn instead of rstoring It in a bin saves storage space. A hOtgreP. Sheller now made by New nollart4, Pa., firm is the first to combine both husking and shelling in one automatic operation. Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP for - Smokers' SUNDRIES MAGAZINES SOFT DRINKS 400 QUADS TO CHARM TELEVIEWERS C tht"4 FOR MORE SAFETY The life, wear and safety of your car depends on careful, expert lubrication for top car performance. Let us lubricate your car thorough- ly for smoother driving. .0 Wingham Motors Telephone 139 Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks CWAC's TO GATHER FOIL WINNIPEG MEETING Former members of the Canadian Women's Army Corps will gather at Winnipeg from all points of Canada and the United States on August 25 and 26 to attend th CWAC 2nd Nat- ional Reunion. The reunion is being sponsoredyiY the Ex-CWAC Association of Winni- peg, whose president is Miss Francis Aitkenhead. "We are expecting" a good attend- ance at the 2nd reunion", Miss Ait- kenhead said, "particularly in view of the fact the Canadian Women are once more returning to Active service' with the armed forces." In view of this; thessociation will be- —Central Press Canadian Canada's famous four, the Hargreaves quadruplets, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. are shown with theft' parents, en route to Montreal for a television show, The girls, who tip the scans at about 23 pounds, are a healthy brood, whose favorite pastime is ce.Ing, Typical girls in their love of pretty clothes, the quads have tastes in toys, pre. ferring to play with their mothers' cake tins and saucepans. come an increasingly important or- ganization in Canada and a proposal for a national charter will therefore be submitted to the convention, Every former member of the CWAC who can attend will be warmly wel- comed by the Winnipeg members who are sponsoring the convention", ForSummer Homes and Cottages.— dram cold Or out of room —sends for air in tea re. plate in,read of heating ounnic—girculares air— save, fuel—no more cold evening, at cottage rm. TWEED STEEL WORKS LIMITED tlhgg. ). TWEED, Oblt.i. 0 a O LET US YOUR CAR O .1v I =t0 "'''=0=6)====t01:401 101L=It) i0=10 You SA ire n either of these r , Loa,' . S t re .Tax Prices trziria).\ lorzogitr ''ELECTRIC RANGE MODEL E4C. \Ow \k‘ms0.00 MODEL SD.85 With all the extra space available inside this beautiful refrig you can buy food in quantity, save extra trips to the store and keep the food freah inuoh longer. COME IN SOON AND SEE: The"Night Watchman"—every midnight it automatically defrosts for you! The greatest single improvement since the days of the "Ice Box". ' The giant side freezer. The Itatidefrester—it's exclusive! The Tiitabin for staple food storage. See alt these and many more exclusive features in the great new Addison-Norge refrigerator. The Addisomhlortje lads the Roliator Coldrnalter—only three moving -ports—for completely trouble,free operation. WITH .Ca'hviiitent - Ibudget terms easily aftansjo 8% Cu. ft. (tlaek-linior and deep. livalf t baker tiara) lg. "Tailored" heat by the 7,speeti .{a-Zwitch control. Ow Rapid heating Chromafox * 'releaser) electric clock timer, Ir. Six-sided Oven insulatioh. 111-Lo burner transforms stove ,raor unit to 3-burner stove with deep-well cookt.". ,t O. 2 utensil drawers. la. Warming Oven. Get all these features and many more in the Model E40 electric range, I3 or safe, clean, inexpensive cooking there is not a fitter range On the market, tocky,, Convenient bodge( (MIAS arranged For further information Phone 474, CALVIN 1111111LKE We Solve All your Electrical Problems, ro WIN AM ss ONTARIO THE WINGIJAM ADVANCE-TIMES rAtop...F.'01:113 .wcion$R"..PNE A'rr 1904 WHY CAN'T _ . STAY? In the story "Why Can't Sammy Stay" on the radio program Al Aboard for Adventure heard. Sunday at 121.5 CHNN you will hear abou some people ivito move about harvest- ing the crops. Iiere is another story about them. It tells of a traveling Christmas tree, The Christmas tree in this story traveled from the woods to the store, as usual. Then it was set in a Sunday school room for the Christ- mas celebration. One of the people vamp? I visit half a dozen camps, and there isn't a Christmas tree among them," "It's yours tomorrow," the super- intkndent said, "1 think that Edward 0, ORVAK9 JIWEN "The U. S. Post Office operates at An annual deficit of 8500,000,000; in contrast, Canada's. Post Office breaks. zwarly even--and gets .critizeci for ec- onomy measures." --Deputy Postmas- ter General Walter Turnbull. The stroke of a whale's tall, which can smash even a large boat, is the fiercest blow that can be struck by any animal. gurvocrwirtioroullorifortimirmIlliumile. MR. A. RUBIN , COMPANY ill ii ; for Appointment or Write • 508 Bathurst Street, Toronto kJ -T411111111411111111111;111;1111111;1111111111M1111111110 1. Short Term-5 years 2, 31/2 % interest payable half yearly 3. Principal and interest uncon- ditionally guaranteed 4. Authorized investment for Trust Funds 5. No fluctuation in Principal 6, Amounts of $100.00 and up may be invested THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 't Head Office 372 Bay St., Toronto Better living today can be had with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM . . enjoy all the comforts of a modern home in the kitchen . . . bathroom . . laundry. Running water means precious hours saved anti needed hands released for other household tasks. No matter where you live you can have the many advantages of run- ning water on the farm . . . and nothing can do more to provide more modern and healthier living for your install the BEST install a DURO. There is a DURO shallow or deep well — barns stables — truck gardens . PROTECTION for all your buildings. and besides it provides you with FIRE pump for all your farm needs . house EIVICO FIXTURES and FITTINGS You ran easily rte. model your kitchen, bathrOOm and Mandry with Fixtures and Pitting are, feet the health of your family, See Us TODAY ttsin .4.6„akx Howard Machan Phone 85 Winghaln EMPIRE BRASS MFG CO. LIMED tall c5t4 RAMILION Vt. OArtlAttihitt roRoNto tItlietyRy 'WINNIPEG 4 VANCOUVER 1 here and three other fellows would ' like to go out with you and sing." Late the nest afternoon the four boys, the missionary, and the travel- ; 1; jug Christmas tree started out in the. • " ear. "We're going' to the orange tH groves," the missionary said. "Most of the philters are Me deans, They live in cabins at one side of the grove, It's pretty crowded, hut there is one • vacant cabin. The owner said we could have that for our Sunday school. Tonight there will be a crowd." The boys and the missionary got singing together as they drove the cry tooted his horn, Children came running down the road, following the i car to the vacant cabin, Everybody laughed and talked, in Spanish and English. The boys and the missionary unloaded the Christians tree, and in time at all it was standing up- right in the corner of the cabin. Its decorations winked in the light of the one bulb the missionary had brought and screwed into an empty socket. The missionary talked in Spanish. The men stood against the wall, the women and the little children sat on benches, and some of the children sat on the floor. They all gazed with wide dark eyes at the missionary as he told the Christmas story. The mis- sionary begain to sing a carol in Spanish and the Mexicans joined in.1 The boys sang their songs and sonic of the children sang with them. But the missionary could not stay long because there were two other camps to visit. The Christmas tree was put back into the car and off rattled the automobile up the dirt road to the highway. The second camp was different and the third more different still, but in each the Christmas tree was wel- comed. It was late when the last goodbyes were said and the boys and the missionary got into the car to I go home. Edward said, "I'd like to take the Christmas tree and stand it up again in front of our Sunday school next Sunday and tell the school where it's been and what it has seen. I don't1 believe our Sunday school knows about those people we saw." THE MIGRANTS "I don't believe many people know of them, though every day they eat the fruit and vegetables picked by the'se migrants," said "the missionary. 1"And here are some more things you can tell them, besides what you have seen. These pickers, and thousands of others like them, are on the move most of the year. They pick oranges 'in the South in the winter, As other vegetables and fruits get ripe in the North, they move up there. Some- ; times they live in tents, or rig up 1 some kind of shelter the best way they can, Both the mothers and Path- , ers have to work because the pay is so low. That means there is no one to take care of the babies and little children. They are miles from a doe-, tor. The children can't go to school regularly for the family moves so often, As soon as one crop is picked they go somewhere else. "But the churches are trying to help. The different denominations work together in their plans for help-I ing the migrant laborers. In some of the camps we have a children's work- er who has a Bible story hour, and classes, and playtime, and games. We have a trained nurse who goes from one camp to another to look after anyone who is sick, We help the fathers and mothers learn how to bring up the children better. We get the owners to make the houses more comfortable. "But even at the best, it's no sort of way for families to live. They need comfortable and healthy homes, They need more pay so they can pro- vide for themselves, The boys and girls ought to be able to go regularly to school and Sunday school, The migrant people who pick our food for us deserve a better chance in life." "I'll tell it all when / show the traveling Christmas tree" Said :td- ward. Fifty-three eotinttlea Maintaiti loinatio representation in Canada, 'rd. fleeting. the Dominion's growing world importance. Sk• innymen,wo, en gain5,109 15Ibs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor what IT, thrilif nom" nthb9 1111 out: ugly boh, lotus Ile 'um melt Mt 10 0501 Warm,: body loses half-atotved, sickly "bean-nolc" look, Thou. finnds or girls; tromelr, Men, echo rioter Could pin be. fere• are UT? Droud se lioalthy-lookfnig bodies. They'thank the Aso. clam rIger.bultditur, flesh. building tome, ostror, Iha tonics, stImulants,1nidger0 tors, Iton, vitamin aunt, entielt blood, finorova lavate end digestion so food gives Oa more strength and nourishoiont: OM flesh on ban !weir 4 et LOvely Carved 1)Ou't fear '-,n,:700 fit, sun) 111.en en'te gained the 5, 10. 18 er 28 lbs. you n5t,t1 for normal tonight, Costs little, New "get aMtultritecr' sl:e only 00e. 5‘15, (about ()gm,: tfalAntl Ng nog vigor anda (Idea Dalgdi,11,1,5 vier day, At Ill titagibta., j missionarY. His. special task was to i By and by the missionary's : FAMOUS FUR =- help the fruit pickers and Nnetable '. swung onto a dirt road. Down ..... ranches and farms up the valley. He i There were small square windows in i 1950 D esigns N ow Being shown # .1 asked the Sunday School SuPerinten- each of them and through the ugly, i Individually fitted and styled. fit; dent, "When you have finished with i unshaded glass the boys could see ! that Christmas tree, may I have it ro single electric light bulbs hanging iii- Several fittings at no additional a ; charge. -, take out to my people at the pickers' " down from the ceiling. The mission, jq i Ca 276J, Wingharn o who came to that celebration was a thirty miles to the first camp. car the harvesters who worked on th e big road there was a row of little houses.