HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-06-13, Page 4:Bedtime Sot. e , HERE IS THE ANSWER ! Below we list the results of a public opinion poll conducted in Wingham with- in the past two weeks by the Recreation Council Yes No Kinsmen Club 23 0 Lions Club 34 9 Parents of Public School Children 149 28 The "Yes" votes are those ,of the people who favour the continuance of organized recreation in this town. Is there any room for doubt ? Wingham Recreation Council g,1111111 1111111 •111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111ffin111111111111111111111111111111111114 P1 I I, lq p but here are some values !fi Better Summer Dresses, reg. 'up to $21.95 . Now $9.00 The Best Gabardine Suits reg. $60.00 Now $49.95 Girls Summer Dresses, 7 = 14, Prints, Chambrays and Ginghams . Special Prices 100 Yards Summer Ginghams, reg. up to $1.49 yd. ....Now 83c yd. elwood's N "Quality and Service" N Phone 414 Wingham aunimagimonititilicirmnammtoonowitactocohnimolionai III p it 0 P1 P 0 51 fd you won't want to miss: e're Not Macysl P1 P N p N N N P1 P1 N P U I P N rAOE /eV "--"' THE mallowm ApVANCE,TIME WEDNESDAY' JUNE A OP FOR SALE—gemnants cif F1014 Covering from 1. to 3 yds. - FOR SALE—Good quality red pure- specialty priced, ViTelwood'S. bred Shorthorn bull, of serviceable 13b on't Snooze before Y A ou Answer that Ad ) Mr, leAle aXa,rnddeerr PavpidSia0Vso" n passed age, Priced right. Phone Robert Wood, Loakelet, ,Ont. phone Clifford 1741, 613X, YOU WILL ENJOY wearing Fisher Burpe Elastic Hosiery. They wear well and are inexpensive. MeKib- hori's Drug Store. 613b FOR FLOOR SANDING and FIN- inshing, carpentry, repair work and cabinets. Apply A. Green, Phone 464W, rrx SELL YOUR 1-'0ULTRY the Co- op. way. Call 271 for prices and trucking service. Our prices ar e good. WHY HAVE MOTH L)AMAGE in pair clothing: Have dam DER- LOU' moth-proofed NN, ith a 5-year written eautrantee at a small addi- tonal charge. Odorless and stain- less. Templentan Dry Cleaners, Wingham, phone 323, ' F7 r20 WE FEATURE Ottawa Truss Co. El- astic Trusses and assure you ...43f complete satisfaction. McKibbon's Drug Store, 613b FOR SALE—One M.-H, hay loader, one dump rake, one wagon box, 100 cement blocks, J, Dinsmore, 31-16, Wroxeter. 13* FOR SALE—Folding baby carriage in good condition. Maroon with white lining, Also runners for win- ter use. Phone 129. 13b FOR SALE—Congoleum 2 and 3 yds. wide, Marboleum Inlaid-8 colours M stock - ask for an estimate for your kitchen. Wellwood's 13b FOR SALE-400 bushels Ajax oats, Apply to Harry McClenaghan, Bel- grave, phone 618W12. 13b FOR SALE—Six-piece dinette suite, walnut finish, in good condition. Phone 679W. 13b WATERLOO ,M.M, TRACTORS & MACHINERY Used Internation W-9 Used Massey-Harris 22 Used Waterloo Model R Used MM six-foot Combine All sizes of New Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. Tractor Power Mowers Side Delivery Rakes Four and six-foot Tillers. Ebersol "Wonder Electric Hammer Mills with the new type hammers. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL APPLI- ANCES Radios and Radios with Record Players. Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers, Electric Shavers, etc. Used Electrical Appliances. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ont. Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 Itiltft *ND MUM OM 1601011 4011I FOR SALE—Brand new Beatty bull pen 1041 feet, complete with gate- posts and gate fittings, corner manger, stanchion, and eed gate on corner manger, Has two aides and is intended to fit in corner of stable, Never been unpacked. Will sell for $125.00. Also Cockshutt foot horse-drawn mower in excel' lent condition, Apply to Wesley Osborne, R.R. 3 phone 81r4, Ripley. S320x FOR SALE—Jig Saw, complete with motor and stand. Apply to C. Kel- ly. Belgrave, call Brussels 77r5. 13b DAD will appreciate a fresh box of Laura. Secord Candy on Father's Day. Kerr's Drug barn. 13b FOR SALE—Cabin trailer in good condition; equipped for light house- keeping; sleeping accommodation for four. Apply to Mrs. Laura Johnston, Minnie St„ phone 32. 13x KITCHENER Big - 4 Hatchery has chicks available. Mixed; pullets, and broiler chicks. Some started, Ask us for spring-summer prices. Agent Wilbur A. Hogg, RR4 Wingharo, 13b FOR SALE—Dining-room suite. Wal- nut, Good condition, Also Ches- terfield and chair. Call 107, Wing- hero. 13b FOR SALE—Two-burner white enam- el rangette. Phone 648w4. 1320x FOR SALE—Quarter-cut oak dining room suite, buffet, extension table, five dining chairs and one arm chair; also large extension table. Apply Mundy's Grocery. 13x FOR SALE—Front door with glass and hardware complete; also screen door with hardware complete. Cheap for quick sale, Phone 101. 13b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-24 weaning pigs. Lloyd Montgomery, Wingham, Phone 743J1, 13b CHIMNEYS—Get your order in for a Selkirk Insulated Steel Chimney that will last for a lifetime. Write Linus Schaefer, R.R. 3, Mildmay, or phone 44r31. 613b FOR SALE—Eight pigs (chunks). Apply Jos. H. Smith, Bluevale. 13b CARS FOR SALE F,OR, SALE-1932 Harley Davidson 74 motorcycle, windshield, saddle bags, lights, buddy seat, etc. 400 miles since major overhaul and paint job. Price $250.00. Walter Renwick, telephone 2r11, Belmore, 13x FOR SALE--1950 Austin Sedan in ex- cellent condition, Cash, trade or terms. Apply Fred Tucker, phone 315W. 613b FOR SALE-1941 Mercury Sedan with built-in radio and heater. Pric- ed for quick sale at $500. Phone Jack Brophy, 335, Wingham. 13b FOR SALE-1947 Chevrolet Sedan in excellent condition, low mileage, un- dercoated, radio, heater. Priced to sell immediately, George King, Teeswater. 13b FOR SALE-1927 Chevrolet Sedan in good running condition. Good tires, Just the car for economical trans- portation. Priced to sell, Apply to Garnet Farrier, Whitechurch, phone 711J1, Wingham, 613b BOATS oFOR SALE-1 - 31/2 H.P, Mercury Outboard Motor, 1951 Model; 1 - 10 H.P. Mercury Hurricane Motor, 1951 Model, Apply N. D. Cameron, Miller Wholesale Ltd., Wingham, phone 543. ROOFING ETC. ROOFING and Eavestroughing — Roofs of all kinds put on and re- paired. Eavestroughing expertly done. Rates reasonable. Michael Willie, Wingham. Phone 476W, 132027x REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Small farm for sale, 47 acres, almost all workable, close to town on Highway 86. Good Instil- brick six-room house with sun porch, bank barn, good stabling, driving shed, garage and pig pen. All in good repair, with water and hydro, Four acres good wheat. Possession one month. All for $7,000. For further particulars see Cecil Wheeler, realtor, box 55, tjyth. Ont„ or phone 88. 13x FOR RENT SMALL COTTAGE TO RENT at Blair's Grove, eight miles South of Kincardine, July and Auguat, Rev. j. tire Stewart, Woodstock, tgle- phone BurgessVille 25 ring al, 18t20:27 COTTAGE IVOR RE,Nt—At Kincar- dine, y4r mile north of Beller Beach. All inside tonVenienees. Apply J. 0, tegatt, phone 393W, Wingham, 13,t FOR SAI/E HELP WANTED—FEMALE SALESLADY OR MAN WANTED to show and display British Knitwear in Wingham, and District, Ladies Made-to-measure Suits and Preasee,. Riven and. Nylon. Lingerie. Child ren's wear, Men's Sweaters and socks. Further information, write Walter M, Yenien, Sales $upervippp, 3641a Dundas, St., London, 23:30;6:13b WANTED—Middle-aged lady for light housekeeping and care for elderly lady. Apply Advance-Times, Box 60, 23:30* WANTED DISHWASHER wanted. Apply to J. Thyssen, Hotel Brunswick, Wing- ham. 13b WANTED—Bookkeeper, male or fe- male, able to handle cash and meet the public. Apply in writing, stating experience and wages ex- pected, to Box 65, Advance-Times, 1320x MUSIC TEACHER Applications will be received for a music teacher for the four rooms of the Lucknow Public School. Apply stating experience and salary ex- pected. Lucknow Public School Board, Donald Henderson, Sec'y., Lucknow, Ontario. 13b WANTED TO RENT OR BUY— Modern 6-room house in Wingham. Apply in writing to Box 66, Ad- van ce-Times. 13* WANTED—a used tricycle in good condition, for child four to six, Mrs. Ray Gibbings, Phone 687M. ROOM WANTED for single man. No board required. Call 666, Wing- ham, 13b DEAD ANIMALS 'removed—Cattle and horses, prompt pick-up. Live horses fit for mink feed up to $40 at the farm. We pay good prices for hides, wool, horsehair, etc. C. Brubaker, R.R. 4, Wingham, Phone 608W1. 132027x AUCTION SALE of PROPERTY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the late Mrs. Thomas Noble, in the VILLAGE OF BLYTR on SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 1951 at 2 p.m. The property consists of a seven- room frame house with bath, hard- wood floors, built-in cupboards, base- ment,, hard and soft water; stable; four lots, garden, small fruits; also household furnishings including ches- terfield suite, dining room suite; ex- tension table and chairs, china cabi- net and buffet, coal or wood range, Quebec heater, coal oil stove, small tables, couches, spool bed, springs and mattress, three beds complete, dress- ers, washstands, cabinet phonograph, piano cased organ and many other articles. TERMS The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Terms to be made known on day of sale. Chattels cash. MRS. C, RATH, Belgrave, Prop. WM, H. MORRITT, Auctioneer, 13b CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to all friends and neighbours who in so many ways remembered me during my recent illness. J, H. Smith, Bluevale, 13b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. J. Gallaher wishes to ex- press sincere appreciation for the kindness and sympathy shown by neighbours and friends in her re- cent bereavement, 13x CARD OF THANKS We would like, at this time, to thank our friends and neighbours, especially Mr, Coyle, Dr. Corrin and the nurses of Wingham Hospital, who Were so kind to Mother during her illness„ and to us during our recent bereavement.—Iona and Ray Gibbings, and Clare Cluchey, 13x IN MEMORIAM MONTGOMERY—In loving mernora of a dear son and brother, Jack, who passed away four years ago, June lath, 1947. We think of him in silence, His name we oft recall, There is nothing left to answer, But his picture on the wall. —Sadly missed by Mother, Dad and Brothers, 13x away suddenly on June 4th, At. his home. in Hannon. The late Mr. Pavid, son was in his 73rd, year, and is par, Yived by his wife, formerly Mande Henderson, and one claeghter. Mrs. Morley (Louise) Fletcher, .also three sisters and one brother, Walt e r, Regina; Mrs. Andrew .Leggatt, Hams liton; Mrs. Joseph Smith, Turnberry; Mrs. H. B, Elliott of Wingham. The latter three attended the funeral from Hannon United Church, last Thurs- day, BELGRAVE Belgrave and Black United Churches On Sunday, June 17th, there will be no service at Beigrave. Sunday School will be held et the usual hour, 10.15 a.m, Brick Church Anniversary services will be held at 11 a,m, and 8 p.m. The guest preacher ',yin be Roy, Charles J. Scott, B.A., 1.3.D„ of Blyth, at both services, There will be a children% choir in the morning, The children will sing three chorus- es. In the evening the Westfield quartet will render special music. De- corations of a special design will be worked out and the morning service will combine the ideas of anniversary and flower Sunday, It is hoped that a large attendance will be present. Billie Hutton of Wingham, spent last week with Mr. and' Mrs. Jas, Leitch. Mr. Percy McLean left last ,week district, osped a month in the Muskoka Mr. and Mrs. Noble Young of Gode- rich visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.. J. McBurney. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Thompson and family and Mrs. Joe Thompson of Tillsonburg, spent the week-end with Wawanosh relatives, Mrs. Joe Thomp- son has just returned from a two weeks' trip to Kansas City. Little Sharon Varley had her ton- sils removed in Wingham .General Hospital, Mr. Jack Anderson is a, patient in Westminster Hospital, Londin. Mr. and Mrs. Art Scott and family, visited with his mother in London on Saturday last. Mrs. R. J. Scott also accompanied them and spent the day with her aunt, Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Thos, Brydges had the mis- fortune to fall part way down the basement steps of her home, Although no bones were broken, she was badly bruised and shaken. We wish her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis of Wing- ham, visited with her parents, Me. and Mrs. Harry Cook on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerr and Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Kerr and children of St. Paul's, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Lennox and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lennox and Tommy of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hanna and family of At- wood and Air. Hanna of Molesworth, spent Sunday with C. W. Hanna and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Culp and Mr. Marshall Tulley of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bosman and family of Walton, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Bosnian. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bieman and family spent the week-end at the home of her sister Mr. and Mrs. John Grieg at Hagersville and spent Sun- NOTICE TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings—Province of Ontario Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D,S.T,), Thursday, June 21, 1951, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings .throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Ar- chitect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attached thereto. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful tend- erer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered hank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent corn- panics unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Do- minion of Canada, or the aforemen- tioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up art odd amount, Such security Will serve as a guar antee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secteta Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May A, 1951. Orif4414 AF THX. AIR The ,following district. clergymen will lie heard on the .Church of the Mr program over cr9c. next week; Monday, Rev, A, R, Muir, Clifford; Tuesday, Rev, J, Mcponald, Ttipley; Wedneeday Rev, F, H. Paull, .Patew- 01;. Rev, E, 401P, AYten, St, Andrew's W,M,v9, The Arne meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, was held on Tuesday afternoon at three caeloek, in the Church Parlour, with a splendid attendance, The President, Mrs Leslie Fortune, occupied the chair and open- ed with prayer, Mrs A, Homuth gave the Scripture reading and Meditation, and Mrs, George Tervit led in prayer. The Secretary's report was read and adopted, and general business of meeting was conducted. Mrs. R. Mow- bray gave her Supply report, and ar- rangements were made for the annual Home Helper's meeting to be held in July, Following the Roll Call, the of- fering was received and Miss F. Wil- son gave the Dedicatory Prayes, Tins Treasurer's report was read and adopted. Two very interesting reports were given of the Maitland PresbytLrial meeting which was held recently in Teeswater, The report of the morn- ing session was given by Miss K. Pringle and the afternoon session by Mrs, W, Ford, The topics from the current Study Books, "India" and "British Guiana" were very ably given by: Mrs. John McKague, "India," fol- lowed by prayer for India by Mrs. R, Appleby; and "British Guiana" by Mrs. J. Burchill, followed by prayer for British Guiana by Mrs. W, Mc- Kague, Both these papers were most interesting. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs, Moffatt. C. WI L. The .regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League of Wing• ham, took place on Tuesday, June 5th,, at the home of Mrs. Wilfred White. The meeting opened with prayer led by the president, Mr's. P. MacDonald. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. T. Rafferty, The visiting committee for the month of June is Mrs. L. Schlosser and Mrs. M. McPhail, The raffle on an occasional chair and record player will be held in August, when an out- door Bingo is planned. Correspondence was read and dis- cussed, After the business period, Mrs, M. McPhail held an interesting quiz which was prepared by Mrs. J. Ernest, A lovely lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. Bro- phy. Mrs, Francis St. Marie moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. White for her hospitality. The next Meeting will be held in September at the home of Mrs. A. An- Stett. day at Niagara Falls. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller whose brother, Mr. Wm. Miller, passed away in Clinton Hospital on Saturday in his 89th year. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney moved to their home in the village on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs, John Pinkey, Miss Tina and Mr. Kenneth McKenzie of Morriston visited Sunday with Mrs. Josephine Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon, Mor- lene and Ronnie visited Sunday with her father, Mr. Archie Acheson at Whitechurch. Reggie Purdon who has been at his grandfather's for the past two weeks returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Weir and daugh- ters of ,Owen Sound visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinn were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hudie at Walton. Mr. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Stewart Procter, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie, Mrs. Gordon Higgins and Miss Dorothy Pattison attended the North Huron District Annual Wo- men's Institute Convention held in LucknoW. This week Rev, Clarence Hunking of Spring Bay, Manitoulin Island is attending the United Missionary Church Conference which is being held in Stayner. Mrs. Hunking and babe are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cenclair Phip- pen, The Canadian Industries meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute will be held in the Community Centre .June 19 at 2.30 pan. The ladies of the Whitechurch Institute will 'be their guests. The conveners of the meeting are Mrs, J. C. Procter and Mrs. Leslie Bolt, The roll call will be my favour- ite hobby, Mrs. Garner Nicholson will give a reading and. Mrs. Richard Procter will give the address, There will be music and demonstrationa and all the ladies are invited to attend, The hostess, Mrs, 3, C, Procter will be assisted by Mrs. G. Nicholson, Mrs. Robert Procter and Mrs, Rae Craw- ford. Shower for Bride-Elect Miss Joan Brydges entertained about twenty-five girl friends at her' borne last Wednesday evening in hon- our of Miss Muriel Cook, whose Mar- riage takes place next Saturday, Games Were played and the bride.to- be presented with flannelette blank- ets, a set 'of lamps and a set of nyreX ware, Lunch was served by the hcs- tesa. United W,1P1..45, Meets The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary .S9CiPtY of 00 United Church was held .on Tuesday, June 5th at 3 o'clock. Mrs. P. OfMairls, was in charge of the worship. service, the theme being "Worship and Work". Mrs. Bergman and Mrs, Blythe gave the scripture readinga. A very informative talk on japan was given by Mrs. Gowans, Mrs. A. Y. Henderson, Goderipti, widow of Rev, Robt. Henderson, former min- ister of Auburn and Smith's Hill charges, led in prayer, after which . Mrs D. Hutcheson accompanied by Mrs. Hiseler, sang the beautiful solo, "Have Thine Own Way", Mrs. N. Underwood, president, took charge of the business meeting. Re- ports from the delegates, Mrs, N, Mc- Laughlin and Mrs, Hiseler, to the Huron Presbyterial held in James Street Church, Exeter, were. very ably given, A letter, of appreciation from G. W. Tiffin, representing the Official Board, was read with regard to the church service held in May when Mrs, For Complete I HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE SEE Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Catherine St., Wingham ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE 1 .) FIRST CLASS Watch Repairs AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am corn- pelted to confine my repaire to watches only. George Williams. Located in MASON'S STORE •••••••. ...... 11.1,111,11111101114,M111111111 ......... lll Furnishings DRAPERY SLIP COVERS VENETIAN BLINDS LAMPS - CHINA GIFTWARE OCCASIONAL FURNITURE C. C. McKIBBON 1 Phone 475 Wingham I eft. News from Our Churches Marion ,14PllgelY, a returned naiaalf)laa. arY frOm China was the Veda , Real:ter. David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 59. Wingham FOR SALE—Lady's bicycle, like new, i PART TIME SELLING—We have an istin position open for a also quantity of new lumber. Jas, young matron who can werk apt A, Halliday, Wingham, phone 285. • proximately four hours a day. Must have pleasing personality and some experience in selling! We can of- i'er many employee benefits, such as discount privileges, hospitaliza- tion, cost of living bonus, etc. See Mrs. Hammond at Simpson's Or- der Office. 13x Store, Wing— HELP WANTED—MALE 0I0FICE OPPORTUNITY OPEN— There is a real opening for an energetic young man (16-25) in the Foundry office, Typing an advan- tage but not essential, Good wages, regular advancement. Apply by letter or in person, Western Foun- dry Co., Ltd, 13b •