HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-05-23, Page 8a a ~~I ~ ~ M u1 aI it ~~ ~ ~~ I ~I TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. I iiiiiiiii 1.111.11111.1111.111 iiiiii1Yt iiiii IIIII141 iiiii iiiii 11.4111111,1 lit 11. 1 jilim111111111110i1111 iiiii 10.If llllllllllllllll Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 24, 25, 26 "Min TRAIN" Gene Autry litilifill111111111114111,01118f1114,1111 lllll VIII II III IIII IIIIil ull illllllflllll111101111,11011111111111,11111111111101111 1,1 iiiii Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 28, 29, 30 "TWO FLAGS WEST" JOSEPH COTTON CORNELL WILDS LINDA DARNELL Ylnli t ttt tt ii Ililiti141.41101 iiiii it440100.111114114M1 ii t i411411s0,011111(114111011f410001.1illilliSiltlii.,Y11,114 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 31, June 1, 2 "Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone" JAMES WHITMORE MARJORIE MAIN WINGHAIV1 ADVANCE-TIMES WPON4SPATiNAN!VIA* PO a a n Tra a 1W1W a n a a n n a a n n a a fa a a a a n a a a a a I n n n a a n a an a n a MEN'S nu • SUITS n K. D. S. Annual arly *49050 & *54.50 GOOD NEWS MEN — A REAL EXTRA SPECIAL SAVING EVENT. Save up to $20.00 on your Suit. Our regular stock of fine English Gabardines and Worsteds. Pure woollen, all ,of them and in single and double breasted styles. COME IN and see these extra fine Suits. Reg. to $69.50. SUMMER SALE ratne=41i'" IONIElaftwomo.1010•001111.10 ummer ale Starts FRIDAY MAX' 25th I _onocommuniumnsimmoonnalisuralimmionwilotominiumilimmowielininlir. n - - ' - - - ' ' • " • i Yes, Folks, Here's Money Saving Values. Your oppor,. -11 .il (unity to get your Summer Wear at Real Reductions, il ' • • and Amazing Values offered on ( i W WI it SPRING CLEARANCE LINES Fkiiimuccoliiiigrupiwooimitisnaliiiiiimmolmilairsiimmorourimilipilimirainulti kimilsil o = • a id i SHOP ti. II and ii- LE. SAVE isa a at i a= • ... 171 S .M 10% (11°. 20% t t WI o iv GOOD NEWS FOR WOM- EN TOO. Our full stock of Ladies' Coats, Shorties and Stiits, including Gabardines, Coverts, Twills, and Pick and Picks. LADIES' COATS & SUITS 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111111110 • at • n • a a n n n n n n n a a n n a a a n n n a • a n n n n a 1111 n 1111 • n n n n n 111 n a n n n n 1111 • • n n n n n n n n n • • 1111 n n n n n • • E PANTS Br wris hies Greys Summer Sale $7•59 Reg. to $3.95, Summer Sale $1.79 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Draper MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS — In Stripes. Broken sizes. . Reg. to $4.95, Summer Sale $3.29 HAND BAGS 1/2 PRICE Special value — on Plastic, Silk Cords and Suedes, in White Summer Bags, colors including Black and Navy. SLIPS = = SLIPS Reg. to $3.25 - SUMMER SALE SPECIAL $1.59 Cotton Pajamas and Batiste Floral Nighties Reg. to $3.29. Summer Sale $1.99 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Our better shirts. All shades in plain tones. Reg. $5.25, Summer Sale $3.49 BOYS' COTTON CHECK SHIRTS Just the shirt for Summer days. Dark colors. Age 8 to 14 years. Reg. $1.59, Summer Sale . . 2 for 2.19 E 11:00 a.m.-Holiness Meeting. 10:00 a.m.- unday Sehool. 7:00 p.m.-Gospel Service. Monday-, 7:00 p.m.-Sunshine Hour Tuesday- 2:30 p,m.--Home League. 8:00m.-Prayer Meeting A hearty Welco me awaits at the Salvation Army, MEN'S TWEED SLACKS In fine English Wool. Reg. $7.95 to $11.95, Summer Sale $3.99 and 5.19 BOYS' "T" SHIRTS Plain and stripes. Short sleeves. Reg. to $1.19. Summer Sale 49c BOYS' COTTON PANTS 'Grey with stripes. Tough for wear. Reg. $3.25. Summer Sale 2 Pairs for $3.99 Crepes, Rayons, Spuns, Prints, Poplins, Skirting. Get one yard Fre with every Five yards you buy. REMNANTS REMNANTS In Dress length Short ends of Crepes, Voiles, Prints, Broadcloths. REDUCED UP TO 50%. Selected Drapery in our hand Prints, Brocades, Home- spuns. GET ONE YARD FREE with every SIX Yards you buy. Dress ices CURTAINS — Single Sample Pairs and Panels. REDUCED 33V3% Special . PANTIES = Rayon and Pure Silk Summer Sale 49c DRESS SPECIAL Summer Dresses in Crepes, Ginghams, Spuns and Coltons. Reg. to $10.95. SPECIAL GROUP - SUMMER SALE $5.99 CLEARANCE OF VARIOUS LINES, MEN'S, LADIES', CHILDREN'S TABL Boys' and Girls' SPRING COAT SET In Wool, Corduroy and Tweed, with matching Bonnett or Cap. Size 1 to 3. Reg. to $7.95. Summer Sale $4.89 Si THE FRIENDLY STORE" aft/ f 0 IP RADIO & ELECTRIC 44 S8RtilIVC YOU S1NC8 1935“ IRONS' iiiikiateiiiefiiiiiiiskiiiikkreioolidaNikii.041641,b'iiiiaiikil•imiiioiiiitaiboiliamo show, "Uncle Ezry's Hayloft Jam- boree", which will be produced next Thurs. and Friday, May 31 and June 1, at Wroxeter town hall, sponsored instrument suet'. us fiddle, gtlitat., „„„,„„,„,„*.i, banjo, mandoile, acCordion, harnaen- by the Howick Lions Club for the benefit of child welfare. It's one penny a vote and who'll be the winner in this newest of contests which has the whole town talking. The contestants in this clever contest are boys and girls of Wroxeter, Gor- rie and Fordwich, from one to six years of age, and they have vote box- es around town in the leading mer- chant's stores. The youngsters in this Tiny Tot popularity contest will be introduced the first night of the show and the winners will be introduced and a- warded silver loving cups on the final night of the entertainment. The contest closes at 4 p.m. on June 1. Watch the vote boxes win- dow daily. The pictures of the Tiny Tots an, in this store and each day the standings of those in the contest are posted there. Miss Greita Liles has arrived in town to direct the home talent show, "Uncle Flzra's Hayloft Jamboree". She has had special' training in radio and stage work slid has had valuable experience in helping amateurs Ina- prove natural talent in singing, speak- ing and specialty work. She has an- nounced that she will bold tryouts for talent on May 18 and 29 at 8.30 p.m, at the Wroxeter town halt. The amateur contest Which will be run in connection with the big two hour home talent stage show is open to everyone in this town and the sur- rounding community. There is no age limit; those competing do not have to belong to the sponsoring org- anization and all types of entertain- era ate wanted for this big show. If You are a singer, yodeier, tap, square or jig dancer there is a place for you in the east, If you play any mtisidal ica, or if you do animal or bird imi- tations or if you know anyone who does these things or any other type of specialty act then have them at- tend the tryouts on either Mon., May 28 or Tues., May 29. Certainly it is an opportunity to compete for the title of the most pop- ular entertainer of Wroxeter, Gorrie and Fordwich and lit the same time win prizes as well as having the add- ed advantage of free training from the professional director Miss Liles. Therefore, all persons who can do any type of specialty number are not only eligible but is urged to attend the tryouts on May 28 and 29 at 8.30 p.m, at the Wroxeter town hall. Grassland specialists of a New Hol- land, Pa„ manufacturer recommend raking in the same direction as the mower travels to give the grass the gentle handling needed to save Pro- tein-rich leaves. The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVries fresh.. • as a daisy Woodhue spray Edy for a lovely lift, an enchantingly Dais ter .With 2-oz. cologne in a tiilfi ure florist gift box, 3.50 the set n 411111111 HOWICK LIONS TO STAGE BABY CONTEST AND CONCERT A baby contest will be held in con- junction with the home talent stage McKibbons PHONE 53 T /4 WINGHP44 \ paw row, 4