HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-05-23, Page 7Will you be Ready to Make Hay when the Sun Shines? The few weeks until haying time will slip away quickly. Is your equipment too old to handle the job? With the rear-mounted, fast attaching FERGUSON Mower your worries are over. Finger-tip hydraulic control takes all the hard work out of the job. ORDER TODAY AT MERKLEY MOTORS PHONE 84 WINGHAM BELGRAVE Me, and Mrs. Clarence Aherne of Firewood, and Miss Marian Kaufman of Eden Grove, spent Sunday with and Mrs, Gordon Pen el]Y. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Vincent on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. John Vincent of Goderich, and Mr, .and Mrs, Clark Switzer of Mite ehell, Mr and. firs, Eugene Armitage and faintly of Wilton Grieve, Visited setae day with Mr, and Mee, j, McBurney, We believe Service is a pleasant part of our dealings with customers. These Services plus "SUPERTEST" quality products are another reason you'll enjoy doing business with your friendly "SUPERTEST" dealer who is working in and for his community— •' because he believes in it. One of the igegeet, crowds ever neeeed here gathered in the Foresters. Hall last Friday evening in honour of Mr, anti Mrs, NorMarl 'conk, During intermission Rev, Mr, Moores spoke a few well chosen Words and invited Mr, and Mrs, Cook to the platform. ;where they were presented with a purse of money. Norman .On behalf of his bride thanked every one, and music was furnished by Tiffin's ere chestra, Mr. and Mrs. Rey Robinson and Leonard, Misses Anne Chimney and Laura McBurney spent Sunday at . Niagara Falls. W H I TECIWIR.CH Mrs. Fred Bagg, Miss Hazel, and Mr, Bruce Bagg of Unionville, spent the week-end at the home of eVer, and Mrs, E. H. Groskorth, Mr, Jos, Tiffin returned home from Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, very much improved after his two weeks stay there. Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Johnston of Ripley, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ritchie. Mr, Victor Emerson has not been so well lately and on Monday attend- ed the Wingham Hospital clinic for x-rays, FULL RANGE OF BEAUTIFUL COLOF'S We also have Martin-Senour 100% Pure Paints in colors to meet every decorating need, and a complete range of per- manent deep-tone trim shades, $2.15 quart - $6.95 gallon THE NEW MARQUETTE REFRIGERATOR 9 cubic ft. capacity, 42 pound Giant Frozen Food Compartment, 18 qt. Full Width Crisper, Spacious Bottle Storage 12 pt. Milk Bottles, extra head space for tall bottles. Check these features against any other model, Price $399.00; also $369.00, $439.00 arner .*roo er 500 capacity Warner Electric Brooder For Sale at Cost Price DONALD RAE Fr SON H ARDWARE - BUILDING SUPPLIES • STOVES/ FURNACES - ELECTRICAL Er SPORTING GOODS PHONE 27 W/A/GiMM LI U U etelehe'llIAIIIIIllille11111111115111f0111111lilediereleirlaleeleseezneeneeeeeeereglese L" 1i,n2Trii3vid ii iii ....ti... esseneeises iri i ..... as, szez,,,x. 'lir ' 'y • :' . It's the new MARTIN-SENOUR L-5 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 11 3 1 1 1 1 11 i i i l la WHITE HOUSE PAINT Microscopic layer of "chalk" washes off with each rainfall, carries all dirt and stains with it ... leaves surface sparkling white! Outlasts ordinary paint by as much as 3 years! Gives woodwork finest pos- sible protection. JVJ es with. the president, Mrs, Walter Lott, presiding, and giving the call to wor- ship, Psalm 131, Mrs. Earl .Caslick led in the responsive reading of the scripture lesson, Luke Chap. 15. Mrs. S. Craig, in the meditation peeled, spoke on "That None Should Perish", and Mrs. Dawson Craig led in the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs, W. J. Coulter gave a reading "A veer in the Place where Two Ways Met", and Mrs. Lott gave a resume of the first chapter of the study book, "'Our Share in World 'Missions", The roll call was answered by a Biblical verse containing the word, "Entreat", and Mrs, 'Frank Coulter- led in the special prayer for missionary workers. Mrs. Welwood gave the offertory prayer, This society entertains the executive of the Maitland Presbyterial W.M,S. on jurie 19, and arrangements for this meeting were discussed, Miss Lila Emerson invited the society to her home for the next meeting, which will be a, special meeting for all the ladies of the church. The meeting was closed by all repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. United W. M. S. The regular monthly meeting of, the W.M.S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday last in the church with Mrs, J. G. Gillespie, vice-presi- dent, presiding, in the abscence of the president. The theme of the meet- ing was "How Can We Work for Peace?" with its answer, "Feed the Hungry", and in the call to worship she told that two thirds of the worlds population are undernourished. Mrs. W. J. Watt led in prayer for the mis- sionaries anti their work, and all joined in the dedication service. Mrs, W.-R. Farrier played a splendid piano solo, "Nearer My God. to Thee", and. Mrs. Ezra Seholtz led in prayer. Mrs. Ernest Caseraore then gave a very full and interesting account of the W. M.S. Presbyterial., held in April at Exeter, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft gave a talk on the chapter from the study book, "Japan Begins Again", telling how in so many ways, the Japanese people are taught and trained differ- ently to other nations. Mrs. Gilles- pie closed the meeting with prayer, The ladies made arrangements re the NIXON'S SCOUREX WILL "SAVE" Your Calves SCOUREX WORK'S FAST Removes infection from the in- testinal tract overnight. The "combined sulfas" in scour- ex work fast. Promotes appetite for rapid re- covery. SAVE EVERY CALF THIS SEASON BY ASKING ABOUT SCO CREX 1111111/111111S/1111,1,111411.1111.1111111111111111111101111111.111111 .171, 717. 477 or wEPINTPSPAY, MAN :23rd , X9151. THE WINGFAM ADVANCE-TIMES POE SEW* Copyr01, 1951 petaga„. SAYS •your friendly "SUPER-MST" dealer "to give all my • customers every "SUPERTEST" Service; to give it efficiently and cheerfully. All ray assistants know what keeps cus-tomers coming back: and they. do their best to give complete service," ...to know your car is ready to "G with WiiiTEIMIST service yellesesseeesesseseset • .• ee••se..eeesnee,„ It's a pleasure to enjoy the "little'things" in "SUPERTEST" Service; the bright cheery every day attention "SUPERTEST" customers expecte when they drive in under the friendly sign of the Maple Leaf: radiator checked and filled without spilling; wind- shield cleaned thoroughly; tires checked by dependable gauge; battery filled with care . . . they all add up to "SUPERTEST" Service that gives warmer weather driving the genuine zip and zest it ought to have! The towns of Canada can be beautiful places. In many, each spring a rebirth of blossoms is promise of harvest to come. And good crops mean good living for all Canadian towns. Serving Canadian towns is your bank . a branch of The Commerce. You go to your banker as naturally as you go to your grocer, No banking service is too large or too small to expect of your Commerce manager. Not all towns have a blossom time, but most have a Commerce branch. And the men and women there are good people to know. Leystone of Main Street Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Mason of Lis- towel, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, Mrs. Mas- on's sister, Mrs. Kilpatrick of Lon- don, held a sale of her household ef- fects there last Friday and moved on Saturday to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Mason. Mr. Thos. Robinson was able to re- turn home on Friday after spending two months in. Wingham Hospital with a sore foot. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bieman and fa- mily spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Keely Long of Walker- ton, and on Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Litt of Sehringville, and their family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bieman. 'Misses Florence and Margaret Moir of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Brown of Hartford, Conn., spent the week-end with the formers' sis- ter, Miss Grace Moir and with Wing- ham friends, Mrs, Dan O'Callaban, who has spent the past month at Greenock-, follow- ing the death of her brother there, spent the week-end with Mrs. Jos. Brophy, Wingham, and on Monday visited old neighbors in East and West Wawanosh, She returned to Detroit on Tuesday. Mr. Ezra Welwood made a trip back to Westminster Hospital, Lon- don, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Kelly and four childien, and his brother, Mr. Bill Kelly, and Mn Albert Dere of Gode- rich, spent Sunday at the home of the former's grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Cor- nelius. Little Gary Grain of Listowel, spent a few days last week at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Lance Mr. and Mee. Hereon Irwin were at Guelph at the graduation exercises at the G. V. College on Tuesday, when their son, Dr, Richard Irwin was a- mong those graduating, His many highest for solo singing in her class; friends here will extend congratula- Karen Groskorth, highest in her class, tions and their best wishes will fol- Billie Newman, second In his class; low him to his new home at Flesh- Betty Newman, highest in her class, and Leroy and Gary Rintoul, second in their class, From No, 9, Mary Margaret and Kathleen Fisher for vocal duet, and they and their broth- er, Gordon Fisher, for vocal trio, highest in both classes, and Donald Gaunt, second in his class, These children are expected to attend at Walkerton on the 29th of May. No, 10 also stood high for their school chorus. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison, who have spent the winter at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Victor Casemore, at Windsor, are expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Shiell and baby Robert Gerald, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M, Shiell, Communion service was held on Sunday at the United Church here, and fourteen new members were wel- comed into the church. Mr. Ewart McPherson, Mr. Gordon Rintoul, and Mr. Ralph Cameron, Ashfield, motored to Toronto on Sun- day. Their mother, Mrs. Alex. Rint- oul, accompanied them and will spend again at Westfield, a few weeks at the home of her son- Dew on the 6th of E. an Wawanosh and Mr. Harry Lee, who is suffer- Miss Marion MacDonald at Langside. d Miss Ada . ing from a recent bad heart attack. Presbyterian Anniversary erton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Snell and son Larry of Londesboro, spent Sunday with her parents, iVie, and Mrs. Ewart McPherson, Reeve J, D, Beecroft, Mr. R. H. Thompson and Mr. Alex, McBurney of East Wawanosh, were in Goderich on Monday attending the Huron Co. Municipal Associatoin. Mr, Orr, from the Department of Muncipal Affairs, in Toronto, was the special speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft and sons, and her mother, Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Wingham, spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs, Archie Hertle, Kitchener, and Jerry and Mary Here- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman spent le, who have been visiting for the Sunday at Hamilton with her sister, past week with their grandparents, Miss Hendershott, and with Mr. and while their father is a patient in Kit- Mrs. Arthur Newman. chener Hospital, returned home with Mr, Billie Caslick has been forced them. to return to bed after three weeks Mrs. Frank Thompson spent the week-end in Toronto at the home of there, following a bad dose of the her daughter, Mrs. Jack Siebert, nuumps, Mr. James Falconer also has not made a fast recovery from his mumps and neighbours gathered last Thursday and Friday and finished his seeding, that he had started over two weeks ago. Miss Helen Walker, Wingham, who has been teaching for several years in Turnberry, will teach this fall at No, 9 Kinloss, Mrs. Norman, who has been teaching at Brucefield, will teach at No. 10 Kinloss; Mr. Ross Er- rington of Dungannon, will teach at Fordyce; Miss Eva Dow will teach Mr, Tas, Mcllrath was taken to Wingham Hospital obi Sunday even- ing and went through an emergency operation her appendieitis. Mrs, Clarke AanGeeger spent a few days last week with relatives In To- ronto and New Toronto, Mr. and. Mrs. Laughran and Connie spent Sunday with Harrieton rela- tivCee:ete a Member of Pupils from 54 Nos. 9 and 10 Kinlees were at Tees- water on Friday taking the singing tests, Prior to the Walkerton Festival, Among those who won top points from here, were Marilyn Morrison, Services in the United Church will be withdrawn next Sunday when An- niversary services will be held in the Presbyterian Church with Rev. R. H. MacMillan of Goclerieh as the special speaker, On Monday evening, May 28, a concert will be presented in the Presbyterian Church, Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday, June 3 with Rev. Dr. Mumford of Lucknow as special speaker, and on Monday evening the Young People of Harriston Anglican Church will present their drama, "Have a Heart", in the Memorial Hall here, W. M. S. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs, Frank Coulter, • Grain, while his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Orton Grain, visited at London and Woodstock, Little Jimmie Currie, son of Rev. and Mrs, R, D, A. Currie, has been a very sick little boy during the past week. He has been ill since his vac- cinations, and on Saturday was taken to Wingham Hospital to have a big abscess on his arm fixed Up, He was able to return home on Sunday. . June hale, and the play, "Have Heart", that is being held In Parillece tion with the anniversary servieee. Birth McGee---On Wednesday, May 15th., hi Wingham Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs, George McGee (nee Jessie Currie), of F. Wawanosh, a daughter. WHY WAIT when you .can buy a pew ear to-lay? PAX the long price for your new cep—we have several brand new 1.901 models at the old price. WHY WALK when the car you have been waiting for can be bought at such a reas- • able cost? Wily NOT take advantage of the saving during our big May Sale? Every late model ear is covered by our famous 100% guarantee 1951 MONARCH SEDAN — Com- plete with air condition heater and license. A rich dark green colour —truly one of the finest cars on the road to-day. 1951 FORD VICTORIA Hard-Top Convertible-the newest and. smart- est car you have ever seen, equip- ped with overdrive and air condi- tioning, 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN—fully equipped and with custom seat covers - a popular ear — and is ready for you to drive away. I 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN --a lovely green and with full equipment in- eluding air conditioning, under- eeeting and oil filter. 1951 FORD CUSTOM C'OAC'H—No extras crammed onto this one — just standard equipment and at a price you can afford. 1950 FORD CUSTOM COACH med- ium dark green. Driven only 13,000 miles with air conditioning and white sidewall tires. In new car condition. 1950 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN— driven 16,000 miles—as clean as a new pin. Equipped with heater, sun visor, radio and fog lights--A real economy car at an amazingly low price. 1949 PONTIAC COACH—A popu- lar ear that is sure to take your eye—guaranteed of course. 1948 CHEVROLET SEDANETTE —two to choose from. A two tone grey and black—this is a popular model and these are both outstan- ding cars. 1948 PONTIAC 25 series Sedanette Coach—beautiful two tone grey— fully equipped with air condition- ing and GM custom radio, Driven only 24,000 miles, 1948 AUSTIN' COACH—Yes. actual mileage 14,000. An economy car at the ridiculously low price of $875. and this car is mechanically per- fect and fully guaranteed, 1947 SEDANS—five to choose from —Dodge. Pontiac, Chevrolet, Stud- ebaker, Mercury. See these cars— the price is right and they are guaranteed, 1945 PONTIAC SEDAN—refinish- ed in dark green, with radio and heater—good tires, A good car, A good price. 19.11 PONTIAC COUPE, 1941 UKEVROLET SEDAN, 1941. FORD COACH All refinished and reconditioned. True values in low cost trans- portation.. 1939 FORD COACH 1939 WILLYS SEDAN 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1938 FORD COACH 1938 FARGO TWO TON mum 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN 1937 CHEVROLET COACH 1036 CHEVROLET COACH 1935 PLYMOUTH COACH 1935 DODGE COACH Yes!' All Guaranteed Mechanically Over 60 ears from which to choose Older models front $18.93 up—and in good running condition. You will save money by buying during our big May Sale—We will amaze you with a sky-high allow- ance oh your trade-in. Space does not permit listing all our PAM Come and see them yourself. FREE GASOLINE—To six lucky people buying cars this month for 50o miles of driving,. Yes, and you don't have to reside near Walker- ton to take delivery of the gaeo- line--We will arrange with your local service station to supply it, BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT ---- SA u EEN MOTOf SALES lit-ocr County's Largest Used car Dealer Open Each Evening till 'reit rot YOur Convenience AO A M. lioaslouti, O.S.A. The Canadian Bank of Commerce 'The Commerted , 61:sdAt S se- Gt. eeetaa... SAYS R. Pout Fitzsimons of 63 London Street E., Hamilton, Ontario "to hovel car serviced regularly by ray boyhoodstag close "SUPERTEST" dealer. His station is close to my borne, and I find it convenient, Now I never worry about the carobs; any more because all lubrication j as well as seasonal are well looked after." change ovens, ." '...4" 00 ":..F . ig H 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 Mi l l1 1 11 11 1 1 . 1 11 1• 1 1 41 • 1 13 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1/ 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 E0 3 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 A 1 11 411111111111111 ,1111111111111111K.111111111131111111111111111•1 , aislmililitiAn1 mi