HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-05-16, Page 11day of last week, Mrs, Brothers' spoke. On Int1510. Mrs, M. Sellers. returned from Tar, onto on Saturday, where she has visit- ed. for several weeks, Mrs. Sellers was accompanied by Mr., and Mrs. J. L. gotheringten and daughters, , Mr. and 'Mrs, Herb Copeland of Welland, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Percy Copeland. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Cowing, Blue- vale, spent Sunday with their par, ants in town. Mr, and Mrs, Jim Mitcheson and son, Timmy, Niagara Falls, were week-end visitors with Mrs, Thos, Me, Michael, • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland spent Sunday with Harvey and Mrs, Cope- land, Wroxeter North. Miss Margaret Jardine spent last week visiting relativea at Gorrie. Mrs. George Paulin, Clifford, spent Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs, Peter Milligan, Messrs. Jim and Russel Rae, also Mips Irene Fisher, all of Brantford, visited the former's mother, Mrs. D. W. Rae on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Stewart, Moles, worth, spent Sunday with Mrs. James Sangster, Mr. and Mrs, Graham Work and son, Kenneth, also Miss Jean Moffat, Kitchener, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MOffat. Mrs. Harry Jennings, Brantford, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor and Miss Rona VanVelsor. Miss Joan Brown and Mr. Ray- mond Brown, both of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Adams of Brussels, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall McKercher. Mrs, Thomas McMichael is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs, Jim Mitchen- er, at Niagara Falls, The Young People's Union present- ed their play "Grandpa's Twin Sister" in Bluevale on Friday night. There was a good attendance, Miss Agnes Wearring, Toronto, and Miss Margaret Wearying of Listowel, spent the week-end with their par- USED CARS = = 1949 Anglia Coach - very low mileage 1949 Chevrolet Blue Deluxe Sedan - Spotless 1947 Monarch Sedan - Excellent Shape 1947 Mercury Coach - A 1 condition 1941 Mercury Club Coupe - checked through- out 1940 Ford Sedan - overhauled 1940 Chevrolet Coach - mechanically O. 'K. USED TRUCKS 1947 Mercury Pick-up - new tires 1947 Ford Pickup - perfect shape 1945 G.M.C. 3-ton Stake - new motor All Above Are Sold Under Guarantee. a•••=1,140111111. HURON MO ORS A. D. MacWILLIAM PHONE 237 WINGHAM BARGAINS 0 4"; ANOTHER ee,4* FORD ACCESSORY EXTERIOR VISOR ATie0 liera's,*really stylish accessory that adds to year-'round driving enjoyment. Let your nearby Ford-Monarch Dealer or Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor Dealer demonstrate how this Exterior Visor protects your eyes front sun glare : i helps keep snow, sleet and "bug splatter" off the windshield. It's a Genuive Ford Accessory •. it's gudranteed it's quality-built, low-priced, and available in your choice of colorsi FORD. MONARCI1 DEALERS MERCURY. LINCOLN-METEOR DEALERS G N F QzR. UT' ARTS 'AND AUNT SALLY-WITH PECTIN ST 114 JA 24 OZ. 430 JAR CHILI SAUCE CLARK'S-WITH gr BURLINGTON Tomato C tsup 2 for 33c 11 OZ. BOTTLE JUNE 190 Tin .FRANKFORD CREAM STYLE G Ildont Corn 21510z. Zle STOKELY'S FANCY CREAM STYLE GOLDEN 1T5inOz. 160 FANCY WHOLE KERNEL NIBLETS COS{ N.rt !di oz. 180 YORK TENDER CHOICE PEAS 17.51:r. 150 BRIGHT'S CHOICE HALVES PEACHES Tin 15 Or. 210 AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES FrInOr. 220 LIBBY TENDER KING FANCY PEAS Tin 15 Oz. . I 170 CORN HORSEY SWEETENED BLENDED Real Candy Value-CHOCOLATE BUDS cello Oz. 310 SOFT, SANITARY TISSUES KLEENEX Plcgs, 2 for 430 DR. BALLARD'S HEALTH DOG FOOD4.1.1' 2 for 270 BLACK TEA !,]?9,.' 520 LOTS OF SUDS WITH SUPER SUDS 1..17a 420 rioimami ONTARIO TASTY MILD NEW CHEESE Lb. 490 Serve a Whole Grain Cereal-SHREDDED WHEAT Pkg. 160 RICHMELLO FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE Lb. 950 RED SEAL-Excellent for Salads TUNA FLAKES Ur' 350 SOAP Regular Bar 100 Mother Parker's Yellow Label MAKES DISHES SPARKLE v Lare EL (Detergent) 410 PALMOLIVE BEAUTY LUSCIOUS GOLDEN RIPE El IV A rel A S JUICY CALIFORNIA SUNKIST 0IlANG S PRESERVE NOW! SWEET CUBAN PINEA PPLE GREEN SOLID IMPORTED CABBAGE . 'UNTIL CLOSMG SAT., MAT 14th WING HAM VALES EFFECTIVE In, LB' 190 2 Bunches 230 DOZ, SIZE 220's 490 gzs.11190 LB, 70 Steele bring Garden SEEDS "e' 5g DOMINION STORES LTD. FRESH GREEN TOP CALIFORNIA BUNCH CAIRROTS LOA ALL DAY THURSDAY JUICE MAY 24th VICTORIA DAY DEVON SW-ET TOMMY TUCKER-FRESH MADE 1110ZEDELY MARMALADE 11.' \ ear-MI -3 • JUICE EARLY at DOMINION . RED SALMOR 1.11 Or. S. Williams Orange and Grapefruit PLAN TO DO YOUR 57 , AYLMER CHOICE TOMATO Tins & for 210 20 Oz. RED SEAL-FANCY COHOS SWEET TREAT PINEAPPLE 20 Oz. 12 0 Tir DESSERT 15 Om 18 0 Tin B JAR 16 OZ. 320 37c PICNIC MIXED S T FECI RICHMELLO SEEN) ISM DIS ES 24 Oz 14 Loaf 2 FOR 27 0 JAR 270 18 OZ. 24 Oz. Loaftn Unsliced a • 15 OZ. TINS vowsrgspAy MAY 3.6th9 Tim WINGT1AM ADvANcE,TiEs PAGE EI4EVAN NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR MOM -Central Press Canadian Bewildered by the grandeur of this Mothers' Day card display, these. two little boys are having difficulties finding "just the right one" to express their sentiments on Sunday, May 13. usiness and Professional Directory S. J. WALKER K. M. MacLENNAN WROXETER and Mrs. Cheater Smith and 34.1fis; Mary .4y.411 of Galt, ;Spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Gavin Mrs. J, J, Allen, Jimmy and. IYI;,r, jar* all of Toronto, spent the Week, !paal with Mrs, T. G. Hernphill and Mr. and Mrs. J, N, Allen, Mrs. J. N, Allen Avturned to. Toronto fora visit Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd North and 44voterst Beverly, Sylvia and Donna, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr, And Mrs. Harvey Thrirn, Mrs, Alba Atcheson of London, spent 'tbe week-end with her parents, MIN Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR.O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. 0. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. RONALD G. MCCANN 1CLINTON, ONTARIO Office: Royal Bank PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phones: Office 561, Res. 455. J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. HaroldJackson LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Counties of Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm, Household and Property Sales. Phone Collect Seaforth 661-14 R.R. 4, Seaforth ONTARIO and Mrs. Albert Gallaher. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny and Miss Thelma Denny attended T.Jrlited Church at Teeswater on Sunday morn- ing. Among the children baptized was Bobbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Denny, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aitkenhead, Lon- doll, were Sunday visitora with Mr. and Mrs. D, S. MacNaughton. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Moffat spent Thursday in Kitchener and Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. William Hart spent the week-end in Niagara. Falls. Mrs, Lyle Brothers was guest speaker at the Canadian Girls in Training meeting at Fordwich, Mon- Funeral and Ambulance Service MODERN FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 106 Night 189 WINGHAM ONT. W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham 111.•311P4 DR. W. M. CONNELL OR, B, N. CORRIN PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Phone, 19 eats, Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Wearring. Rev. Douglas Vogan of St, James Anglican Church, will be ordained in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, on May 20th. There will he no service in St. James' Church on Sunday next. Mr, Albert Evans of Palgrave, spent the week-end with Mrs. Evans and son, who are staying *With her mother, Mrs, Walker. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown were Mr. and Mrs. John Foell, Mr. and Mrs, Al Martin, all of Waterloo, also Mr. Ed. and Miss Annie Diebell of Miidmay. Women's Missionary Society Mrs. Gilbert Howes gave the ad- dress at the May meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society which was held in the church parlours on Fri- day afternoon. Mrs. Howes spoke on India. and especially on the life and work of Mrs. Alice Gleeson Self. Mrs. Self was born in Toronto, edu- cated at McMaster University, served in Nova Scotia before being sent as a missionary to India, serving in the province of Jansi, *gal- is 120 miles by 80 miles, There are 20 large vil- lages and 500 small ones hi the pro- vince and a population equal to two thirds of that of Canada. The people are reached by the care of the sick and medicine. Music also plays a large part. Mrs. Howes showed pic- tures received which were most inter- esting. Letters received asked for prayers from the people of Canada. The president, Mrs. U. E. Cron- hielm, presided and the meeting was called to order with soft music. Mrs. Doig at the organ. Mrs. Cronhielm dealt with the theme, "How we can work for peace in helping to feed the hungry." Mrs, Munro read the scrip- ture lesson, choosing Psalm 27 and Mrs. A. J. Sanderson led in prayer. Mrs. Cronhielm and Mrs. Munro gave reports on the recent Presbyterial held in Exeter. There was a good re- sponse to the roll call, "Thoughts for Peace." Mrs. Howes read a letter from a German pastor who had found a note in the pocket of a gar- ment sent in a hale from here some time ago. The letter expressed deep 4,D"loroo.sortmosmmi.o.smosm.oesoommoo.nminows.t....s.itti For Sale in Port Elgin Bakery - Restaurant Also Summer Cottages with Apartments' Store 1 1 I Emery Wismer 1 Port Elgin - Real Estate 0:0 .1100010 411....1•041411.1.114,M11 0113.....1n1q1., gratitude for the clothing. Plans were made for the June meeting to which all women of the congregation will be invited. Social committee for that meeting are, Mrs, Hunter, Mrs. Moffat and Mrs. Munro. Mrs. A. J. Sanderson was appointed to arrange flowers to he supplied by the members. Arrangements are be- ing made for slides for the July meeting at which the members of the mission band will he entertained. Lunch committee for July, Mrs, Mof- fat, Mrs, Doig, Mrs. Munro, Miss Hazelwood reporting for the literature secretary said that five hooks per family will he the mini- mum required this year to merit the Book Shelf. At the close of the meet- ing the bale was packed by Miss Hazelwood, Mrs. Cronhielm, Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. Munro, Five box- es of good used and new clothing were forwarded to the United Church overseas Mission at Toronto. Mem- bers of the wayr,s, are grateful for the many donations of clothing and also money to pay shipping charges. Christian Family Week Service Members of the Sunday School classes and their teachers occupied the centre pews of United Church on Sunday morning when the special service for Mother's Day was held. Flowers were placed in the chancel honoring Mothers and as a memorial. The theme for the service was "If ye love me keep my commandments." Rev. U, E. Cronhielm was in charge of the service and Billy Hart read the story. Mrs. Lyle Brothers was organist and directed a choir of 25 mothers, who sang two anthems, "Home Sweet Home," with special words in keeping with Mother's Day, with Mrs. McCutcheon taking the solo, also "Memories of Mother", a trio sung by Mrs. McCutcheon, Mrs. Stacia and Mrs. MacNaughton. Spec- ial hymns for the service were "All Things Bright and Beautiful," "Child- ren of Jerusalem," and "Father Lead Me Day by Day." Ushers were Mrs, Moffat, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Munro and Mrs, Jim Sanderson. The offering will be forwarded to the Ontario Council of Christian Education, Fortner Resident Returns Williaiti Hainstock of Chicago, a native of Wroxeter, was a recent visi- tor with Mr. and Mrs. George West- lake and other relatives. Mr. Haiti- stock was born in Wroxeter a son of the late Robert Hailistock. When eight years of age he moved with his family to Winnipeg. As a young man he went to Michigan, where he was with the railway, from which he recently retired after 37 years of service. This was his first visit back to the place of his birth and he was interested to find several barns still standing and in good con- dition built by his father during his stay here, Vern Denny Receives New Appointment Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny left on Tuesday to take up residence in the city of Owen Sound, Mr. Denny, who has been in charge of the C.P.R. sec- tion in this area has received the appointment of assistant road master with headquarters at Owen Sound, During their seventeen years in the village the Donny family have proved themselves fine citizens, In church rind community they Were always ready to give of their best and the good wishes of all will go with them to their new community, Miss i• Ma Denny, i,Vhe has been a member of the tank of Commerce staff for a number of years will later join her parents in Owen Sound, New Minister For Milted Church Rev, Edward Todd of Turrierville, a Oitary charge near Chatham, will be the new Minister in Wroxeter and About 19,000 enumerators will take the 1951 census, the country's ninth decennial census since 1871. 11, In 0.951 the Canadian dollar has about one-third of its 1901 buying power; in the same period bourly wage rates have multiplied by five. The first Welland Canal eonneat, ing Lacks Erie anti Ontario, was opened in 1899. Veterinary Surgeon Office — Minnie St. PHONE 196 Office Hours: 3 to 5 p.m. daily except Sunday and Holidays Wingham, Ontario A. H. VAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. 11•11i11•••••••• J. W. BUSHFIELD, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Et._ Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, K.C. R. S. HETHERI -"'"nN, K.C. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham Salem charges at the end of the con- ference year, Mr. Todd who has been for four years in, the present charge of three appointments succeeds Bev. U. E, Cronhielm, who has spent the past four years here, Mr. Todd is 37 years of age and married. A commit- tee of five, Ilarvey McMichael, G, A. Wearring, I4es Douglap of Wroxeter charge also Charles Cathers and Joe Simmonds of Salem charge visited Mr. Todd, who comes highly recom- mended, LIONS CLUB. $ 1,40 0 BINGO TOWN HALL, TEESWATER Wednes clay, y 23 ALL PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. All1112$011012MIMMIESIMIIIMLIMMIE/IIMIEWEI GAIIRS START AT 8.30 P,M. 16 Regular Games - - $10 Prize Each ('all 2 Specials - - $100 Prize Each Game JACKPOT SPECIAL - $1,000 1 FREE $25 Special 1 FREE Mystery (,spilt' ADMISSION - - $1,00, Extra, and Special Cards 25c 411