HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-04-18, Page 5r„,., o „,,,„„,,„ . „ , „„„„„„„„,,,,„„.,1 a 11#111 01.HMIIIMMPIIIM.10iiimmIf .. . ni.1411111011M.1! WALKER'S A uncement !••,'?•'M.•"k",•••M In view of the Gcwtment's announcement to increase taxes on certain lines of merchandise WALKER STORES prices will not be increased until we ourselves have to pay the increased costs. Our present prices will be maintained as long as possible but for how long we can not guarantee so you should take advantage of our present prices and buy your requirements now but do not over buy. A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP FEATURING SIMPLIFIED SELECTION FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND , SHOPPING MEASURE Waiheit Sicaeis Phone'36 Josephine St. Wingham • se WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden and Donna, were AMMINONINOMMINUMMINEMEL glg IIIIIII sum MEI RUIll miai EMI MIMI ME I NEN MN DES NMI ME NAM MI rats 111MI EMI 11/120 BRING THIS COUPON TO OUR STORE QUAKER MACARONI INTRODUCTORY OFFER Buy one Package Quaker Macaroni at Regular Price and get one Package FREE Simply sign your name and address below and bring this coupon to our store. We will then sell you one Package Quaker Quick-Cooking Macaroni at Regular Price and give you one Package absolutely Free. Customer's Name Address •ti TO THE DEALER: When you and your customer have complied with the terms of Ms offer (as above) your Quaker salesman will pay you for the free package at your shelf prim plus 10 for handling. Coupon void unless customer's name and address dearly filled M fot reference purposes. it ASTER COFFEE 95c Ground Fresh to your method of malting ROBINHOOD 24 LB. BAG FLOUR 4 i • .. 4'1 . 4 t $1.59 JOHNSON'S GLO=COAT " . . . qt. $1.05 pt. .59 ONIONS 25c WIZARD GLASS WAX ..... pt. 49r GOOD QUALITY BROOMS 6 string • e I 4 • $1.49 5 string $1.25 4 string , .95 My shill pries of Qualm Macureiiii la lie um mu am - sew Er sem sim im air IMO MS - - am um - Nis ime IN in in II LB. DUTCH SET 2 LBS. RED FRONT GROCERY We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial-and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done All MODERN EQUIPMENT Wingham Memorial Shop `Phone 256 R. A. Spotton WALKER'S Due to the backward weather conditions we have decided to continue r For the convenience of the shopping public who did not have the opportunity to participate in the many money saving values we are offering during our TA GET SALE Which will End Saturday, April 21 • Waikeit sue, • Phone 36 Josephine St., Wingham omton=a6=0=00=0====toaci SEED GRAIN 11 Following are the varieties of seed grain available, All Registered Seed is treated and ready to be goivii, Prices are F.O.B. shipping point, 20% to accompany orders SEED OATS Varieties Grade Price per Bus. Golden Sunshine Clinton, Reselect 2.25 id Reg. 2.00 cc 4i 4‘ Gov. Std. No. 1, 1.75 Famous Fortune Reg. 2.50 Abegweit 2,25 Larain cc 2.00 Exeter 14 2.00 Beaver C' 2.00 cc Gov. Std. No. 1, 1.75 Cartier Reg. 2.00 cc Gov. Std. No. 1, L75 Ajax Reg. 2.00 Gov. Std. No. 1, 1.75 Garry 2.0 Boxtou 2.00 Alaska Goy. Std. No. 1, 1.75 SEED Montcalm Galore Measure No Barb 0. A. C. 21 A LEY Reg. Gov. Std. No. 1, Reg. Gov. Std. No. 1, Reg. Gov. Std. No. 1 CC CC CC c4 (t 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.75 235 2.75 SPRING WHEAT Cascade Reg 3.50 All above varieties of Seed Oats weigh ever 40 lbs. All above varieties of Seed Barley weigh over 50 lbs. Spring Wheat weighs 65 lbs. per bushel. termination on all stated grain is from 95% to 100% CONTRACTS FOR EXPORT OF REG, SEED OATS ARE AVAILABLE, Wednesday, April 18th, 1851 THE WINGI-IAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FIVE S It • 10 • •411P MM.= QUAKER Macaroni • New Oreek Consul To Canada • .11111g VOICE OF TFamrpown That it state of .elnerp.PPY ii de- veloping in this country there can hardly be any doubt. There ere building restrictions; Agile are, in short supply-so is cement, All our resources are being taxed in order that Canada may be ready 'f" and when the crisis breaks. At slice a time the people of Ontario eennet afford to spend 5260,000,000 a p.m. on strong drink. At such a tmo'e ibe i ()1st-ark) Oos , eminent should not, be ;opeeing rites liquor outlets. As e eh I a time the motto of this eraintey ! should be "discipline" • and not "in-! duleence". At such a time flee e is „miter need for restrictions in drink- ing than in building. A traitor is one wrio l'wlps the enemy. Who are tl:.e i 'traitors 7-Advt. 1-JOWJCK COUNCIL - ' - The Council met in the Clerk's Office according to adjournment, the Reeve H, H. Strong in the chair. All members present, The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of Gibson and Hargrave were adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Newton and Gibson that • we authorize the Reeve to enter into an agreement with Listowel and sue- rounding municipalities for the par- phase of a fire truck. Carried, Alma by Gowdy and Newton &it the Municipality of the Township of Howick request the board of the North Wellington District High Sehool for an equalization of assesgrftent ow- ing to different methods of assessing. JAMESTOWN Mrs. Richard .Jaelilin underwent an operation in Scott Memorial ,a-aospi,, Seafortli, Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rattan and family have moved to Oorrio. They Sold their farm recently to Joseph Chapman, On Tuesday night, April 3tele a ireis- cellaneous shower was held lit the home of Mr. and Lawrence lis in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dareard snee Lola 1,Villeee who Vl't'2Q married some tines ago, The young' couple make their home near Blue- vale. Mrs. John Craig of Fordwich, is spending sonic time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacklin, Miscellaneous Shower A number of friends and neighbors gathered in the school at S. S, No. 4, Grey, on Tuesday evening, April 10e when a miscellaneous shower was held in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Hart (nee Dorothy Dennis, who were recently married. Best wishes were extended to them for their fist- tire happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Hart will reside on their farm at R. R. 1, Gads- hill. 1 Announcement Hanna's Ladies Wear wish to an- nounce that their new line of Wom- en's half-size dresses in conjunction with the Four-Star Dress Co., of New York, has arrived. 18b WHITECHURCH Mrs. Alex Shiell and Susanne and Jack of St. Thomas and Mrs. Milton Mel3urney of London spent the week- end with McBurney-Shiell relatives in Wingham and E. Wawanosh. Many will be interested to know that Mrs. Stewart Scott has been showing improvement in her paralytic condition, from treatments in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Caslick and sons Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wallace Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron, Luck- now, left on Sunday to attend the funeral of his brother, James Camer- on of Lanark. Mr. Cameron was un- married. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mason of Lis- towel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mason. Mr. Harold Mason of Kincardine went through an operation for appendicitis in Kincardine Hos- pital on Saturday. Mr. and. Mrs. John Mason and Julia were in London on Friday last, and her sister, Mrs. Kilpatrick returned home with them to spend two weeks here. Mrs. Mason's sister, Mrs. An_ derson, of Rippen, is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London this week having an operation for gall-bladder trouble, LondeshOro as guest speaker. Rev. and Mrs. Grierson were former mis- sionaries in Korea, IVIcBuiney and Ireland relatives In this district attended the funeral of the late Mr. John Ireland in Tees- TOUGH, LONG- WEARING HEELS Don't let run-down heels cause your shoes to lose their shape. and fit. Come in any time for quick, low cost service. Browne's Shoe Repair FREE INTRODUCTORY OFFER London visitors on Thursday. Mrs,. Douglas Campbell and child- ren, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Annie Walper of Auburn. Miss Minnie Snell of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. .1. McDowell. Mr. Arnold Cook was a Milton vis- itor on !Wednesday where he visited the Kelmscott Farms. Mrs. Wesley Kechnie of Blyth, is, visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Cook. Mr. 'John Gear of Kitchener, spent the week-end . with Mr. \Armond Me- Burney. Miss Hattie Wightman of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox visited on Friday with Mr. Donald Sprung' who is a patient in Clinton Hespital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Goan ,bell JUVENILE INSURANCE 'Modern policy plans designed 'to serve your children's needs. CONSULT - F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 Si were week-end Toronto visitors. Mrs. Boyd returned home with them. Mrs. J. L. McDowell, Miss Minnie Snell visited one day last week with their sister, Mrs. Elwin Taylor of Marnoch. Mr. Norman McDowell was con- fined to bed last week with a dose of measles. Miss Mildred Cook of Belgrave, spent the week-end with her cousin, Violet Cook. The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Wednesday afternoon. The devotional period was led by Eileen Taylor. The opening hymn being "We plough the fields and scat- ter the good seed." Prayer was offer- ed by Mrs. Marvin McDowell. The Scripture lesson was read by Janette Snell, frima. St. Luke 15, 18-;23 verse. A reading "Consider the Lillies" was given by Mrs. Wm. McVittie. The hymn "How Sweet the name 'of Jesus" was sung. A story on the ways and oustoms of the Japanese people was read by Eileen Taylor. The hymn 'Happy the Home" closed this part of the meeting. The President, Mrs. Wm. McVittie was in charge of the business which opened by a hymn, followed with prayer ley Mrs. McVit- tie, Mrs. Charles Sniff)) reported on the packing of the 'bale. rOne bale valued at $23.75 went to a needy fam- ily in London ,one hale valued at $41.50 goes to a needy family in Greece and five large cartons going overseas making tdtr value of $786.00. Misses Eileen 'Taylor and Violet Cook were 'appciinted delegates to the Presbyterial at Exeter on April 27. The W. A. !gave a donation of $75.00 toward the furnace fund. The meeting closed with the benedic- tion by the president. .A collection of $15.00 was received to send the over- seas bales on their way. --centrai Press ofuuldinn Up close, Canadians are gentle 'and industrious. From afar they are known to be very generous, paid Steve G. Rockanas, newly ap- pointed Greek consul to Canada upon his arrival in Toronto, where he has established the royal consul- ate of Greece. Favorably impressed 'with his new surroundings the 33- year-old diplomat said Canada will have "a fantastic future and is fieac4nsg for a new golden age,". • Moved by Gibson and Gowdy that undertakers be allowed $100.00 for burial of an indigent in the Township of Howick, Carried. Moved by Newton and Gowdy that the road liability insurance be re- newed with The Frank Cowan Agency on their broad form and to include the Arena at Belmore. Carried, Moved by Gibson and Hargrave that the road accounts as approved be paid. Moved by Hargrave and Newton that the following accounts be paid. Carried. Relief, $121.35; • C. G. Cooke, part salary as Assessor, $200.00; E. H. Strong, services and mileage, re Wm. Robinson, $7.00; T. V. Edgar, funeral T. Malone, $80.00, opening grave $12,, $72.00; T. A. Roberts, printing, $15.00; Geo. E. Hubbard, fox bounty, $2.00; Gordon Mann, fox bounty, 32,00; P. Durst, pt. salary $90.00, postage $5.00, O. A. P., $5.00, M. O., 1.10, $101.10; total, $490.45. Moved by Gibson and Hargrave that we accept the tender of George Brown of Gorrie, .for the Hamilton Bridge, for the .311,111 • of .$385.00. Carried. Moved by Crowdy and Hargrave that we instruct .theRoAd, SuArix%tendent to advertese for lendeii Tor 'the' con- struction .of .the Cowan and Zurbrigg culverts. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk not later than May 3rd., 1051. Plans and specifications may be seen at the \Clerk's Office. Carried. Moved by Gibson and Gowdy that we authorize the treasurer to cancel the following cheques as per list at- tached, Carried. Moved by Hargrave and Gewdy that 'we,clo,now adjourn to meet again in' the Clerk's Office on May 5th., or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. P. L. Durst, Clerk. E. H. Strong, Rene, FIRST CLASS Watch Repairs AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com- pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George 'Williams Located in MASON'S STORE neynemnoti*.I.1.9.1410•UP.OPinrei....MwAYNIAMS,, Memorials Mrs, Robert Purdon spent the week- . end at the home of her daughter, • Mrs. Floyd Batt of Eelwood and her water United Church on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Win. Dawson is very ill in Wingham Hospital this week. Mr. Thomas Moore was able to re- turn home from Wingham Hospital on Thursday last. Mr. Elmer Arbuckle, Mr. Alvin Hart and Mr. Roy Dawson 'left on Tuesday to motor to Calgary, where they will spend the summer months. Mrs. Allan Pattison has been very ill at her home in E. Wawanosh during the past week. Mrs. Aldin Purdon was taken to Wingham Hospital on Saturday. Mr. Charlie Currie, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Currie of E. Wawanosh, who spent the past few weeks at O.A.C. Guelph, where he took the special course in "Dairy Products" was one of those who received 100% for making ice cream. Mr. Currie has been working with Roselawn Dairies, Toronto, for some time. Mrs. Chas, Martin visited for a few days last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cameron Simmons of London. The Y.P.U. of Belgrave United Church will present their play in the Whitechurch Memorial Hall on Fri- ' day evening, April 27. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moffatt and daugh- ters of Turnberry, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fear and Katherine of Blyth, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Drs. W. J. Coulter. Mr. Arthur Ballagh and son Wallace of Culross visited on Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Norman. O O 0 U Ei 0=ot:t==cmio====zor ol=01---, LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Geo. Obermeier 0 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Comtes and family spent a day last week at the e home of her sister, Mrs. Lawson I Majury of Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coulees and family of E. Wawanosh, spent Sunday at the home of her sister Mrs. Russell Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Welsh and daughter of Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Heffer and sons of Turnberry spent Sunday with Mrs. Welwood and Gordon. Gordon Weiwood and Clay- ton Scholtz and Mr. Ezra Welwood went to London on Wednesday last, and the latter went to Westminster Cl Hospital for further treatments, Mrs. Edward MeBurney and sons spent several days last week with her parente. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Yuill of Morris. Mr. Yuill held a very success,- 1 'ul sale oe Thursday last. tq-en. though it was a rainy afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Yuili mare next month to their 'II new home in Delgraece little grand-daughter, Valerie Bat, who had been visiting here for two weeks returned to her home with Mrs. Pardon. Mrs. Alex Rintoul left on Saturday to spend the next two months at the home of her sister Mrs. Donald Mae- Donald of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moffatt and family of Langside spent Sunday at :0 the home of his sister, Mrs. Ira Wall. !'" Mr. Robert Laidlaw has purchased the Vint farm, on 86 Highway, in Turnberry ,and expects to move there soon, Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw and sons spent Sunday at Clinton with her 0 Mother, Mrs, Joe Holmes, who has n been very ill with flu. 0 Mrs. Bee MeClenaghae spent a few days last week visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Jas. McIntyre of Ridgetowe, Mrs. and Mrs, E. H. Greskerth and family spent the week-end with rela- 0 tives at UnienVille and Mrs, Chapman p and Gary accompanied them and Visited with Aurora relatives, The W.M,S. of the United Church here i; holding the Easter Thank- offering mooting this Friday evening in the church, with the W,M.8. of the Presbyterian Church as guests, 0 and with Mrs. (Rev.) Grierson, of O