HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-04-11, Page 8: tt t n, Far ers 4a. WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS HORSES - CATTLE - HOGS Telephone Collect for. Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LTD. PALMERSTON 123W DURHAM 398 Old Times 03y P. S, Fisher). The amendments to the Farm Pro- ducts Marketing Act that were re- quested by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture on behalf of our many farm commodity group organizations has apparently ;Aroused .eon.sAderahle opposition from members of ° the grain trade, particularly those hand- lmg wheat. The section of the act that was most strongly opposed was the clause that would permit pooling. They also opposed the clause that N'ot,1:1 give marketing boards power to own land and property, The elevator owners' seemed to feel that the pooling clause was directed against them and Neould eventually lead to their finan- cial embarrassment. At no time has the wheat. prodee, era' organization had any thought of interupting the present system of Marketing wheat, providing the pro- ducer received his cost of production plus a fair profit, or an alternative of storing his grain until such time as he considers the price to be satisfac- tory.. This year farmers who stored their wheat have been well paid for "their efforts, The price at harvest time was $1.60 as offered by the July- ers. It is now $3,20 or better. That IS an increase of around 70c per bushel that the farmer receives for his ef- forts. If producers are paid a reason- able price for their produce the buy- ers need not be unduly worried about what action might be taken under the Ontario Farm Products Market- ing Act. Producers should be permitted to pool any product they wish to. The.,e •;i=";,020.0, ........... CA LING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO 2-26 PAGE EIGHT. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, April CH EV RO L • THERE I'— 14l4o-Dtait evi entipones Curti-ter Improve Chevrolet s '' Driver- " Conditione Cobs cool In urnmer, ,Kai d seat in Winkel. 1404 IS con- stuation features auto- ISACAIC back-angle adjustment improved twin action brakes! Broad visibility and renowned steer- ing-ease give drivers complete control! Extra Sturdy, right r from the chassis up • • . and now featuring new, further ,4 GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Three great Chevro/et En. sines--rnossive new 114 h.p. nor. ter, 10.p. Loadmaster .5h , 92 h ., master each perfec Thrift. ly matched to give its fit 11.1./. range for highest perforni-once with economy! Yes, Cheer et continues to be the undisputed choice of those who own cod drive trucks regardless of the conditions 1.07Cler which they operat are used e or the purpose for which they Outstanding - features corn- ,.'bined with long life, utmost dependability and rock-bottom prices . . . that's the va/ue story that has Canada' 'bade Chevrolet truck, s favorite CT-251$ 1 produce it, they. own 4. and they should have the right to decide whether pooling is desired Or not, The owning of property by a Mare keting Board should not cause undue concern to anyone who is operating buSineaS, unless be is concerned lest the producer and the consumer find out how much profit, if any, is made on the handling of our feod stuff, AS long as the present services are ade- quate there is very little likelihood of Producer Organizations going into. business against the already well or- ganized trade,. The stand taken by some of our Federal members of Parliament re- presenting Western Ontario ridings, would indicate a very great need for a strong Ontario Wheat Producer organization, We produced wheat for food during the war and post war years the same as our Western Can- adian Farmers did, We are not re, cueing any of the $65,000,000 bonus payment now being made. We have no strong producer organization to exert pressure to see that our pro- dueers receive their share of such bonus payments. You now have a Provisional Wheat Producers' Committee for the Pro- vince of Ontario. This year at the'an- nual meeting being held in May you producers are urged to support the action of your Provisional Jiixecutive and back them up in establishing a strong Producer Organization for this Province, In a News Letter from the Canad- ian Federation of Agriculture we find some interesting information on sub- sidies. It is a common practice to-day Wingham Motors Phone 139 Chevrolet's tamous-coy -thrift engines erelong on mileage, short on upkeep . • • and easy to service. 'Thorough Chevrolet engi- neering results in re- liability that pays oft t to think of subsidies only in terms of applying to farm produce. Many city people seem to think that they are paying heavy taxes to subsidize the farmers for producing the food that they must buy, The letter points out that tariff protection for Canad- ian Industry has cost the people of Canada something close to three bil- lion dollars in the past tweny years. Canada's gold industry employs only 23,000 people, yet in 1949 that industry was subsidized to the extent' of over three million dollars. During that same period thirty eight of the larg- est gold mines made a net profit of sixteen million dollars, This subsidy was in force for a three-year period and is likely to be renewed. The subsidy on coal movement in 1949 amounted to nearly four mil- ion dollars and on steel and iron shipments over four and a half mil- lion dollars. When the subsidy on feed grains is discussed you would think to hear the critics talk it Was the only subsidy of its kind being paid. In Great Britain heavy subsidies are paid to agriculture. A grant is made to cover 40% of the cost of in- stalling a water system in . farm buildings and a farm home. 50% of the cost of providing a dwelling for farm owners is made by the British Government. If such a system were in effect in Canada we would find more farms occupied and better liv- ing accommodation on the farms that are already occupied. The farmers in Goderich Town- ship' who negotiated an improved settlement with the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commilsion on a single pole line from Holmes to Hayfield are to be congratulated for their efforts. The nineteen farmers from Goderich Township would not sign the agreement with the H.E.P.C. because they considered the rates to be too low, Robt, Saunders, the Hydro Com- missioner met this group of farmers in the school house at Porter's Hill in Goderich Township on Saturday afternoon, March 31st., at which time a satisfactory settlement was made. The farmers are now receiving $14,00 per pole for a single pole placed on cultivated land where formerly they received only $5.00. They are receiving 65c per rod for easement over the land where formerly they received 45c. Braces are to be paid for at the same rate as the poles. The new rates apply for the entire Province. They are $14.00 for poles placed on cultivated land, $7.00 for poles placed in fence rows and $5.00 for poles placed on waste land. A good settlement was also provided where the line must cross bush land. The foreman responsible for erect- ing the line must consult with the owner before entering upon the land. This will prevent a repetition of some of the grievances 'reported by the farmers in Perth County. In instances Where fences have to be taken down, they must be repaired to the satis- faction of the farmer or he can repair them himself and the Hydro will pay him for his work. This policy is binding over the en- tire province and is retroactive to Skinny men, women gain 55,10,151k. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor Whet a thrill! I3ony limbs fill out; Ugly bol. •lows fill Inn• beak no. longer rortivtin body I loses half-starved, taly "bearl-Oolo" look. Than sands of olrle, women, men, who never could Rein he tore, aro now nrett,1,01' shapely, healthy-looking bodlea, They thank the ape. olal vigor-building. Rosh. Wilding taste, OstrOX. Iii stioullanta, indigent. tore, Iron, vitamin n* eat-olum, entleh blood, improve appetite and dlfrostloa e* reed gtrON Sou Coro strength and nourishment: D121 gosh Oh bOr0 W48, Cat Lovely Curves Dina fear getting TOO nit, Step when MOO gained taro 6, 10, 15 Or 20 MS. Sdtl heed tdr AorYnta weight, coots ratio, New "gat acquainted" else only doe moose Ostro:t Lb510Ibblets tor how vigor 55r1 added peunda,tbla WO day. At all &Walla% S T F O R A N Y R U N N f 5 5y plowing around a hill rather than up and down, small darns instead of gulleys are created by the furrows. These hold the topsoil back during rains and spring thaws. Crop increases of 20% to 30(.c have been recorded the first year after contour plowing. It takes almost 1 000 years for nature to produce one inch of topsoil. Nature Unspoiled YOURS TO PROTECT — YOURS TO ENJOY Describes Plan To Supply U,S, With Alta. Gas —Central Press Canadian Outline of a plan to pipe Alberta`i natural gas to U.S, war plants has been given to the Alberta logis• i.alure by Premier Manning, above• iffe said the plan would send le billion cubic feet of gas hnnually across the border for a period el five years, "to ensure essential pro. duction" in a specific arms industry January 1st,i 401, :or on, any line that Is not completed, It applies to cases where settlement has been previously made such as on the f3reeefield-Bay. field line. The efforts of these nineteen farm- ers has beyond a dotmt brought, to a cheat! a problem that has :existed for several years, Their efforts has see cured a better deal for many farmers who did not think it was worth their while to lodge a protest. soeaf .g2 NABISCO BEDDED You get full measure of who wheat and bran in MECO SHREDDED WHEAT ... /6,./04(fide fRES 9 fro the APaividdig De -Vtar-id don),