HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-04-11, Page 6 I I I 1 I I 401111 11'1.11111111111111101111111\ DI PM sae NII9I lw sot KSUI 2324 FM leo seel IeFlB seass BM Wall =IS MS Alm moo im UAKE acarom INTR D T a Ihti Y FF of making ROBINHOOD 21 LB. BAG FLOUR •$1.59 JOHNSON'S GLO=COAT qt. $1.05 pt. .59 WIZARD GLASS WAX pt. 49c GOOD QUALITY BROOMS 6 string ... .$1.49 4 string .95 $1.25 5 string LBS. 25c COFFEE Ground Fresh to your method 95c ONIONS ASTER LB. DUTCH SET RED FRONT GROCERY I I I I I I I I a ,„,„e• • My shelf price of Quaker Macaroni Is 7 7e la no Win MILII rag per .... ro mug — — lem Imo — 11111 smig 14141 BRING THIS COUPON TO OUR STORE QUAKER MACARONI INTRODUCTORY OFFER Buy one Package Quaker Macaroni at Regular Price and get one Package FREE Simply sign your name and address below and bring this coupon to our store. We will then sell you one Package Quaker Quick-Cooking Macaroni at Regular Price and give you one Package absolutely Free, customer's Name Address. TO THE DEALER: When you and your customer have complied' with the terms of this offer (as above) your Quaker salesman will pay you for the free package at your shelf price, plus 10 for handling. Coupon void unless customer's name and address clearly filled in for reference purposes. IiziNeer.P;Rero-- JUVENILE INSURANCE Moderp policy plans designed to serve your children's needs. CONSULT — F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 aliV.••=1.*••••••••=1•14111•1•••=•11,11110•11/•••••• Our Service Motto The impossible we do right away; A miracle takes a little longer. Come in and see the 1951 Philo° Refrigerator Refrigeration & Electrical Service T. DARLING Next to Wingham Motors Phone 549 Wingham TIER CNOICB or *TABS LUZ SOAP 31:4"' 100 NO RUBBING Ai 1E rit0 WAX WITH ADDED SOLNEKI RINSO PURMA31 MAL MCMINN uns s 14.170 Lerevrissoris Noessekoisi Poweeeed ANNINNIApkw. 2 J.14 MADE FOR HARD WORN—SCRUB BRUSHES Each 240 MAKES WINDOWS SPARKLE BON ANI Pkg. 140 Pr 430 titrE 420 DOOM DAT IRIMIROUT WIRING SWF liar 420 A BATIMOOIN MBCES6ITT awn Tin 270 BULLDOG—Cleans hardwood floors TEL WOOL 2 Pkgs. 250 RICKMELLO ELE 24 0140 UNSLICED1 30 LOAF ST. WILLIAMS BLACK CAMPBELL'S CLARK'S QUICK COOKING .arN.63c) 3 LB PORK AND BEANS RASPBERRY MAI TOMATO SOUP PORK AND BEANS viz Bo= Boum GarsP°uNDs DOMINO—PLENTY OF SUDS SOAP FL NES DEVON BRAND SWEET r'lliEWIFER PEARS MEC.P.LFE IN SAUCE 180 140 30o 120 250 250 IS OZ. TIN IS 07.. TIN 2 FOB 3 FOR AYLMER TOMATO or 070 .SELTIAN 7,4 oz. FANCY B.C. COROB RED 'Tin FANCY WHOLE KER7,,TEL ASSORTED StiLLY PoInnOznei, :77.711/7 07,t.7.7 77.7.r.A II Oz. riT5 c90% ' Pkgs. t4 ,or 6,,,0 <a..-/Adre Tin 0;;:: '15F 0 .r.,et-n, Evapotntod 'Elms (13 for e'r,er`30 FINE r Sb i07 e.7474 St7a4IP 2Carltn EDDY'S MAPLE LEAF PUNCHES Boxes clo In Pkg. LYNN VALLEY 4-5's GREEN 15 Oz. or 230 PERS Tins GEs Eff DOZ. 450 FRESH TOP—CALIFORNIA BUNCH C TROTS 2BUNCHES 190 FRESH TENDER IMPORTED GREEN CABBAGE Ln‘ 7 0 FRESH CirtIsp CRUNCHY rl../OntnA GREEN CELERY Z72 ST" 230 CALIFORNIA NAVEL F.11 PAN raiVz,r.T A 15 Ralves Oz. Tin ROB.S.ZY BLENDED :Fa "42 Sweetened CANADA PASICBRS 7,18EUTEPIE LONDON Housr. UR MEESE ,i;nOz. lrf MARGEN Pound 450 8 oz. 290 PAGE SIX THE WINGHANI ADVANCE-TIMU Wednesday,: .Apri1,11th, 1951 Camp )ell Sz Conk; tt Sash Manufacturers iagonal Rd. Wingham Open or Glazed Sash & Prefit Window Units MADE TO ORDER SMULF°R A SPARKLIIGNIITWASIZ SOW "FIS F€41 270 Huron Women's Institute will meet in th.,e.Masonic .club rooms, .Wroxeter, past week were Flying :)".f .f:i-cer Bruno held h Guests of ;‘,Irs. T. Q. Hemphill and on 20th:, at 1.30 e'cloelt. on June Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen during the to :arrange tor the district annual to Elingbeil and Mrs. Elingbeil of Mrs. I. J. Gamble of Fordwieli, Felt Nelson. The latter is. a daughter of the late Harry Brawn, a former a visitor with her sister, Mrs. 11.). 5. MaeNaughton this week. resident of this village. Mr. ale', Mrs. Allen,, Brussels, were also Sun- Mrs., TIra„ L'itcs.`:}' With her son, .Harvey and Mrs. Timm, day visitors. Bill Timm, also of Listowel, wris a Mrs. Vein Denny, Mrs. J. X Allen week-end, visitor et his Inert'ae's and Mrs. D. S. 3‘laeNaughttea acoom- Homo. panned. Mrs. Lyle P4rothers and :.'11r4. Mrs. F. Sanderson, convener of Ws- Victoria Brothers to Bruseela Thursday evening; to ,,-,tend tOrkai research, and Mrs. Les. Doue,- put on by a group from Lucknow. las, public relationship and common- meno),,rs th... pc01,1„,8 activities convener, were narneii a at the April Meeting of the Women's Union, Church, attended special service for the yx,x, of liar_ I, Institute to attend a conveners' con- to he held at the 0.A.O., on Presbytery. A:Umbers of the te;e- t.eunce Guelph, early in May. tutive conducted the Si..rdet?. twAng...0."0 Jiiectiug of the East On Sunday, April 29th., a represen- tative of the Temperance Federation ill have charge of the morning ser- vice in the United Church. A retitle:A has gone in asking for the same speaker as was sent last year. He was 1:kr. .Burwil, a teacher, and his .1.1 dross aim:. informative, ,On Monday, April ;lett., at h O'cledt in they evening a film will be shown in the United Church to which all are invited, Mrs. James Sangster has spent ,ne past two months with her daughter. !Miss Clortrude Sangster, Detreit, The building on the corner whioit has been leased by Andy Pocaluylto has been sold, Mr. and Mrs. Pocaluyko have conducted a garage, grocery store and lunch Counter and their place of business has rendered a good public service. Their many friends hope they will remain in the commun- ity. WIROUTER A progressive -ettehre And. „CrOlsitIcae is being arranged for the cooling Friday n4lit by members of the Wo7 =WS Institute. Committee in eharge of arrangements is Mrs. J. H. Mrs. Harvey Timm, Mrs, Calvin It tof, fat, Mrs, John MacLean and M:;4. S, Maclvaugbtuii, %Vetlding Anniversary Celebrated dames McTavish, fourth line of Turnberry, celebrated their 40th a,Ading anniversary on Thursday, April bth, With a dinner party. Present, were Mr. and 74rs, John McTavish, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grant, Mr. era Mrs. Alex MeTavih and Miss Mora McTavish from r,e,jr_ outo, also Weir four .granclenialree The table Nve., Lentred with the wed- cling cake made by their daughter-in- law, Mrs. Jobe McTavish, During •he evening suitable gifts were presented to the bride tu•ti groom of forty years ago. Mrs. McTavish was the former Myrtle King ititcl Most of their mar- ried life has been spent on the Me- Tavieh homestead. Their many friends and neighbors join in wishing this worthy couple .iteny happy wedding! anniversami Mr% ..•orge In Boston, ierkitty, 1\1:sreli 30th., there enterce ii)ti».•est, a well-known and clearly 1)L'AUVUd OitiZen of this community, in the person of Mrs. George Allen. .Nirs, Allen and her hus- band had ;wee spending the winter season with their daughter, Mrs. Maxwell MuoFarland, of Winnipeg. She had been in failing health and recently was taken by her son, Dr. Frank Allen, to Boston for treatment. When her condition became grave her husband and family were called to her bedside and remained until death relieved her of her suffering. Margaret Ewing Allen was born and grew up in Teeswater, She was the last remaining member of the Ewing family. Fifty-five years ago she was married to George Allen and most of those years were spent in Wroxeter, where Mr. Allen was local C.P.R. agent, until his retirement a few years ago. Surviving are her husband, two sons, Dr. Frank Allen, Boston; Mac Allen, Montreal; one daughter, Mrs. Maxwell ijanet) McFarland of Win- nipeg, and four grandchildren. The late Mrs. Allen was a member of the United Church. She was tal- ented in music and in former years when health permitted made a fine contribution with her talent in the church and community. Down through the years she has made many friends, who will regret her passing. Relatives and friends gathered at the Edgar funeral home, Gorrie, on Monday, to pay a last tribute with Rev. U. E. .Cronhichn in charge. Pall- bearers were Allen Munro, Harry Al- len, Dan MacTavish, Les. Douglas, J. H. Wylie and Arthur Gibson. In- terment was. .made in Wroxeter . 011111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 Ili MR. A. RUBIN U FAMOUS FUR COMPANY ,....1 i 1950 Designs Now Being shown m i Individually fitted and styled. U it Several fittings at no additional Ili li E Call 276J, Wingham i NI for Appointment t ---EI ...7._ or Write tri 50S Bathurst Street, Toronto ,-/I :7;1111E111 Ilili I g)IIMIII"iillE1111iil11i101111 NM charge. WINGHAIVI VALUES EFFECTIVE IN UNTIL CLOSING TIME SAT., APRIL I4TH Our Guarantee a issasstoodise sal el ma ossadia %re Is innemaitleAelly sperome4c1 se 51.i yeti 100% Satisfaction ANOTHER f FORD ACCESSORY GLEANERS 4/ko R491/8/03 Give your car a complete beauty treatment to restore and preserve that showroom lustre, The handy Liquid Glaze Appearance Kit contains everything you need to do a professional job at home . . . Qw1k-Wash, Cleaner, Sealer and Clitoris Wax— each in eight-ounce tins—plus a handy polishing cloth. Also available is the time and labour saving Genuine Ford Body Polish that thoroughly cleans and polishes in one easy application . . also Genuine Ford Chrome Cleaner that restores original beauty to dull and weathered chrome. The "sure-firer"guntrters of the The Canadian Army Active Force is on the alert. The highly-trained, expert gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery stand by their guns — ready to defend Canada's freedom. The fighting men of the Royal Canadian Artillery are expert soldiers. They are trained to work and fight in smoothly co• ordinated teams . and proud of it! Canada needs more men like these "sure.. tire" gunners -77, men who prize Canadian freedom enough to fight for it. You can take your place beside men like these — as a member of a field gun's trew---by reporting immediately for training as a soldier of the Canadian Army Active Force. Canada needs you now! Report today! TO ENLIST YOU MUST — 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 30 years of age. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Army test requirements, 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: No, 13 Personnel Depor, Wallis Nouse, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., OTTAWA, OM. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot St., KINGSTON, Oct. No. 6 Personnel Depot, Charley Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Opt, No. 7 Person-hal bapat, Wolsolay Barratket Elisabeth St., LONDON, Ont. A2038•fli SERVINO tANAISIAN SINUS 101* DOMMtrat STORES LTD. Immiummunk Listen to "The Voice of the Arnie," Wednesday evenings Dominion Network