HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-04-11, Page 5A new and different blend with a mild and pleasing flavour. Firm and smooth to chew. Never crumbles. A Here's a smart little style for misses—basically plain, flattering key- hole neckline with button trim. Semi-flare skirt and short "above the elbow" sleeve. In Navy or Black with straight-cut slip. Sizes 14 to 20. Women's sizes in this smart style with notched tailored collar, tucked; "bib effect" bodice, and button closing. Gored skirt, short popular length sleeve. Navy or Black with straight-cut slip. Sizes 18 1/2 to 24 1/2 . Styled for Misses—V-neck with softly draped fullness from shoulder- line, "over the shoulder" cap sleeve, side skirt fullness draped and ending in a deep pocket with dainty lace trim. Plain Navy or Black, with matching, straight-cut slip. Sizes 12 to 18. „ — - TWO ADDITIONAL STYLES NOT SHOWN— ONE FOR MISSES, ONE FOR WOMEN BOTH SMARTLY STYLED—EACH WONDERFUL VALUE each Limited Wednesdays April 11th, 19$1 THE WINGHANI ADVANCE-TIMES., RAGE FIVE' CfXARTISTO. AUCTION SALE df AT SOUTH PART LOT 20, CON, 10, TURNBERRY, 2 MILES NORTH OF WINGHAM, ON NO 4. HIGHWAY,. 8410 CoMmenees at 12,30 TUESDAY, APRIL 17th., 1951 IMPLEMENTS Tractor 102, tires 314 now, Massey-Harris; Tractor, completely overhauled, McCormiek" Deering; Tractor Plow, 3 -furrow, McCormick-Deering; Tractor Plow, 2 furrOw, aye bottom, McCormick Deering; Tractor Plow, 2-furrow, Qase; Din' Drill, 13 run, Coekshutt Clipper Combine, 6 ft., A/LOWY-I-Tar- ris; Threshing Separator, shredder and. grain thrower, Waterloo; Binder, 7 ft., McGortnielt-Peeringl. Binder, 7 ft., Deering; Mower, 6 ft, Deering; Mower, 6 ft„ McCormick-Deering; Spring-tooth Harrows, 3 section, Mc- Cormick-Deering; section Harrows, 15 ft.; section Harrows, 12 ft., Wag- on, rubber -tired; Wagon, steel wheeled, Wagon, steel tired; Wagon Box, Double Disc, 1 year-old, McCor- mick-Deering; Side Rake, Massey- Harris; Dump Rake, Massey-Harris; Hay Loader, drop head nearly new, McCormick-Deering; Hay Tedder; Tractor Cultivator, stiff tooth, 7 ft„ McCormick-Deering; Corn Box and Pipes, 13 inch, Gilson; Oat Roller, Fleury; Wood Sawing Machine, Land Roller, Milking Machine, 2 unit, pip- ing for 12 Cows; 5 Milk Cans; Elect- trio Motor, llt-horse; Gas Engine, 2- horse, McCormick-Deering; Gas En- herse, Fairbanks Morse;. Pump Jack, Beatty; Water Trough, steel; Brooder Stove, Wheelbarrow; Water Pump, 20 ft, pipe and .cylinder, Corn Binder, Massey Barris; Corn Cultivator; Dump Scraper; 4 Electric Fencers, (2 Gem and 2 Woods); 100 ft. Threshing Belt, nearly new; 040 rods of Barb Wire; Quantity of Ced- ar. Posts; Quantity of Lumber; Build- ing Timbers; Turnip Pulper; Circular Saw, 32", nearly ntw; 1036 Dodge coach, new tires and battery; 1e87 Chevrolet Coupe, in good condition; CATTLE- -4 Holstein Cows, frost, yr.. old; 1 Holstein Cow, 4 year old, calf at foot; 2 Holstein I7ows, 4 yr. old, milking; 1 Holstein Cow, 4 yr, alit, freshen soon; 3 Holstein Cows, yr. old, supposed to be in calf; 1 1 Holstein Cow, 4 yr, old, black and white, 1, Holstein Cony', 8 yr. Old, due shortly; 1 AIShire OW, 7 yr. .old, fresh; 1 Durham .Cotta, .6 yr. old, fresh soon; 1 Durham. .Cow, 0 yr. old, calf At foot; 1 Hereford Cow, 9 .yr, old, calf at foot; I Durham .Cow, .yr, - old; 9 Holstein Yearlings, 2 Durham Yearlings; 6 .Calves about 7 months old; 2 Durham -Yearlings; 2 Steers, 2. yr. old; 3 Heifers, 2 yr. old; 1 Calf, 5 months old; 4 Young Calves: 1 Dur- ham Bull, 3 yr, old, HORSES 1 gray Horse. 7 yr. old; 1 Brown ,of rase, 15 yr. old: Quantity of Hay ano Grain, Forks, Shovels awl numerous other articles. TIiIRMS ("ASH MATO:LAND PORTER, Prop., ROY PORTER, Clerk MATT GAYNOR, Auctioneer, ‘11111. 11..M11111.11111.111111111Mr e. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons. having claims againnt the estate of Jessie Murray, late of the Town of Wiogham, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on ,or about the 9th day of January, A. 11., 1051, are notified to send to the nu- dcrsiored on or before the 14th day of April, A. II., 1951, full particoiani f their claims in writing. Inmoolio-xio tifttr the said 14th day of April, the assets of the ..tai lit tlistri/ontd most the parties to.- tithot havino rcoard only to elainis of which the adiniustrator flat. have lattice, DATED than 22tel clay of March. A. D., 1051. CRAW ERI ;TON Solicitors the odministrator. Winoliam., Ontario, 28;4:11b CARD OF THANKS Miss Annie McKinnon and Mr. John McKinnon wish to express sincere' appreciation to the neighoours and friends, who were so kind at the time of their brother's death. 11" CARD OE. THANKS We would like to express our sin- cere thanks to all our kind friends and neighbors who remembered us with flowers, cards, letters and gifts during our stay in Wingham Hospi- tal. Special thanks to Mrs, Morrey and her staff, Dr, W. A, Crawford and Dr, B. N. Corrin. Mrs. Hannah Foy& and Fraser. 11' CLINTON HA ADDITION LOCALS AND PERSONALS Jean Loughlean it attending trhonotOo thishaird vrik hairdressers' -convention In To- Mrs. RoOrt Wenger, of Mildmay, is spending a few days with her son, Mr, Barry Wenger and Mrs. Wenger. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Walker have returned to Wingham after spending the winter at Daytona Beach, lolorola. his wo - tt hom-Mr. Jim Martin is returniug to borne Ituna, after ing fur the past iivo year's in Wing- Gertrude Dennis and daughter, Joanne, art' spending a weeks at North Bay at the home 2.1 her sister, Dr. L. A. and :Mrs. 'Wood- . --Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deyell were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park and Mr. Jack Park, of Dungannon, a.uol Mr, Charles Deyoll, of Owen Sound. -.Mr. and Mrs, Bill Burgman spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 'Hurgman, after hull flaying, at St. Petersburg, FiorkIt-t. Miss Ruth Burgman, of Toronto. ,.1118 also a guest at her parents' home ov- er the week-end. --Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sohneider and Mr. and Mrs. William MeKeno:io were in Owen Sound en Saturday, at- tending the funeral of their uncle, toe late Christopher Hardy. Mrs. Cath- erine Alford and Mr. Kennethti, Ax- ford. :\olfr. D. eSteriolint, attendede GORRTP Lane-Downey A pretty home wedding was sof, eninized at the home of the .bride. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Downer:. Cowie, at 3 P.m., on Saturday, April 7th., when their eldest .daughtf Dorothy Louise, became the bride rpf Russell Thomas Lane, son of Mr. rtr.4 Mrs. Geo. Lane, Tillsonburg, Rev. R. Watt of the Gorrie United Chum:, performed th ceremony and M. Margaret 1.1411.•-in played the weddil march. The bride was lovely' in navy geri... gettc. Her flowers were red ba t." orchids. She was attended by hor sister, Miss Alice Downey, who wo:,.. powder blue taffeta. Dr. Wray Pine. of Toronto was host man, A buffet luncheon was served, their wedding trip to Guelph. Lova other points the bride wore a suit of green gabardine with grey accessonit The young couple will reside in TIE. sonburg. Guests from a distance west:: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane, Tillsonburo : Miss Veda Lane, Guelph; Miss Muni Salters, Guelph and Mr, and Mr, Wm. Hayden, Kitchener, Wool Grown OrgiailiZ&floq • L Ship Collect to Our Registered Warehouse No, I WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from GEO HALDENBY, Holyrood MORLEY MeMICHAEL, R.R. 2, Wroxeter or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 211 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada • FASHION-WISE STYLES • FOR SUMMER WEAR SPECIALLY -PURCHASED TO OFFER OUTSTANDING VALUE! BIRTHS COLLAR—At the Wingham General 'MORRIS TWP, FAVOURS Hospital, on Wednesday, March 28, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Reg Collar, a son (Donald Charles), a brother far Audrey Ann. RILEY—At the Wingham General The council met in the Township Hospital, on Monday, April 1, 1951, Hall on April 2nd., with all the mem- to Mr, and Mrs, Ferguson Rilv of bers present, The minutes of the last meeting wore read and adopted on motion of Sam Alcock and Chas, Couttes. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Sam Alcock that the spray oper- Wingham, a daughter. VanCAMP—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, April 10, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Job.. R. VanCamp, R.R. 1, Belgrave, a son, ator be paid 90 cents per hour ao.d his helper 80 cents per hour and that a charge of 15 cents per head be lade for spraying cattle. Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Chas, Coultes that the followieg resolution in regard to an addition to the Clinton Collegiate be passed. Resolution:---That the Council of the Township of Morris is in favour of an addition to the Clinton Colleg- iate Institute at an estimated cost l'f $285,000, and we hereby instruct the Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board to proceed with plans and spec- ifications for said addition providing that the other Municipalities witn more ratepayers belonging to the Clinton High School Area are in favour of this addition as we have a very small number of ratepayers affected. Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, secont.lcd by Sam Alcock that the road bills Ias presented by the Road Stworintert- 1 dent be paid. Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seeomled by Wm. Peacock, that the meeting adjourn to meet again on May 7, at 1 p.m. Carried. I The folloWing accounts were paid: Municipal World, supplies, 81c; E. S, Robinson, relief account 24.90; Don Howes, milk for relief, 2.70; ..._ S. B. Elliott, relief account, 13.82. !- Harvey. C. Johnston, Reeve Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, ff; TILE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE id A year ago the Wingham Arena Committee was making plans for the It installation of artificial ice. One of the men remarked "Our biggest head- = ache is going to be liquor." Then he drew a picture of drinking' in the bleachers and bottles thrown on the ice. Now the first season on artificial FDI ice is nearly over, It is very gratify- d lug to learn that there has been a.10 very minimum of trouble because of liquor, This proves that our young people do not need a bottle of liquor for an evening's enjoyment. It also t proves that the lurid reports of drink- Ei ing in public are largely loose talk.-- :o Advt. = ..afttgammizazgocaTaMitaximiama iii TOUGH, LONG- WEARING HEELS Don't let run-down heels cause your shpts to lose filch' shape and fit, Come in any time Ion quick, low cost NerViet t Browne's Shoe Repair Town Hall, Teeswater Wednesday, April 18th GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. 16 Regular Games = = $10 Prize Each Game 2 Specials = $100 Prize Each Game JACKPOT SPECIAL = $1,000 1 FREE $25 Special 1 FREE Mystery Game ADMISSION - $1.00, Extra and Special Cards 25c — All Proceeds for Community Activities -- LIONS CLUB BIN Go $1,400 CASH .1 WW ail oring No room deserves a real good floor more than the Farm Kitchen. MARBOLEUM INLAID is the Ideal, Permanent Floor for the rooms where wear is Hardest. done by KEN. BAKER Expert Laying, Styling and. Felting Drop in to Welwood's this week and see the Lovely Range of Colours and Designs that can be Used in Your Kitchen. THE LOW COST OF MARBOLEUM INLAID WILL SURPRISE YOU. 111111111111111111t0t11110110/001111111M1,31101111111 llllllllll 1,11,1•1 lllll llllll 11141.0.1"111t100(1101401,...10111111.t 00 "Quality and Service , o_otintioniminiumaiitallonffily nainwininainaniturmainimithalialloriadmii M 1 1 2 I I kS I I 1.-0- Phone 414 Wingham ft.