HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-04-11, Page 1LADIES' CURLING
The Ladies' Curling Club 'ended its
activities for the season On Friday
evening, when a banquet In the form
of a turkey dinnet1 was held at Hotel
Brunswick. At the conclusion of the
banquet the nominating committee
presented the following slate of offic-
ers for next season; Press-Mrs. R,
S. Hetherington; 1st. vice-pres,-Mrs,
A. W. Irwin; Sec-treas., Mrs. R. R,
Hobden; Tournament Cont,-Mrs. J.
Kerr, Mrs. W. H. EdwardS, Mrs. V.
Sanderson; Social Com.-Mrs. J. H.
Crawford, Mrs. W. B. McCool, Mrs,
T. MacDonald, Brussels; IVOmbership
Corn.-Mrs. T. A. Currie, Mrs. E. R.
The president-elect paid tribute to
the retiring president, MrS, W. W.
Gurney, for the efficient manner in
which she has presided for the past
two years, since the formation of the
Ladies' Curling Club.
Duplicating the feat of last season,
the Stainton Spitfires eliminated tile
Durham Redmen in the finals to cap
the Intermediate "A" W. 0. A, A,
Championship. With two games in
the bag the overconfident Durham
team fell apart in the last four garrin
to give the Spitfires the coveted sil-
Saturday night the Spitfires proved
their worth as they trounced the
visitors 13-4, giving them their worst
trimming of the series, The series
ended practically the same as last
season from a goal point calculation,
with the exception the locals in 1250
won four straight,
Wingham took an early lead Satur-
day night as Westlake scored on a
pass from Tustin at 56 seconds.
Within a minute after Wingham
broke into the scoring column. Proc-
tor flashed the light to tie the score.
Goals by Jackson and Crewson ended
the period 3-1 for the Spitfires. Four
penalties were handed out in this
frame, two to each club,
A six-goal splurge in the second
period, proved to be more than the
pay-off as the Spitfires ran up a
substantial lead, Crewson opened the
scoring in this period on a two way
passing play from Lockridge and
Pym at 2,54, Two minutes later
Crewson scored his third goal of the
night unassisted. Midway through
the frame Proctor tallied his second
on a pass from. Nichol and goals by
Bain and Nichol ended the scoring
for Durham for the balance of the
game. Tustin, Wilson, English and
Westlake added to the Wingham
total before the period ended. Eight
penalties were handed out by Referee
Mote, in the session, Wilson and
Lain e gettingsilitfi r et Nsv o 07.1 tcilni
'tied their at-
tack in the final period, ramming
home another four tallies on efforts
by Norman Tustin, who flashed the
red light twice and single markers
going to Crewson and Lockkridge.
'ire penalty box keepers had a, busy
session in the' final go as Pyrn was
handed a major and Wilson ten min-
Close to 1300 fans saw the curtain
fall on the 1951 Intermediate "A"
season, It is expected Wingham will
now play the winner of "B" and "C"
Series for the grand championship.
With the winning of the "A" crown,
we say congratulations to Percy
Stainton and his Spitfires for the
honour brought to our town for the
second year in a row.
Durham-Goal, Strong; defence, G.
Weidner, L, Weidner; centre, Proc-
; tor; wings, Nichol, Tucker; alter-
; nates, Nixon, Bain, Dean, Schenk,
May, Bell, McGirr, Booth,
I Wingham-Goal, Purola; defence,
i Westlake, Pym; centre, Lockridge;
wings, Tustin, Crewson; alternates,
Hilbert, English, Huff, Dewbury,
lake (Tustin) 56 seconds; 2. Durham,
Templeman, Wilson, Green, Jackson,
First Period-1, Wingham, West-
Proctor 1.47; 3. Winghani, Jackson
(Dewbury) 5.11; 4. Wingham, Crew-
son (Westlake) 15,25. Penalties,
English, Lockridge, L, Weidner,
Second Period-5. Wingham, Crew-
son (Lockridge, Pym) 2.54; 6, Wing-
ham, Crewson 4.14; 7, Durham, Proc-
tor (Nichol) 10.05; 8, Wingham, Tus-
tin 11.44; 9. Wingham, Wilson (Dew-
bury) 12.28; 10 Durham, Bain (May'
14,55; 11. Wingham, English 17.51; 12.
Durham, Nichol (Proctor) 17,59; 13.
Wingham, Westlake (Crewson) 18,2').
Penalties, Lockridge, Wilson 2, Tus-
tin, Tucker. Bain 2, Schenk.
Third Period 14. Wingliam. Tus-
tin I Creween1 3,05. 1e. Wingham,
Tustin (Crewson) 14.25. 16. Wingham.
Cresysen (,Tarkson) 16.24, 17, Wing-
ham, Loeltridge (Green) 19 59, Penal-
ties, Pyre H. jot Wilson 2, inelud-
ing ten minutes, Dean, Proctor.
Referees Siete, Kit ele Her: Yen,
Owen Sound.
D.D.G.M. will make his official
visit to Maitland Lodge No. 119, or.
Thursday, April 12th. All members
please be present. 11b
I.0.0,F, Concert and Dance will be
held in Brussels town hall on Thurs-
day hight, April 12th. The Kansas
Farmer and his entertainers will Pro-
vide the eoneert and a Walkerton
Orchestra will play for the dancing
which follows, Popular admission.
Proceeds in aid of polio fund, lib
With which is amalgamated the Ggrrie "Vidette and Wroxeter News
Subscription $".4.5G per year'; Gc per copy WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WED NESDAY, APRIL 11th, 1951 Vol. 76 - NO, 33.
large congregation attended the
raster Thankoffering service of the
Woman's Missionary Society in Wing-
ham United Church on Sunday morn-
ing, The whole service was in charge
of the W.M.S. and was led by the
president, Mrs. G. N. Underwood and
Zees. Colin. Fingland. Members of the
gp Afternoon, Evening and Junior Aux-
iliaries formed the choir, Special
plumbers included a double quartette
singing "All Hail the Power of Jesus'
Name", which opened the service, and
duet, "For 'Round The World Thy
Children Sing Thy Song," by Mrs.
W. B, 1VIcCool and Mrs. Geo, Guest.
The music was in charge of Mrs. Wm.
Carrie who also presided at the organ.
The Evening Auxiliary was respon-
sible for the decorations, A white
cross was surrounded by pots of Eas-
ter lilies and across the front of the
pulpit extended the watchword of
the W.M.S„ '"The World for Christ."
Two large baskets of spring flowers
were placed as memorials, one for
hiss Caroline Welwood, who repre-
. seated this church for many years as
a missionary in China, and the other
for Miss Lilian Smith, daughter of
hr. and Mrs. Chas. E, Smith.
Members of the Junior Auxiliary,
hfrs. N. Cunningham, Mrs, Bob Car-
bert, Mrs. Don Rosenhagen, Mrs, Tack
Walker, Miss Beryl Rafuse and Miss
Mildred Thornton acted as ushers.
The guest speaker, Mrs. (Rev.)
'Langley of Toronto, formerly Marion
_Auld of Westfield, who had spent sev-
eral years as a missionary in China,
'was introduced by Mrs. Fingland.
Mrs. Longley based her talk on
,Acts 4, 37; "Sharing with Others." Be-
fore we are willing to share we have
to be touched by the finger of Jesus,
thus the missionaries have served and
shared long and faithfully. Speaking ,
of Communism, she said it Is the '
greatest force that has ever risen
against the Church of Christ, After
attending the meeting of Tim Buck in
Toronto, Mrs. Longley was convinced
that when the Christian people know
and study and share their text book
.(The Bible) as well as Communists
)mow and study their text book, then
we need have no fear of Communism,
.Also when Christians are as eager to
share their Christianity as Commun-
ists are eager to share their belief,
then Christianity will prosper.
Mrs. Underwood thanked the speak-
er and at the close of the service, she
WeSeeetseeteel:Apy'-many Old...friends from • .;:f114 surrounding; district. • •
Chemical weed control is the topic
for the North Huron Junior Farmers'
meeting Thursday this week. Jack
:Stephens, B.S.A., will accompany his
talk with an interesting film,
Wingham High School Dance will
be held in the Armouries 9.30 to 1,
:Friday, April 13. Music by the Blu-
Tones, All students and ex-students
welcome. Tickets may be obtained
from students. Advance sale, 50c; at
the door, 75c,
In charge of the church of the Air
program over OKNX next week will
be: Monday, Rev. S. H. Brenton, Lon-
desboro; Tuesday, Dr. W. J. Mumford,
Lucknow; Wednesday, Rev. J. Kerr,
Brussels; Thursday, Rev. C. A. Wynn,
1Ltr cknow.
St. Andrew's W.M.S.
Holds Thankoffering
The Easter Thankoffering meeting
of the Women's Missionary Society of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
was held on Tuesday afternoon, April
3rd., at 3 o'clock, in the Sunday
School room of the church. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Leslie Fortune, occupied
the chair and opened the meeting
lvith prayer. A large attendance was
After the singing of the opening
hymn, Miss P. Wilson gave the Scrip-
ture reading and meditation,
The secretary, Mrs. T. A. Currie,"
gave her report and the general busi-
ness of the meeting was conducted,
followed by the roll call.
Mrs. B. Corrin and Mrs. R. Hamil-
ton favored with a lovely duet, "God
will take Care of You,"
Mrs, Ceo. Giver and Mrs. H. F.
McGee had charge of the meeting,
and the guest speaker was Mrs. D. J.
Lane of Clinton, Who gave a most in-
spiring message. he topic of her
Message was "Worlds to Mend,"
which is a great challenge to our
Missionary Societies. "Have We Con-
tagions Courage to Impart to Others,"
The Bible is God's Message to the
World Today," and "The Fearer of
Prayer is All Things to All People"
Mrs. Lane's message was followed
11# a season of prayer by Mrs,
Xing, Mrs. It. H. Lloyd and Miss Jean
The Offering was redeiVed and the
dedicatory prayer was given by Mrs.
1,1r6lm. Hannna.
The treasurer, Mrs. -Deo, Olver gave'
lila report and Mrs., A, Nianina closed
the Meeting with prayer,
A social half,heut followed.
'')( At its regular meeting last Friday
night at the Queen's Hotel, the Wing-
ham Kinsmen Club heard an address
entitled "Whither Kinsmenship" by
District Deputy-Governor Dr. Fraser
Hay of Listowel.
Before Dr, Hay's talk, YPresident
Scott Reid handed out a number of
fines collected by sergeant-at-arms
Kin Charlie Crossett, and asked for a
number of committee .reports. Vice-
Pres., Ross Hamilton reported that
the next salvage drive was on April
21st and that a box-car of 40 tons'
capacity was being reserved to ship
out the salvageA
Treasurer Ken `Johnson gave a
financial statement on the recent ice
carnival which showed a net profit
of about ninety dollars.
Secretary Bob Carbert read a letter
from Past President Art Loucks,
thanking the club for making him
an honorary member.
President Scott appointed Kin Al
Williams convener of the committee
for the spring dance and Kin Ross
Vegan, chairman of the Salvation
Army Red Shield compaign.
Dr. Hay who was introduced by
Vice-Pres., Ross Hamilton, took as
his theme the need of service clubs-
and particularly Kinmen Clubs-to
justify their existence in the world of
to-day. He said that all Kinsmen
were aware of the organization's
modest beginnings in Hamilton in
1920 and its growth to a nation-wide
service club with over 9,000 members
in 250 different centres. Kinsmen
realized the history and purposes of
Kinsmenship, but were they con-
scious of where they were going?
Deputy Governor Fraser believed
that the greatest weakness in the Kin
organization was its present lack of
the co-ordinating force of a National
Project-seine such, project as the
Milk fqr Britain Fund of the last
war. He said that community pro-
ject were a "must" but just as
.necessary was a unifying purposeful,
nation-wide objective, As such an
objective he suggested the setting up
of fellowship and scholarships to be
given first on a provincial basis and
then enlarged as circumstances per-
mitted. He was going to make his
suggestions at the forthcoming zone
-conference meeting, and asked •the
"Wingham Clab to consider giving its
support to his proposals.
Dr. Hay was thanked by Past
President Bob Ferguson.
Two of our readers in the States
have noted a dispatch in the Ameri-
can press datelined from Wingham,
Bill Galbraith, son of Town Clerk W.
A. and Mrs. Kalbraith, who 16 engag-
ed in research for a Canadian rubber
firm in Boston, found one of the stor-
ies in the Boston Traveller. Another
Wingham resident, at present in Flor-
ida, sent a copy of the Daytona Beach
Evening News.. Both newspapers
carried the story of a horse which ate
a box of .22 calibre cartridges. The
horse resides in the Teeswater area
and the story first appeared in the
Teeswater News.
Another great day in Wingham
Baptist Church next Sunday, April 15.
A group of undergraduates from the
LondoirBible Institute will be partici-
pating in all services,' Bible School
at 10 a.m,, morning worship, 11 am„
gospel service at 7 p.m. and fireside
service at 8.30 p.m. Thrilling testi-
monies will be heard as well as glor-
ious gospel music. The morning and
evening messages will be delivered by
the president of the L.13,I„ Rev. J. H.
Bedford. Don't miss these inspiring
services. A hearty invitation is ex-
tended to all. 11b
The Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham
Hospital held their April meeting in
the Council Chamber. The sewing
committee reported that extra work
meeting had been held by the differ-
ent groups to keep new supplies up
to date and the mending done, Plans
were made for the final marathon
bridge •party on April 20 in the
Council Chamber, It was decided to
hold the epring rummage sale In the
Armouries on Saturday, May 12.
One of the more interesting topics
under discussion at the meeting of
the town council on Monday evening,
was that concerning the work to be
done on Wingham streets this year.
It was decided to request the county
engineer to look over the streets
which are most urgently in need of
attention and receive his recommen-
dations about the way the work
should be handled. Several of the
thoroughfares will he hard topped,
and although the actual location of
the topping has not been finally de-
cided, Carling Terrace, in the Hill-
crest area, Victoria Street from the
Huron Old Boys
To Hold Party
The annual Euchre and Bridge of
the Huron Colinty Old Boys' Associa-
tiee of Toronto,.. will .be _held on Fri-
day, April 20th, at Robertson's Hall,
137 Avenue Road, (just south of
Davenport Road) at 8.30 p.m. There
will be lucky prizes but the main
event of the evening will he the
euchre competition for the McLaren
Trophy, Lunch will be served, A
hearty welcome is extended to all
Huronites and their friends.
The next regular meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held April
19th., at 2.30 p.m. This meeting will
feature yearly reports and the elec-
tion of officers. Roll call will be ans-
wered by payment of fees. The hos-
tesses will he, Mrs. C. Hopper, Mrs. J.
Henry, Mrs. F. Sturdy, Mrs. Wm.
Henderson and Mrs. H. Aitchison,,
Hot Ashes Ignite
Garbage Truck
The driver of the municipal garbage
truck had a busy morning on .Sattie-
day, As he drove in from the easter-
ly limits of the town he suddenly dis-
covered the truck was on fire, Hot
ashes picked up at one of the homes
had ignited the refuse on the load and
the fire truck was hastily summoned.
Damage to the garbage truck was not
tF G P. 0
. _117
10 ..........
Mayor Gurney also announced that
last year's road expenditures had
been approved by the Department of
Highways in the amount of $12,432,00
on which a grant of $6,217.05 will be
paid. A portion of this subsidy has
already been received.
Letter from C. N. president
Included in the communications
was a letter from Ronald Gordon,
president of Canadian National Rail-
ways, acknowledging receipt of the
protest from this town relative to the
proposal that passenger service, ex-
press and mail service by rail be
A letter from Goderieht suggested
that a resolution be drafted and for-
warded to the membersibf parliament
and other authorities prontog,,the_
inclusion of bhsiness tax 'in county
assessment. The local council con-
The Wingham Softball Association
requested a grant of $200,00 for use
in repairing and painting stands at
the ball park. The request was de-
ferred until the meeting at which all
local grants are dealt with.
Rental for town snow fence was set
at $2.00 per roll payable in advance.
There was considerable discussion
about the best way in which to honor
the Wingham Stainton Spitfires, win-
ners of the W.O.A.A. Class A Cham-
pionship. A committee composed of
Roy Adair, W. T. Cruickshank and
Hugh Carmichael was named to work
with the arena committee in this con-
Streets committee chairman Adair
discussed the condition of the town
truck and recommended that the
present vehicle he overhauled rather
than purchase a new one. Street
lighting was again under review and
it was decided to have the streets
committe .arrange for lights to be
erected in the proper places.
Increases in wages were voted to
Jim Angus, town foreman, and to
Lloyd Brant, constable, both retro-
active to April 1st.
Insurance coverage on the arena
was again under discussion and com-
parison was made between the situ- ,
ation here and that in other towns !
nearby, A more complete study will
be made within the next few months.
Recent communications from the
Kilborn. Engineering Co, indicated
thet there was a likelihood of con-
siderable delay ih obtaining equie-
ment needed' for the sewage disposal
plant. Mayor Gurney was asked to
make arrangements in Toronto to
have representatives of the contract- '
ing firms confer with council, if ;
Possible on Friday evening of this
The Wirighain 'Firemen have ar-
ranged for the pres.,ntation of the
Walkerton Hobby Clith'8 outstanding
amateur play, "Blithe Spirit", in the
town hall oh Saturday evening, April
21st, Tickets may be FIN:lined from
the firemen and may be reserved at
McKibbon's Drug Store.
Dancing at the Royal T
You are weleorne at the Royal 'I'
on Saturday night for your dancing
pleasure from 0.30 to 12. Music by
Henderson's Orchestra.
All town licenses Ore now due and
payable, Deg tags are availableat
Town Clerk's office,
2841 Chief of Pollee.
Branch of Red Cross Society became
inactive with a balance on hand of
$519.00 at Bank of Commerce, Wing-
Recently the old officers were re-
quested to remit above balance to
the Ontario Division Headquarters at
Thursday a cheque was issued for
$519.00 to Ont. Division Red Cress
Society, at Toronto, covering the
balance from the old Society of
C. H. Wade, Treas.,
.,Reports, ,have been mailed t4;
cnts. Figures in brackets after a name
indicate examinations missed through
GRADE NM-Stanley Hiseler 71.7;
Mary Ann Cleland 67.1; James An-
derson 61.3; Joye Craig 58.9; Vicki
Moskowski 58,7; Ruth Showers 57 9;
June MacDonald 55.9; Donald For-
tune 55.8; Raymond Bolt 55.6; Teen
Pennington (2) 55.5; Joseph Brown
51.4; (Below 50%) Frances Walker
(2); Edith Dinsmore, (Not ranked)
Jean Elliott (4).
GRADE XII-Barbara Gaunt 80.5;
Louise Bowman 86.5; Eleanor Wight-
man 79.3; Shirley Moffat 70.7; Donna
Jeffs 67; Willard Platt 65.3; Ronald
Ste, Marie 65.3; Helen Louise Pocock
64.5; Betty Bell 63.5; Glenn Showers
62.8; Gordon Lane 62.6; Shirley Lock-
ridge 61.8; John Hanna 612; Ian
Matheson 55.3; John Lancaster 34.7;
Esther Raymond 54.5; Helen Rintottl
54; Arnold McIntyre 53; Ronald
Campbell 50.7; Stewart Nimmo 50.6;
(Below 50%) Geraldine Stretton, Jac-
quelyn Currie, James Wylie, William
Hart. (Absent) Anne Chamney, Rob-
ter Feagan,
GRADE NIA- --Isobel Dennis 89.2;
Bodie Craig 85.2; George Ellacott
83.7; John Crawford 73,5; James
Gaunt 67; Ken Grewar 66.7; Jean
Hobden 66,2; George Porter 65.8;
Larry Hutton 62.8; George Hall 62.3;
Lavi Purola 61,8; Helen Nicholson
56.5; Patsy Brophy 55,3; Marilyn
Moffat 55.2; Betty Carter • 54; Sally
Lou MacWilliam 53.5; Douglas New-
man 50.5. (13e10%,,. 5a ,;- 1 Vivian Nes-
bitt, Delores Hamilton, (Absent
Thomas Webster,
GRADE NIB- John Kerr 74; Lois
Webb 71.7; Irving Elliott 69.8; Mil-
dred Cook 03.6; Margaret Sanderson
62.3; Verna Showers 61.3; Marjorie
Maeleenzie 58; Evelyn Anger 57:
Betty Gorbutt 59 3; Florence Weir
54,2; Murray Gerrie 51.3; Jean Bain
Ge.7; (Below Norma Moffatt,
Desmond Brophy, Josie Willoughby,
John llobdon, Clarence Crowston,
Shirley Templeman. (Absent' Xeith
CIAL COURSE - 13arbara Currie 79.6;
'Arden Montgomery 73.8; Barbara, Ir-
win 74.3; Marion Felker 70.8; Helen
Walters 67,3; Mary MacDonald 67.1;
Margaret Procter 64.1; Margaret
MacInnis 61.8; Robert Gibson 52.9.
(Not ranked) Marie Sparling (3)
68.2; Barbara MaeRay (4) 80,4.
GRADE XA-Helen Machan 91.2;
Shirley Bradburn 86,5; Margaret
Simmons 84,4; Seen Campbell 78.6;
Joan Irwin 78; Hugh Simian-ton 77.8;
Shirley Paxton 77.2; Shirley Burden.
74.4; Mary Will 78.9; jean Irwin 70.5;
William Coulter 60,8; Arlene R,ettingcr
0,2; Neil Stainton 68,7; Clifford Coul-
tea 67.9; Murray Gaunt 67.6; Robert
Young 60,6; Mae Eadle 66.2; Helena
',lJohn Hanna, M,LA„ Huron-Bruce
was a guest at the reception held in
Toronto last Friday afternoon for the
President of France, M. Vincent Au-
riol and Madame Auriol.
At the conclusion of the session of
the Ontario House on Thursday mem-
bers of the Progressive-Conservative
caucus presented Hon. T. L, Kennedy,
the minister of Agriculture, with a
silver tray. William Murdock, the
whip, who presented the gift, spoke
of Mr. Kennedy as the most popular
cabinet minister since 1919.
During the session Mr. Hanna serv-
ed on the agricultural, game and fish
private bills, municipal law and print-
ing committees.
Spring-time to doll up! Also time
to tidy up around the home, trim and
roll the lawn, etc. We can never
forget the vegetable garden. Why
not a few extra flowers this year?
The Horticultural Society will have
HT Roses, Climbing Roses, Gladiolus,
Shrubs, Perennials, annual flowers
and vegetables available for members
this week. Do not delay. Join now.
Membership fee, as usual, is only one
dollar. Contact the president, Rev.
John Pollock or the secretary, David
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Dunbar,
Belgrave, Ont., announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Lorna Jean,
Reg. N., to Mr. Norman Cook, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, Bel-
grave. The wedding will take place in
Bkinn;68:8;;' _Marjorie Currie .68,4
William IrWin 61.5; 'Donald Edgar
61.2; Kenneth Saxton 54.6; Shirley
McMichael 54.5; Phyllis MacLeod
52.2; Shirley Snell 51.4. (Not ranked)
Mary Smith (3) 60. (Absent) Hugh
GRADE XB-Shirley Chapman
83.2; Donna Anderson 77.6; Jack Hil-
bert 72,9; Donald Machan 71.8; Ron
ald Machan 70.6; Raymond Bennett
70.5; Jean Allen 69.1; Audrey Henry
67.1; Jean McArter 66.5; Patricia
Rider 66.5; Agnes Bishop 64.3; Viola
Bradshaw 63,3; Eleanor Browne 61.7;
Lois Crowston 61.1; Della Powell 60.1;
Wilma Johnston 59.1; Stewart Coup-
land 58.8; Elaine Jefferson 58.3:
Ronald Murray 58.2; Aileen Deemer
(Continued -on Page Ten)
Food demonstrations entitled "Let's
Cook It Right" will be sponsored by
Belgrave Women's Institute at 1.30
p.m., on April 26 and at 10.00 a,m.
and 1.30 p.m. on April 27. These dem-
onstrations will be held in Belgrave
at the Community Centre and all the
women of the community are Cordi-
ally invited to attend the three ses-
Miss Margaret Mycr, Home Econ-
omist of the Women's Institute
Branch and Home Economies Service
of the Ontario Department of Agri-
culture will conduct the meetings.
Modern methods of cooking family
meals will be the theme of the demon-
strations. Wrong- methods of cooking
are extravagant and*often destroy tee
health value of foods. Much has been
learned about this phase of cook( re-
in recent years.
The demonstrations a ill include.
modern ways of preparing many trp:s
of foods such as meat, fish. v...7et-
ables, soups. salads, salad
sauts•s, flour inoWiros and. 4,14;:,:orts. A
bol+klet with many tested rvetees wai
be given to each person attondAg the
demonstrations. 11:l 1.
The Gerrie Coruunity Club are
sponsoring' a eth.luse and dance in the
Community Hall, G'orrie, on Monday
evening, April 16th. Euchre will coin-
Money at 830 and music for dancing
will be supplied by Brown's Orchestra.
Come and bring your friends to a
progressive euchre and crokinole
party, on Friday evening, April 13th.,
at 8.80 o'clock in the Masonic club
rooms. sponsored by the Wroxeter
Women's Institute, the play will fea-
ture Novelty Prizes. Admission 25
cents. Ladies please bring lunch.
1948 2302 $22536.14
1949 2368 329881,01
1950 2578 $31992.35
1948 $15804.94
1949 $16167.76
1959 $18987.17
New Electric Organ
In Bluevale Church.
A new Wurlitzer. electronic organ
has been installed in the United
Church at Bluevale. `e•
Dedication services are to be held
next Sunday, with services at 11 a.m.
and 8.15 p.m. An organ and piano
recital will be given by Mrs. Alec Cor-
rigan and Mrs. Carl Johnston from
7.45 to 8.15 p.m. The choir will pre.
sent inspiring music at both services.
Statistics from Utilities Commission
At the regular meeting of Wingham Utilities Commission held last
Tuesday, statistics for the year ending 31st December, 1950 were presented.
'rho increase in consumption and revenue was noted and the following com-
parative statistics arc published for the information of the Wingham Utilities
Commission ;
,e* ;f:
1,591,181 601
1,087,242 725
2,365,972 737
782,440 163 400
'168,556 157 408
999,047 156 530
22 957.6
26 715.4
27 722.3
: 0
1948 846 75-watt
1049 ............. 908 225-watt
1050 .021 300-Watt
The average daily consumtpion water in March was 828,887 gallons. The
pumping cost was Vie per 1000 gallons. Number of fire hydrants - 58,
Council Makes Plans
\` The marriage of Florence Cather-
ine Handenhy and Norman Gilchrist
Pry, Wingham, was solemnized at
Exeter Presbyterian manse, with the
Rev, Donald Sinclair officiating, The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William El, Haldehber, Teeswater, and
the groom is the son of Mrs, Fry and
the late Norman Fry.
Mrs, Douglas Fry was the bride's
only attendant and Douglas Fry was
his brother's best man.sso
Mr. and Mrs. Fry will make their
home in Wingham,
Nine tables were in play for the
session of the Bridge Club on Thurs-
day evening. Winners were:
North and South-First, D. B. Por-
ter aid A. J. Wilson; second, Mrs. J.
A. Wilson and. W. H. French; third,
Mrs. W. H. French and J. Mason;
fourth, Mrs. G. Godkin and Mrs. A.
R. DuVal.
East and West-First, R. R. Hob-
den and Mrs. D, C. Nasmith; second,
D. Kennedy and D. Crompton; third,
D. Nasmith and Miss M, MacLean;
fourth, Mrs. J. H. Crawford and R.
S. Hetherington.
For Road Improvements i.ruir:=ruisDs
end of the present pavement to Car- About Dec. 1945, the Belgrave
ling Terrace and a few other streets
are likely to be treated with an as-
phalt coating.
Easter Exam Results at
Wingham High School
Spitfires Trim Durham
For Class A Honours