HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-04-04, Page 4David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 69 Wingliam GUARANTEED PERFECT AND INSURED FREE AGAINST LOSS • FOR SALE- Oak filing cabin, t, drawers, locking: Oak Roil-top Desk. large, two rows drawere, lock- ing; thirty dollars each. Eneyelo- podia Bre:ant:lea, 8125.00. Rae. 0. Couple:M. ,eentre et.. Wineham 4x FOR. S •350 bus. - • ed barley, Ale is top qualiee 1,•••",1, 50 ord, r •aiediately. Prlee ee hue, Welt. r nonwhite phone 2r11. 13e1- more FOR .5:4,AT ee'HOOL BUS aa.„., . Can 1)te used as truCe. le.e.eere, Ph ne 192. FOR SALE-- 2 -ening room arm chairs in go.. • ,,, : , :.in. Apply Advance-Tim, FOR SALE-e-: un Scott Street. Apply -0 Claron: rreibur- ger. 4b FOR Sa%Lfee--Cer -ee-rtible baby bum% stroller in gore! c ondition. Apply to Mrs. J, Colvin. Minnie t. 4x — • - FOR eeeLF 0w ntity of Beaver Oats, $1.50 pc r Robert C. Scott, Wingham, phone 719J12. 4x FOR SALE " Meteor Four 000r Sedan, in good condition. Apply to Gordon Pengelly. phone 644W12, Wingham. 4x FOR SALE•• House and lot on west side Edward St. Will sell separately. Cheap for quick sale, Apply to R. H. Saint, across from advertised pro- perty. 4:11x • FOR lee•LE Due "in Fele solid wal- nut dining table, china erthinet to match. eeeen0 ceich, Kroehler Ches- terfield end (-heir. tri meteh e225.ti1i. All new last year. Call 328W. 4b FOR See eel1 heree. 4 year-old Bay mare he sold by Public Auction • for ee d expenses, Saturday, April 14te. ae 2 o'clock, also 2 wheeled treie:-. in good condition. At Eph. Pare- h's Barn, Patrick St., West., Wingham, Auctioneer L. G. Bryce. telex ' ifetortAR won't let Give your car an end 'o winter check-up! Wet, freezing weather takes its toll of neglected motors! ,,et our experts check and repair your car for smoother, more enjoyable driving. •••••••• wool •••100.11..V.Y.1.441.1.1.1innpabantems. RAGE FOUR. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE TIMES FOR SALE.--A large quantity of Ajthe FOR SATZ Oats suitable foe seed, Phone Bel- _ . more 15R2. FOR SALL--(1 jail fox terrier pup, 1NOTICE TO CREDITORS Try A Want M - Columbus Tried and Got Results! - All persons hav e claims against the estate of Charles L. Cooke, late SAYE MONEY this year b y using ii of the Town of \\Ingham,. the paper e . 50-lb bag r,,.,+.,:.,. all et, ! Pioneer Chick Starter Crumbles in L.uulltY of Huron, Manufacturer, who, died on or about the 20th day of Feb. - 1,351 ai• • notifi , ELL YOUR POULTRY the Co- F011 S'ALE-- et.1 pigs, and ii.,reford op. way. Call 271 for prices anti bull. one-year-old. Apply to Lloyd trucking service. •Our prices arc eiontgomery, phone elm. 475. guotl. on THITRADAY, APRIL 12th, 1931 Sale Commences at 12.30 p.m. F4 HORSES Bay Horse 8 yrs. old 1600 p lbs.; Gray Mare 11 yes. old; Bay Horse 12 years old; Gray Horse 13 yrs, old. , COWS Red Cow, 9 yrs. old, Calf 0 at foot; Gray Cow 3 yrs. old, Calf at foot; Gray COW 5 yrs. old, due Apr 25; Gray Cow 5 yrs. old, due May 15; ::potted Cow 9 37S. old, bred Nov. 7; White Cow yee, old, bred Feb. 1; Blaelc Cow 3 yrs. old, bred Feb. 20; 2 Steers 2 years old, 1150 lbs.; 2 -- Steers rising 2 years old, 950 lbs.; 2 Heifers rising 2 yrs, old, 900 lbs.; 3 ie Steers one year old; 2 Heifers ris- ing one year; 3 Heifers rising 8 mos.; ee Steer Calf 3 months old. PIGS-Sow bred Feb. 13; 6 Chunks j 3 mos, old. .11 HARNESS-Set of Double Harness, = Set of Single Harness, GRAIN 'and HAY-20 tons Mixed .,;;;=- Hay, 125 bus, Ajax Oats,- 450 bus. of R.' Mixed Grain. IMPLEMENTS- Massey-Harris Fertilizer Drill, 13 disc; Massey Harris Mower, 51/2 ft. cut; McCormick Deering Hay Load- er; McCormick Deering Side Delivery Rake; Massey Harris 7 ft. Binder; Spring Tooth Harrow; Set Drag Har- rows, Walking Plow, Scuffler, Rub- ber Tired Wagon, Roller Hay Rack, Cockshutt Manure Spreader, Steel Tired Wagon, Set Sleighs, Buggy, Cut- ter, Cutting Box, Set 2,000 lb. Scales, Extension Ladder, Fanning Mill, Col- ony House, Brooder Stove, Massey Harris Cream Separator, power; 1934 Dodge Coupe, Sap Pan, 100 Buckets and Spiles, 3 Oak Barrels, Forks, Shovels, Grain Bags and Other Art- icles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Bed- "Quality and FOR SALE-Harley-Davidson Motor- cycle, eiee 14. Priced to evil immed- iately. Apply A. I^. tereen, Ina e„ Wingham. 4x 2 GENERATIONS-Fathers and sons. are buying Big-4 Chicks. This Hat- chery is Canada Approved, plus their own intemsive breeding pro- gram. 13uying this late, be sure to get Bits,-4 ('hicks. Variety breeds, crossed. dayohle, isi'me started. prompt shipment. Ask us for prices. :Hogg. R. R. 4, Winghain. 4h FOR SALE-Started chicks 250 Sus- sex, red pullets., 2 weeks old. 600 Rhode Island Red, 1 week old. Ap- ply James Coultes, 743w2, Wingham 21, 28, 4, 11x, 14 1 R SeNLE-Peever lift (.7a..e Tree- tor. double disc. 12 plate, ahneet new. Apply Douglas Campbell, R. R. 3, Myth, Phone Illyth 10R18, 28;4's - - - VOR Se7.1F - bred Oxford and Suffolk Ewes, due in May, $70,00 each. Russell Neal, Phone 289, Mount Forest, Ont. "SERVING INDUSTRY FROM COAST TO COAST" DIESEL ENGINEERING At."rem(rrivi.:. ,MECTIANICS WELDINt (GAS AND ELEC. TRICALi REFRI GERAT ION M ECHA -NI CS R -CONDI TI ()NINO ENGINEER NG We invite you to inquire about our pay as you learn buil,.,(.t plain and to request cat eyrie leseem, /WILaLl011. tt ran t'L .u , bet ter treiningany- when.: in the amid Wee eein ehm, here iu 1 Vr4 MAIL COUPON TO DEPT. Co. Sill. eiee WESToN RD., TORONTO NAME ADDRESS AGE 28:4;11:181e WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS & MACHINERY All sizes of New Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. Tractor Power Mowers Side Delivery Rakes Four and six-foot Tillers. Stock of Used Tractors and Mach- inery at all times:- Case S.C. Ehersel "Wonder Electric Hammer Mills with the new type hammers. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL APPLI- ANCES Radios and Radios with Record Players, Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers, Electric Shavers, etc. Used Electrical Appliances. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ont Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE-Two storey, cement block, 8 -room house in good repair. For particulars apply Crawford & Hetherington. 28:4b "HOMESTEAD FARM AND HAT- CHERY"-Our bred-to-lay, fast- feathering 'Barred Rock and famous Rhode Island Red-Barred Rock cross, Canadien approved chicks are known for their meat and cg- pro- deciii.t- qualities, We buy nu eggs. All chicks are hatched from eggs produced from our own flock, which was again Pullortun Tested with no reactors f000d. Our prices are rea- sonable and clicks are sold with a 21-day livability guarantee. For circular and price list write, Addi- son Fisher, Ayten, Ontario. F142A20 LOST LOS'''- -Rust silk scarf in Smith Bros.' Grocery Store on Saturday morning. Valued gift from Belgium. Finder please call Mrs. Harold Pym. 4x HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Girl to clerk in store, one with or without experience. Apply by letter to Box 42, Advance-Times. 4b WORK WANTED Young lady desir- es domestic employment to start May 1st, fully experienced with children, references; please contact Advance-Times, EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Girl seeks employment in store or home. Call 217 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 4x EXPERIENCED SALESLADY, cash- ier or switchboard operator, desires employment in Wingham. Apply Irene Byron, Queen's Hotel, Wing- ham P. 0. 4x ROOMS WANTED WANTED-Room or small apartment at once. Mrs. Gwen Adams, P. O. Box 45, Wingham, 4b BUSINESS COUPLE require apart- ment, house or rooms in or near Wingham. Immediate possession. Replies to Walter Byron, Queen's Hotel, Wingham. 4x MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU WISH your furs placed in cold storage withodt inconvenience or worry, call DuVal Furs, Wing- ham, 300. Quotations given for repairs, and re-hollandetizing, 4b eeee" . NOTICE • Applications will be received by the undersigned for a full time position on street work in the Town of Wingham and also a part time posi- tion. Applications should he addressed to the undersigned. Particulars of duties expected may be obtained from the undersigned. Applications must be filed on or before Saturday, April 7th., 1951. W. A, Galbraith, Clerk-Treas., Wingham, Ontario. 4h TENDERS FOR DRAIN Township of Turnberry Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until April 30, 1951, for the cleanout, repair and exten- sion of the Bolt Drain arid South Branch in the Township of Turnberry, approximately 16,800 lineal feet, Plans and specifications at the clerk's office, work to be completed by October 1st., 1951, A marked cheque for 10 per eent of contract price to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Gee. T. Thomson, Clerk, 4:111) IN MEMORIAM MeCREA-In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother, Mrs. Robert J. McCrea, who passod away on April 2nd,, 1948. There is a sad but sweet remembrance There is memory fond and true; There is a token of affeCtion Mother, And a heartache still for yon. -Ever remembered by son, Jim, dau- ghter-hi-law, Ella, and grancidaugh ter, Lynda. I • • •, d ay „1 Ap r il, •t h e els of the sidd testatior will be eistrilmted amongst the parties entitled thereto, heving rvgard only to chthes ''I which the ex- ecutrix shall then have notice. DATED tins 2+;tii day of Mare4, A. U., 1951. CRAWFORD 84 iiIIIIERINGTON \\Ingham , Ontario. Solicitors for the eNecutrix, 28:4:11b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims aginst the estate of Sydney 1), etas, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of • Huron, Labourer, who died on or about the 5th day of March, A. D., 1951, ere nutific,l Lk, Send to the I undersigued on or lee:ore the 14th clay of April, A, D. le51, full particulare of their claims in writnee. Innuediaady after the said 14th day of April the assets of the eaid tesmeir will be distributed amonget the parties entit- led thereto, having regard only le, claims of which the executer shall th-~;i have notice. DATED this efell day of March, A. D., 1951. CRAW FO RD & ET 11 ERI N el TON' Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors the yeecutur. 28:4;11b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons hat is Claims againnt the estate of cesii elurray, late of the Town of Win ellam, in the Ceunty of Huron, Spinsto, who died on about the 9th day ef January, A. it, 1951, are notified to meal to the au- dersigneil on or bi feee the 14th day of Aeiril, A, D„ 1951, Mil particulars their claims in writing. immediately after the said 14th day of April, me assets of the said intestate will be distributed ;intent...et the panic:, en- titled thereto, haviae rei.;ard (Ally to claims of -which the administrator shall then have notice, DATED thee teed day of March, A. D., 1951. CRAW FURL/ & I LNwrox Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the administrator. 28:4;11b CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my shvere thanks to all ine^ kind friends wile re membered me with flowers, cards, letters and gifts, during my lengthy stay in Wingham Hospital. SPecial thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her stiff, and Dr. W. A. McKibbon. Mrs. J. C, Robinson. 4x CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to the many friends for their kindness to me while in the Wingham Hospital, and especially to the nurses and staff. Mr. and Mrs, Art Moore, Lucknow, R. R. 1, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Nath- aniel Bolt, wish to thank their friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and sympathy ex- tended during their recent bereave- ment. 4x CARD OF THANKS I The family of the late Charles P. Quirk wish to express their thanks and appreciation for the many kind- nesses extended duringthe recent ill- ness of John W. Quirk. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs, A. Peebles whose de- votion to John Quirk made his stay in the hospital more pleasant. To the nurses of the Wingham Hospital, ve, say a sincere thank you for their many kindnesses. The Quirk Family, 4x IN MEMORIAM HALL-=In loving memory of John Gilford. Hall, who passed away four years ago on April 2, 1947. Fond is the tie that is broken, Dear is he, who is gone, In memory we will always keep him, As long as the years roll on. -Ever remembered by Helen, Russell and family. $300 PRIZE MONEY AT FIREMEN'S BINGO Yes sir! Three hundred dollars waiting for the lucky winners at the firemen's bingo in the Wingham Town Hall on Friday evening this Week. Three $50 specials and one free special for $25. Games start at 8.30. 4b TAX PROBLEMS in large estates receive special- ized attention in our Estate Service Division, CONSULT — F. Co HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGRA1VI PHONE 462 CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK awl Isn'tx- 111UNTS, be held at LOT 38, CON. 10, EAST WAWANOSH, 2 miles north and 1 eia West of ISelgrave, on TwoRSDAT, APRIL 10th., .at 1 p.m. HORSES aged Horses, set of double Harness. CATTLE -2 Durham Cows, due on May 1st., 2 Hereford Cows, fresh; 3 Hereford Heifers, with calf at foot; 2 Durham Cows, recently fresh; 2 grass Heifers, rising 2 years old; 3 year-old Cattle; 4 baby beef, ready for market; 6 choice Hereford Calves, 2 to 3 months old- PIGS-1 York Sow, due in April; 2 York Sows, bred; 23 York Chunks, 60 Iles; 9 York Chunks, 90 lbs; 15 Pigs, close to market weight POULTRY-275 light Sussex hens, 1 year old, banded and blood tested; Colony House, 10x12, 5 Chicken Shelters, IMPLEMENTS-81 Massey-Harris Tractor, starter lights and new rubber Massey Harris 2-furrow plow, 3 sec- tion Spring tooth Harrows, 7 foot Frost and Wood Binder; Silky Rake, Hay loader; Spring Tooth Cultivator, 6 section Diamond Harrows; No, 4 Cockshutt Manure Spreader on rub- ber; Seed Drill; Cutting Box, Walking Plow, Scales, Turnip Grower; Set of Farm Sleighs and rack, Rubber tired Wagon, H-67-Rack, Wheel Barrow; Root Pulper, 12 barrel molasses; Per- fection Seed cleaner, Numerous other articles. GRAIN-250 bushel Mixed Grain. TERMS: - CASH JOHN ALBRECHT, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Harold ;Jackson has received instruc- tions to sell by public auction on SOUTH HALF LOT 13, CONCESSION 4, MORRIS 'TOWNSHIP immormitiffirioninamitislininnie MR. A. RUBIN — .• • MI 1 FAMOUS FUR 7-3 RI COMPANY 1950 Designs Now Being shown Individually fitted and styled, a = • Several fittings at no additional charge. - Call 276J, Wingliarn 55 or Write for Appointnient Varna. Forum. About forty-five members of the Westfield Farm Forum met on Wed, evening et the home of 1U and, Mrs. Marvin McDowell. A programme of community singing, double trio, violin duets and readings were given, after which Mr. R. H, Lloyd of Wingham, showed pictures with projector of he and 3,1ra. Lloyd's trip to Scotland, which were enjoyed by all present, Lunch of lee cream, cake, cookies and coffee was served. Ladies Meet Eighteen ladies of the W,1Vf,S, and WA, met in the school room of the Westfield church on Thursday and quilted 2 quilts for the overseas relief bale and 1 for the W.M.S. bale. New and used clothing consisting of stockings, dresses, underwear, coats and shoes, were also brought in for the bale. A pot hide dinner was served and during the afternoon the W.M.S. meeting was led by Violet Cook with Winnifred Campbell at the piano, The opening hymn being "Near the Cross." Prayer by Mrs. Charles Smith, The Scripture lesson was read from St. Luke 24: 1-12 verse by Mrs, John Buchanan; Reading by Eileen Taylor; reading by Violet Cook "Life Under Toyko's Tea-Water Bridge", or "A boy named Reiji teach- es the meaning of Love." The hymn "He Lives" closed this part of the meeting and the president, Mrs. Wm. McVittie, was in charge of tile busi- ness and gave a reading "The Cross above the Clouds". Hymn "He Will Answer every Prayer" was sung, fol- lowed 'with prayer by the president. The roll call was answered by 18 SI B 55 55 7-- R UGGED tki iWi WEARING Illi QUALITIES Wednesday, April 4th, 19.5t prop*. The Easter .Thanhoffering was received by Mrs. :Stanley Cook. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Mrs. (Rev.) Washington. Misses. Violet Cook and Eileen Taylor were .appoint, ed delegates to the Sectional nnietilW at Easter. The meeting closed with the benediction by the president. 01.11116.1118L Thank You! I would like to express my sin- cere appreciation to all those customers who favored us with their patronage while I was in business with the firm of Bennett & Casemore. Your support was gratifying indeed, My interest in that firm has been purchased by Mr. Roy Bennett and I bespeek for him a continu- ance of your patronage, Robert s • emore HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment, G. Alan Williams Optometrist In former office of Dr. R. C. Redmond Patrick St., Wingham Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. ‘VIIV HAVE. .tai.A.t;E y,-nr kl,alline '7' Have them 11E-R.- 1.0C moth-proofed with a 5-year uritttu guarantee at a small addi- tional charge. Odorless and stain- less. Templeman Dry Cleaners, Wingham, phone 323, F7r20 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WANTED Two girls, waitresses for Coffee Ear and Dining room, Apply Theesen, Hotel Brunswick, Wingham. 4b HELP WANTED-MALE OPPORTUNITY FUR-Young man lete, n rchc,c,l in joie La Work after 4 and en Saturdays to lean, a Maiu Street business. Apply by • letter to Box 40, Advance-Times. 28b EMPLOYMENT WANTED ' --....,_ ------ heifer,: bred to Hereford 'are e to f Fort SALE-- 6 Holstein vows and IsILL,‘: iglro(),,,I,v,t,„1:1 fr ticIr:;eeeii7en-Y7e.1114;2\1111Ce:isibi::. tsi leid e tacIti t tli(e4nodfer'Z1:ielt,1 ,,T,1' 1(.7.,1191°51e, full particulars of 'dell' claims M writ- p,. p.evm, Fi ,r(levich, 37R3.1. FOR FLOOR SANDING and FIN- inshing, cerpentry, repair freshen in April, 1 M June, George . - - - - - --- - — -- ; ing, Immedietely ;,ii- r the said 14111 am), cabinets, Apply A, G men. 1.,‘,%;,c ,,I;le l Harris, R. R. 1, Bluevale, Ont. 4x. W. --464 ---- ree PAINTING AND PAPERING - Call Mrs. Henry Galbraith, phone 737W1, after 6 p.m. Wallpaper books i supplied. rrx room Suite, Rocking Chair, Small a Table, Churn, Dining Room Table, quantity of Dishes and other house- hold articles. TERMS -- CASH No Reserve as Farm is Sold JOSEPH YUIL,L, Prop, IVAN MeARTER, Cleric HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ire 319 WESTFIELD Mr. Emerson Rodger was a recent efl London visitor. Mr. Maurice Bosman visited the week-end with his brother, Mr, Robert 1.-Y-t Bosman of Leamington. Guests for the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman were: Miss Hattie Wightman of Lon- don, Misses Eva Stacithouse, Wilma Dennin, Brucefield, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. McKellar of Midland, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKellar of St. Charles, who are remaining for a week. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Scott of Tees- water, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Moffatt and family of Langsklc, visited on Sunday at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs, Arnold Vint and Mr. Vint. S S S S WINGHAM MOTORS Telephone 139 E-• KEEP MILES AHEAD E Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars. .-anwrommors.w II III U U S • g WITH CAR CARE Chevrolet Trucks -7,-.41111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111VP N 411111111111111411111111111111111111111111111E1111101111111111111111011111111113111111111111111C13111111111111thalleellellelleellelle- Et Pi 11 oar 0 BEAUTY FE S P 508 Bathurst street, Toronto Tommommemammalmmaimemma5 Rmwmumummownwswimmmumaimilmimemunommimmimmimmumi U The cost will surprise you as it has our growing list of satisfied customers who have had fine new flo9rs laid down this spring. ,, ,, 1,1111,ThIi.tHIMIffilln,“111,111,1mI lllllllllll l llllll Ili Phone 414 ECONOMICAL LOW COST Have a Fine Permanent INLAID FLOOR in Your Kitchen this Spring D rop in and See the Lovely Colours and the Pleasing Designs that can be Used in Your Room. Expert, Rapid Laying Done by Ken. Baker. S 1, Welwood's HAVE AN ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION THIS WEEK Service" Wing ant