HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-04-04, Page 3Wednesday, April 4t1", 1951 PA THE. "WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIME S THREE Martin-Senour Multi-Use Enamel gives a rich, lasting lustre to furniture, wood- work, bathroom and kitchen walls. Also the ideal finish for such outdoor articles as bicycles, window boxes, garden tools, Wide color choice, See us for advice and for all' your painting requirements. $2.15 per quart $6.95 per gallon For the finest exterior house paint on the market , . . for all palming requirements .. for free adeice on painting problems ..; pay e. visit to ... 1/2 pt. 80c I gal. $8.851 Made with rubber to withstand moisture, dampness, and alkaline. Transform your cellar into a beautiful playroom. Easy to use. pica lovely colors ENtAll Red Grey Green $2.75 per qt. $2.85 per qt. V.38 per. gal. $9.65 per gal. 4, Extension Ladder 28' = $22.50 The Quick Eeonemiettl. Way to Apply Paint $2.25, $2.60 1 pt. $11.00 1 qt. $12.00 UNION PAINT $1.00 per qt. Wood Scraper ueversible Mutate WROX.E,TE.R. Mrs. Victoria Brothers, Mr, Lyle Brothers and daughter, Darleen, spent last week visiting Ivan Brothers and family, New York, Mr. arid Mrs, R. Palmer and daugh- ter, Miss Agnes Palmer, all of Bur, gessville, spent the week-end. with Dr. R. B. and Mrs, Palmer, Mrs. J. Lovell, who has spent the Winter season with raialives in Ridge- town, returned home on Sunday, ac- companied, by Mrs. Russo), Glenden- ning and son, Jim, Mrs. George Ste, Marie and sons, Billy and Andy, all of Clifford, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs, Andy Adams, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Nmot Pritchard, London,, who were recently Married, goy (Barney) is the son of Clare and the late Mrs. Pritchard and his bride, the former Elena Isabella McConnell, daughter of Mrs, W. S. McConnell and the late Dr, McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard will make their home in Landon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon, Toronto, Spent the week-end in town with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Moffatt. The Young People's Union United 'Church, have been invited to attend a Young People's Rally in Gorrie Un- ited Church next Sunday evening. Members of the Huron Presbyterial Executive will have charge of the service. Miss Rona Vanvelsor accompanied by Miss Beatrice Wade, of FordWiel), Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Handltan, Bluevale, on Monday of last week and attended a play put on by the library in that village. e On Sunday morning, April 29th., a speaker representing the Temperance Federation will have charge of the 1,;ervice in the United Church. Last year, Mr. Burwell, a teacher from Toronto, was speaker, A request has aorta forward asking for the same speaker for this year. On the same date at the evening service slides will be shown with Rev, U. E. en.onhielen in charge, Installation of officers for the com- ing year will take place at the April meeting of the Wroxeter Women's Institute, Wednesday of this week, with District President, Mrs. C. Seth- era, Fordwrch, 1n charge, Mr. Vern Denny spent the week-end in Orangeville. Little Miss Nancy Denny, Teeswater, spent the Easter week's holidays with lien grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Vern Denny. Hockey fans in this community are giving the Gorrie team all the sup- port possible. A large number of fans accompanied them to Milverton where the boys put up a game to the satis- faction of all, Miss. Mae Skelton and Miss Edith Forsythe, both of Long Branch, spent part of last week with Mrs. Lyle Bro- thers, Mrs. Lyle Brothers, local music tea- cher, was in Blyth on Monday night attending the annual Music Teachers' Recital. Two pupils accompanied their teacher, Karen Michel and Margaret Hiebien, both of Gerrie. The girls played a piano duet. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wightman and family, Belgrave, spent Friday with Mrs, D. W, Rae, Women's Association The April meeting of the Women's Association, United Church, was hold in the church parlors, Tuesday after- noon, The president, Mrs. Leslie Douglas, conducted a short worship service, opening the meeting with the singing of the hyrien, "The Head That Once Was'Crowned With Thorns." Mrs. Hart lea in prayer. Mrs. Harvey McMichael rend the scripture lesson, John chapter 20, assisted by Miss Gerty Bush. Fifteen members answer- ed the roll call by a verse from the Hester story. The president gave a. short talk based on the scripture reading. The remainder of the after- noon was spent quilting. Supper was served. The hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" and prayer by Mrs, Cronhiehn brought the meeting to a close, Mrs. Ken Webster and Mrs, John Snell were in charge of arrange- ments. Euchre. and Crokinole Party Sixteen tables were in the play, when on Thursday night, the Ladies For-Rest Club held a progressive euchre and erokinole party in the Masonic club rooms. The birthday prize was won by Mrs. Clarke Sher- pin. Ladies holding highest scores were Mrs. Andy Gibson and Mrs. Thos. Martin. Roy Hunter and Chas. Cathers won the honours for men. In the, erokinole game Mrs. Chas, Cath- ens and Shirley McMichael were prize winners, Refreshments were served with Mrs. R. Bunter, convener, assist- ed by Mrs. Crawford Gibson, Mrs, Robert Gibson, Mrs, F. Doubledee and Mrs. Harvey McMichael. Bingo fol- lowed. Thos. Burke winning the ' spec- ial, an was niadeelecotfriac oinemheehterildt, on Friday, April 13th, women's Missionary SeeietY The April meeting of tin, Women's Missionary Society will be held in the church parlours, on Friday, April 13, :At 3 o'clock in the aft-"rnoon. Theme; "Mary bath chosen that good part." Devotions, "Women of the Church" with Mrs, R. R. Hunter in charge. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton will have. charge of the concluding chapter of the study book, "The Church Re-en- ters japan." An item on temperance will be given by the temperance sec- retary, Mrs. Vern Denny. Roll call to be answered by naming a woman mis- sionary. All the ladies are cordially invited to attend the monthly meeting of the W,M,S, The Women's Guild of St. James' Anglican church will hold their April meeting in the church basement Wed- nesday, 11th., at 2 p.m. A good attend- ance is requested and members are asked to bring contributions for the travelling basket. F ORD W ICH Lorne Bride, son of Mr, Carman Bride, Fordwieh, won the Gyro draw for a double trip to Bermuda recently. Re accepted a cash aware instead .of the trip, Lorne -is employed at Kit- calmer. Miss Maxine Stinson, nurse-in-train- ing at the Victoria Hospital, London, was a recent visitor with her parents, Me and Mrs, Austin Stinson, Mrs. Jas. Walkom who has spent the winter with her soil, Lisa, in Paris, has returned to her none.. Mr. and Mrs. herb Walkom, al taaievilie, vis- ited witn her datiehtar during the Easter holidays. Miss Viuiet Beswither.ea visaed for it couple at days inst. in Tore...Ito, School Beard Grants imeeeisa At the regular meeting ca the taut Howitk Township School Aria, ales. Harold Lang was engagett as senooi attendance officer to eumplete tau term of N,Vm. Ford, Gerrie, woe re- signed on account of ihness. Resig- nations of Miss Donna Watson, tea- cher, S. S. No. 6 and Miss. Merle Thaler, S. S. No. 3, were accepted. Salary increases of §',25u were granted to teachers of the other rural schools. 'en Adam Herbert Wright The death occurred at Freeport Sanitarium, Kitchener, on Wednes- day of last week, of Adam Herbert Wright, a son of Wm. Wright, Cue- ford, in his 43rd. year. He was born in Howicic Township and lived there all his life. Surviving are his wife, the former Helen Caudle, his father and four brothers. Funeral service was held in Clifford on Saturday and interment was made in Clifford ceme- tery. Easter Drama The Easter drama 'Release" which was given at the Fordwich United Church, on Easter Sunday. evening, was well received by the large awn- once in attendance. Portraying tile Crucifixion of Christ, members of the cast were: Barabas, Wm. Stinson; Dysmas, Campbell Brown; Sotemus, Gordon Eargreave; Maro, Mrs. .inar- guerite Johnston; Tamah, Jean Wal- lace; Dumai, Anson ttuttan; Centur- ion, Rev. W. S. Minor; a soldier, Jack Sieffert. Directors were Mrs. W. S. Miner and Mrs. Harold Pollock, Spec- ial music wasfurninhed by the choir with Miss Violet Beswitherick, organ- I ist, Everett Cooper, Austin Stinson and Miss Minnie Mellwaihe, soloists. •ITY/00...W Memorials ALL ADVANTAC.FS I. covers ,.al st,,rfmteswor,,00r..er, point- ed wells, plywrod, tutex intortors, etc. 2. dun coal reGfir covers. 3. Dries in `0,9 3 hour. 4, One imperial vat,Dr: deer, larja room. 5. NO "po,rot;." 6. A dur::S:n, westlot:Jit ¢urfoco. 7. A pletsurti to eel 011. I 0,101 IT ; Per qt. $1.59 Per gal. $5.79 WALLPAPER. If .1r/ NEW PATTERNS FOR EVERY TASTE, EVERY BUDGET . KLEAR= KOTE Wallpaper Wallpaper treated with Wear-Kat, can be washed with soap and water $1.95 per qt. Wallpaper PASTE 30c per lb. Wallpaper Cleaner Wallpaper Remover Paint Sundries Paint and Varnish Remover Protek IVhe waste time semping ? Available in slate; for any job. 'lust wipe it on your hands before painting. Wash your hands after and - presto No Paint BLOW TORCH An Essential for Cleaning Old Paint Surfaces home ••••••••••••••••arilimplamMini a.. A. D. MacWILLIAM PHONE 237 WINGHAM USED TRACTORS = L.-- 1949 Ford Tractor 1948 Allis-Chalmers Model C 1944 Cockshutt Model 70 All these tractors are completely overhauled and guaranteed. EQUIPMENT = = 10 and 12-inch two-furrow Plows 10-inch three-furrow Plow Spring and Stiff-tooth Cultivators, Spring-tooth Harrows, One-way Discs, Disc Plows, Tandem Discs, Rear- attached Mowers, Buck Rakes, Manure Loaders SERVICE = = Call for On-the-Farm Checkovers. Our tractor panel, with factory-trained ' mechanic is at your service to make checkovers and repairs on the job at your farm. NEW TRACTORS = = Ford Tractors with exclusive Proof- meter. FORD MAJOR L English Tractor, both Diesel and Gasoline. The lowest priced tractor on the'market. 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NEVE:Sz FIND ANOTHER Ln.<E. rs, r.....-.r you,VE NOM IN' A, 'TO WORRY ABOVI; a :''''.4.',1 -3--", '-' WE HAVE' *Ne„ .. PLENT1 MOPE .00 EVE N a a B ATTERa $— , , 1, .,, qif.t.Ti, ee., 0 '.....'" ..., ''' tit .1: i, " "SPEEDY" o by CROSSETT MOTORS LTD. - OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 p.m. uy Used Cars , 1948 Pontiac Coach 1948 Studebaker Five-passenger Coupe 1947 Plymouth Sedan 1947 Packard Sedan 1946 Chevrolet Fleetline 1942 Mercury Coach 1940 Pontiac Sedan 1940 Plymouth Sedan Many other older models to choose from for Immediate Delivery to pay on all commercial vehicles. We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. i 51`. .SIP GAL, CONCENTRA."0 1711 FAS 1E rofttva also Kalsomine Brushes, Sash Brushes, Trimmers • Separate Phone at our used car lot No. 795 ANGLIAS and PREFECTS for Immediate Delivery Crossett Motors t Telephone 459 Mercury Lincoln - Meteor Cars - Mercury Trucks Wingluut, Out. 'Phone 256 R, A. Spotton CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done kit MODERN EQUIPMENT Wingham Memorial Shop .?