HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-03-21, Page 5Hantilion; Mrs. (Edith) baudean, Buffalo; Mrs, (Ida) Veils- choor, Ann Arbor, Mich., and Mrs. (Georgina) Stronacb; also two bro- thers, David, Kinsella, Alberta, and John, Winnipeg. His rector, Rev. G. I). Vegan, con- ducted private service at the 'I'. V. "A- .cluldryn and tour sisters, Mrs. Susie oar funeral home on Saturday aft,. r- See The Famous dent of ilowiP11, having farmed on the .6th concession until retiring to Com- rie in' 1941, Ile was a member of tin' Anglican Church and of the Mr. Corbett was twice married, In 1897 he was united in marriage in the FordWiCh Presbyterian Church ttt Sarah Armstrong, who Passed away on February 6,9.46. On Septetn• :1932, be was married to. Ruth Galbraith, who survives. There also survive one son, Mr.. Erie Corbett, Wigalstock, and two daughters, Miss mary, Toronto, and Mrs, Russel -(Or- Pollack, London, There are four grandchildren and two great grand- Big Range of 'SPRING FLOOR COVERING in Stock Now •r- Congoleum, Rexoleum and Inlaid Marboleum' 1,1 ttttt 1 ..... 1 lllllllll 1111111111111111 llllllllllllll 111111111111 Welwood's "Quality and Service" Phone 414 Wingham Red Front &very Free Our Prices Are Lower 'Phone Delivery We Keep Down The Upkeep 590 1.11111.11 REG. 200's KLEENEX 2 pkgs. 39c ST. WILLIAMS - 24 oz Jar RASPBERRY JAM 41c YORK BRAND - 16 oz. Mason Jar PEANUT BUTTER 41c LARGE 48 oz. Jar NATIONAL PICKLES . 59c .1••10.1.<1•010411, ALLAN'S - 48 oz. Tin APPLE JUICE 25c OLD SOUTH - 48 oz Tin GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . 39c 4 LB. PAIL PURE CLOVER HONEY 83c HEIN Z - 14 oz. Bottle KETCHUP PAT-A-PAN PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag $1.23 7 lb. bag ...39 MONARCH - Dark or Light CAKE MIX •••., NO. 1 ONTARIO POTATOES 75 lb. bag $1.59 SWEET JUICY FLORIDA 250's ORANGE'S". • • • • • . FLORIDA - 96's GRAPEFRUIT 6(1's FIEAD LETTUCE , 48's CELERY l ... 2 for 23c doz. 39c .4 for 25c • • • • 2 for 25c pkg. 36c • • • i • • • . 26c Ti VESTER REFRIG More than a century of International Harvester manu- facturing skill has gone into the making of the amazing H Refrigerators . . available now in Canada for the first time. \\\\X\\ \\\\ INTINNATIONAL MA .1111•1 Prom top to bottom the famous International Harvester refrigerators are tailored to women's needs. Everything you've bolted for , now all in oae refrigerator! A choice of ten beautiful Door Handle Colors (to match yout4elt4hen);,.. Full Width Freezers, Chill Trays, Crispers .. space. adding Pantry-Dor Built-in Bottle Opener .. . Chrome Finished or Stainless Steel Shelves Acid Resisting Porcelain Enamel Interior . . , and many other Icmineerecl. features are to be found only in the new I H Refrigerators ... now an display. SIX exciting models to choose from . ALL NEW... and YEARS AHEAD! See the outstanding new KITCHEN-SIZE, TABLE TOP INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER NOW See the new 1951 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Refrigerators and Freezers today at G. elson Cunningham North Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario BILIZED FO ACTION As they pray for peace, Canadians turn unafraid to the tasks and duties of the preparedness prudence urges. In cities and towns every- where, quietly yet earnestly, they are laying their plans for effective Civil Defence. Well in the forefront of this planning is the Red Cross. Through past testing times, your Red. Cross has met each challenge to the full. If history repeats — . with your help, your Red Cross will not fail. That help is needed now to support the vital role the Red Cross must play in working for the aid and protection of your loved ones, your home and community. Dive now keep your Red Cross strong to meet the call of duty, CANADIAN RED CROSS , the wooh of,peeeem ',eve"- clads.. WINGTiAM BRANCH tA.NAMAN' 1,14;GION AN. 51100 $5,000,000 h needed to support Red Cross services for Disaster, Veterans, Pree Blood Transfusion, Outpost Hospitals' and Civil. Defence Training. Now, you can take your choice of three great new 1 H Freez- ers featuring over-all sub-zero freezing on all 5 inner surfaces , Moisture-free Dri-Wall Cabi- nets...and many other outstand- ing advantages: INefhlesdaY? MArch11#1 .1951 THE WINMIAg ADVANCE MMES PAGAVg .."4 :poled .cy0.4.n.WA will 'bloom ,Got 6eYer41 010.1411$ if kept at a tempera- -1We. of .,65 to '68 :degrees, The port of Churchill, Man,, hand- le d a 'record number of 20 ships tim- ing the 19.00 -shipping season.. New Pyramid Silhouettes Push up Sleeves Turned-back Cuffs as featured in style show last week C IS Classic types and fitted in fine wool, gabardines, fleeces and suedes Modern Prices GORRIE „. Mr, and Mrs. Walker Iiastie, Don, tut and Heather of Toronto, were week-end visitors. lvith Mr, and Mrs, Ken Mrs. A. Toner is visiting with her friends in Toronto. Mrs. Murray Edgar is spending a few days with friends in London, Mr. and Mrs. -Russel -Church of Botha, Alberta, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar. Hearty eongrlatulattuns and best wishes to ,Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Ring, Isla, will mark their 57th -wedding ati- Iliversary on Wednesday, March 21st, Cameron Edgar and Addison Jac- ques, were ill Toronto, last Tuesday at the Sportsmen Show. Mr. and Mrs, August Heil \ on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, mtto Manke, Mr, andf Mrs, Carl jacklin and fam- ily _of Brussels, spent Sunday evenin g with Mrs, Chas. Kitchen. , Air. and Mrs. Robert Harrison spent Sunday with Mr. and Alts, Elgin Fulton, Listowel, Miss Jean Snarling underwent au operation in Listowel Memorial lio!, pilot etu Satt iredt(3. t.. f ri s wish her a speedy at the home of Rev. Scholtz, Kurtz- iMiss Jean. Lola visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vodden, Mrs. W. Michtl and Mrs. IL Woods of Ethel, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and. Mrs. Coyne 'Michel. Mrs. T. Lovell has been visiting her brother, Mr. Duncan MeRercher, Wroxeter, Mr. Burke Dyson, alto has had the cold storage and butchering business for the past year has gone to L'N- bri4e to go into business there, Mr. Geo, Westlake will continue the cult storage and egg grading. station. hit's. A, A. Donnelly and Colleen, left on ond ay to visit the former's brother, Mi'. Walter Thurston, who is seriously ill in Peterborough Hos- pital, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell of El- mira, have nuived to the farm recently purchased front Mr. Lorne Rubinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robinson have taken up residence on the Ilyndman farm which they recently purchased, Mrs.' W. J. Watt of Whitechurch, Miss Muriel Watt, London, Dr. W. D, Watt and Miss Jane Line of Tor- onto were Sunday visitors at the par- sonage, Word has been received that . the Rev. Geo. D. Watt of Shellbrook, Sask., has accepted a call to become minister of I )ungannon L cited Church. Ile is a younger brother of Le‘' J. R. Watt and at ill continence his duties July 1st, United Church News The Tyro boys, ages, 9-11, and frail Rangers ages 12-16, are com- mencing their spring activities and any boys wishing to share in their groups are asked to be out Wednesday Bight at 7 o'clock in the church, Group 4 of the Woman's Associa- tion will meet at the home of Mrs. Frances Earngey on Thursday,'Mar, 22nd. The ladies arc asked to come early as there is a quilt to be quilted. On Good Friday morning at 11 a. in, there will be a service of prayer in the United Church. Anglican Church Rev. Dr. A. H. O'Neil, principal -of Huron. College, London, will be tile I, preacher next Easter Sunday after- noon, There will be the service of l Holy Cointnunion. - Red Cross A letter front the London Branch of the Red Cross, has been received here expressing their regret that their letters of appeal were sent out in this district where there is an active Red Cross branch and a canvass being made. These letters were intended per districts in which there is no Red Cross Society as so many branches have closed since the war. Hockey Gorrie met. their first defeat in weeks in Wingham Arena on Friday night, when they met Ilderton for the first time. Score was Ilderton 6, Conic 2. Parrish and O'Krat ka were the goal getter s. A large number of hockey tans front both towns were ii' attendance. 1St. Patrick's Sale, Dinner SucceSsful On :;attirday attcrtroott ladies ut Stcplwit's Anacan Church, held a sale of aprons, home 'baking, etc. Convent charge of b, .outs were Mrs. C. Ritchie autl ,M is. t. \ King. apr,•ns A nd baking, Mrs. V\. C, King, Mrs, C. Dodds and • Mrs. T. R. Bennett; candy, Miss Dinsmore and I ieryl lennett Surprise Packages, etc., Miss Lois Dodds, Many took atIvan ,,f the numerous articles offered for sale and later stayed to enjoy a fine hot din- ner which teas served. from. 5 to 7. New Spring Course Miss Grace Edgar and Mrs. Geo. Adams attended the Leaders' frain- Mg School in Winglunn, Friday and Saturday. The spring home making club course is "The Club Girl Stands on Guard.” Any girls interested in taking this course kindly get in touch with the leaders as soon as possible, Howick Junior Institute The annual meeting of the Junior Institute was held in the Gorrie hall on March 16th, Miss Jean Scott, home economist, was present and presided for the election of officers which are as follows, Hon. Pres., Mrs. Norman Wade, Gorrie; Pros., Gwen Ruttan, Gerrie; 1st, vice res., Marjorie Belt- rns, Gorrie; 2nd. vice-pros., Marjorie Toner, Wroxeter; sec.-treas,, Audrey Hastie, Gorrie, assist. sec-treas., Helen Strong, Gorrie; district director, Grate Edgar, Gorrie; Institute directors, 'laterite Ashley, Fordwith; Laura Plant, Wroxeter, Ethel Pies, Pord- with; Press reporter, Anna Totter, Wroxeter; pianist, 'Marion king, (Got.- Ile; assist, pianist, Ethel Ries, Ford- wich auditors, Bonnie Zimmerman, Gorrie, Betty Zithfiterinan, Gentle.- The Junior ThStitute then joined the Junior' ParmerS for the Joint Tneetitig after which lunch and danc- ing brought the evening to a close, William Corbett After art illness of fourteen months when he was -confined to bed, Wil- liam. Albert 'Corbett, passed away on Thursday afternoon, March 15, in his 84th year. Ile was a life-king resi- noon and a largely attended pull ,s c vire in St. Stephen's. .Church, Gorrie, interment was in Fordwith Cemetery with graveside . senvice _conducted by pallbearers were also me'mbe'rs of the Orange Order., Wil-. Haut Campbell, Jack Winter, Lloyd Jacques, Norman Wade, Albert gall and Bruce Sot lain. IT the basic wardrobe essential for spring — and we have the Largest Selection of Fine All - Wool Gabardines and Pick-and-Picks. Smartly Styled and Carefully Tailored — you'll want one to start your Spring '51 wardrobe. DRY GOODS — IN TIME FOR SPRING a Big New Selection of Fine Dress Crepes 38" from $1.69 to $2.20 yard I1111111111111/1111111111111111111 /III ttttttt 1111/1111111111111 ttttt 1111111111111111111111111 tttttttt 11111111111111111111 /1111111111401111 for