The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-03-21, Page 4FEATURING THE FIRST FULLY-AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION IN THE .LOW-PRICE FIELD a i U ii LIMITED 1-- ii 171 Telephone 66 _ Wingham i ,Amil1llemimmummo1l1m1f smi111ommemilmi11Imummacim111ommmamm0 BEAVER LUMBER CO. VVednesday,AllaretIZIst:1951 logommoomm01.01.00.0•••••••••......M., lutlricious sight of those long-artn ' . W SITE FOR ''' of the boys beneath the surface, as the 1E, N . • . '1,1,1144 00;,. knob C011itt be • can elu,c 4! the sand. and gravel but- ARMY WORKOUT tom. It n as a great game especially Those 'bicycle days. were ,teat dill auttrnuou tsluu the light was • Ti e substantial ,consideration of What a fad it was o\s.n a wht,c1 tilt' boys lu cre kiccits- $10,000 worth of prime mink pelts -and what au holiOUr too. .111,'re. Were a little kite „.;ttting. home iur an d, t h e lives of the animals wearing the eNvIMI.I.,; it of (1th% thrill. was responsbile or recent de- while even with the aid ot strtint; eye- vision to change the site of the dis- teeth, and nimble ringers to untie, ,the trict, Reserve Army field manoeuvres knots in the arms ut their shirts, Ins slated fur the Lakeside-Harrington mean practice was called "clawin Iurea, m a y 26, 27, heel.'" I dull'L know the or Lg ill aj; the Originally a site close to Harring- term, HAM was selected and arrangements The swimming pool WAS also pop-;to use it were well advanced when it Mar in the evening-with boys kit a larger growth, and Si' it happened Mat I • Jilts Long, the first and only navigator and Olin, No matter what subject vi t h e peaceful :Maitland ia a modern came up, he knew it all and his. spilt- vessel, turned his worthy gait in and- ion was the final and correct view. stream at at distant view of tlwse His last observation was usually pre- naked sat ages paying. its lie did so, all faced with ,the words "If I had nly, elaborate tribute to his personal mod- ‘tvi.e1)."'resatildot' t was asot rrtylrlisfotP.Q11tlil: w th ifae! That kind are always with us. They form a great problem for those who support theta, whether they are a pri- vate or public charge. They are ever a psychological enigma, Nevertlielest3, each, at whatever age, no doubt, has hidden potentialities and at least is capable, if willing to apply himself, to cause his stock to rise on the fluctu- ating market of human values. t1s Tennyson put it: It becomes no. man to nurse despair but in the teeth of clenched antagonisms to follow up the worthiest till he die," ed of friendly elm :saplings tot wvro est y.. 1 think the tare was totem cents tit' two fur a quarter. That was .ttutt,;11 because after it was over it was the tliiug to du to treat your sweetheart to a dish of ice cream in Jimmy Xle- Kelvie's smart restaurant, That was the first restaurant where 1 saw mot al Ile seen in close proximity' to tin; courage a t its best, when 1 heard a ing smoke front the crackling hranen- Ilady ask one of the agile waitresses ms. We chose sides as in basehail .4101 i.for ” A dish of ice cream, and two dove in the water for a white door- spoons, please." Small profits, quick mob, Bubbles could frequemly be 'returns. sears rising front the laughing mouths But to get back to the bicycles. Sonic oi thou were heavy as lead. Beatty Bros. had about twelve for lore, so much an hour. The faster you Won, the farther you went, the sooner you got back and Lite less you spent. One night there was a great six- mile race on. The start was made at the Kent Block corner, All and sun- dry were in it. A baker's helper to Ali. Nichol, \\ eber by name, was held on his wheel by a friend and shook like a leaf ill the wind from nervous- ness. Art Irwin played a good juke On the cr,.,wd that waited for the speedsters to Coale sifting in the grav- el. Ile, on his old step-ladder variety, went tar as Scott St., got off and waited fur some time, then mounted again, rude down Scutt St., to wliere the old putter) was and came rushing in tt. hAVI1 fur all he. was worth. He laughed so 11111Cil himself and made sm:11 atuazim4 time that few wert de- ik•eiled man3 minutes, 1% nu w'e•n, not il, ))u: John Rhtllie did hot cuter. „At the c,ruler of Scott ic- IIa, you tidier And ) „lurra.\, ;11W:10;111th ,7•11ji3. 'That Vra:, intother yule (14q. %VALVE:, Atii4 WaS :;,11 /4:11,g anvil shaped bil•J(.2 like a ,.:ar,v t .Mac est, red hut nit al;,00t tit. tit citzon seed, leapt.d ir/711 tile an" out on to tilt r.!..e.1 it litre welt Liaa‘•;..1a,.:;. One duck, a nialnial, beautifully 'narked, inuekiv „seized taw red 'm.o. metal whicti noun as swallewed ca,,te throu.41i its neck. Whether it got bet- ter and lived or worse and died 1 do not know. That was one ca.,e where iL was not wise to strike when the iron is hot. A blacksmith's shop, and few there are now, is a place I always liked to ireq uem, How interestin g to watch the glistening face of the _sulk). !al- hotietted Against till 3 high rising from the big breathilt.s bellows. Waiting horses were tied t'L) the bi g rings in the side of tile op- posite wall, The man of leisure was there, a mail of enforced idleness sit- ting cross-legged on the nail-keg whit ins right fore-aria supported at 1:lice Old Times By Peter S. Fisher .;.mere maligs of wheels on PCOpil. tongues [Way there art, makes PI: Cars. The Sterns, the Gendson, the :1,cd Bird, the Cleveland and a host MOre. Jim Long's was the chief bicycle 4nair emPorium as 1 reinetnber b1.101 things. lie did a thriving business in F.4.44 ultra quiet fashion and mrpri-ied Are entire town by building a passen- ger vessel to ply up and down the Maitland frum the famous fot it- ZPiridge to that elongated Island at the ;rear of Elliott's prairie. Tin water was deep enough to go up still tinther but The Island so called \vas an un- „rensored swimming sation and ia uskt. 'They willows) and a good So!,,L v icar- ipig, in the centre of c'T ceiraers and ashes of yesterdav's fire. The fire was lighted before we Meat in to the bowl-shaped entrance to the river and our scanty clothing o,:tild G. Alan Williams Optometrist In former office of Dr. R. C. Redmond Patrick St., Wingham P L of e33613.1 Ey a Examinations Phone 770 Evenings by appointment, Rubber - Marboleum TILE SOLD and LAID Repair Work Built-in Cupboards General Contracting — S E E — Bennett & Caspzere 'Phone 447 Wingham W4$ discovered t hat sheltered is the lee of QM of the knolls on the pro- posed battle area there was, a .valuable mink farm. ()WIWI'S were t•Itti to, ro,operate With the military but pointed out twat the noise of diving ,Iireraft iiuntlarhtt 'close support and ground strafing have a tendency to :tend the mink into a frenzy, In that Col-.144in th ey have been known to destroy. one an- other Or damage thelltseireS by the violence of their actions. After hearing the facts 1364., \v, A. Bean and headquarters officers ioar Second Infantry OfExercils3eri8k.17trde' tielal31t s\..ii,11111-ii(sl' another site More OM '.two miles to, the north and west, at a iale distance .frosito" the the ipurionpkoshr proposed ain attle of Harring- ton now becomes the battle of Trout Creek. The change in tuatonis will make but minor differences to the planned story of the battle which will feature a withdrawal under pressure and a counter-attack by infantry sup- port by /Milks, The .connter-attack force wilt he commanded by 1„ieut,-Col. N. lr Wilkins of the Oxfur.l Rifles, Wood- stock, It will utilise the services to various attached arms including !auks from the First Hussars of Lomloa. Col. Wilkins is a life-long resident of Woodstock and has been a mem- ber of the Oxford Rifles for nearly 20 years although still in his .thirties. Ile was signal officer al e? rep- 'flient Prior to the Second Worls1 War. When the Oxford. Rifles .contributed a company to the mobilized. Regi- molt of St. Thomas in 1910 he went ent active service, ,vith that unit where lie With signal .officer fur a time, Later, while overseas, the unit was converted into tt. tank transporter bat t•alum and. Col. Willms became a. squadron commander and SQ0101 for A time in the Italian campait.m, return- ing Canadian troops to take part in the cleanup drive in Ilci„tioan and hronee- Other units taking part include the twei other infantry regimeitts of the brigade,. the Perth Regiment of Strat- ford and the 'Highland Light Infantry of Galt, and many ancillary groups of engineers, artillery army service and minimillumwitatiwominsimilloole i MR. A. RUBIN P • FAMOUS FUR ii id COMPANY t a 1950 Designs Now Being shown .7. fi- Individnally fitted and styled. 1 Several fittings at no additional 'ill il fil charge. Call 276J, Wingham Ill for Appointment ii ii or Write a 508 BathurstStreet, Toronto T. ..Alitmuirgimmism111111111111111M1111111131111111111111i5 provost corps, medical troops and. M44Y nicire front the :Kitchener garrison,. Guelph, „Listowel, London and surrounding points. Planes and fliers from 420 ,Squadrons will add air Support, The exercise will begin rat the afternoon of May 26. Troops will bi- vouac in the open overnight, drawing rations and other supplies in tier, nor- mal manner of field living. Hain battle will be fought ea the following day with the units disperb- lug to their home stations late Sun- day afternoon. IOW'. 474 43.,WeR" • ANNWrikaikkoufift,..... Box 134 , • ,,,,,,,, , , ........ • • . • . •.. , . 1 • • . , . • Wfll accommodate semi-invalid or bed Patients, "FAIRVIEW" Nursing Horne for the Aged PHONE 103 iNGITAK St. Johns, Que. • The Medina De Luxe 2-Door Sedan INFORMATION WANTED Regarding ADAM TURNER Born at St. Etienne de Beauharnois, Que., in 1846 Last known address, Wingham, Ont. 11 any of the older residents of Wingham or vicinity have any recollection of this person, will you please communicate with R. E. ELLIOTT A GENERAL MeTORS VALUE (bur choice for '51 16. REFRESHINGLY NEW • • • THOROUGHLY RELIABLE . tat a Make Your Own Home A REALITY... THROUGH BEAVER PLAN SERVICE! Plan now -- AT NO COST — WITH YOUR BEAVER LUMBER MERCHANT Ask about : FINA,NCING PLAN BOOKS & PLAN SERVICE COST ESTIMATES (Free!) SAVING THROUGH SELECTION PREVENTING SHORTAGES Telephone 66 for appointment now, or come today! NO OBLIGATION ! PLANNING PAYS! BEAVER PLANS! LONGER, LOWER, WIDER 131G-CAR LOOK Brilliant new featuring entirely new grille, parking lights, fender moldings and rear-end design ... im- parting that big-car look which secs Chevrolet apart from other cars in its field., EVEN LOVELIER BODIES BY FISHER More strikingly beautiful contours and colors . . . extra sturdy Fisher Unisteel construction CUrVed Nv'indshielt1 and Panoramic Visibility , . the smartest, safest, most comfottabie edition of Chevrolet's Famous 'Bodies by Fisher. MODERN-MODE INTERIORS With upholstery and appoint- ments of outstanding quality, in beautiful two-tone color harmonies . , and with extra generous head, leg'and elbow room for driver and all passengers, SAFETY-SIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL Safer, inure convenient, more efficient . . . overhanging upper crown elind. nates reflections in windshield from instru- ment lights, and lower edge of panels recessed to provide a safe, convenient location for con- trol knobs plain easy-to-read instruments directly in front of driver. MORE .POWERVUL IUMBO-DRUM BRAKES 'wit -' nobl-Life riveness broke linin t p) tsar, .ta oril,es in Chevrolet history; Extra- safe, extra-smooth, extra-dora!Ae . . with both brake shoes on each w heel self-energiz- ing providing maximum stoppin g-power with up to 255,; less driver effort. IMPROVED CENTRE- POINT STEERING (end Centre-Point Design) Making steering even osier at low speeds and while parkiog . , . just as Chevrolet's famous Unitized knee-Action Gliding Ride is comfortable beyond comparison in its price range t The Styleline De Luxe 4-Door Wan OF ALL CARS, here's your choice for 1951 — the new Chevrolet — Canada's largest and finest low-priced car. It brings you all the things you want — and that includes the first fully-automatic trans- mission in the low-price field, POWER- GLIDE*! In your PowEnGLIDE-equipped Chevrolet with its new 105 h.p. engine, you step on the gas to go, step on the brake to stop, and that's all in normal driving! There's no clutch pedal, no shift! Yes, Chevrolet brings you all the new things, all the p/eitsing , things, all the proved things that you and your family are looking for . . fleet, powerful, valve-in-head performance . swank Fisher Body Styling „ maximum comfort and economy. Anti all at lowest cost! Come in—examine this refreshingly new, thoroughly reliable Chevrolet — the e- smartest buy of the year! *POWtfliGLIDE with' 105 b.p, cagier optional di emra coil oil Dr T.11X0 Models, 744 a4to ded/ a a Lg C-5518 WINGHAM MOTORS 'PHONE 139 CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST LOWENPRICED CAR IF