HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-28, Page 4THESE WANT AlYS B 14. MO RESULTS tin v.cot.'ne.n this, :3 lortatonae 17 \e"ge\s'I P kor or n eturo' ti For those who ap-preciate a precision watch the popular Foptotnes are your best choice See the large selection of Fontaire'mOdels at Skire: All sizes of New Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Tractor Double Discs and Cultivators. Tractor Power Mowers Side Delivery Rakes Four and six-foot Tillers, Stock of Used Tractors and Mach- inery at all times:— Case S.C. Ebersoi "Wonder Electric Hammer Mills with the new type hammers. LIVESTOCK WANTED CASH—Up to $10.00 for Dead or dis- abled Horses; $10.00 for Cows; Hogs $2.50 per cwt.—at your farm. Prompt I service, Phone collect, Wingham 501j, William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ontario. ri-b REAL ESTATE HOUSE and Property for Sale-s-Sev- en roomed brick house with double lot, for sale in the village of Tees- water. Recently decorated and newly insulated throughout, Pos- session at an early date. Also good upright piano for sale, Apply Ad- vance-Times. 28rrb NOTICE Parties wanting Rawleigh products in Wawanosh and Turnberry call at Rawleigh sign, Victoria Street, Wing- ham. Everyday Greeting Cards, Ilasti-Notes, Phone 406J, Robert Engel, 2128* NOTICE Rettientber, decorating done now avoids delayed housecleaning. Paper books supplied.. _Mts. Henry Gal- braith, phone WIWI., rrb NEARING OPENS IN RUSE-I CASE —Central Press Canadian Royal commission inquiry into the dismissal of Allan Rush front the London, Ont., police force last year has opened. Rush, following his dismissal ran for mayor, was elected, now heads the police com- mission which_ fired hip. Look your loveliest in fashions that are fresh' and new ! You'll find just the styles you like in our exciting,- spring collections at just the right prices, too ! Misses and Women's DRESSES Up-to-the-minute fashions at a down-to-earth price I Rayon prints, tissue failles, navy sheers and many others ! Newsworthy 1951 stylns -- with smart sleeve and collar treatments, glitter touches, amid lingerie accents, Beautifully Tailored all wool SUITS 'file e b eiri5tv es Ntyttat dn-t from you can make I s Worsted sheen 55 00 gabardine in navy, toast, beige, pink, or gray, Classic styles with feminine detailing, Styles and sits for misses and wo- men. The Latest Styles In Spring COATS New pyramid honettes . . with r rom push-up sleevesg27 and turn-back .95 cuffs 1 Classic types, too, and fitted silhouettes! In fine wool gabardines, fleeces. suedes, and novelty fabrics. "QUALITY and SERVICE" WINGHAM TIE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 'WedneWayt February 28 195T 11)R sAl.b.—.\ :,tint a..r it . r . S'ar'ah Meguire o11 WI .10 tit. \X nus- able age Aberdeen Bulls. Remem- - ' n : - . ~,n1 * " .- Lowest or any tender not neeessar- ham, consist= ..st dining-room suite si _ ,ccepted, 1,,,r, Angus for t•en quality, high ner cent ' drmsi ng ziti.ca,,,,., Avi,l y 2 bedroom states, kitchen stove, ' n floor chwerine and dishes. Some an- 'jots. I. ‘,N. eber & Shine. plesne 54r22, 2871, tiquee, Numerous other articles. Mildmay, Ontario, Terms cash, L. G. Bryce, auction- FoR SALE—Sprints-filled mattress. eer. 28b — _ Clean. (-1„i ii condition. $10.00. Call 447, Wits:ham. 28* Ft IR S I .E.-42 and tim- ,thv `k "11,0i" 'All SKATES SIIAIU'EN I:.I.)-1Ve have 11107, aVe ,sen•-•. . s, ; .t Cho- \ st lee T,11e. crusher ista, be (cilli"cd ,wi,lh tributed. amongst the parties entitled a tunitequarter men ecreen and tne thereto, having rseard only to claims solinfitakaraMil."02311101."101186"kraMeRga7455520aSitOgise work is to be done to the eatisfac- of which the executors shall then have AUCTION SALE (.i" Hounaiold es., , lion of the Road Superintendent, A notice. FOR SALE feets will lie held on Saturday, ' ctrtifitel cheque for $200 must be en- . , ,. March 10 at 2 tk.cl, ick for Mrs. closed with each tender, 'DATED this 12th day of February, A,D, 1951. Tenders will be received by the un- 1951, are notified to send to the tin, dersigned up until 2.81) jam, March d ersigned on er htfore the Ord day of 3 fur the ciattraet of supplying, crash- March, A.D. 1951, full particulars of in e .and hauling approaimately 12,000 their claims in writing. Immediately cubic Yards of gra. el for the Town- after the said. Bo1 day of March the ship of Morris. ' assets of the said testator will be disc 2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 35c, 2s.' just purelatek d trout tee,M. ing Parallel Skate Grinder. 1 Irl'"uer 'l. your ,kues Mi. for expert servie- . ing. 25c per hair. Stainton's Hardwnre. rr. 11.21. is WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS & MACHINERY NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Campbell, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 28rd day of January, A.D, 1951, are notified to send to th` of March, A.D. 1951, full particulars of who loaned tier-. —Mrs. Ethel undereigned on or before the 3rd day Me,Nibbon, Dr. faieeroft and those 28'1 their claims in writing. immediately ;Stewart and, clan.- ter after the said. 3rd day of March the CARD OF THANKS The family , f the late Robert Whitney Stewart wish to express their sincere appreciati•At and thanks to all the neighbours and friends for their expressions of kindness and sym- pathy during out smitten bereavement. Also thanks to tie Hospital staff, Dr. TURNI3ERRY BOARD HOLDS FEB, MEETING The regular meeting of the Tarn- berry Township Soho:,] Area was Metal in No, 9 School on Feb. 15th at 8 mut. All members present. The ndnutes of the previous meeting were Remit mid adopted by Hamilton and Holmes, Carried, M:otion by Hamilton and Holmes elix sa Fl ae 15 tons hided); approxi- mately 800 bus. Miatal Gram; quan- tity of Potatoes. • 11017SEHO1,1) EFFECTS---A. full line of Household Effects, including Chesterfield, Beatty Electric 'Washing achine (nearly new); Enamelled Range. FARM—At the Sallie Bute and place there will be offered for sale and eubject to reserve bid, if not pre- viously sold, the 100 acres of choice clay leant farm, with 5 acres of bush, and a good drilled well. On the .farm is a two-storey 10-roorn comfortable brick dwelling, with a pressure sys- tem, 3-piece bath, a full size base- ment and a new furnace. A bank Barn. 40x60, with water pressure in, tin- barn, a driving, shed, two ham houses, and a milk house, TERMS — CASIT TERMS ON FARM-7-.1.0 per cent down on date of sale, and the bal- ance in 30 clays or to the satisfaction (IF the proprietress, Mrs. CHESTER RINTOUL, Prop. EDWARD W. F,T.T:TO'1"„F Uctioneer K. \V. COLQUHOUN, Clerk, The family .4 the late Charles L. C„ tyke wish to thank relativcS, 'friends and neighbours f•-,r expressions 4 of which the executor shall then nave sympathy and kindness extended in notice. them in their rteeta sad bereavemeet. Special thanks to the nursing staff et the Wingham. General Dr, Crawford, and for the beautiful floral tributes. 23'b .• CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for their kindness shown me during my recent illness, Spesial thanks to Dr. .3.1eKildion, the nursing staff at the Wingham General Hospi- tal, Rev. E. O. Lancaster and monis bert Of St, Pita, Evening 28* —Mrs. C. R. Wilkinson CATTLE—All T.11, Tested— No, 1, Durham, Cow, 5 years old, due May. (1; No, 2, Durham Cow, 6 years old, duct June 7; No, 3, Durham Cow, Ii Years old, due Mey 4; No, 4, Durham Cow, 3 years old, due May 0; No. 5, Dminon Cow, five years u 1 (I , due April 30th; No. 6, Inurhem Cow-, 4 years old, due Oct. 20; No. 7, Holstein and Polled Cow, 6 yours old, clue May 8; No, 8, Polled and 1.)tirlitain Cow, 5 years old, due Mar. 28; No. 9, Swiss jersey Cow', 0 years old, due May 13; No. 10„ Guernsey Cow, 6 years old, due Aug. 12; No. 11 Ayrshire Cow, 5 years old, due May 1; No. 12, Ayrshire Cow, 3 emirs old, due jtme 22; No. 13, Ayrshire Hei- fer, 3 years old, due May 9; Nu. 14, Ayrshire Heifer, 2 years old, due Aug. 20; Registered Durham. Bull; Durham Heifer 16 mos., pureVed; 3 Hereford Heifers, 2 years old; 3 Red Durham Heifers, 2 years old; 2 Renph. Durham Heifers, 2 years old; 2 Polled and Hereford Heifers, 2 yrs, old; 3 Hereford and Durhtun Heifers, 2 years old Durham Steer, 16 m ea; 3 I/urhain Heifers 10 months old, pmebred; e Calsive 1 noinths old; Sim- with litter sec-il Su b:e(I l• il.'Zit'all.YLI-ensi i)Pyl:':e\triin ti,lt,(11.Y 12.'106(1 Calf 5 menths aid. en weeks old; Sow due 20th April; nee of Poultry Equipment. June: Sow due 17th Sow MmleI T'rac't,'; equipped with Sow clue ;\inYi 'Soft 15111 1 M PLEM ENTS — Allis-Chalmers 1st June; 4 Open Sows:. 11-1 ,1,3 iste Iii !Starter, lishts pulley; Jelin Deert: weeks old; 8 Pigs otos; s'ors 12, Ilog. fu H rrew tractor ew; full line tit term intpknwoh::, IMP1.E1\ ENTS Plow;] PE1•;1)—Approximatdy 20 tons of Circular 'aw, 32-inch, with frame; !.;!s• 1':,r,1 5-nase..11:,471. 111,4 • ;: did eonhlitinn nt.. is 1, .11. I it:in:T. rfelii a ;milers:. • mg. ra.rrange I":,4a V40. • Nai in :sham. 2k.* FOR SALE—Hornet aThain Sew. new (October. 1:150. Equinned whit inch planer blade and apare. Check- ed and renewed where neeeassary lay manufacturer, 1\ tall Tools Ltd, Thia machine is equal tai flew anal will be sold at bargain as we bete:, farther use for in ()wen King, 002\V1. 28•9 FOR SAI.E—Scrvieval>ie ag e regha- tered Holetein bull. Six nearest dams to erase 19. 131 lbs, milk. 3,9q. Also two 'younger bulls. Iferd accredited. Tho••:, Hayden, Gorric.1 28b SPRING IS THE TIME for New Floors. We has is a splendid stock •if ulzm, Resoleum anti In-; laid Nfarholetun. "Moderate pr ic e s. Get and estimate this week, • Wel-I asenal's, phone 414. 28b FOR SALE—Underwood Standard! $65.00 will BUY you a very depend- s able Underwood Standard Type- writer at the Advance-Times of- fice. 27b SELL YOUR POULTRY the Co- op. way. Call 271 for prices and :rucking service. Our prices are good. David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 0 Wingitatn "HOMESTEAD FARM AND HAT- CHERY"—Our bred-to-lay, fast- feathering Barred Rock and famous 'Rhode Island Red-Barred Rock cross, Canadian approved chicks are known for their meat and egg- pro- ducing qualities. We buy no eggs. All chicks are hatched from eggs produced from our own flock, which was again Pullorum Tested with no reactors found. Our prices are rea- sonable and chicks are sold with a 21-day livability guarantee. For circular and price list write, Addi- son Fisher, Ayton, Ontario. F142A26 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS C.B. LAUNDRY SERVICE, of Goderich, announce a pick-up and delivery service to the people of Wingliatn. For complete Laundry Service and further particulars call 456W. 2128* FARMERS Be sure to get yottr help in time. Small and large Dutch families are available for next spring. Apply now. C. deHaan, Bel- grave, Ont. assets of the said testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitiel thereto, having regard only to claims DATF.D this 12th day of February, A,D. 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON' Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 142128b NOTICE TO CREDITORS f All persons having claims against 'the estate of Jennie MeEvees, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th day of January, A.D. 1051, are no- tified to send to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of March, A.D. 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 3rd day of March the assets of the said Intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, thaving regard only to claims of which the administratrix shall then have I notice. DATED this 12th day of February, A.D., 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix 142128b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Wheelens, late of the Town of Wingham in the County 'of Huron, who died on or about the 18th day of January, A.D. 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 3rd day of March, A.D. 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 3rd day of March the assets of the said testator will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. ' 142128b TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH TENDERS FOR CRUSHING GRAVEL WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for the crushing and trucking of approximately 7,000' cu- bic yards of gravel, up till 2.00 o'clock March 6th. Marked cheque of $200 to accompany each tender. Gravel to pass through 5/8 inch screen. Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Stewart McBurney, 2128 Twp. Road Superintendent NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of CHARLES WESLEY KITCHEN of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Retired Gentleman, who died oft or about the first day of February, 1951, arc no- tified to send to the undersigned on or about the Seventh clay of March, 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the seventh day of March 'the assets of the Testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. Dated this 17th day of February, A.D. 1051. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers BRUSSELS ONTARIO Solicitors for the Executors k28/b cLEARIN,O AUCTION SALE AV'. Kemp, Anethmeer, has ,been instrneted to sell by public anctic)n EARL E, HAMILTON LOTS '25 and 26, CON, I, MORRIS on Highway 8(1, half mile west of Pluevale, on FRIDAY, MARCH 9th, 1951 Dump Rake, 2-svhceled Trailer with rack; 2,000 lb. Scales, Chatham Fan- ning Mill with baggier; set of Sham Sleights with dray rack; Minneapolis Threshing. Machine, 22\36 in god condition; set of Ilene.). Httrness, set of single I larness, 8 Chicken Shelters, Corn Cutter box, I lay Fork, lone laesteing Chain, auto doer, cutter, forks, shovels and numenms ether articles. IlAY & GRAIN-20 tuns Clover and IS'imutity Hay, well cured; about 75 bus. \\Theta , about 100 bus. Ajax Oats, suitable for seed; about 300 bus, Mixed. Grain, suitable for seed; number ''1 corn strops. , FURNITURE-6 Kitchen Chairs and Table, 5 Dieing-mots Chairs, Cupboard a n d Al irrtire, Electric' Washing :Machine, Coal Oil Stove and Oven, Coal Oil Heater, Couch anti several. Cushions, Vacuum Cleaner: Lawn Mower ; Radio, 2 Beds, DresS' ers and Stands. TERMS — CASH No reserve as farm is sold. TIME-1 p.m. Sharp EARL E. HAMILTON, Prop. E. W. KEMP, Auctioneer. 28:7b. that the Mtnticipal World be .ordere4 for all members of the ,floard. Carried,. 'rime following communications we---; read; Department of Education, 1 ta spector Kinkead,. H. C, Maete:A, Huron Co, Health Unit, Rev. Mills. The tenders for cedar were reti. and ou 'notion by Kirton and Iimmt- ton, Oscar Keiffer's tender of was accepted. Carried. The secretary-treasurer was orders to purchase light bulbs for the blassie- boards at no. 9 and no 3, Motion by Powell and Kirton On: Joe Bailey receive $15.00 for carrsleas water in 1950. Carried. Motion thy Hohnee and Kirton titss the following bills be paid. Carrie-1 Teechers' salaries, Caretakers Cameos on's $106.95; A. C. Agnew, $35.00; Howick Eire lus. $12.95; West Wawanosh Fire. Ins. $6.10; Wroxeter Telephone $3.35; Beaver .I.umber .Co., $1.14; Supertest $33.32; F, E, Reed and Sons, $1.42.27; Wingham Advance-Tines $2.14; west ern Foundry $950; Donald Rae & Sons $11.80; M.oyer's School Sup- plies $1.25; 1V. J. Gage $6.67; Mutti- cipal World $12,00; Fred Tuck, Ls- hour $4,00; Joe Bailey $15.00, Motion by Powell and Holmes Oita meeting adjourn. Next meeting to fue in no, 11 school on March 15th, 8 p,m. Carried. j, al, Hardie, A. Col-rig:1r Chairman Sec,-Tre ts. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Levi Galbraith, late of the Township 6f Howiek in the coun- ty of Huron, Partner, who died on or a b ou t the 30th day of January, A.D. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 142128b CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS I svish to d. illy many friends fur their kindness toward me (luring my recent illness awl many thanks to the nurses anti sstif the 1Vingliain General Hospital and Dr. Mt-Kiddie's Their kindness al always he remem- bered.—Mrs. 'Gueree Ilull. 28* IN MEMORIAM DEACON—In loving memory dear brother, David Deacon, who passed away one year ago, March 4th, 1950. God saw that he was suffering, The hills were hard to climb, So he closed his weary eyelids, And whispered, "Peace be thine.” —Lovingly remembered by Sistci s and Brothers. 281) CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS, FEED, GRAIN AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at LOT 26, CON, 5, MORRIS Twp, One mile west of Brussels on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1951 at 12 o'clock noon, sharp 1-101 RSES—Team of Black General Purpose Horses. CATT X.,-9 I )tt rham Cows, some with Calves at foot and -balance due to freshen before April 30;• purebred Hereferd Bull 18 months old with Papers; Grade :Hereford Bull 9 ,nos, old; 3 Holstein Heifers; 2 young Calves; 10 Baby Beef Steers and _Hei- fers. PHISseNiirkshire Sew with Hite': Yeti:shire Sow doe Mardi. 17th, FOR SA.I.F —Asli door 31'4 inehee- wide by 79 1 a hashes icing. \poly. to Grant Wilton. Whsham, nitone Wroarn 12r21. 2811 111111111.11101111.1, WIlY 11.1.VE MOTH DAMAGE iti• your clothine? Ilse them BF:R- I-Chi' moth-proofed with a 5-year written guarantee at a small addi- tieinal charge, Odorless and stain- less, 'Iempleman Dry Cleaners, Winisham, thhone 323. F7r20 Typewriter in good working con- 1PHILIPS ELECTRICAL APPLI- (titian. Yours for $49.50. See it at ! ANCES The Advance-Times Office. rr. ! Radios and Radios with Record Players. Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Washers, Electric Shavers, etc. Used Electrical Appliances. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE_ Belmore • Ont. Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 NOTICE Dr. Fox's office will be closed un- further notice. TOWNSHIP ,OF MORRIS. TENDERS WANTED George C, Martin, Clerk, 2128b Morris Township. DATED this 12th day of February, A.D. 1951. ; WAN'TED—Funr-room apartment or CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON small home. Call NI re. Loder, Wingham, Ontario • phom• 1123. _ 28b Solicitors for the Executrices S