HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-21, Page 1211elgrave..
Mr, and Mrs,. Douglas Campbell
and children visited On Thursday with
Mr, and Mrs, Wellington Good of
Mr, Wm. McDowell spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Staekhonse of I31•ueefield.
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Tamblyn of
Londesboro, called on Mr. and. Mrs,
Bert Taylor and Mrs. Frank Camp*
bell on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Maurice 13osman
visited on Wednesday and Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bosnian of
Mrs, Bert Taylor is visiting this
week with her sisters, Mrs. H. Mar-
tin and Mrs. N, G. Ainslie of Coder-
Mr, and. Mrs. Mac Newton of Gor-
rie, visited on Sunday with her par-
Gospel Hall
1 i a Regular Sunday Services
Sunday School 10:15 a,rn.
Remembering The Lord
at 11:15
- Gospel Meeting at 8 p.m.
Prayers and Bible Study
Each Friday evening at 8 p.m. I
guts, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor.
;Mr,. and Mrs, Douglas Campbell
and family visited On Saturday with
Mr, and Mrs, Meese! !Good of thillettir
Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Henry of
lilyth, visited on Sunday with Mr
and Mrs, Alva McDowell,
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Campbell
and family visited on Sunday with
Mrs, A. E., Johnston of West Wawa-
Mrs. Thos, Henry of Vancouver,
who has been spending the winter
with friends at 13reicefield and Blyth,
is visiting with her brother, Mr. Earl
Wightman and Mrs. Wight:man.
The Salvation Army
Captain and Mrs. 14, deVries
1.1:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting,
10:00 am,—Sunday School,
7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service.
7:00 p.m.—Sunshine Hour
2:30 p.m,—Home League.
8:00 p.m,—Prayer Meeting
A hearty Welcome awaits at the
Salvation Army.
New Hats, Suits Coats
Here are the important
Spring Fashion Points . • •
There's a lot of flattery
New slants towards spring.
Demure when a brief little
cap, very gala in a broad
brim, sparkling with various
trims, flattering from every'
It's the season for SUITS.
Your favourite for spring.
All that is new, all that is im-
portant. Deft button detailing,
Sweeping collar in graceful
rounded lines, the Pleated
Peplum in the flattering long
lines. It all adds up to gentle
classic that adapts spring's
softer slimmer lines.
Spring's impor-
tant coat outline.
New silhouette
that sweeps front
a narrow slope of
shoulders and
swirls in grace-
ful folds to the
hemline. A deep-
ening interest in
armholes, the
length of sleeves. News
or news when in BRIEF.
Styled for every room. With valance.
Width at top, 72 inches
Length, 87 inches
In contrasting Stripes and Floral Design.
$1.59 and $1 89
0.Zce 0°.17,):047/NC,t, ...e.•••• 0
King opt. St re
"The Friendly Store"
'j 00
tpe,,iim$ • • e'"
I Invited
to view our
\ \ \ \
Plowing is a "Cinch' • • •
Finger-tip and Hydraulic Depth Control provide
such complete ease of operation that the new
FERGUSON Two-Bottom PLOW becomes your
handiest implement. The rugged FERGUSON
TRACTOR will give you all the boost you need
for a good job.
TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m.
1110.$.1.t1111101011,1111110.0110.1$11111/1p$11,1101111.1101110,1“111111.1111110011,1.111.1114 ”..111101.1.11111.1,.
110 44444444 .01111.110111 llllll 1111010100100.1111•03.11111,11110101.1111111000001,111,11.1111111111011”..101111111111
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 27, 28
1.1111111M011114011111111/111111131,11111011111111111p11/11,111100$1111111111111111111111111111.,11 lllllllll 1111111111011111111,1
4,4 1,11 ABC)
Bette Davis Anne Baxter
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 1, 2, 3
"The Good Humour Man 99
Jack Carson Lola Albright
ll • llllll n$,W1011011111A1111 llllllll 11.111111.0,1111.1.1“..1/01 lllllllllllllllll ligit11111.11 iiiii 1.111tIVIIIMI11111(11111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Doris Day
Feb. 22, 23, 21
Gordon McCrea
Ikvkauces biog titteo
p •
1# ill I ,l' 0111
Wednesday, February 21, 1951
Suntlimy mmi.,rning mtv \I thv Revc.-emiti
Sport Slants ,air
Mrs. Henry Diment reccivc,1 the
sad news of the passing L..1 her sis-
ter, 'Mrs. Nettie harrow, at Colliog-
Mrs. 1:arrvw suffered a stroke early,
Thursday moroing and passed away
Funeral services were held on Sat-
urday with interment in Cu1lin tt oral
Mrs. Farrow was the former Net-
tie Geddes, a daughter of the late Mil
and Mrs, John Geddes, of Morris
The Stainton Spitfires and the
Goderich Lions 'battled to a 6-6 draw
in the Goderich arena Saturday night
in the second game of the semi-finals
to meet Listowel for the champion-
i p.
With less than two minutes re-
maining in regulation time, the God-
elicit Lions came front behind to tie
the score, .when Nick Dubick scored
on a pass front Billie Newcombe. The
overtime session failed to produce a
Costly penalties proved the down-
fall of the Lions, who were trying
hard to even the series. Crewson
scored the final marker on a pass
from Stainton in the third to stay on.
even terms, despite the Goderich
comeback in the dying stages of the
\Vingliam—Goal, Purola; defence,
Pym, Jackson; centre, Crei,vson;
rvfnc s, Stainton, Templeman; Mts.,
Tustin, Hilbert, Dewberry, Wilson,
411111011111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111191111111111111111111111111116 Westlake, Lockridge.
Goderich—Goal, Donaldson; de-
fence, Miller, Mero; centre, New-
combe; wings, Bissett, Dubick; alts.,
Foley, Merriam, McPhail, MacDon-
ald, T)uckworth, Allen, Beacom,
First Period-1 Goderich, Bissett,
1,46; 2, Goderich, Foley (Merriam,
McPhail) 2,20; 3, Wingham, Crew-
son (Stainton, Wilson) 8.25; 4,
Wingham, Dewberry (Westlake)
13,45; Penalties, Dubick, Beacom 2,
Wilson, Westlake.
Second Period-5, Goderich, Mc-
Routinely to:
—Pregnant Sows
—Suckling Pigs
—Weaner Pigs
Pellagrex supplies needed Iron, Vitamins and
Trace Minerals
Due to Deficiencies by
Giving Nixon's
Try Pellagrex On One Litter
And. See the Diffjerence
(Westlake) 12.30; 7, Wingliatn, Tus-
progress of the Huron College Dittle- ;SPITFIRES '- tin (Westlake) 13.15. 8. Winglialli,
hug Campaign. 1 The Stainton Spitfires edged the Tust in
:: ..s • ,1.4.1oderielt Lions here Thursday uigilt Goderiel(1 After the service NI li1/4'h l''' "4'17-5 in a hard fought contest, The win bick) 19.513. Penalties Beacom, Mier*
broadcast, there will li4 a luncheon ;., a e a e th e Spitfires a one game edge iii ream, e
C. J. Wttevit of Ineersoll will return
540; Willghatti, ;aekson, to St. Paul's Church to teoort its the CtOD.ERICH DROPS TO
on all town parishioners between two ; fer the light to meet Listowel for combo (pubic. Bissett) 1.$4.
and fuur o'clock fur donations in or- ithe group championship. Only one Wingharn Crewson (Stainton) 15.45,
marred the game, when Bea- ie. Goderich Dubiek (Newcombe)* der to complete the loeal campaign Inisl '"P
for the ,eanvassers who will thocall their best three out of five semi-final Third Period-10. Coderich New-
eenneeeue elle of the closest United Church re-enters Japan ent.1 at.peareil to sce-saw battle struggles of de playoffs, the Staintun •onent o Ed ucat i on ., mAe rs, R. chum-
ta;ilt Tito Spniires holding the edge spitfires t0011 0.2 d eci s i on here on
ney an article on the appeal Com:min- i eudie... the period 4-3, m,,n day a capacity eroN1, n., ism is mttking to the children in .lap an
Earle in the third period. Debiek The win gale Spitfires a two- through reel literature, to; told by Miss pati!Z mon New eombe at the .ttitie lead in 1!:, series for th e r eeht
1.57 mark to even the eount, With to nivel; Sybil - Gourtice, a returned missionary,
rj oeei. Mrs. Gordon Naylor gave a reading •;:: the spitfires \\• ingham. f n ly , a ear lead
entitled "Talk" and Mrs. Chas, J ef- r, ti t,: tit attack. flaahing the red tittle C=ode riot scored at the %.1; merk on at pass ferson read a poem ''Roses in Decent-. ti:?bt tl!r0t, OtTaSi. 01'• DLIblek WeStial:‘, and then exactly a her". The l fleeting was closed with
reta'ieting with hi, svcon4 goal of the minute later r...,..:.htered again, this the -mie pa b b ene di ct ion.
pereal at the mark.
Wive•ltant defence,
Pyr t. Westlake: centre, Stainton;
wings. Wilson, Crewson; alternates,
Loc.krid.4e. Huff, Tustin, Green, I
Templeman, Jackson, Hilbert, Sang-'
1.,elerich—Gted, Donaldson; de-
fume., Mere, Beacom; centre, New-
combe; wings, Dubick, Bissett, alter-
nates, McPhail, Foley, -Merriam, Allen
Faulkner, Duckworth, Sehenoels„ Mil-
Stuumary, first period, Goderich,
Merriam, (Newcombe) 6.10, 2. Wing-
ham Wilson (Dewburry) 13.10. Pen-
alties Westlake, Pring, Bissett.
Second Period-3. Wingham, Crew-
son, 37 seconds, 4. Goderich, Pring,
4.29, 5. Wingham Stedman (Hilbert)
12.15, 6. Wingham Tustin (Lock-
ridge) 12.58, 7. Goderich Bissett,
(Newcombe) 17.06, Penalty Merriam.
Third Period.-8. Goderich, Dubick
(Newcombe) 15,79. Wingham, Pym,
(Lockridge) 9.08. 10. Wingham,
Stainton (Wilson) 12.48. 11, Wing-
' eun Tustin (Lockridge) 14.24, 12.
Goderich Dubick (Newcombe, Bis-
sett) 18.37. Penalties, Wilson, Bissett,
.Jackson, Pring, Merriam,
coin was injured in the second period. 3.9,18,. Penalties, Merriam (miscall-
Clutlerldl tools the lend in the first duct) Wilson Lockridge. Overtime
Period ou a goal by Merriam at ,the pe riod, No seOre, Penalties none,
11.10 nark, only to have Wilson knot
the score seven minutes later. With
;17 seconds elapsing in the sec- SPITS TAKE SECOND
i:.I l o-cod, Crews on flashed the light TILT FROM GODERICH
is' pm lilt -• • I • • • u.Ti le S •C 'l'- .
time on a pass iiolil Nat-in Tustin.The W. A. meetin g was in charge •
Goderich reea'ated tt ith less tl.con of Mrs. R chamney, the, remaining live "thlutes "1""i"i"g 1.•11- the . three verses of hymn 286 were sting sod w h en Delete.. broke into the seor-
W. M. $..444 W, A,
The February meetings of Doany-
brook W.M.S. and W.A. were held on
Tuesday .afternoon at the home of
Airs. Chas, Jefferson, Mrs. Ed, Rob-
inson prepared the program for the
W.111.S. which was presided over by
Mrs. U. Jefferson. The opening de-
votional exercises as found in the Mis-
sionary Monthly were used, three ver-
ses of "Dear Lord and Father of Man-
kind" were sung; Psalm ga was read
in unison; prayers were read by Mrs.
S. Clummey and Mrs. R. C. ChamucY,
followed by all repeating the Lord's
prayer, ,Minutes of the January meet-
ing were aproved as read, MrS. Jef-
ferson read an article on Christian
Stewardship; Miss Elaine Jefferson
coutributed at solo, "Give Me Thine
Heart". Mrs, Norman Thompson read
the chapter in the study-hook, ''The
Mg column. and all joined in reading the fourth
Th e secon d period proved to he a chapter of Luke. Miss Elaine Jeffer-
son gave a reading "Grumblers" and close chicekin; affair with neither
team able to get past the fine goal- Mrs. R. Chanute): read sonic verses
tending of Puntia and. Donaldson. entitled "When I Have Time"; Grace
Leading 2.1, tile Spitfires were Thompson and Louise Jefferson fay-
taking all precautions to maintaia oared with a piano duct, The March
their lead, aim only after persistent meeting will be held at the home of
ganging •phtys did Goderich Mfrs, Norman Thompson with the get the equalizer at the 11.51 mark president, Mrs. H. Jefferson, in charge when Merriam whipped one in from • mephairs pass ju a close-in play, of the W.M.S. and Mrs. Stuart Chun-
On even terms again, the Spitfire's
had to press hard to take the lead,
and were rewarded three minutes la-
ter when Crowson tallied his third
goal of the night on a two-way paei-
ing play involving Tustin and West-
lake. Then the lid was off with the
Goderich fort falling to pieces as
Crewson and Tustin whipped home I The monthly4 meeting of the Mis-
quick goals 'and Wilson slapped an- sion Band was held on Sunday after-
other in for good. measure. In a last no __
minute effort .Goderich pulled their on with a good attendance. The
goalie, but ,this, too, proved fruitless, meeting opened by repeating the
members purpose, followed by pray- as one of the goals was scored in a
wide open,. net. The Spitfires ram- er by Mrs. Charles Smith. The Scrip-
med home -three goals in less titan tore lesson was read by Barbara
forty seconds, which is no mean feat, Smith front Matt. 8: 23 to 27 verse.
and came as -.a thrilling climax to one Readings were given by Betty Bigger-
of the tigheSt contests of the season.
The two . teams will tangle again
Wednesday night in the Goderich
arena. If anether game is necessary
it will be played Thursday night in
Hockey Notes
Juveniles Undefeated
At End of Series
The Town League wound up its 'the concluding subject for the Easter regular schedule last Thursday night service will be "Toward the New for- when the strong second place Lloyd
team took an eight-to-four victory ov- usalern with Christ."
er the cellar-dwelling Fry & Black- Prayer Service
hall sextet. In the other game of The World Day of Prayer and W.
the weekly doubleheader the- League 'M,. S. meeting was held iti the church
I leading Juveniles edged the Battery school room on Wednesday afternoon.
iby a score of five to four, complet- The theme of the meeting was "Per-
in g their games without a defeat. feet Love Casteth Out Fear," which
Playoffs in the league start this we;e1: 1 with Lloyds and Fry & mackhans I
was in
h M
in charge of Winnifred Camp-
ell group witrs. Howard Camp-Meeting in the first game and the I e
Battery playing the Juveniles in the
second game. This will be a two
games, total goals in each case. The
games will be played on Thursday
night . unless a fifth game is re.
quired ill the- Intermediate series, in
which case the 'gnomes will be post•
poned until Friday.
ney in charge of the W.A. programs.
At the close of the meeting lunch was
served, Assisting hostesses were Mrs.
Mark Armstrong and Mrs. Norman
staff and Betty Blair. The study book
was taken by Mrs. Norman McDow-
ell and the story was told by Mrs.
Norman McDowell. The meeting clos-
ed with the benediction. •
On Sunday Roe, C. ,C. Washington
began a series of pre-Easter sermons
under the title "Toward Jerusalem
with Christ" The particular subjects
are "The Beginning of the Way,"
"The Companions on the Way." "The
Challenge of the Way." "The Triumph
of the Way," "The End of the Way."
Midgets to Meet
Exeter Entry
Both minor hockey entries had a
rest for this week but Clinton Mid-
gets defaulted the group title to
Witigham because many of their
players were sick with the flu, The
Midgets take on the .Exeter iMidgQls
in the next round of the W.O.A.A,
playdowns. Wingham Kinsmen Ban-
tams are playing off with the Clinton
Bantams for the group title with the
first game iii Wingham on Tuesday
Feb, 20.
bell at the piano, who played quiet
music, after which "A prayer for
Peace" was offered by Mrs. Thos.
Biggerstaff. Those assisting 'leader-
ship/ were, Mrs. Alva McDowell,
Norma Taylor, Janette Snell, Mrs.
Norman McDowell. Prayer of Inter-
cession were given for the King and
Queen and leaders by Mrs, Alva Mc-
Dowell for Canada and a realization
of responsibilities as citizens by Mrs.
Norman McDowell, For the World
Family of Nations their .leaders and
repersentatives for refugees and dis-
placed persons, Mrs. J. L. 'McDowell,
For home, children, young people by
Mrs, Marvin McDowell. For Mission-
aries, Ourselves and Advancement of
the Kingdom by Mrs. Frank Camp-
bell. For the church universal by Mrs.
Charles Smith, Winnifred Campbell
sang "The Garden of Prayer." The
address was given by Mrs. Marvin
McDowell, her subject being the
theme of the service. The service was
concluded with the benediction pro-
nounced by Mrs. Norman McDowell.
Mrs, Charles Smith, 1st, vice-pres.,
was in charge of the business for the
mivrs. owing to the absence of the
president, Plaits were made for a quilt-
ing to be held on March 1st., with a
pot luck dinner. A letter of apprecia-
tion was read from The Supt. of Beck
Memorial Sanitoeittint for clothing that
had been sent down, Clothing for the
bale for overseas is to Ge brought in
the day of the quilting, The meeting
closed with the benediction by ;Mrs,
Mr, John Gear of Xitellener, spent
the week-end with Mr. Armond Me-
Peed 'Cook, Miss 'Mkt Cook,
and Mr. Thos, Cook visited on ThitrS,
MI I 111 1 1 1 •W
day with Mr, and MIS, COOR AMIIM/MMMMOM110111/1111/111101111101110101111111011111111111113
. D. S.