HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-21, Page 8S . • The 13lnevale congregation voted 4(g)1011 t0w4rd tint. ire-1014i0g' ,of 1CP 0 x PreShYtcriall Church, Gotlerich, of which amount $60.00 \Nits receiv4,41 at the special service, Valentine• Social The ' Junior Red Cross Society sponsored a Valentine social at the PUblit: school, entertaining twenty- one students and a number of child- ren of pre-school age. The president,. Eleanor Smith, acted as chairman for a variety program consisting of A short play, recitations, musical And vocal numbers. Contests: were enjoyed, by the grown-ups and pupils and priz- es were awarded. Etoille Moffatt told the story of St, Valentine. The school- room was tastefully decorated in keeping with the occasion, Refresh- ments consisted of sandwiches, candy, I tea and chocolate milk. Officers of the society are:; Presi- dent, Eleanor Smith; secretary, Joyce Hoffman, treasurer, Etoille Moffatt. Y.P.U, Meeting The Y,P.U. held the fortnightly ser- vice on Wednesday evening" as Sun- day evening the regular meeting night, the society wits invited to join the V.12. U, in \\Ingham United Church, Lloyd Wheeler led the devotional per- iod after community singing. Mrs, George Hetherington gave :humorous readings during the social hour end Betty Rattan played some piano Sel- ections, A program of contests was enjoyed and refreshments brought •the nwetine. to a close, Skinnymen, women' gain 5,10,151bs. Get New rep, Vim, Vigor Robert Shaw's 88th birthday. He en- joy's av erage good health and since the 'death of his wife a low years ago, he has made Ids home with his dau- ghter, Mrs. Fraser. Guests included Bob Fraser mid Mr. and I.M.rs, Jack Cox. of Grey Township. Father Passes -.Mrs, wry Turvey received word that her fattier, Mr. Thomas Archi- bald, had passed away on Sunday morning in the Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Si.aforth ,in his 80th year. He had not enjoyed good health for some throe but load been a patient in tilt' hospital only a couple of weeks, ..▪ ',1ary) ; Airs. Af. (Myrtle) till td- thday prizes were awarded to M)-s'.. Fleming Johnston -.and. G.0 0';',ge *Nielioi- Dies in Co]lingwood al I .There died in' Gollinewood on Fob. I 5th, Mary Annetta Geddes, beloved; nil v.ife of tl:c late Martin Farrow anti • ,:ear inotlkr eyf Xfrs. M. (Alable)• Little 7.2 oni. I ..,"3 rk. 3.Ef.;:11 Teept. 23 !water "t;, ZCI Nireetteriday, 4ternonn. p.m., or by appointment. ....A.71,11MINInaam14-•1 =17. :Alai. EIMWF PHYSICIAN Phone 150 and ID, Ivil„bg. SURGEON Wingham MINA \IL PUBLIC ACCOUN'T'ANT CLINTON, ONTARIO Office: Royal Eanit' Phones: Office 561', Res. 455. • PIVNIt '::14141:is Etv' ; al- 0A pAPrit9aucr5 Styles for every business Various "colors and designs Samples, suggestions and prices without obligations Get Your Equipment Ready for Spring Work. We Repair all CASE Machinery. Complete Tractor Overhaul Service •-• • Royal Garage CRAWFORD g HETHEIHNOTON !Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAW1tORD, R. S. TIE'rEEERINGTON, It.C. IiViskes,005...febr*it ,Aly,,40$11,1 'BLUEVALE 'Money Voted TO. OcKiatich Ctiutcli The service at ji:nox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning was, con- dueted, by Mr. 'Grenville Taylor-Mun- roe, a student froth Knox, College, Toronto, who used the 1st verse of 127 for his texa, At the evening service Rev. R. 0., MacMillan, of -Goderich, waS the special speaker. He spoke from Ro- mans 3 and 20, "By the law is the knowledge of sin." Members of the. choir accompanied Mr, MacMillan and rendered vocal selections, "It is Enough" was the solo, sung by, Mr. Walters and Mr. Glen Dodge. sang "By the _Waters of Babylon," Their duet, was "Watchman, What of the Night." W. H. Bishop F.R,C.O., pre- sided at the organ. „qVS1.1ir k t Wee crel3trtlillg; stcfro.efV911d)PylotoN by- aine Bolt, W94 then dgcideii,j i tlit. schPO:hl'cits'4hOeiic tot japan. .1 ARMY ICOLa rGE .HA5 TAKEN ON' INTERWATION AL LOOK 4.1k; rTI 0' h ••••^^.-"hil• C.Q.LT, Meeting- . . .' The regular C,CT,I,T.''ineetirtV wW. 'held . Thursday 'evening- in the hake:' m ant .of tile church, ' The Meeting' waS l eneekwitlt the . usual cei-einoity.h 'Roil ' ea l i -minutes of the faithmeetini 'and' treasurer's. 'i'enort ' 'were coed: 'Lois, G?11, Gwen Walsh and Bernice Ad -. aril' se t'llZ•rt.P: tit ,1)95vritril.Ist,e' %'tile'ct i?det(4tWeldti lelav:!1::kt!tt' si, tine uarty.%.ni .Fehlirtially 28th, ' The 1 .w rshin serivite:was h taken =hy' Nancy,: ,Q,rfer;%'Floieilde. 'Daiirsoh. and ',Nail: , rightman. The ',theft:le fOr :the , see-. yi4d,itias AtotirdgeT.-‘4141.0 99 vas sn ight and ^:FlorJrieJ, ."Dat^,:Vsbn% read from :the .1.3.tle,i,.'ResPoifsie redefine wtis.It'Alcerf from Psalm 27,1 ,'Ntir.tcy; ,c 4rier then :thea'd a' pderri ' an'd '1 jOdir glftrnan' 'read'a • stoiy,..'"Afiaili' irf t1 Dark". 'Hymn i'27 •i'vs sdrfr atil Florence Dawson led in tytiyr,' Mrs.' A ss Anderson titi'dk‘ ' the mission st dy. , Vacrt-findeihsi :Atilt° NI:here' GWeil Walsh And Betnite l Ailainsfr t sho4c1; .pi tires con Japan - and 0 GWdii 'WalSli' if It's Electrical ,, W 'C'" epair , t , ,; h., 4i . ; I W 1 1 1 ) „ 1' 1 • h , 'h• hether it'S, a Large Refrigea rsOr ,t r a' 'Small ii ppliance You can', ,alwayi depend ''ott=.tts 'for 1 -ciuiclt„"' 'Convenient ,repairs at, -.Reasonable , at.. SFrYlee4 us,, KELVIN4rCOR Vic}. Pgil...99 T` •DAkL1N'G ' Next ''doer to Wingham Mo ors phoene ; 5:48 , '; W. highatn what a thrall Bony limbs 1111 out: 1101y tioi. 00,4.1 tilt neck no longer aeraway; body Wars ball-started, siek3Y "ben;-pole" 100. d'hOu. fiends or girls, women, num, tv110 net er could gain be-fore, are now proud Of shapely. healthy-Woking bodies. '111.Y thank the snei dal vigor-building, flesh-1:011510 0 00010, Ohtrex, its tonics, Wu:Wants, Wilma- tors, Iron, vitamin eat- Ouzo, enrich blood, improve all Kite and digestion so food glees you more strength sad nourPilunent; put teott on bare bones. Get Lovely Curves Don't friar getting trUU fat. :itop ;then sonic sawed the 5. 10, 16 or 00 The. roil need for norlual weight. Costs ante. Neu. "000 aiiquideuidi; size only Coe, Try famous Ostrox Mmie Tablus r now rigor and added reiiniktm$ very day. At all dinggi,te. , Although they' lbok like repre- sentatives of a multi-power military conference, they are actually stu- dents attending the 1951 'course of the Canadian Army Staff college at Kingston, Ont.' Representing eight stations oLthe; ()Ad, the are,,,froku, , ,—central. press Grtnadian. M. Ismail, Pakistan; Lt.-Col.,Steve, Chappuis,,U.S.; Col. W. A.13."Ander- son, Director of the Staff 'college; prig. A. C, Iyappa,i India; ,Captain, J. M. Maxwell, Australia; and, Majog., A, N. B, Ritchie, United Kingdom. -eft to 'right: Captain R. G. Chaig- ieau,. France, and Captain Piero Santoro; Italy, both in Canada under the 'North Atlantic Treaty organizatithOraining plan; Captain O. L. Cochrane, Canada; Lieut.-Col. SASH . FRAMES 'STAIRS' PREF,IT GLAiED - with CABINETS Rot-Proofed HARDWARE CUPBOARDS MADE 7 TO - MEASURE TELEPHONE 403-w-12 WINGHAM • 88th Birthday Fenton, and , George, of Torontil. 'Al IS. Farrow IA as a sister of .),Irs. Harry I)imeat, Winghann A native of Al r. turd " " aris e ' I"- Morris township tunl well wn . ored to li.ondoto on 'I'llursday and this coMmunity, fler husband was, a kno heiniglit their •little so n, Donald, home Iron Sick Children's Hospital, where • BELGRAVE • he has been, a patient for the past couple 'Of weekii.. Mr. and Ales, Harold Slessor and family, of Tiverton, spina last Thurs- day with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Harry Cook. We are Sorry to report that Air, Richard Chatnney ha; been under the doctor's care for the past few days. Air. Gordon Wilkinson left this week for Smithville, where he will be employed in a feed store. ,Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Vincent and family, of London,' visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Albert Vincent, of Belgrave. The .9th line euchre club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mark Arm- strong last Friday night. Nine tables played cards. Mrs. Harold Woods and Bert Thompson held high, score and consolation prizes went to Airs. John Alaftn and 'Sam Thompson. Mr. Bert Thoriiipson also got the prize for most lone hands. The next. party will be at 13.1/.1-. and Mrs. Bert Thomp- son's, • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Eraser, 3rd. ;me, Morris, entertained at a family dinner on Sunday, to celebrate Mr. sim of Thomas Farr,rc of Illuevate, and was the Cole, r;ati VC memberell Parliament for North Huron in the 1870's and 80's, Mrs. M. 1..; .Aitk en visited Wing- ham_ friends at :the h,anc ni her cousin, Mrs, Colin Finglitud. Mr!, 'Eli Bolt, Air's, \\•'. S. Mcliertiler, Aliss Cleland and A I. iss Effie Mel.t an. Will 1lxll AVM,..ham, has purchased the brick cottage belonging to the George .Fells estate. M r, and rs. Hall and family will move t o their new home the end of the mouth. Airs. Harold Hamilton and Al rs. D. S. MacNaughton attended the Wo- men's Institute meeting al Wingham on Thursday of last ‘teek and sang two duets. They were accompanied by Mrs. Alex Corrigan. 'Mr, and Mrs. Kelvin Howlett and finnily of Elora, were'recent visitors with :mi.:: and :Mrs. Harold Hamilton. , ,Mrs. R. 1.....Stewari of Toronto; and formerly of visited With her niece, "Mm's,' \V.' J. Johnston and nephew, Howard Stewart. Air. and Mrs; Spence McKinnon of 'Georgeto-Wn, spent ;the week-end the forint:Ps parents, Alr. and Mrs. RI Il.. Mckinnon. • Bernard. Lillow, .London, was a week-end 'visit•-hr with_ his mother, Al rs, Nome fallow and Other relatives and friends.;mil Airs, Murray Wilson anrf t‘lo l,ons of Listi:Vsvel, Stunk: the 'Mr. and MPS. ARann. ,1\1 \V, .1. lem ;In; „ niece. 'Russell 10h.ti1 and i?„sell ill , • N N N N N N N N N N N N N • N N You Won't Believe it . . . U — ding Can Be Fun x. N N N N N N N N N N Ingham Advan rvi ce-Thnes .D1 W. I, Euchre THE NEW McCASKEY ADDING MACHINE takes the drudgery out of bookkeeping! Made in both multiple-key and ten-key models, these machines will cut your time on books to a fraction.... And they are priced within easy reach of every business man. The biggest and most sucessful euchre under the auspices of the local Wonten's Institute, was held in the newly decorated community hall, last WeCk, when twenty-two tables played. Mrs. Charles Gathers and Jim john- Stan carried off the prizes for high Points.' Several novelty prizes were awarded .Mrs. Hugh Mundell, Mrs. Elsie Lamont, Harvey • - Edgar and - George Nicholson were the players at the lucky table and: Mrs. C. .Cathers held the "Ace of Hearts" for Valen- tine, taking the lucky trick. Ticket's 4- were drawn by Stewart McGill.. lowing lunch, some old time dancing ; I was enjoyed to music: supplied by J. ki smith and Airs. Alex Corrigan,: I 'llred Nichol and -Alex . Corrigan "called tiff" for the square dances. Bir- • never to let that happen. Sure, there may be plans for paying old-age benefits, to everyone -• someday.. But 7''U tided! 6octra:', -ivcoine to make sure that he completely independent. nd;;thq best way to get it is by increasing my life iltsitranee. "That plan seemed so logi- cal. I, Ivo,ndered )114y. I hadin't thoUght r of it before., And: whdn I Saw my agent I diS-. covered how flexible ,Jife ip- suranpe ca.1-0e—howi # iitS,rny own needs a nd my wife 'S need f Or protection. "So now I'm building secur- ity Tor myself and my family the best possible way — with insurance I" "Sounds funny, I know. But ,this house might have given you the same 'idea, I had — if :yrOti'd • been in mY- shoes .the , other day.' "I'd just dropped around withrity son Bob and his fam- ily howtheir new house We have a new machine at our office. Try it out today! Mr. and': Mrs. Clarence Ahrens; 'of Elmwood, and the Misses Florence and Leona; Hehn, of Chepstowe, vis- ited on Simday with Mr. and. Nryl. Gordon Pe!ngelJy- Mr. andl Mrs, C. H. (01,dtcs anti Mrs. Herb!Whocler spent 'a Couple cif J was getting on. It seemed to me to be just perfect for them. Cute, trim and practical. But small. There certainly would- n't lie room for anyone but them. "Suddenly the thought hit me — What if I had to move in, with them because I didn't have enough to live on after I'd retired? "Then and there I resolved ONE UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPE- WRITER — Completely reconditioned and good for years of dependable service. PRICE — $65:00 Ennis is slrvived by his wife, Rachel . . Ennis, a dinghter, Mrs. Charles (Mil- dred) al len, Toronto and two, sis- ter;., Mrs, r. Coot, London and Mrs. E,. Christmas, Tilidand. There arc ilira gr rin d o hild ii•li ruin three ,,reat-grand - idldr•ili. The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in Canada, and their Representatives WORKING FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS , BUILDING PERSONAL SECURITY 1.12500 rr; za'i 7:17.r'r. .,;5 .;••.1",70,1.7.70,Trr.:Tr' ..**1.111 ••••••••••.** Tito:1;1z. Ennis at tlo, :• hie- • vvioh, . et . 1'ilm -I.:1 I., • ,• c(..L 0 lueli.d L‘h .1 wits in - • .tin.. Caia:1,0 a:li , I ' •4.1*3.19317*,..:41.,a1**410.-1,11.1*,17,....10010RMISICIV.ICIAM -memogs~mr.rawribr.helt.i.ormIMILVAMSCSIIIMM01 flal qPN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St. PHONE 1 96 Office Hours: :3 t -1 5 ' p.m. daily. c:tecpt Sunday and iirllidays , d S. I. WEIR ,?! J1110 71 S D ;' Funeral and Ambulance Service 1 .11101)17,RN FUNERAL HOME 'Pion" 1W • Night lgt) 11 V," f NOHAM - - ('NT. Wt 11 il niziaam, .,:a ...MI, ;4: . ,ca.;;,:4;Tow• ava,ra = . ,. • z.,1 . , . Iv ; ,.,- nom Pa, ''" ' - ' ''''''. .:.1.. . • '''''''.'' i,',i..,1;1011113 • Ontario mast:1,Iva V;:;0.-1? Vi !,0 : , Itwa'attr.:.; .`11.4 • it Est. •ii 074..1). el camatm 'which ...1,e; faithfully servti. its policy boLlOrs for ovchr a f.tentnry. kIend Office — Tororta H. C. Macle;,n, Insurance Agency Wingham •Isonalra•raeuersuarimencesa. **A-10W01*.I.17.14114 its h . . 11' .o.711e, I .;.rty%:,, • JO:Mt IC: 311a1, ,,,Z=31,.......1.3amPitManairgjaryg.g.,rn • V.V.X.MIC 'Oita ,:M'-..141021S.APIE.14.1mCgallvittlft01214=240 6 -191 ZIA 9 I ellJo' r tPil FULL LIN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, B te. E . ORDER NOW Money ,to Loan Office Meyer Block, Wingliatn! ^ • J. A. FOX. DR. W. M. CONNELL DR. B. N. CORRIN PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. HARRISTON M. L. HOFFLE Phone 19