HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-02-21, Page 3Floor Tile LAY YOUR OWN TILE FIOOR Economize 6 DIFFERENT 2-COLOR COMBINATIONS Each mix pack contains 36 tile 9" x 9" - 1/8" thick to cover 201/4 sq. ft. Only $5.25 Skis, Poles, Shoes ANY SKI EQUIPMENT IN OUR STORE 25% OFF On Sale Relieve That Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS) who will be at my store to give relief to those suff- ering from Foot Ailment, for TWO FULL DAYS, MONDAY and TUESDAY FEBRUARY 26 and 27 NEW MAJOIkEN0441,1 -Central Prins Canadian Promoted to the rank of major* general, Brig. C, Plow will con* tinue to be general officer com- mending the Eastern Command, with headquarters at Halifax, He was commander of artillery of the 1st Canadian corps in. Italy during the last war, and since then was chief of the British Columbia mili- tary area and senior liaison officer in Britain. chen is ablaxe with light; for the little lady shares in the drama and has a. hot hreakfast and a warm welcome. for au old time hero of the night. If this describes Dr, Chisholm, it may be that he waited seven months for the fifty cent fee. it's time for allothir sleep, Wednesday, February 21, 1951 WINGUAIVI ADVAN•CU4110$ • PAGE TIPS OLP TIMES 1 1 a ,e a w , i • • si • : I r. ••. • • a • I' • I a a • • a ki • • • • a • a a • • • n Winchester Model 47 Reg. Price $35,00 SALE $28.00 Remington Model 511 Reg. Price $43.50 SALE $35.00 To Clear Mossberg 46M Reg. Price $57.25 SALE $45.00 BENCH SAW, BAND SAW, LATHE, GRINDER for duration of sale Semi Porcelain Wooden Salad Bowls These are flat, cuban and high heels, EXTRA SPECIAL $1.89 Children's White Boots, sizes 10 to 12, reg. price $4.50 On Sale $2.25 The extra low price of $5.89 and $6.89. These are strong and sturdy and made to stand hard wear. 25 Off TO CLEAR 111111113111111111111111111.111111111.1.1.111=1116161Mir OFF on all , Orders Received During this Sale 10% on all our merchandise except wire, nails, bolts, building and plaster products. DONALD RAE- Er SON HARDWARE • BUILDING SUPPLIES • STOVES FURNACE S e ELECTRICAL It SPORTING GOODS Pi/Ate 27• W/NGAdliti n a 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111 • • FOOD MIXERS • AUTOMATIC TOASTERS • • • AUTOMATIC IRONS • ELECTRIC CLOCKS • • ETC, ETC. • • • • 15% Off • • for duration of sale • • a a • • • • n • n n n 65c a. On Sale 50c •n Beverage n • n n n n n n n n • • n n • n Eletric al n Appliances n n a a a a n a n a a a a • • a a • • • • Cups and • • Saucers • • • 1411Eis Reg n • 1 Pleasure and Figure • Look Over This Bargain List • • n SKATES • • • a • Winchester Model 42-410 Reg, Price $100. SALE $70.00 • REDUCED • Remington Model 514 Reg, •Price $30.00 SALE $25.00 • • Winchester Model 69 Reg. Price $46.50 SALE $36.00 El • 25 % Winchester Model 67 Reg. Price $27.00 SALE $22.50 Winchester Model 37 Reg. Price $37.00 SALE $30.00 I A Good Variety of Trays and Glasses of various colors and designs Reg. $4.25 • • First Sale Me ur 38 years of business in This Sale Will End Feb. 28 Power Tools wide variety of shapes and sizes Earthenware VASES 15% Off Sets Semi Porcelain DINNER PLATES Reg. 65c ON SALE 50c Any Lamp in the store 30% Off .1111111M1114. PLASTIC WALL or SHELF ORNAMENTS MANY SMALL ITEMS TO CLEAR AT ANY PRICE Maple Leaf ANTI-FREEZE Reg. $2.50 per gal. ON SALE $2.00 per gal. Reg. 65c qt. ON SALE 55c qt. Individual Polished Bowls 25% OFF ti SHAKER Reg. $3.25 Cocktail On Sale $2.50 Flatware Set Stainless Steel with Amber Handles Regular price $17.50 On Sale $13.50 65-piece NER SET Regular $45.00 S°.re $25.00 ,0 WALLPAPER 10% wingham Cocktail Set Reg. Price $14.00 $10.00 •'" n n n a n n n n n n • a n • • • • • • •1111 • • • • • • • • n n n n n a (which no doubt he was instrumental comes into tilt mind the rewarding • in securing for Wingham, when thought so well couched by Cieorge n Speaker of the House of Commons), Washington when he said ".I.)uty done n in company with my father and an- is the soul's fireside." Grey' streaks I other gentleman whose Hattie I can- of dawn define the horizon on the a not recall. As they walked up the Isouth-eastern sky ;nud as the tired /11 stairs Dr. Macdonald was in the lead doctor leaves his stable the Union and my father in the rear. "You still whistle blows out 6 o'clock, The kit-.' • use your crutch Mr. Fisher," said the :middle man on the stairs, "I'll see it's ur buried with hint," called clown Dr. C Macdonald. "1 may use it at Sour funeral," retorted my father. S' they • did in rhos days as wedo today 1.e„ MI restore by wit and humor, Ow lightht ! n , to the 03, 12 Zlild a warmth to the ,;mile, • and make. friendly sport, with no IL, thought of unkitulnes, of the other • fellow's misfortune_ You remember old Dr, fletinine, n who, winter • after winter, went wi th- n out an overcoat. What an odd chap he was. • Then there was Dr. Fowler, the other extrenw, whose winter nook- scarf would t at1 across the street e. when lie was bundled up in it lie look- DIN ed like a show pigeon. El Dr. Meldrum was the first doctor N who took my tempo ralt1 re and gave 111 the professional (umph phum) as he al decided to remove the glass tube be- side my tongue. All I remember of IN him was that I liked him, but not his powders. His face to me was a bone- n diction and successfully quelled the fears in my boyish heart. I admired a the skill with which he selected two n out of ten bottles containing salt, IM soda, mustard, flour, corn starch, Re- ! man Meal, etc., or something, and I. knew, as he must have known that ai those two put into powders would in send me back to school inside half a B. week. • Dr, Chisholm lanced my knee in st my sleep, My Scotch father saved the In bill of an anaesthetic that time. I • cried out. Dr. Chisholm assured me n it was all over, and it was. I got bet- ." ter, from the rather strange accomp- n lishment of running a pin in my knee • while cutting the head off a fish. Try as I will, I cannot deflect the I. tenor of these articles from savoring al of an autobiography. I find it hard to 111 generalize my memories. My sole con- • solation in this I derive from Charles Dickens, whose best book was his own life disguised as you know and called David Copperfield, n • But let us think of the heroism of N those benefactors of our ancestors and By Peter F141= If , care to indulge in the amusing reflections incident upon thinking of old times ,1 can spend a few pleasant minutes contemplating the heroic courage of those local practitionerS of days gone by. Today, they would be called 'country doctors,' It seems to me they paid a colossal price for the distinctive title, which elevated them in the eyes of the plebian crowd out of whom they got their living and fluctuation reputation as pliysiciens, You will remember what a flaming evangel of the temperance cause Dr. McDonald was, How many school- house addresses that man gave, He too, as you know, had a great flair for politics, as did also Dr. Chisholm and both these men although of op- poshe political views gained, during their later years, the whole-hearted support of all Wingbam and its en- virons, I was Personally inclined to be much encouraged by Dr. Mac- Donald because I felt he was handi- capped by being little of stature and had a rather small. head. Of course Mrs. 'Macdonald may have had a compensating influence in this respect. as she rather closely approximated the stun-total of that ideal wife, so sucinctly described in a previous art- icle, by the sagacious John Dinsley. I remember Dr, Macdonald looking over the, new post office building ourselves in the decades of the past. Picture a winter scene. It is Feb- ruary, the snow is deep, the air is cold, the breath of man and beast is a chimney to the skies, Night falls. _Central Press Canadian Count Jacques de Bernonville. the French soldier-nobleman Who entered Canada illegally three years ego and who has been the storm-centre of a political and legal battle since then, has beeri ordered back to France to face trial on charges of collaboration. With the Nazis. Barring Court interventiol de Bernonville, who set up at a Montreal salesman after skipping the death sentence im- posed. on him by a post-war pea- ple's court in .prance, is to IA turned over to French aUtheritiet, for trial before the regular &girt(' of Tat cowry. Ordered Back to FranCe to Face Treason Charge town sittntherS. Floors crack with lowering temperatures. -Outside a Storm. is on. Trees, telegraph poles, fences, everything is whitened afresh by the swirling blast. You're the doc- tor. The spring on the dew' rings the bell. You awaken suddenly as tit clinking ring mingles with the wind's intermittent roar, You get up quietly, for why disturb your snoring partnor .: Drawing the curtain .aside, the sight you feared is before you, as the nor- wester sways the tail and plays with the mane of the general purpose 4 c)- that ploughed the plentiful pitch-holes for almost eight miles. the cutter is empty and so are your trousers, S00/1 bath are filled, for Duty called louder than the storm and now the cold queen of night, a- the storm subsides, sees a hone Ku cession of two cutters daring the drifts in the half light of early morn- ing with a bedside and pain as'llivir worthy objective. They arrive, The dog barks. The kitchen door opens and a flood of light makes diamonds on the snow. The doctor's horse is Put away, and given an anxious farm- er's best, while the doctor is shown in, to the feverish•face and the leapim,, pulse, The lamp is shifted and worried eyes shift too..%Medicine and adivov . go hand in hand to help old Mother Nature revive her drooping child. The doctor is given a cup of tea and all but worshipped before he is sent on his way. And what a way-snow-- pitch-holes-wind, and yet there CALLAN SHOES The Shoe Sale at Callan Shoes, Wingham is continuing for .a .short time yet. with many bargains for all the .family. Prices are rising and if von are in need of shoes now_ is the time to buy your spring- requirements at a Savings. Callan Shoes. PHONE 12 Shoe Repairs of all Kinds MEN'S WORK BOOTS CHILDREN'S OXFORDS in brown or black at the SPECIAL PRICE '$2.89 and $3.89 Formerly Rhys Pollock Groups of I..\ F;S' $2.89 - $3.89 $4.8 9 W.:1=§1&